Reviews from

in the past

- My second Steamworld game - it was genius of them to broaden to multiple genres. It has all the same essence of Steamworld Dig but develops the game world and places it into a totally new genre. The strategy gameplay is really tight - as smooth and easy and fun to pick up as the digging in the other game. They really know their genres - absolutely great game.

An overlooked gem. This 2D X-Com lite is great fun. Its not perfect. The game couldve used better character development and the randomly generated maps can lead to some difficulty spikes, but the gameplay is so much fun it dosent matter.

It’s incredibly different than the previous 2 games, this one being a turn-based gun RPG but regardless it connects to the previous 2 games in a smart way and the gameplay is very enjoyable despite feeling somewhat repetitive but some of the guns give characters unique ways to play the game. It’s definitely a turn-based RPG that 100% has to make you think throughout the battles in hopes to collect everything and survive. It doesn’t overstay, it’s perfectly paced, and it was fun as heck

Hidden gem, considering almost nobody talks about this game

Com certeza meu jogo favorito da franquia Steamworld e um ótimo jogo de estratégia em turnos.

Aqui, ao em vez de ser um mapa meio xadrez visto de cima ou de forma isométrica, o jogo é basicamente side-scroller, sendo muito mais acessível para pessoas que não estão muito acostumadas com jogos de estratégia aprender mais facilmente, o que é algo bem legal. Sobre a gameplay em si, você escolhe de 1-4 personagens para participarem de uma missão dependendo da quantidade permitida, e existem uns 3 arquétipos principais de personagens: Sharpshooter, Heavy e Assault (e variações), com alguns outros arquétipos especiais como Brawler, e cada um pode upar de level de 0 a 10, e a cada level algo é aumentado ou mesmo novas habilidades (sejam ativas ou passivas) são liberadas. Pra você atirar nos inimigos, tu tem que mirar neles, combinado com um sistema de ricochete, o que faz com que o combate não seja baseado em sorte, e sim puramente baseado em precisão, onde dependendo de onde dependendo de onde tu atirar, resultados (as vezes) drasticamente diferentes podem ocorrer, especialmente com armas do tipo Heavy, mas não vá achando que o jogo vai ser fácil, porque as vezes ele vai ser sim desafiador e vai testar o máximo possível a capacidade de sua mira e o quão calculado seus movimentos podem ser a cada turno, especialmente em Vectron. Todas as fases (tirando algumas especiais e as de chefes) são geradas proceduralmente, o que traz uma decente variedade pro jogo já que nem sempre as fases vão ser iguais quando rejogar elas.

A trilha sonora é boa, as vezes dá uma vibe de XCOM pro jogo, especialmente quando não tem inimigos ou nas boss fights. Os visuais aqui só não são os melhores da série por causa do Dig 2 e do Quest, porque aqui dá pra ver a evolução dos visuais em comparação ao Dig.

No geral, certamente o melhor jogo da franquia e que recomendo muito para fãs de jogos de estratégia em turnos.


O mundo não está preparado para o que a Image and Form fará com Steamworld Heist 2. Será o jogo do século.

It’s a different flavor of tactical shooter strategy games than XCOM. Comparing it to other strategy games I’ve played, FE7 had more diverse and fun gameplay, but Heist barely edges it out with better moment to moment gameplay. Ricocheting bullets is sick as hell, the Steam-Powered Giraffe soundtrack sets the mood incredibly (I gotta check out the whole soundtrack album) and the banter among crew mates is endearing.

Heist’s two biggest flaws are its crew systems and gunplay. Levels have set crew counts with as little as one member and as many as four. The average is three, so you end up focusing only on 3-4 units instead of all-around leveling your crew.

Characters do this stupid thing when aiming their guns where they’ll move it up and down ever so slightly. It throws off aim when going for headshots, trick shots, or tight shots. 9/10 times it’s not an issue, but sometimes the 1/10 can cause a game over.

I 100%-ed all the levels using Piper, Seabrass, Sally and Fen. A well-oiled machine of a pseudo-sniper, a DPS tank, a crowd controller, and a flanker.

This is probably the most forgettable game i've ever played. I have nothing to latch onto here but it's not in a way that makes me think "oh this game just isn't for me". Because even with games that i've dropped for not being my thing, i've at least felt something while playing them. But this game gave me a new feeling of just....boring nothingness that i can't say i've ever felt from a game before.

