Reviews from

in the past

This game is underrated af, actually one of the best KOFs. Sure, Magaki is a bitch and the menus and backgrounds do not look good, but these are honestly very minor problems. The gameplay is a HUGE step up from 2003, from the physics to being able to actually use the tag mechanic in more creative ways now. Also it has probably one of the best OSTs in the franchise and I really like how some of the endings are linked together.

who should i kill for this game to get the UM treatment with rollback

This is secretly the best king of fighters game but no one knows it

Kind of a weird beast. I really like the roster (Kizuna Encounter?! Buriki One?!) but the game feels very high-execution even for KOF. There's that Playmore-era look where everything's a bit off, too.

Magaki is a pink punk asshole that tries to kill you with LSD. Utterly classless.

I'll never forgive them for turning Shion into a dude.

finally a hit from snk when it comes to a tag team style fighting game. Very fun game both in arcade mode and for 2 players versus.

The crucial flaw in this title is not having Leona as a playable character for some supernatural reason.

one of my favorites in the series, but there is no way i am beating that final boss

This is legitimately the coolest KOF game to date. Not the best, the COOLEST. The roster is goofy as heck, the mechanics are really cool, the music is amazing and it just feels so nice to play. I love it. Other KOF games like 02 UM, and XV are better but KOF XI is the cool child of the KOF series that does a bunch of weird things and it works for the game.

Definitely an improvement over KOF 2003 and a modernization of the KOF series from the neo geo to atomiswave hardware (and then the PS2.) Game has a dumb final boss, but that's to be expected considering the series and developer we are dealing with here. The roster here is pretty solid, lots of mainstays are still here as well as a few fresh new faces that are fun to play. The story continues the Ash saga set up in kof 2003. I don't have much experience playing this with friends considering the hardware it's on. If the PS2 is out for fight night, there's a much higher chance me and the homies would play something like CVS2 or KoF98UM or 02UM instead of something like this. This game falls into the "it's not bad, it just exists" category I guess.

As far as KOF goes I still consider this the peak. Incredible roster, great use of the tagging system, and just overall the most fun I've had playing the series. Sure it's not one of the historical favourites but it really has a ton of it's own unique charm that I enjoy.

Tinha um save quase acabado desse kof desde do ano passado, decidi terminar hoje

KOF XI é um kof que eu queria gostar mais, ele tem umas mecânicas bem feitas e tudo nele parece ser uma forma de modernizar a franquia com o modo tag que dessa vez está bem mais polido do que no 2003, mas puta que pariu eu DETESTO a estética minimalista dos menus desse jogo (da saga Ash no geral) é tudo muito sem graça, é um excesso de branco bem feio. (Pelo menos as artes promocionais são bonitas) Gosto do Elenco ambicioso desse KOF, parece que a SNKP decidiu pegar qualquer personagem obscuro de qualquer franquia fracassada deles dos anos 90 e decidiu colocar, Tem o Gai Tendo e o Silver do Buriki One, Sho e Jazu do Kizuna Encounter e uns personagens secretos exclusivo dessa versão de PS2 que são praticamente personagens portados do NGBC (e são todos quebrados)

todos os times sofreram alterações, o que eu achei ótimo, KOF XI tem com certeza um dos melhores elencos da franquia justamente por ter saído da mesmice. Uma das melhores coisas que a SNK já fez com a franquia.

A história é meio meh, saga Ash de bom só tem o final. Pior decisão desse KOF foi botar o Nona pra desenhar as artes das cutscenes, pqp que coisa FEIA

So I do love the OST and setting of the game, but the sprites look so distracting, it looks like they were copied and pasted onto the game. Nice to see some Garou characters here though. I do like the Quick Shift mechanic though. I wish it was something I see in other KOF games. (Maybe it's in XII but I haven't seen it yet) The gameplay itself is just alright though.

Hmmm, nope. Couldn't get into this and I don't like much the game's presentation and feeling overall. It felt a very simplistic one compared to the previous KoF games.

Whoever designed Shion's and Magaki's attacks when I get you, WHEN I GET YOU.

The game is pretty cool and I like the presentation a lot (the intro goes bonkers). I think the team choices for these games, while weird, give each of them a very cool dynamic to play with. Having Kyo, Iori and Shingo in the same team remains as one of the most badass formations in any KoF, and the game really brings out some hidden gems to the spotlight with characters from Buriki One and Kizuna encounter making an appearance. We need more freaks in fighting games!

The biggest problem out of the gate is that watching the game in motion is sickening, they did a super poor job in putting the sprites properly into the Atomiswave, and for some reason the camera is very wonky in some places.

The team building and combo aspect in this game is peculiar. Like in 2003, this is a tag fighter instead of team based fighter. I have mixed feelings about this because I think KoF is very unique in the fact of how it's pretty much the only game with multiple characters that aren't in a tag fighter, but I can understand that, by 2003, it was getting a bit old. From the 3 characters, you choose a leader, and from that, your meter management and super options change accordingly, making each formation play in at least 3 different variations that, while minor, adds a cool aspect when character order isn't nearly as decisive like in older games thanks to the tag mechanic. My biggest problem is the Tag save system, I really don't think that KoF is a game where a burst mechanic is warranted, specially when good combos from lights are very rare now. Otherwise, the game's combo game is very unique when compared to the rest of the KoF series, which is cool to see, but some characters' combo game can feel very limiting if you don't have a partner on stock, which is probably intentional, but still a bit sad.

