Reviews from

in the past

Cool concept, but honestly just not fun to play. The game feels like it was put together in a matter of weeks.

This is one of the first FPS on the PS2 so it feels really bad to play and experimental. Most enemies are hitscan based and levels are uninspired. There is practiacally no story here.

I know this is the start of a legendary franchise, so I'm glad it got a 2nd chance eventually.

Timesplitters 1 feels like a proof of concept, before actually making the full game. Just skip this one and go straight to the sequel.

Never before has a game been exactly what I thought it was going to be, no surprises or curveballs. That's a good thing because I was expecting "Fun shooter game" and yep, it's that!

People love to talk about how "in my day, games didn't need day-one patches" and ignore things like the PS2 launching with a game that feels like a proof of concept demo at best.

There's no story to speak of, simply a series of very short levels. The only reason this might take you more than 30 minutes to beat is because the levels are full of deadly-accurate enemies with hitscan weapons that spawn in behind you with zero warning. I'm not a huge fan of Timesplitters 2, but the jump from 1 to 2 is a leap the size of Springfield Gorge. This feels like it was made in about 6 months. Turok 1 is more impressive than this, and Turok 1 sucks.

TS1 does at least run at 60fps, though that's accomplished by also running at a VERY low resolution. I don't know the number exactly, but it's 240p at most, likely lower.

At this point I've decided to simply make a list of games I've optimistically revisited that did not change my mind.


I like this one better than TS3, but less than TS2.

Great selection of levels/characters/weapons, including probably the best TS level of them all, Planet X.

While it's missing the story of it's sequels, the time trial element is actually really fun once you commit to it, i initially struggled with it growing up, but returning to it i finally got the knack.

At the time of it's release there was nothing quite like it.

I suppose it's strange to mark this as completed, but I did complete every short story mission and go through every multiplayer mode, so I suppose that qualifies.

i'm starting to find out that most ps2 launch games are just ps1 games but with a nicer coat of paint

Junto con Halo este es uno de esos FPS que fueron diseñados especialmente para las consolas de sobremesa, y fue el que en parte ayudó a definir el estandar del esquema de control en los juegos de este género. Todo esto sumado a la IA muy bien definida, las propiedades de distintas armas y los niveles que, al subirle la dificultad, llegan a cambiar demasiado el posicionamiento y cantidad de enemigos, además de hacer más extensos ciertos niveles, y no esperaba menos del equipo que llegó a traajar en GoldenEye y Perfect Dark.

Aún con eso, francamente se re nota que es un juego hecho para testear assets, motor y hardware, ya que si te quedas solo con la campaña principal y el modo desafío se sentirá absurdamente corto a comparación de sus anteriores trabajos u otros FPS de la competencia, aún si los quieres jugar en todas sus dificultades. Aparte que en los últimos niveles tienen un diseño de niveles mucho más flojo volviendose más pasilleros o llenando el campo con puros enemigos que se matan de una forma muy especifica. El juego está mas pensado a que juegues con amigos con estos mismos mapas o los que tú crees en el editor.

Es el primer TimeSplitters que juego y pienso seguir la trilogia, lo más probable es que hayan hecho un juego muchisimo más solido. Fue entretenido jugar este, de todas formas.

Great translation of the Goldeneye/Perfect Dark formula to PS2, though the missions are pure shooting without much else and it's not like the shooting is that good to begin with. Also hard as fuck but satisfying enough to beat.

I think it's okay at best. The frame rate for me was way to low for a shooter, you went either too fast or too slow and the boxart sucks.

A prequela do jogo da minha infância.

Fun and simple game but really short although as a kid I probably would have gotten a lot of fun out of the MP mode
Really wish the levels were all as great as the first and last one both interesting and had a fun flow but some of them are either really small or just uninspiring
Fuck the mansion level though that was like half my play time.

Experimental FPS shooter that's a masterclass in putting fun gameplay before literally anything else. Varied/obscure mission objectives, guns that feel amazing to shoot and playing against the bots in customs is extremely enjoyable. So many random and creative character designs and levels makes this a must play if you're into fun FPS experiences.

If you've played Timesplitters 2 or Future Perfect, those two void the need to play this game. Every single player level shares the same objective of getting an item at the end of the level and then backtracking through again with stronger enemies.

It's essentially the prototype of Timesplitters 2.

É bem foda-se. A campanha é curta e inexistente, não existe nenhum tipo de contexto do porquê você está fazendo isso, e única coisa que se sabe é que cada fase tem uma missão de pegar X coisa e ir/voltar para lugar Y, e que em cada fase você pode escolher entre 2 personagens diferentes (Um homem ou uma mulher). As fases são meio labirínticas e as vezes confusas (Principalmente a primeira fase). A gunplay é ok, cumpre o que faz. Além disso, tem um multiplayer que achei até divertidinho (joguei com bots) mas nada demais. Concluindo, é um joguinho bem genérico.

[emulated on Steam Deck, single player only]

This is going to sound meaner than intended, but in 2023 this would be released as an early access type thing. It's a super solid foundation with a fairly boring series of corridors to move it through. Soundtrack slaps though.

The original TimeSplitters is entirely skippable. You're not really missing anything- aside from a few maps I still see when I close my eyes. The docks, the mansion, the castle, the graveyard, the seaside village.

