Reviews from

in the past

The new ending theme and all star aesthetics (as well as being the first game I ever completed) make this my definitive version of Mario 3.

Definitely a fun way to play Super Mario Bros. 3. The musical quality and save feature does pale in comparison to the SNES version, but the portability factor is super nice. If I had to choose between this and All-Stars, I'm going to pick All-Stars. However, if this is all you have, then this isn't a bad way to play.

Jogaço, o melhor dos Mario Advance, com um monte de conteúdo extra bacana, a versão definitiva do Mario 3.
Bom demais e divertidíssimo

Really good port, and get even better with the e reader exclusive stages.

Best way to play Super Mario Bros 3. The extra content and e-reader levels really make this feel complete. Thankfully the compromised screen size does not affect the stage design much. Not the best 2D Mario but still a great game.

I enjoyed like 10 or so of the 38 e-reader levels and 5 of those were smb1 remakes, the rest felt like gimmicky mario maker trash, SKIP

Slightly less good version of the game but that's still pretty incredible

What can I say? Its Super Mario Bros 3

Lots of fun, but World 8 is a bitch. Obviously helped set up the rest of Mario, alongside the first 2 (technically 3) games.

Pretty good Mario game, I like the options of levels and how short and sweet they are, just wish there was more ideas.

Easily the best version of Mario Bros. 3, no contest. Controls well, looks good, and there's no issue with screen crunch at all.
Oh yeah and the E-Reader levels are a cool addition. Still need to play those tho.

Mario 3 definitive edition. It's prettier and it runs smoother, plus it's portable! (Please disregard that last bit if you're reading this after the Switch came out because that's now very irrelevant).

I don't like Mario 3 as much as most people to be honest.

I’m not much of a platformer person, but what the hell was those last few worlds?

Super Mario Bros. 3 Is probably the best of the Super Mario Advance series on Nintendo Switch Online thanks to the E Reader Levels built in

Quality game, I just suck at platformers.

Best version of SMB3 AND ITS ON A HANDHELD, it was my first ever game that i owned too sooo

Versão fantástica de um jogo excelente, tem tudo que a versão do All Stars teve porém melhorada em pequenos detalhes, minha versão favorita sempre será a do o bom e velho console 8 bits da Nintendo mesmo achando essa uma opção muito boa do Mario 3 também.

Ich bin mit hohen Erwartungen in dieses Spiel gegangen und wurde trotzdem positiv überrascht. Für mich ist das ein perfektes 2D Mario Spiel. Die Länge der Level ist perfekt, es wurden so viele sehr coole Gegner und Power Ups eingeführt und die Weltenkarte ist die beste jemals obwohl es die erste war. Ich dachte mir oft "Ach daher kommt die Musik" als ich das Spiel gespielt habe. Das ist auch mit Abstand das hübscheste 2D Mario, aber der GBA hat irgendwie immer die hübschesten Spiele. Wenn mich jemand fragt mit welchem 2D Mario er anfangen soll, würde ich ihm entweder dieses Spiel oder Mario World empfehlen. Die neue Welt-e, die mit der Advance Version dazu kam ist auch sehr cool. Konnte nur irgendwie die Scrolling Level nicht spielen weil das Spiel da Faxen gemacht hat. Gegen Ende wird das Spiel auch sehr anspruchsvoll, was mir gefällt,

Ich möchte mich nicht ewig in einem Level aufhalten. Ich muss nicht immer die krasseste Welt erkunden oder die realistischste Grafik erlaben. Ich möchte einfach eine kurze Challenge haben und dann normal weiter Leben. Und genau das verkörpert dieses Spiel für mich.

Mario 3, featuring kind of annoying voice lines, and a whole host of e-Reader exclusive levels that are now infinitely more available than ever, thanks to NSO keeping them from dying once more with the Wii U. Honestly, it being "Mario 3, but bigger" is enough of a selling point, but it's also literally still Mario 3, one of the finest 2D platformers you'll ever find. You can't go wrong either way.

