Reviews from

in the past

I should have played this when I started my first day on the job last week too! A very fun and addictive indie horror game that can catch you off guard with its scary parts as well as the comedic dialogue that killed me. Completely played this in one sitting and was so engrossed in it. First saw someone play this on youtube and thought it was like a visual novel since I saw the detailed fully animated panels and scenes, but it's like an exploration type with puzzles. Great artwork and a damn good soundtrack. Definitely a top-tier indie game in the vein of horror rpg-maker type games with many endings for replayability. Swear it kind of seems like American Psycho was an inspiration for this game in some ways lmao.

steam randomizer pulling this game up for me was either the best or worst thing that's ever happened to me, and i can't decide which one

on a serious note, the horror is perfection, and i'm not even a horror fan. i think the power of this game really comes in seeing all the different endings and secrets it has to offer! some of them have genuinely had me questioning certain implications to the plot for weeks.

Has some good moments and it looks nice, but the writing is a one note, on-the-nose satire and it consistently forces you back to old saves by making you take unavoidable damage and having a finite item used for saving via Resident Evil. Wears its influences (again, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc) which can be neat to feel like you're playing a new game with old style, but it nowhere near lives up to those.

Okay I kinda loved this game and kinda hated it. Loved: the aesthetics, the oddball comedy, the surrealist touches, and the gameplay, which has just the right amount of balance and variety to keep you engaged for ten hours or so.

Hated: the fact that all this game's excellent style and design is basically in service of...nothing. Based on the title you might expect Yuppie Psycho to have something to say about corporate culture, institutional dehumanization, upward mobility, bureaucracy...something! But the few promising gestures at satire in the beginning fade quickly into the background, and it becomes clear that this game is not really about yuppies (or psychos) at all, the developers just thought a sinister corporation would make a good setting for a survival horror game.

Which, fair. It is a good setting, and the developers do, as I said, knock it out of the park with the aesthetics. The horror is more conventional than the premise suggests (you won't get much commentary on the more mundane horrors of an office job), but well-done as these things go. The plot, however, is some hot nonsense. I understand the mystery-box style of storytelling they are going for here, and I'm definitely not averse to a little ambiguity or confusion, but the plot is just so obviously cobbled together from spare genre parts, it really feels like they had some cool character designs they wanted to use and just kinda tossed them in a story-blender. I dutifully earned every ending, clinging to a desperate hope that one of them, just one, would provide some faint sliver of thematic resolution, but it was not to be. Maybe the biggest flaw in the end is the flatness of the characters; everyone is colorful and quirky but no one is very human or memorable, which sadly dilutes what little message the game has.

That said, if you like horror, and you're in it more for the style than the substance, Yuppie Psycho is worth playing. Despite my reservations, I did enjoy it enough to play it to completion. I just wish the aftertaste wasn't so bitter.

Lo que de verdad me da miedo es trabajar

Bom demais, eu só acho que acabei pegando o end mais normal possível, talvez eu jogue novamente outro dia tentando fazer um end diferente.

Yuppie Psycho is exactly what i want every time i think of “indie horror game”. It’s like Link’s Awakening smashed into Silent Hill 4 at top speed while Persona was stuck on the tracks. It feels like watching a killer anime thriller miniseries. The art rules. The soundtrack goes hard when it should. The characters are immensely lovable.

It has multiple endings and you WILL want to check ‘em all out because that fits all the pieces together. The story does that Lynchian thing of telling a lot through feelings and vibes so try to leave your literalism at the door!

Played through it over two days basically nonstop because it was so enthralling. If i could go back in time this would be on my GOTY list of 2020.

Jogo é legal pakas em.
Fiz o final chamado Adeus.

