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I don't know, sauceless? Wasn;t in the mood? Don't wanna play a Besthesda-esque game that isnt oblivion, fallout 3/newvegas, skryim? Idk, just generally didn't care. I think this Spacer's Choice Edition looked very pretty when it wasnt way too dark.

I remember playing the original release at launch and not being particularly entertained by it due to a plethora of reasons: boring writing, uninteresting characters, bland areas, bad combat, I could keep going. Now with this re-release I got to play the DLC finally and one of them was notably better than the rest of the package. Murder on Eridanos had much better pacing, more interesting characters, and the overall mystery had substantially more intriguing writing than anything else in the game. It's a shame the other DLC just feels like more of the same base game. Even when doing the alternate main plot, the game never picks up in any way, shape, or form. Despite 100%ing the game in 34 hours, there are plenty of other better RPGs to put your time into.

If you didn`t grow up with Fallout: New Vegas, I recommend this game. If not, just play Fallout: New Vegas.

Um FallOut melhorado!

Sempre fui fã da franquia FallOut e tava ansioso demais pra testar The Outer Worlds. Com a promoção da Epic, acabei pegando o jogo e tive a oportunidade de zerar essa obra-prima! Que jogo incrível, posso dizer que é um FallOut melhorado, com personagens cativantes, uma ótima história, gráficos lindos e uma gameplay que cadencia entre o intenso e o diplomático. Praticamente tudo no jogo consegui resolver com diálogo, mas com a opção de ser um Rambo também, e adorei isso, todas as decisões importam e pesam lá na frente, dá pra perceber conforme a história avança. Os companions são um dos pontos mais fortes na minha opinião, dialogam entre si, tem quests interessantes e opinam sobre as decisões do player, algo que eu via na franquia Dragon Age e fiquei surpreso quando encontrei aqui. Quero dizer que recomendo demais, a versão Spacers Choice tem os seus problemas de performance, mas consegui resolver com o DLSS.

Deem uma chance, o jogo é incrível!

ultima mid
every npc makes me want to hold w and left click waypoint to waypoint fallout4 type beat
it is self aware that it lives in the shadow of new vegas but just good enough to switch your brain off and have a zombie time skip experience
evil slime has been paint brushed over all surfaces. something is off.
cool helmet, mash potato mash potato

O grande destaque é claramente os "companions", a maioria deles é bem construído e com personalidades únicas, tendo bastante espaço nos diálogos e tendo uma função importantíssima na gameplay. Muitos dizem que o jogo é fácil demais, não foi essa minha experiência... Joguei na dificuldade "Difícil" e no início passei por maus bocados, que significa que o jogo é bem balanceado de acordo com o nível que é escolhido, mas enfim, investir nas habilidades dos companions me fizeram morrer menos, e a partir disso tive mais facilidade pra ficar vivo, mas em nenhum momento se provou um jogo fácil. As habilidades dos companheiros são divertidas de se ver mas não são todas necessariamente úteis, suas opiniões sobre o enredo e diálogos são muito bem feitos e é um dos pontos altos do jogo, suas missões individuais são as melhores missões secundárias do jogo, mas nem todas são necessariamente complexas ou memoráveis.
O gráfico cartoonizado não faz muito o meu gosto, devido a isso levei mais tempo a me conectar ao jogo. Mas como isso é uma questão relativa, no que se propõe nesse quesito o jogo é bem feito, cenário internos e externos muito bem detalhados, coloridos e bonitos, a iluminação é ok, exceto a de seu personagem, sempre fica muito escura e mal dá pra você ver o seu boneco. Design de armas e armaduras é bem feito e condizente com a temática apresentada, assim como os inimigos, por mais que nestes (especialmente os humanos) falte uma I.A melhor, sempre vão pra cima de você sem amor a vida. As artes conceituais apresentadas ao viajar pelos planetas também são marcantes e bem feitas.
Gameplay do jogo é extremamente simples, Action RPG que introduz diversos atributos do que seria um RPG convencional mas dando a liberdade de se jogar com o que quiser. A trocação de tiro é simples mas é minimamente divertida, a variedade das armas de fogo junto com a habilidade de "slow-motion" é o suficiente pra divertir, já as armas brancas são diversas mas com o mesmo tipo de ataque e sem resposta corporal mais complexa por parte do inimigo. Já o sistema de stealth, achei um desastre... Nem ao menos possui um botão de executar o inimigo, para o início do jogo será um parto para quem escolher jogar assim. Upar no jogo é minimamente decente, as habilidades não são exploradas ao seu máximo e a partir de certo ponto do jogo não se enxerga tantas vantagens em as ter. Também apresenta o sistema de "defeitos", caso você sofra demasiado dano (ou algo assim) de alguma coisa você tem a opção de aceitar ter um fobia/dano desse algo em detrenimento de ganhar mais pontos para o personagem, a ideia é interessante mas não acho bem executada. Exploração é digna de um bom jogo da Bethesda, também é um dos pontos altos do jogo.
A história do jogo não é marcante, mas é carregada pelas boas interpretações dos personagens apresentados e o seu excelente senso de humor, que também é um dos seus pontos altos. O final é ok, as guildas tem o seu charme, apesar de precisarem de maior profundidade, mas tendo a relevar por ser um jogo mais curto dentro do gênero. As missões secundárias são esquecíveis mas é nítida a boa vontade dos desenvolvedores ao tentarem fazer histórias mais complexas, mas acredito que precisava de um enredo melhor... Mas tudo isso é compensado pela excelente exploração.
Merece ser jogado, especialmente pelos seus companheiros, 3 deles são muito bons.

