Reviews from

in the past

A bundle of 2 of the NES's greatest games. both have aged well and are very fun if you can get your NES working.

Fun / havent played duck hunt

Brutally murder turtles / shoot ducks. Where was PETA when this came out?

Have only played Mario, but that is good enough for me. I expect duck hunt to be decent too.

Mario 1 is good duck hunt is meh

You get Mario and Duck hunt, two pretty good games. I don't have an NES zapper tho.

What a COMBO. A real one two SHOT.

My parents had a bff couple with two sons and a Nintendo in the early 90s. The older brother and I clicked instantly and I spent many a sleepover at his house playing NES.

He had this double whammy cartridge and although I had played Mario 3 at my aunty's, I had never played the OG Mario bros until I became friends with Jokin, circa 1993.

Mario was pretty good, but Duck Hunt? Best thing since bread and chocolate.

One of the most important games ever combined with... Duck hunt. Mario bros carries this package easily and is still a fantastic game to this day.
Heres my Duck hunt review

Shoot the ducks, thats all there is to it (Insert unfunny joke about the dog and how much I hate him). There is also a clay pigeon mode which is something. This game gets old in 5 minutes.

the first time i ever saw a combo pack for games, also the first NES game i owned, its just two good games in one
no fucking zapper though so i only rlly played smb through this
everyone's seen these around though i mean like
this is the happy meal of video games

One of the most important videogames ever released, and it helps that both of these games are awesome

There's two of them (two of them) what more can you ask for

Precioso combo con dos juegos maravillosos de la infancia, el Super Mario Bros de toda la vida y el Duck Hunt con la pistola de luz, hermosos recuerdos.

This game is in every grandmothers basement across the entirety of the United states

Duck Hunt is more fun that Super Mario Bros.

I feel silly giving it a rating because hey, it's Super Mario Bros! May as well star rate the sky or the concept of chocolate chip cookies.

(For all the hours devoted to it as a kid, I think I may have only ever beat it the one time) :0

The first game I ever owned. I wonder if it came with the system or if my parents bought it separately? The most classic of classics. Pretty much the reason we have video games today, and why I'll always be a Mario fan. I'm so glad Nintendo have kept the franchise alive with good games and the original spirit going so long. Long live Miyamoto!

The Orange Box if it was actually a deal.

Real 90s kidz know what's up

Good combo cartridge. | Super Mario Bros. is well… Super Mario Bros. I can’t say all that much more on it, it’s just really good and a classic. Duck Hunt is also an absolute blast, because it’s simple to play and you get to use the NES zapper.

i swear i played this as a kid

Extremely good for the time. Mario Bros. has a large amount of content compared to game released around the same time, and the light gun was very good technology.

I think I played this at the reception after a funeral.

Probably my first pair of games ever? What a combo duck hunt is usually not played for more than a few minutes but so neat at the time. Mario is a classic of course and gets so much right though I still hate the lives system when I revisit

O combo perfeito de maltratar animais indefesos, e ainda falam que o Bowser é o vilão da história..

Oh, this counts as a separate game? Okay.

My parents got an NES with this when I was barely out of diapers, starting my lifelong obsession. They bitterly regret it to this day.