It's Free Radical working out all the kinks to their little Goldeneye 64 successor. A senseless and wild shooter that has you staggering through a myriad of missions through time. The great big bloody leap from this to its sequel is really kind of shocking and that's probably the one big reason you'd want to play it. Just to see how far they've come in such short time.

this is the only time-splitter I own and played but I will take a wild guess and say it is the worst one very much a multiplayer game which is fine but the single-player side of it is just not great the levels are confusing the objectives are all the same and often very backtrack like this is are missions that are suppose to take u 3 minutes and half of that is just running back to the start not really but will give the sequels a try someday maybe

Just played through the story. It's crazy how much the FPS genre innovates just 7 years after DOOM. I played it on a softmoded PS2. I'm sure the arcade and challenge modes are fun too but I was done after the story. As a CD-based launch title in 2000 it's great. The weapon mechanics are like goldeneye on the N64 but the scope never really worked for me and was too finicky. The mechanic of finding a thing and then returning it is fun as are the settings. One standout level was the zombie shotgun level where you need to get a headshot to completely dispatch them. Unfortunately a pretty weak double barrel shotgun IMO. The score is pretty cool too. The characters I think matter more for multiplayer. The weapons themselves are varied but I never really used anything that wasn't an automatic pistol since the range and damage was same for everything. The performance is a solid 60 fps 95% of the time but up close enemies/too many of them can make the frame rate drop hard (probably double buffer V-Sync). Anyway, this was fun but hopefully the sequels are better.

This game is horrible since you start it, wanted to kill myself playing it

Review #5 - 2019

This is a game I remember playing at a friend's house as a child, and with that said, I had never seen anything like it. An FPS that takes you through various time periods all themed around the culture or year it's inspired by. So much variety in terms of design, with an incredible soundtrack made my Graeme Norgate that I have memorized and know by heart.

The story mode isn't very up front with lore, other than a briefing you'll find in the pause menu giving you exposition as to why you are where you are. Later titles expand on that department with cutscenes and side missions giving you a more in depth storytelling experience. In this title, all you need to know, is that there is a crucial item you need to pick up, and once you get it, you gotta survive and get it back to Point A before the TimeSplitters do. Very simple in premise, but if you like a challenge, you'll certainly find it here.

The gameplay is very similar to that of the N64's "Goldeneye", which by today's FPS standards hasn't aged well. As much as I adore this game, holding down L2 to get a shot down is an absolute pain, even with auto-aim, so if you're going to throw down the harder difficulties, get ready for a real challenge. The harder the difficulty, the longer it takes to clear a level, since the map gets deeper and deeper with each difficulty setting, making it crucial you remember your surroundings, and where you need to deliver the object once you pick it up. It helps that each level is designed with much variety and detail, so you can go off of landmarks and objects to remember where to go.

And really, that's the strong suit of this game. Each level is completely unique and full of life. From the maps themselves, to the enemies you'll come across. Each level has a character specifically designed for that level, making it really fun to unlock each level to see what time period you'll fall into next, and what it'll look like.

Speaking of unlocks, there are a TON. This game may seem like a tech demo in terms of its story mode, but damn, it's one BEEFY tech demo. So many characters to unlock. So many game modes to play. So many things! Get your friends involved, and it gets even more enjoyable. Multiplayer is chaotic, and is a real BLAST.

Last but not least, the glorious mapmaker. Oh BOY was this thing incredible for me as a kid. I'd spend hours creating my own maps to play with friends, or even to just run around on my own with AI. It's not very detailed in terms of textures, but it's still pretty decent, with later titles expanding on what you can put in your maps, including making more detailed story scenarios.

I have a lot to say about this game, because I LOVE this series, with "TimeSplitters 2" being my absolute favorite of the 3. What "TimeSplitters" lacks in story substance, it makes up for with literally every thing else it provides. It's fun, it's full of variety and character, and even though the controls are a pain sometimes, it never seems to get old for me, and I love sharing it with friends and family.

A great proof-of-concept.
All the neccessary gameplay is here.
It only goes up from here.

It doesnt have the features of its big brothers but boy is this game a pure arcade style FPS.

Pretty lackluster content wise for a PS2 game because of the fact there's not really a story in the game, you just do time trials on levels that have shared areas that are also used as levels in multiplayer.

However I will say that the game still is a lot of fun and I love how fast paced it is, however I can definitely see that the difficulty settings are complete bullshit lol.

Save for a few levels, on easy difficulty the game is super brain dead where everything dies in one shot, but as soon as you switch to "normal" the game is brutal difficulty wise, especially after the first two levels.

This was totally done to artificially stretch out the average player's time they spend on the "story" from dying over and over again and having to completely master the level and have perfect reaction times on regular and hard. This alone is kind of fun and reward in itself to master the levels back to back but it is way too hard at points like on the 1980s chemical plant map, some enemies will hide in complete darkness and you'll have no idea they exist until after you're shot by them.

However the multiplayer is really fun with the novelty of all these different weapons and characters from totally different eras being thrown together in a big goldeneye styled single player deathmatch. However, gameplay wise its just fun...It doesn't really do anything else super interesting.

this sure is a PS2 launch title