I don't know if i played enough of the game to properly score it but i will just for giving me this feeling of nothingness that i've never really felt before. It would've been better if this game was just straight-up bad.

At least the music that plays in the bars is pretty neat.

Amazing turn-based RPG with Gunbound (or Worms)-style weapon aiming and bullet ricochet. I can't recommend this game enough.

I've tried to get into this game SO MANY TIMES throughout the years, but I just could not. Yet another game that I feel like I absolutely should've fallen in love with, but didn't.

Best steamworld game hands down

I love the SteamWorld games. This one is like Xcom.

I've got nothing else, it's real good. :)

XCOM if it was never bullshit and had great hats

Commendable variety in enemy types, level design and stage mechanics make Steamworld Heist's tactical warfare more than decently entertaining, at least for a while, despite its somewhat clunky gameplay core being numbingly simplistic. The game's setting oozes charm with an atmospheric presentation and inspired artsyle, but the actual narrative fails to capitalize on it with a cast of forgettable characters and a dull plot that flows with freakishly boring linearity.

I was pleasantly surprised by SteamWorld Heist. I had heard really good things about it, but after watching gameplay footage and seeing that it was a turn-based strategy game I knew it wouldn't be a game for me. After some time I became curious when I saw it on sale and thought I'd give it a go, and I'm glad I did. I was really impressed by this one! The art style was great, the story was interesting, and the gameplay was a lot of fun from start to finish. The swapping of enemy types between chapters helped to keep it fresh throughout, too. One of the best games I played on the Vita, and one of the biggest surprises in history of gaming. What a joy to play.

Pretty fun when it's humming along but intensely punishing when you miss one shot, lose a party member, wipe the mission, and lose half your gallons.

Beaten on the highest difficulty with 3 gold stars and in just under 9.5 hours. I don't really know what to say about this game, and I don't really think anything could give it proper justification with how much it means to me. But - no exaggeration - every time I replay it, I end up appreciating it even more. It's genuinely incredible how this game really encapsulates pure fun. All I know for a factct is that I could not possibly be more excited for Heist 2 :)

A side scrolling tactical RPG where your bullets always go where you aim, but can ricochet off of almost anything. If you've ever wanted to play a game where you feel like Revolver Ocelot, then this is the game for you.

The Steamworld franchise has this uncanny ability to make me enjoy genres I would otherwise have no interest in - and Heist is the prime example of that. It boils down the turn based strategy genre to its essence, and all of its features and mechanics exist in service of FUN. My favorite Steamworld game.

Its tactics gameplay starts off a little slow, but by the start of act 2 things really heat up. I recommend playing on the "Experienced" difficulty as challenging foes make every encounter feel tense. The game also includes my favorite cast that this world has introduced so far. Filled with the same quirky attitudes and a great presentation you would expect.

I'm also surprised at the direction it went. I wasn't a fan of the ending of Dig 1 when I played it but it set up a good amount of stuff that pays off really well here. Currently SW: Heist is my favorite of the series and I hope this isn't the last we see of this hat obsessed crew.

The sequel being announced today reminded me of when I bought the first game for dirt cheap on Vita some years ago, and fairly instantly became addicted to it for a couple of weeks or so. I loved it so much that I played through it a second time on hard mode, not because of trophy hunting purposes, but just because I wanted MOAR!!!

Uma boa mistura de plataforma 2D + RPG Turn Based + Roguelite

An honestly suprisingly good strategy game. It's simple but fun enough. The only complaint is that you will probably never use another character once you got your team complete, because it just isn't worth it.
The Artstyle is neat but nothing amazing.
The Soundtrack is honestly suprisingly good. No masterpiece but most of them are still good.
An suprisingly good game that is pretty much worth your money if you're fun with the genre.

such a downgrade from the original steamworld dig man its not even close to what it once was, it used to be a digging simulator platformer and now its a turn based heist game what


This game surprised me in a good way. In fact I almost dropped it in the first hour or two before becoming quite addicted to the fast pace of levels and ricochet-style combat at play. I'm still not really a fan of the dialogue which in some places has aged somewhat poorly (e.g., collecting "swag" throughout the level), but the main beats of the story actually had me excited to move through the current area and on to the next one. As mentioned in other reviews here, the swapping of enemies (both asthetically and mechanically) between areas really helped to keep the gamplay fresh throughout this 10-20 hour experience.

Nobody talks about this one, it's good

Extremely fun game.

It doesn't get a higher score because it is too short and the replayability is severely lacking.

Still, worth a shot for sure!