Esqueci de mencionar, o principal e meu favorito aspecto de qualquer jogo para mim, TRILHA SONORA é claro!
Dito isso ela não é nada demais...

até o momento é o meu TOP 1 jogo da obisidian. Todo os sistema de decisões e formas que ce pode finalizar as missões é algo que te puxa pro universo do jogo, todas as missões (incluindo side quest) são boas de fazer. a vibe do jogo é cômico e automaticamente fica divertido

- 23 hours played
- Abandoned

I stuck with this game for 23 hours and even started the first dlc, Peril on Gorgon in the hopes it would improve upon the base game. But it didn’t. I don’t think I could name a more run of the mill, average ass videogame. It’s not bad by any means. But it’s dull and boring. Mediocrity can sometimes be worse than outright bad because there’s fun to be had in enjoying something awful.

The world is pretty cool. People spouting advertisements mid conversation and living their lives under the heels of the big corporations. But it gets boring after a while and that’s an issue when it’s the most interesting thing about your world.

Gameplay is the usual Obsidian/Bethesda style. You talk to people and you go out on quests. The talking is the best part of the whole game because the writing can be pretty fun. Tiring during longer play sessions because the humour works entirely around big corporations. The quests I experienced never amounted to more than fetch quests or go here and kill someone. There’s some where your offered different ways to achieve an outcome but they never felt that special.

The combat is flat and uninspired. You shoot at two extremely inept Ai enemy archetypes. Now there’s more than two enemies in the game visually. But behaviourally there’s only two. One type shoots at you from a distance and has the aim of a stormtrooper. Rarely ever hitting you. The second type rushes you to engage in melee. There’s a third unintended type but that’s a special variant of the other two where the enemy just stands there, doing nothing, bugged out whilst you shoot at it. The Ai is so bad. You will shoot someone in close proximity to the rest of his squad and they won’t react until you physically walk closer or shoot at them. Enemies will see you through a window but won’t react until you enter the room or shoot a gun. All of this isn’t helped by average gunplay. Aim and shoot, works as well as you would hope. But it doesn’t feel satisfying in its weight or feedback. Like the rest of the game, it’s bang average.

The Role playing element of this role playing game is also lacking. For some reason they grouped skills together in the skill tree. You can’t individually improve a skill until it gets to level 50. So for the first good few levels I had a few stats at or close to 50 which meant my character was a jack of all trades. I wanted to be good at intimidation but that also meant I could use charm and lies. Your character ends up like this game. Doing a lot of things but not one particularly well to stand out. The perk system was also pretty bad. There’s nothing there that really changes up the gameplay. Some increases to damage and carry capacity. Some improve the time you can use the slow down effect. Some improve companion abilities. And there’s even a perk that reduces enemy detection radius but that’s a bloody waste because the Ai needs you get right up on top of them before they know you are there. I couldn’t make a standout build by the time I hit level 31. I think the only unique build that would be interesting would be a low intelligence dumb build for the fun conversation options it unlocks. There also a flaw system. Throughout the game meeting certain conditions will invite you to inherit a flaw. For example I took a lot of Raptidon damage so it offered me a flaw where I become scared of them and take more damage when fighting them. What I get in exchange is a perk point. Whilst interesting on paper this whole system can be ignored because the perk point isn’t worth the detriment.

The companions are also pretty bland. Parvati being the only standout. The companion quests were also a let down. For me the companion quests are usually a standout in an RPG but here it was more of the same vanilla quest design. Helping someone get ready for a date or having someone go on a spiritual journey. Which sounds interesting but ended up being nothing more than a conversation in a room.