Pior sistema de save que eu já vi na história, tu avança 2 horas de gameplay e tem que voltar tudo porque o jogo não quer que você salve.
O jogo também é bem mais extenso do que deveria, essa história daria pra umas 3/4 horas de gameplay, mas 7? pelo amor de deus, que desperdício de estética e premissa

im kinda like brian but instead of uncovering the corruption and horrors of a cursed company, i hide in the bathroom during the first 30 minutes of my shift

i love brian so much its not even funny

Jogo curto que vale a pena dar uma chance, um jogo de terror com uma atmosfera muito boa, monstros criativos, a história curta porém muito boa, único ponto fraco do jogo seria o excesso de escuridão, mas nada que atrapalhe.

Мне было страшно играть в эту игру, потому что это был мой первый опыт играть в хорроры лол, но наверное будет слишком называть эту игру хоррором, скорее адвенчура триллер
Очень люблю сеттинг и завязку, на самом деле интересно и то как различаются концовки тоже очень хорошо сделанно, потому что они меняют то как игра играется и что в ней происходит, что добавляет реиграбельности лол, ну по крайней мере раза 3 ее пройти надо чтобы на все посмотреть
Всем советую

(4th time through)
if you've ever wanted to play an anime survival horror version of Gremlins 2 crossed with the album art for Floral Shoppe, this is it. Super unique aesthetic with great art design and an amazing soundtrack. not much to write home about in regards to gameplay but it's more than made up for in other regards, also there is an insane amount of tiny missable details and plot elements to dig into on repeat playthroughs. I can't wait for whatever Baroque Decay does next.

okay so it's not the scariest game in the world but the environment is just SO cool and i had such a great time playing it, i'd definitely recommend it to anyone

Like American Psycho this game satirizes the horrors of work culture and the constant climb of the corporate ladder while adding its own twist. Yuppie Psycho always keeps you on edge with uncomfortable jokes and weird environments that add to the tension. The vaporwave aesthetic mixed with the charming 80s pixel art gives this game a unique visual identity that sets it apart from every other game. Honestly, this game's only drawback is the ending, which felt kind of rushed and leaves a lot to be desired, apart from that I truly believe this game would've had a cult following. Thanks pookie @Zamish :)

I think what initially put me off so much was the photocopier system, I get that it's just classic Resident Evil and stuff like that, but it obviously feels just a little disheartening, dying after being unable to save for like an hour. This was my experience, died after a boss, couldn't find any witch paper, and once I realized where I had reloaded, I closed the game and went ''eh, i'll get back to it later."
Later was actually, uh. 7 months.

To start off, because this is the number one determining factor in Will I Play This Game nowadays, the music bangs. I got into this game solely because of its music, and who composed it. By complete chance, too, I just remember going on Garoad's Bandcamp and seeing Yuppie Psycho, and obviously I have to play it if the composer for my favorite thing ever also helped on it. Was also fun hearing another name I recognized, Adriana Figueroa, in the "Voice" cassette.

The horror is cool, too. I love the more silent types of horror, where the fear sorta comes from just how cold and mysterious everything feels. You'll realize, this is not something I know how to put into words very well. It's atmospheric, I guess. Just an office building with some scary monsters and zombie employees, which makes interactions with all the named characters a little more fun to see.

I'm also bad at puzzles! The more subtle ones, at least. I messed up damn near all of the cocoon questions besides the very last one, which, hindsight is 20-20, not sure how I got any of those wrong, I missed a few couple of the familiar pictures, missed a few VHS tapes, I missed an entire route of the game, I missed a lot. But I enjoyed Yuppie Psycho enough to where I'm truly considering just playing it again to find all of that. I doubt I need to, I could easily just reload a good save and pick up from there, but I liked this game a lot. I would be more than willing to go through it a second time, doing things a little differently so I can see the rest of it. Especially since I played the first couple hours seven months ago, and might have a hard time remembering all of it.

Damn good, 9/10 game. Way shorter than I was expecting, too.

Yuppie Psycho is a charming little adventure game, featuring a likeable protagonist in a scenario that starts out relatable and quickly veers into the surreal. Anyone who recalls the delight of the classic Resident Evil games would feel right at home with its mix of exploration, simple puzzles and resource management.

