Reviews from

in the past

Actually had a lot more fun with this game than I was expecting to.
For one, it looks absolutely gorgeous, and it uses the familiar Ubisoft gameplay hook of throwing you into a big city with a bunch of icons to collect - which my ADHD/Gaming OCD brain eats up. I played the whole game solo and completed most of the content. The only thing left to do would be to replay missions and run around the Dark Zone to get better gear, but I don't see the purpose of doing that at all as I've completed the game's storyline.
The game is not perfect by any means though. It does suffer from bullet-sponge boss design and repetition, especially in mission variety, but I actually never really had too much of an issue with anything. I had zero expectations of what this game even was to be honest. I thought it was just a multiplayer shooter for the longest time, but a buddy told me it had a story mode I could solo. That was literally the only reason I tried it out. I hadn't even seen what the gameplay looked like before trying it! It was kinda fun to just turn off my brain, throw on podcasts and just run around the post-apocalyptic New York City. Sure, there are quality-of-life improvements that could have been made such as vehicle navigation, or the ability to spawn outside safehouses if you get murked randomly, but overall I had a good time with this experience.

The boss designs are bullshit, the bullet sponge is the biggest out of nearly every game I've played, enemy ai is abysmal but the co-op experience I got out of it was absolutely wonderful. Game made me and my homie capitalise/exploit on each weakspot and bug and coordinate in almost every shitty situation the game put us in. Games pretty monotonous, lengthy and I'd suggest people take their time completing it instead of rushing it cuz there's no point in doing so, there's hardly any Innovative mission design, but the bullet sponges and overdose of enemies force you to make effective plans to win the situation you're put in, so that's a really good thing about the game, despite it being grindy af like every other Tom clancy coop game. Ubisoft makes the best brain rot coop games that you can simply have fun , be it the far cry games or the Tom clancy franchise. Game wouldve been more fun if they had usable vehicles like Wildlands instead of running mindlessly for more than one km and get shot to death out of no where. One thing I like more about this is there were no game breaking bugs like in Wildlands.

I mean, I feel like this game did everything right but balancing - and yet that one issue is enough to really, really bring down the whole thing. Blocked from something greater unfortunately.

It’s just boring for lack of a better word.

ubisoft ruining a great concept once again

one of those "if Riverdale was a game" type of things

I liked the idea but not the execution

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Played this when it first came out and really enjoyed it for the most part. There was one or two issues, I feel that the MMO feel subtracts from it and a more Ghost Recon like approach would've been better.

Having to scavenge for higher level gear after each mission can get tiring. Especially when the drops are worse than your current gear.

Joining a team and having most of them leave within the first few minutes can be disheartening as well. This however isn't the games fault but a problem with online games in general.

What I did really enjoy though was the combat, when you're using under leveled gear it's a slog but when you're using the correct stuff it can be a lot of fun. I also enjoyed the look of the game, it feels like New York hasn't been lived in for ages and you're exploring a frozen concrete jungle.

The plot was fun enough for the most part too. The opening is mainly just set up for clearing out all the gangs with the stand out being "The Last Man Battalion" who are all ex division agents. I still remember the reveal being particularly good for that one.

There is Smth so nice about this game but also so many issues,I love what this game does with its loot system to its environment and the atmosphere it portrays. I came from division 2 to play this game so I wasn't missing out on anything and I can say that I deeply love division 2 more than this game the reason for this being this game is so frustratingly unfair it puts you up against bullet sponge enemies while you get killed in half a second and the progression is very slow and 90 percent of this game is peeking doing some damage then going back behind cover after 37 enemies beam the life out of you what makes this game so good though is the story,lore, environment and the feel of the gameplay i love the atmosphere that is portrayed whiled walking around this games new york it really makes it feel how it's intended too and in comparison to its sequel i feel its the only thing it does better.
If your a fan of looter shooters,open world games and want Smth different out of Ubisoft then give this game a go or just play the much superior sequel I do recommend this game though.

The Division é um dos melhores jogos que já joguei. Porém só no papel mesmo, na prática o jogo tem algumas falhas e também poucos jogadores, que torna o jogo meio monótono algumas vezes.

I understand why people give this game a bad rating. However, the initial game that launched and the end product are two vastly different games.

I loved this, cover shooter combined with looting elements and asymmetrical pvp in the dark zone. I hadn't felt that level of paranoia being in a pvp space since the old school Runescape wilderness.

I drilled it to completion, saw all the content, had all the uniques, legendries etc and bagged a platinum for it.

This game wasn't really made for everyone, but it felt perfect for me.

No other game I've ever played was simultaneously so addictive yet so bland. For everything this game does well, it does something very poorly. It has good combat, but bland firefights and enemies. It has good loot, but poor balance. It has some interesting lore, but the story and characters are just boring. If you want a game that you can mindlessly dump hundreds of hours into, go right ahead, this game is perfectly fine in that regard. If you're looking for something more, then look elsewhere.

this really is the most game to be ever made

it's got a super detailed and gorgeous world, the music is pretty good, the ui design, visuals, etc are all well made and it's technically pretty sound so it's super confusing as to why everything about the game itself is just bad

the "loop" and grind is all horribly designed and borderline nonsensical, the gunplay is awful because all the bad guys have a billion health and the loot and the systems around it suck

ubisoft moment

Tenho uma relação de amor e impaciência com esse jogo, pois as primeiras horas são extremamente divertidas e o enredo interessante. Porém, a minha vontade de pular logo pro segundo e a repetição intensa de missões secundárias estragaram totalmente a experiência (pela segunda vez).

Sério, quem pensou que seria incrível colocar as mesmas missões em um mapa enorme? É verdade, foi a Ubisoft...