Lastly whilst I enjoyed the art style. The game has a very weird empty and hollow feeling to it. It’s locations feel like a movie back lot. Where you see the fronts of the buildings but know there’s nothing behind them. It’s a game that’s split up into hub areas and all of them feel empty and small. Monarch was pretty big but it didn’t feel that way. Also wasn’t a fan of how areas were separated by loading screens. Byzantium was also a massive disappointment. I was excited to go to that city but when I got there, it was very small and almost every building was boarded up with a variation of “Closed for refurbishment” on the front door.

All in all, I tried my very best with this game but I can’t see this through because I’m not enjoying myself. What a waste of time it is to sit there playing something i just don’t care for. It’s not a bad game, it’s just aggressively meh.

Could not move save over from PS4 so had to play whole thing again to play DLC which I never played. Fun and funny but repetitive and not very challenging. Could be great but science weapons are not as cool as they should be. Variety of weapons and armors just isn't enough. DLCs were fun but slight.

More than the sum of its parts:
1. Great, snappy dialogue
2. Choices matter (to an extent)
3. Companions are great (Parvati in particular is so damn adorable it hurts)
4. Story was good enough
5. One good (gorgon) and one really good (eridanos) DLC
6. Lots of ways to get around combat (though not enough for a full pacifist run or anything)

That said it is VERY easy. I'm legit so bad at shooters and this is the first game i had to turn up to hard to get to the edge of my comfort zone. Most shooters I struggle on normal or even easy.

Poorly optimized. I'm having massive performance issues on a relatively powerful PC. I quit early on because of that.

The bland/repetitive writing, ugly character models, and unsatisfying combat didn't impress me. The graphics are unimpressive for 8th-generation standards, which makes the performance issues all the more unwarranted.

A fun RPG from a great developer. My main gripe is that it feels short.

- interesting world/setting
- Good characters
- Interesting environments
- Good Combat (not fantastic, but more then decent)
- felt a bit short for this type of game. From the developers of New Vegas I expected a bit more sprawling and open rather then small interlinked sandboxes.

Technically well-made and fun role-playing space adventure that quickly loses narrative steam, unfortunately.
+ small but carefully crafted selection of planets with very distinct atmospheres and objectives
+ 2 sizable and (supposedly) great DLC stories included
+ stylized yet crisp visuals with beautiful color usage
+ intricate character customization through stats and skills
+ a couple interesting moral choices to make early on
+ solid core shooting gameplay
+/- consistently humorous dialogue
- insane amount of loot leading to some inventory frustration (which can be mitigated fairly easily, thankfully)
- very short main story with a rushed ending that gives no sense of accomplishment
- neglected companions who barely feel like part of your crew

I've spent 32 hrs through the main game and the DLCs , i definitely liked it and its special world and humor

Surprisingly fun time this game but the ending is a bit of a fumble and a bit of a tumble.

The Outer Worlds is a good RPG, however, there's something about it that feels... off? I can't ever put my finger on what exactly it is that just doesn't feel right about it - but I felt the same when I played through it on PS4.

There's not a whole lot of 'side content' and not a whole lot of main quests either, the areas you can explore are pretty small too - being just portions of certain planets and sure these are nicely 'detailed' areas that aren't expansive for the sake of expansive but they still feel quite empty.

You can't explore a vast majority of the 'ruined' or 'abandoned' houses which isn't exactly a big deal but when you have your playable world(s) split into smaller areas you'd expect to be able to explore pretty much all of it.

I do however, like the fact that if you put enough points into the right kinda build of character you can pretty much just walk through the game talking your way out of most all trouble put towards you - for example I pretty much finished the game by passing a persuasion check allowing me to just walk right on through the final area without the big onslaught of fighting.

It is a genuinely enjoyable game, despite how negative I appear to be on it. It has good characters and of the 'smaller' than average availability of quests most of them are well written and enjoyable. There's also 6 companions, 5 of which have pretty enjoyable questlines. It's also nice to be able to have 'skills' for your companions too.

This was also my first time playing the DLC for The Outer Worlds - I really enjoyed 'Murder on Eridanos' which changed things up to task the player with solving a murder. Meanwhile with 'Peril on Gorgon' I just didn't care for it much, it felt kinda like the rest of the game and with playing Murder on Eridanos first it was like going back to the main game after being presented something fresh.

Kinda short for an RPG, only 25 hours to finish the main game, It also only supports three kinds of playthroughs so there's not a lot of replayability. There's no romances, no morality system, it's very lackluster. This game is also really easy, I switched the difficulty to hard after 5/6 hours and it still felt like I was playing on normal, once your character is well established you pretty much become unstoppable.
It's a good game with a lot of missed potential and I don't expect the sequel to consider any of the choices made in this game.
So much for the "spiritual successor to Fallout New Vegas".

