Reviews from

in the past

No I'm not gonna beat this game twice with an inferior weapon just to get a prettier ending, fuck off

Hard but very fun experience

unfortunately not quite as great as the original ghouls 'n ghosts. the relative lack of offensive options is perplexing, the double jump feels gimmicky (and much of the platforming that accompanies it is frankly just bad), the autoscrollers go on for way too long, and the slowdown is unbearable at points. beneath all that, though, it's still ghouls 'n ghosts, and ghouls 'n ghosts is good.

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Why I gotta beat it twice

great platformer if you are looking for a challenge

I lost the bracelet right before I needed it for the final stage. I'll never be that heartbroken ever again.

Stretching your 2 minute long game out to be thinner than atoms by making it exponentially hard is not good game design I must admit.

I have to say it. The people who say this game is "difficult but never unfair" are liars. This game is absurdly unfair and very proud of it.

With that said, I normally hate these kinds of games, but with save states and rewinds, it really becomes easier to appreciate how well crafted this game is. This game has incredibly memorable set pieces and visual effects for a SNES game.

Unable to get past the first level.

No fluff just strict conscious decision making through the inputs. Really exciting to play despite the simplicity.

too hard😰😰😲😲😲😵

- Slow dons ruins the GAME
- Playing the GAME again to get the true ending was a shitty idea back then & is still now

A fixed version would be a nice GAME though

I highly recommend you to play the restoration hack on this one because of the frequent slowdown.
Overall great game.

Sadistic fucking game. Someday I'll actually sit down and beat it fully.

I honestly would never have beaten this game if it wasn't for the save points and the rewind feature that the switch version provided. I honestly think this game series is far too demanding when it comes to beating it and while I do love the platforming and the approach you take with each weapon, it's just too hard. Honestly in a lot of ways this game is kinda like the shmup version of a platformer. Take one hit and you lose all your abilities and the next one you die. Not to mention the dread loop that you have to go through just to get to the final boss, which despite everything I did. The game is still very skill based, and I'd love it if I simply had all my abilities even if I got hit once, but for what it is, definitely better played via emulators.

Played and completed many times since 1994. Probably my favorite episode of the whole Makaimura series,

This game is pretty good but let's be real I'm never gonna actually beat it lmao

I am back.What did I miss?.but honestly the reason why I became dad for a while was because my brother (IAMCONNERS) was on a flied trip to auckland and brought my computer charger with him and all of that away lets talk about the game itself.It's great,it hard and footing prefect music.I have a problem with enemy placeing or whatever but over all this really recommend this game to eveyone who dasn't have a brokein nintendo switch 9/10.

The devs saw everyone joking about the whole "princess is in another castle" meme and said, "what if when you read that you're sent back to the beginning of the game lolz?"

now THIS is much better. still kinda bullshit but less of a hassle compared to the OG Ghost 'n Goblins + better level design, music, visuals etc.

this game is really fucking hard but it's very satisfying to play and it grows with you as you get better. nearly a perfect game in my opinion.

Dark Souls is for pussies.

Put that quote as my gravestone’s epitaph, all 400+ of them that I amassed while playing Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts.


the inclusion of the double jump is genius. it gives you a degree of freedom that makes the game super fun, because it's a jump that you have to commit to, but you can still modify your trajectory to the options the game gives you WHILE wrong decisions punish you for not having strategised adequately. every decision you make with the jump has future consequences with risks and rewards depending on what you choose to do.
including the typical GnG gameplay loop about showing you a challenge with minimal randomisation to maintain variety while setting on stone how you can complete it, it hooks you in... Simple- challenging fun!

Stiff controls and cheap difficulty.

Because that's what Ghouls & Ghosts needed: Slowdown.

Without Savestates it's ridiculous

Wonder if there are more games in the series, would love to see an evolution of this.