Overall, very cool game, I would like if they mixed up the roster and mechanics more with each new KoF, it seems like Max mode is here to stay now, and while I like it, it can feel too iterative

This is straight up just 2003 but people actually played it instead of being butthurt and homophobic towards Ash 🤡.

The amount of extra characters in the PS2 version and nods to older SNK titles in the roster make this game cool as hell. The PS2 release is the best way to play.

Se que me adelante prácticamente todo pero la tentación me ganó y joder, que gran Kof.

Primero que nada, XI se merece una alabanza por sus alineaciones de teams tan únicas que permiten personajes nuevos entrar al longevo roster general de Kof, ver a Terry en su versión de Garou haciendo equipo con Duck King debería ser ilegal de lo épico que termina sintiéndose, habiendo un equipo del antes mencionado Mark of the Wolves con Jennet y Tizoc, la nueva integrante de los Psycho soldier, un Team-up memorable para Kyo cómo lo son Iori y Shingo, sub-jefes trayendo al reparto de Buriki One y Kizuna Encounter, una versión más honesta de Rugal en su hijo Adelheid, la marea de personajes desbloqueables en su versión de PS2, total, que solo el roster es una locura que ya enaltece bastante a esta entrega.

En cuanto al apartado técnico existen cosas raras. Este es el primer título numérico fuera de la conocida placa mvs de SNK haciendo el salto a la atomiswave, y se nota. No tendrás la pésima calidad sonora de los últimos títulos en mvs (de hecho incluso la música es buenísima) ni una interfaz visual tan barata pero continúan en una línea simplista además que, al menos en su versión original de Arcade, en ocasiones los sprites se sienten "desencajados", es algo extraño pero no demerita para nada la experiencia general.

Y ahora al fin llegando a su jugabilidad, fácil es un título pulidísimo con una clara idea de sus mecánicas, los dream cancel son una herramienta flexible que te permite encadenar tus vainas sin gastar barra tan deliberadamente cómo antes, su forma de Tag Team requiere que tú personaje termine su animación para dar paso al siguiente impidiendo así combos chotisimos con los cambios y obligandote a mantener un mismo personaje estrictamente hasta que te encuentres en un verdadero aprieto y los Leader Desesperation moves se mantienen como los super devastadores que, a cambio de una ejecución más fácil, solo están disponibles para uno de tus personajes haciendo todo un sistema que se complementa entre sus mecánicas y te obliga a salir de la zona de confort que venía manejando la franquicia hace rato. Una refinación de 03 en toda regla.

Solo como bemol tendría que la historia sigue sin convencerme, ahora entiendo porque la saga de Ash es tan polarizante, por mucho rato tienes la sensación de estar llendo en círculos con antagonistas pasados y cosas como Shingo siendo apaleado hasta casi su muerte y Iori perdiendo sus llamas son algo extremo, sin mencionar que el propio Ash puede ser un protagonista sumamente cuestionable en su accionar y Elisabeth se mantiene bastante tibia aún en su segunda aparición, aunque Dúo Lon, Shen y Oswald si que son personajes carismáticos y activos para sus respectivas funciones y Adelheid... La verdad no entiendo la pseudo insistencia en que el chico este presente si de nueva cuenta no aporta nada a la trama y hasta parece solo estorbar. Una lastima, no haces a un hijo de Rugal y relacionas a los antagonistas con el poder de Orochi (poder que condenó a su padre y al parecer el heredó???) Solo para que el solo cumpla un rol pasivo en dos juegos consecutivos, ojalá y la siguiente entrega ya lo ponga a hacer algo... ¿Verdad?

Para terminar, The King of Fighters XI se catapultó rápidamente al top de juegos de esta longeva franquicia, la bestialidad de contenido de su versión casera y su gran calidad en el apartado jugable lo hace un juego de peleas al que querrás regresar constantemente así lo disfrutes en solitario, una gran entrada y una digna despedida de una era más "clásica" para SNK, ¿Que nos deparará el futuro de estos juegos?

Kof 2003 só que bom, e vtnc Magaki



Ash is the perfect asshole and this game gives a good example of that

Tag system rules (they need to bring this back) and the best roster in the franchise

This game NEEDS a modern rerelease or something. The roster is on par with 2002um. The ost is phenomenal. The only thing holding it back is SNK's lack of awareness of this title, but that goes for alot of the older kof titles.

Very fun game just desperately needs and deserves a re-release w/ netplay - fightcade flycast being one of ur best options potentially is is not it.

Esse jogo é bom pra krl, namoral

O salto na qualidade visual é óbvio, é um jogo de 2005, a musica é UNDERRATED PRA KRL, o elenco é GIGANTE e a gameplay é BOA PRA KRL, o tag é estranho, mas o sistema da barrinha desse jogo é incrível

mas vsf magaki🖕🖕