Pretty good overall! Halfway through I decided to go against the board completely and had a lot fun. Planet exploration was great and the main story held my attention the whole way through. I wish the combat was better and that some of the side stuff was a bit more intriguing.

I definitely enjoyed this game way more then when I initially played it. And I hadn't played the DLCs before this version so that also helped my enjoyment. That said I found several elements in the writing to be lacking here and there. And I wish there was more of a variety in weapon types. I still had a good time though.

Many hoped for a spiritual successor to Fallout New Vegas. The Outer Worlds was advertised as a project by the developers of Fallout: New Vegas, while in reality, only around 20% of the NV team worked on it and it’s painfully obvious. (Source:

Unfortunately, The Outer Worlds is too small for any good replay value and the plot isn’t particularly creative. They literally had one joke – evil corporations cut costs in a retarded way and everyone died, repeated over and over again. Capitalism bad, I guess.

Gameplay itself is not bad, but the lack of enemy variety, unique gear, and zero options for build crafting makes the overall experience mediocre.

As for the Spacer’s Choice edition – I got it from HB Choice (July 2023) way cheaper than the original version. Didn’t encounter any bugs or performance issues on the Steam Deck.

Guard: “It’s my birthday today.”

Other Guard: “Oh yeah? Fuck your birthday.”


the biggest change in this next gen update is that they gave everyone creepy glass eyes as if they're all Victorian dolls

I didn't give it an entirely fair chance, but I can see where it's going. A game that is just like any other blandish open-world that has a few interesting characters and a simple rpg system. It feels a lot like Fallout 4 in space and I didn't even like Fallout 4, so a disappointment for me. The game is also an average 15-hour story which is very weak for open world standards, so I didn't even want to continue past the first mission or three.

That being said it is not a "bad" game in itself, just very average, which isn't necessarily an awful thing as many make it out to be.

I did not play the original version I got this one for free.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for July 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before August 1st, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Not Obsidian’s best.

The Outer Worlds came out four years ago and then released an improved edition earlier this year called the Spacer’s Choice that comes with all the DLC and improved graphics. We have what should be an Obsidian-tier story, with combat and speech crafting that fans of the Fallout or Elder Scroll series should recognize and enjoy. That’s the idea of the game.

But the result is weaker. The Outer Worlds has a great first planet to explore, and then feels like it copies and pastes that conflict to a bunch of other levels that feel uninspired. The environments are weaker, and the writing seems to fall off a cliff, and that’s while hammering a really weak message over and over for most of the game. The locations are also tiny, and there’s nothing to discover or explore. It’s a little depressing because this was Obsidian's big chance and it stumbles.

Pick this up if you want an OK Bethesda-type game. It doesn’t have the size of other titles, and most of Obsidian’s other titles are better written. This got a lot of credit when it came out because it wasn’t as big a mess as Fallout 76 was at the launch, which came out at the same time, but if we take away the comparison Outer Worlds is average. Not bad, but not as good as people made it out to be.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Por algum motivo a otimização dessa versão é pior que a do jogo original...

It was okay. Really takes from that Fallout NV/Elder Scrolls "go here and talk to this NPC" formula. I didn't enjoy the companions so for what I played I just didn't use them. I like the perk and level up system, but I found that instead of specifying to a specific skill set I was switching gear often enough to just spread everything out evenly. Overall it just didn't hold my attention for long enough, and I was tired of having my 10 minute walk to the next NPC interrupted by fighting 50 space rats and 20 bandits. If I do return it will be for the decision making and action alignment elements. I enjoyed some of the more narrative driven RPG aspects.

As a big fan of Fallout New Vegas I really enjoyed The Outer Worlds!

The worlds you explore are varied and very pretty to look at. There’s a lot of really solid characters and their dialogue is really good. The level system has that crunchy mechanic of putting points into different skills thing that I love. Combat while kinda simple is still satisfying to take down enemies.

I do get some of the complaints about the game. Do I wish there was a bit more exploration, yeah. Was the game a bit shorter then I thought with a bit of an anticlimactic ending, kinda (although the DLCs did help lengthen the game a bit). But those things weren’t enough to keep me from having fun being the captain of a ragtag space crew travelling from planet to planet helping out people along the way!

The game is a very competently put together Fallout style game but in space. With a well crafted world and an ok story, the thing is, it doesn't excel in any area, it's all just decent.

The higher frames and visual fidelity does make the game look prettier, but unfortunately the new lighting system makes it look like ass at various points, especially the characters faces, which sucks.

This new edition could have been an upgrade from the regular game since it has 2 decent expansions added to the base game, but the lighting issue puts a big but in the equation.

This has to be the most unoffensive okayish game of all time. It certainly was a video game