Reviews from

in the past

segundo melhor jogo do personagem

Terrible camera control I've ever experienced! Felt too repetitive, could've been much better. Combat is the only best thing in this game imo.

why does this have a crown on it in my favorite games thing on my profile how do I remove the crown guys please help

gets a bonus star for having moon knight

bit of a nostalgic game for me, and while it's very flawed, i still have a soft spot for it. the missions are repetitive as fuck and the choice system is stupid, but i love the combat and tone. it hasn't aged gracefully and spider-man's va really doesn't work with the story/tone this is going for, but i remember this being the coolest thing ever as a kid so i respect it for that

Spiderman was on point back then

this did NOT make me feel like Spider-man

Mi parte favorita de la trama de este juego es cuando pintan a Spiderman como una amenaza por liarse a hostias con civiles que claramente se mueven como simbiontes

монотонную игру-перехайп спасла хорошая боёвка

в которой появился лучший Паук в камео (камео прохожего от Юрия Ловенталя)

the combat is neat.
everything else sucks.
the voice acting is bad.
the dialogue is bad.
the story is bad.
the open world is empty.

The story is quite shit but the combat is cool as fuck and black cat is hot as fuck too, recommended

This review contains spoilers

Was excited to play this one because through all the streams I did of older Spider-Man games (since I'm trying to play all of his games) people kept mentioning this one as one of the absolute best ones.

Well it fits right in with most of the games: they're either awful or 'good,' with hardly any in-between and only the first PSX game being actually amazing.

Combat is good for the most part. You can switch between Red and Black suits for Spider-Man, they play different enough and each have a skill tree with some unique abilities. One of the best things about this game is the sheer variety in the enemies you fight and see.

The first 2/3 of the game are regular enemies, whole lot of different kind of them, then the Symbiots take over New York and you fight all kinds of Symbiote variations, from random Electro Symbiote enemies to Venom knockoffs and several others. Kept the gameplay interesting. The boss fights themselves were nothing special but the fact that you get to fight Symbiote Wolverine, Symbiote Electro, Symbiote Vulture was really fucking badass. By far the biggest highlight of the game for me. Wish Moon Knight and Luke Cage got black suits too, especially since concept art of Moon Knight Symbiote is in the credits. I also really enjoyed having a sort of 'morality' system where at several points of the game you choose to go with the Red suit choice or the Black suit choice. I went all Red with the intention of doing a 2nd playthrough and going all Black but the game didn't feel worthy of a 2nd playthrough by the time I was at the end of the game.

Here come the negatives. This is a ps3-ass ps3 game. Runs like shit, sub 20fps most of the time. Constant screen-tearing. Tons of stupid QTE, the fucking game ends on a QTE. and not on the boss fight, which btw was a really lame boss fight to end such a grand (in scale) game. The 2000+ collectibles are weird, like they couldn't think of anything else besides flooding the world with over two thousand little things to level up. They were pretty useless since I always felt like my health meter barely went up, and the game is really easy regardless. I'm not too bothered with this collectible, at least compared with the performance, but it was still an odd choice.

I had a fun time, stayed up late last night having a good time with it, but I felt like the last 10% of the game really soured me to drop it from an 8 to a 7/10.

See you on the next SM game, Spider-friends!

This game reeks of late 2000s videogame aesthetics, but the swinging and combat are some of the best that be offered in a Spidey game

Playstation 2 sürümü berbattı. PC sürümünü ileride oynarsam bu incelemeyi güncellerim. 1 yıldızı PS2 sürümü için veriyorum.


Story sucks but holy shit the combat is so fucking good

this was like 90% of why i wanted to play activision spider-man games because i saw a clip on twitter and thought it looked really awesome but tbh it was pretty bland and stupid. some bad voice acting didn't help but the missions are so repetitive all taking place in the open world and there are only like 3 mission types. combat seemed to be the focus but fell very flat for me, combos really didn't connect right and generally i feel like there was just a lot of missed potential. i had a fine enough time because i enjoy most spider-man games, and i will say swinging was really fun and when combat worked it was pretty satisfying! i just went in with really high hopes and let myself down.

You get cucked by Luke Cage in this game.

LMAO i wanted this game for years, was not worth the wait

Writing: Awful.
Story: Confused in itself.
Graphics: Ugly.
Gameplay: Best combat ever made in a Spider-Man game.

Seriously, for everything bad about this game the answer is just "but the combat is fun". Switching between regular and symbiote Spidey on the fly, chaining combos on the ground, walls and air, web zipping over enemies without stopping, it's almost Devil May Cry like to the point where I forgot that most characters had awful voice casting, that the framerate is less than ideal and that the side missions are also just combat with MMO checklists of "Kill X".

Should also mention that the web slinging controls are the best in any Spider-Man game I played, but you need to get some collectibles to level it up to its full potential which is nice but honestly tedious.

All in all though... this game is way too fun, I don't have much else to say about it, but if you can ignore the presentation you can really find lots of enjoyment on it. If it had better writing, like say from Edge of Time, and some more variety in the activities so you also do get a little break from combat and more cool slinging, I may have even situated it as my favorite Spidey game.

Gameplay : 3.5/5

Beaucoup de bugs, mais le gameplay est bon avec un bon arbre de compétences. Un système de notoriété à la infamous, un monde ouvert ! (bien que assez vide)
Pour l'époque, le jeu est vraiment bon !
Et le jeu tourne mal sur pc ! Ptdrr ma 2070 super en PLS sur un jeu de 2008, c'est propre.

Histoire : 3/5

L'histoire tourne autour de Venom, donc toujours sympa de voir tout le monde avec un symbiote. Après c'est quand même assez maladroit donc le fan service fait bien le taf.

Musiques/ambiance : 2.5/5

Alors les musiques sont bien, et l'ambiance de Manathan envahi par le symbiote est très cool, mais le problème de doublage et l'absurdité de certaines scènes sort complètement du jeu (c'est vraiment trop drôle par contre)

Graphismes : 3.5/5

Pour du début ps3 c'est pas mal


MY FAVORITE SPIDER-MAN GAME! The web swing is SUPERB you can gain speed crazy fast if you know what you’re doing. The combos are SUPERB switching between the suits picking if you want to use venom movies or your classic friendly neighborhood Spider-Man moves. In the story you can make a difference if you want to the bad or the good. These options later affect the game later on in the ending. This game is great I love it so much.

An absurd potential overshadowed and limited by low budget and poor optimization

surprised how much this game
is brought up/referenced. p wtv spider man game

I love Spider-Mans confidence in this game.....
His girlfriend runs around the ENTIRE game with a handsome, well built, kind black man who is clearly trying to improve his community and help the underprivileged and Spider-Man is not in the LEAST bit concerned?
damn... thats some textbook white cis-het confidence!

acho um pouco de forçação de barra falar que esse jogo é melhor que Spider-Man 2

the start when spidey is vibing to moonlight sonata is a goddamn mood

Definitely has some jank and awkward cutscenes, but the combat was really fun, the web-swinging was pretty good, and going for all the different endings was such a blast since they depended on your alignment. And that's not JUST whether or not you were more heroic or villainous, but also in regards to whether you'd romantically pursue Mary Jane or Black Cat (or neither!). This game had four endings and I had so much fun getting them all.