[Played on Switch] Was intending to really just play through the e-Reader Levels, but instead compleated the main game as well 100%. I never had this Mario Advanced growing up, I had Yoshi's Island and Mario World. The whole Advance series was actually a really smart move on Nintendo's end. With the Gamecube's Gameboy Player, Nintendo was esentially porting Super Nintendo Quality games to not only the Gameboy Advance, but the Gamecube. And stupid kids like me at the time thought games like Yoshi's Island were brand new games. I still heavily associate Yoshi's Island with the Gameboy more than the SNES. So bassicly, Mario Advance 4 is Mario 3 from Mario All Stars, but with a couple of improvments. Like the Opening Cutscene is cute, and I much prefer the GBAs soundtrack of the game to the SNES. And of cours, between the years 2001 and 2005, Mario never shut up. I personally like the overly obnoxious catchphrase shouting Mario of these games. Phrases like "Lucky!" are seared in to my skull as a a child. The big addition and reason anyone plays this version of the game though, is the 38 e-reader levels. They are very cool and worth playing and very un-nintendo in a lot of different ways. Nintendo R & D esentially finished there work on the Advance series with this game, and just started balling by designing pretty fun and classic levels with assets from across all the 2D console mario games. There kinda like ROM hacks. And on top of that, modern Nintendo (starting with the Wii U VC) left ALL the levels unlocked?? They dont really do stuff like that very often in an offical capacity, so its cool that they did it. The one thing I wish, is if Nintendo one day makes a BIG GIANT 2D Mario game collection, that has every 2D Mario game from the original to Wii U, with all the minuta in between in there like the Land games, Deluxe and the Advance remakes, that they include a collection of all the cards artworks in the digital manual browser. It would be cooler knowing the context behind alot of the levels you play, with those little blurbs on the e-Reader Cards.

Played on Gameboy Advance Online on Nintendo Switch.

It's freakin Mario. He runs, he jumps, he eat-a the mushroom. It's great. Gotta be in the mood for retro though, zoomers beware, some levels have kinda silly solutions

Best version of Super Mario 3 + 38 more levels know as World E.
Very Fun, however it's not challenging enough!

Played through the main game and the majority of the e-reader levels on a GBA with flashcart.

Bright vibrant colors for a GBA game thanks to being able to force a "Gameboy Player Mode".

Arguably the definitive Mario 3 experience with a bunch of fun bonuses to go along with it.

The Wii U version includes the 38 extra e reader levels, which are some of the best in the game. The game also looks and sounds leagues better than its snes or nes counterparts. You can also finally play as luigi, though the way you do it is cumbersome in the main game.

Прошёл со сбором всех больших монет эксклюзивные уровни в Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3, переиздании с длиннющим названием для портативной консоли GBA. Про эти уровни мало кто знает, потому что просто так в игре они не появляются - нужно купить устройство e-Reader, а затем с его помощью отсканировать карточки, на которых выходили новые уровни. Нинтендо всегда находила интересные и извращённые способы заработать побольше денег. Однако большая часть этих карт вышла только в Японии и только там e-Reader оказался успешным. Что-то из этих карточек вышло в США, а вот в Европе выпуск e-Reader и вовсе отменили. Сейчас во все уровни для e-Reader можно сыграть в переиздании на Wii U.

Я ничего особенного от новых уровней не ждал, так как думал, что формат карт накладывает множество ограничений и что будут ну те же самые уровни, только их будет больше. И первые пять уровней из списка - это просто уровни из первого Super Mario Bros., что конечно мило, но ничего особенного. Но уже после этих пяти уровней начинается самое интересное. Оказывается Nintendo уже заранее в движок третьего Марио добавила очень много всего и в итоге на уровнях запросто могут быть враги, платформы и механики из первой части, из второй американской и из World, включая даже поверап с плащом, причём ещё и хитрые загадки могут быть на уровнях с учётом неожиданного способа использования всех этих механик. Вдобавок на каждом уровне может быть от одной до пяти больших монет и одна очень большая - пытаться всё это собрать достаточно интересно, так как загадки могут быть непростыми как по задумкам, так и по исполнению. Единственный минус, наверное объяснимый тем, что уровни всё-таки дополнительные, но всё же имеющий место быть - никакой награды или концовки за прохождение уровней и за сбор всех монет не предусмотрено.