The game isn't bug-free, some design choices could have been done better, and the in-game visuals are nothing to write home about. But gorgeous pixel-anime cutscenes and absurdist corporate humour help the game stand out in a sea of indie slop. As part of a sale or bundle, I'd easily recommend this game. Thanks, Tomar.

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One of the best games i've ever played, the characters and world are so interesting, especially in the hidden documents, the game is also amazing at creating a tense atmosphere, especially in the ending sequences and anything with Mr Devil. The soundtrack is a highlight too, it effortlessly transitions from painful noise similar to Silent Hill in tense scenes to more relaxed themes that are some of the best I've ever heard in the game. The gameplay seems like a basic RPGmaker style game at first but the limited saves and food system add some depth to it to keep it engaging like with the old RE games, even if I personally found the game pretty easy and didn't worry much about the resource management. The art is also beautiful, especially in the cutscenes and interactive screens like the mirror or save stations. The game really just feels like it has a lot of love put into it, especially with all the little details like the vhs tapes made by the cast members, the easter eggs with witch paper and saving, and the hidden scenes on the cameras or little moments of foreshadowing, i'd definetely reccomend playing this atleast once.

I must say I was very pleasantly surprised by Yuppie Psycho.

It is a unique blend of horror and humour that works surprisingly well. It has very good worldbuilding, the characters are all properly fleshed out and the story keeps you hooked up until the very end. The puzzles and exploration are very well paced and you are always constantly finding out new things about its world or characters, and that keeps driving you forward all the time.

Also, the presentation is quite on point. The sound design is superb and the visuals have some strikes of brilliance here and there (specially when it comes to animated cutscenes). It never feels cheap or limited and that really makes it stand out amongst other small indie titles.

If you're into horror games and are looking for new approaches in the genre, Yuppie Psycho has you covered.

This story of this game with witch hunting in the company got me extremely excited, the story of the reactionary atmosphere of the environment and on top of it, the characters made this game perfect

Man, sometimes a game just hits in all the right ways. This was just perfect to me, and I know I’ll be chasing another game I enjoy as much as this for a while. I picked this up in a sale nearly a year ago and never played it, I ended up starting it on a friday evening before a long weekend. My husband was out, I had a beer, no new games, and picked this one out of my steam library to try out. Within an hour I was starting to regret all social plans I had over the weekend, as I just wanted to play this game all weekend long. I really cannot recommend this enough to fans of both survival horror games and classic adventure puzzlers. It has been ages since I have been this captivated with a game.

It’s funny and absurd while still being tense and unnerving, with an engaging and lovable cast of characters supporting the game. The gameplay and story worked together in perfect harmony, nothing felt superfluous or like it dragged at all. Yes, there's some bizarre, kinda stupid stuff here, but it worked for me, and everything was just impressively well-balanced.

A few puzzles in this are challenging/unintuitive, but largely I don’t think you’d need a guide to solve anything. Without a guide though, you will likely miss a lot of stuff if you're moving along only where the central story is pointing you. This is a game that really requires a lot of unguided exploration to experience everything, and the completion of multiple endings to get the full story. I did one blind playthrough then went back and used a relatively spoiler-free guide to find everything I missed. This is a great game to replay/get all the achievements and endings for, as they all come together to help resolve the story.

Just fantastic.

I really enjoyed this game. I originally had it on my radar because the cover had me thinking of a Persona title and I was wanting something like that. When the game went on sale, I finally jumped on it. Not was this a great little gem. It's somewhat survival horror all in a surreal world with a lot to uncover and learn. All the characters were great, and the world was fascinating. I'd love to see more from this developer.

É um ótimo jogo num geral, o problema é que ele apresenta problemas tão bem e te deixa tão curioso sobre eles que a resolução acaba deixando um pouco a desejar

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surveillance guy my beloved <3

Me impressionou bastante, tem uma gameplay relativamente longa com vários finais e um terror interessante, super recomendo.

terrorzinho meio comédia divertido. em resumo foi tudo culpa do capitalismo e de feitiçaria