De qualquer forma, futuramente pretendo dar uma outra chance, mas por enquanto vou adiantar o segundo e aproveitar ao máximo com tranquilidade (ou tentar pelo menos).

I remember spending hours thinking about my loot and build, and how that would tie into what i wanted to do with my character. I spent hours playing this game with various random people and it was very cool.

Only played the first few missions so far but gave up after my game crashed twice. From what I've seen its looks pretty enjoyable but I don't know If i will go back to it

Man, this game is really something

TBH, I like ubisoft game. They are incredibly immersive for me. And the division is no exception.
I think the strongest Ubisoft trait is the world building. And damn, they hit the mark here. The lore of what happened is quite amazing and unique, and the snowy NY is stunning. So many details and so much environment storytelling, cheesus.

And not only the world building, but also the coherence of the game. From the ui, skills, echoes, everything just makes the world and setting whole.

And the gameplay is pretty fun as well. You just go from mission to mission, shoot bad guys and that's about it. You get new loot, upgrades and upgrade your base(which I love in videogames)

The story is okay, even though, I didn't finish it, so I can't say anything about the ending. The missions are fun, especially if you have a podcast or something in the background.

All the missions are more or less the same, but that's okay. That was actually the first game in years where I was clearing the map like crazy. I dunno, just mindless shooting works perfectly with this game.

However, game can be kinda challenging due to numbers. If you have lower gear, you will suffer in some of the missions(at least playing solo)

So, why am i abandoning this game? I think it just kinda started to feel boring for me(especially when I started to need to grind for the newer loot and craft new shit). The game is still amazing IMO, and I can see why a lot of people liked it a lot. Definitely doesn't deserve the hate that it's getting.

this game is the ultimate fantasy if youre some weird guy named tyler that wears a mask like ghost from mw2 and thinks that antifa rioters will attack his home in the suburbs of south dakota

Nah. Just countless grinding over and over

Epitome of "dude play until level 30, then the game really opens up."
Aggravating to think about but the post-game has a solid dopamine loop

Rugged Individualist Fascist Agent Of The State Prepper Mass-Shooter Weirdo: The Game

It's not even fun to play because everything is a bullet sponge, your shots don't feel like they're hitting anything. The loot is like, a bad-looking tacticool sweatshirt. There's better shit out there, folks.

Repetitive and boring. I don't remember anything about the story BUT post-apocalyptic New York under snow is my kind of thing. So the atmosphere is perfect for me. That's why I played this game all the way to the end.

(Played before 2023)
Not about zombies like I thought it would, but I really liked this game. It was super fun though and I think this is one of the best looking games ever. The city has so much detail that exploration was my favorite part, along with really enjoyable gameplay that I loved playing over and over. I didn’t play the endgame much, but there was always something to do and work on.

I'm gonna be honest I've played this game for 13.2 hours now and I thought I would never be the one to say this but I struggle finding any motivation to keep going. I love this game for the atmosphere and the environment but the gameplay starts getting old. It feels like I'm running 200 meters, encounter 3 enemies, continue cycle until arriving to my destination. Not the mention I start getting annoyed from hearing the same "entering safezone" "warning hostile nearby" operator voicelines. I also find myself not being able to do much in the game beside from free roaming and I just wish there were more missions in the game with a meaningful objective since I'm running out of them. It also doesn't make it better that I'm basically feeling like I'm wasting my time since all of this progress that I'm doing sooner or later will be erased since this is a live service game.


A very fun game with gorgeous graphics and more detailed huge open world maps and you have more freedom to do the missions, at your own rhythm and not like the other which feels very lineal where you have to follow exactly the order of the missions.

Played this for hundreds of hours, the endgame grind is very fun with the addition of gear sets. The Survival DLC was ahead of it's time.

This game is a great example of wasted resources. What I mean by this is that the game has a great engine and visually looks amazing and includes many immersive elements like snow staying on your clothes, cars locking when you push the door, and one of the best weather effects in a game I've seen. However despite how good the game looks it plays like trash. First off in a loot shooter one of the biggest disappointments is how little variety there is in weapons, sure there might be a bunch of weapons with different names but they almost all feel the same to shoot; you basically have a pistol, an assault rifle, sniper, and shotgun and tiny variances on those. Continued with the complete lack of variety is the missions. There are many many side quests in this game many of which you are forced to do because you don't level fast enough to skip to the main missions and there are only about 6 types. What I means is you do around 40 side missions all of which are slight SLIGHT changes on the base 6. This is incredibly boring very fast; added on to this main missions just feel like side missions stretched out agonizingly long. There is few differences between main missions and side missions besides how long it takes to finish them. Now about the loot system the other half of the game. It's garbage! I think I can count on my hands the number of times a gun dropped from an enemy that was actually better than one I had bought from the store, 90% of the time the drops you got were absolute trash. This is even more so with the armor drops I would consistently get no better armor for my character for probably about 5-6 levels and then all the sudden would get something that was like 3x better just to repeat the cycle again. In a game about drops and shooting this game makes sure you enjoys neither of those at all. Finally the story; it's lame and generic adding nothing to an already boring game. All of the characters are forced archetypes of characters already in most shooting games, especially Faye Lau the supposedly bad ass chick trying to lead you through this whole mess. However it makes no sense her being the leader as she was a recruit just like you and gets injured before she was even in action. I guess her being injured before actually doing anything makes her a fallen hero, this game makes no sense. Further when you finally beat the game it forces to give you any satisfaction no cutscene no anything, just a shitty voiceline from Faye saying how much more there is to do in this shitty game; DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE DARK ZONE GUYS. All in all this is truly a terrible game with it's only redeeming factor is it being fun to mess around in co-op and laughing at how bad the voice lines can be sometimes. "I repeat small arms fire!"