Reviews from

in the past

This game is alright. Moving through areas is very boring since they're so dull, and the combat gets kind of repetitive at times.

An interesting attempt to bring more classic Castlevania gameplay to 3D that falters once you realize that this game suffers from rampant copy and pasting of rooms. Still has the goofy Castlevania soul and delightful voice acting

Jogo OK. Tem problemas com repetição de cenários, backtracking chato, gameplay simples e músicas memoráveis. Interessante de se jogar pois é o primeiro na cronologia antiga de castlevania.

This game has too many fucking cutscenes

La ost muy chula pero perdi el save y encima el castillo era muy parecido, de los 3d el que mejor pinta tiene tho

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muito criticado por mudar o estilo metroidvania que tanto conhecemos, e bem eu nunca fui de dar spoiler, mas, que historia cativante, mesmo sendo muito cinematrográfica a morte de Sara para se sacrificar pelo poder do chicote me emociono, a reviravolta de Mathias me impressionou mesmo sendo um pouco "genérico". Esse Castlevania é viciante com um combate que você aprende rapidamente, sistema de Bosses muito bom, tirando a morte porque que boss chato. Eu poderia muito bem colocar 5 estrelas de boa e dizer que amei o jogo, mas tem coisas que não me agradou como a maldita câmera do jogo, quando eu estava no Walter ela me atrapalhou muito dificil de saber onde ele tá, e o level designer que cansa cenários muito repetitivos e passei 7 horas de total de gameplay indo e voltando para pegar itens, voltar e com isso continuar eu até iria fazer 100% do jogo porém cansei de ir e voltar mil vezes só para pegar item. Entrentanto Lament não é ruim, para um jogo de Castlevania para quem não gosta do clássico estilo é uma boa opção para quem quer conhecer a história do jogo (caso não saibam esse jogo narra os primeiros acontecimentos entre o conflito dos Belmonts e os Vampiros)

Very fun game never played a Castlevania other then this game though.

Definitely flawed, but a solid 3D Classicvania

No game has bored me to the point of agony like Lament of Innocence has. If any Castlevania game deserves the dishonorable title of walking simulator, it's this one.

Caminas, matas, una que otra vez haces un puzzle y ya.
Aquí termina mi reseña totalmente objetiva chicos, denle like, suscríbanse y deposítenme a mi BCP o conchetumare, que me están estafando pipipippi dracula me quiere estafar causa.

El Lamento de Inocencia "Peca" de mas o menos ser lo mismo durante todo el juego: Entrar a una zona, buscar la puerta del jefe y matarlo. a veces hay puzzles, a veces plataformeo.

Y pues me gusto, al pendejo que abandona cosas por nimiedades termino gustándole, deberá ser por que lo hizo bien.

Ahora juéguenlo o Moriré :(

Played this game a while back, so my memory is a tad fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure I liked it... with some slight annoyances.

Let's start with the negatives, though. If there are some things I'd criticize this game over, it would have to be a trifecta of stiff controls, awkward camera control, and the questionable platforming. In regards to the camera, normally it can be controlled, but the movement feels slow and restrictive. However, there are times when the camera is in a fixed position, which can cause its own problems in combat and exploration, just with how it's normally angled. Combat, though a little bit nuanced and classic feeling with heavier emphasis on sub-weapon use, also feels somewhat restricted, which is strange because it almost feels like this game is TRYING to take Ps and Qs from Devil May Cry (it's then gothic action competitor), but never really reaching those heights in style or dynamics. This isn't even getting into the fact that Leon, the player character, feels like he moves a tad slow, even if his animation portrays him running at a brisk pace. The platforming, while good on paper and makes sense with "Indiana Jones" style whip use, feels a bit too rough to be any fun, and doesn't even look that good when performed. Jumping also can be a bit dodgy, which isn't a good thing when dealing with platforming, and just as irksome when used in combat. I mean, sure, I got USED to how it works, but it didn't really make me enjoy it any better. These three issues hurt the gameplay in some way, with it being the norm that any given room would have 2 of the 3 problems happening at the same time in different combinations.

You'd think with a brick like the above would have me be rather sour towards the game, but honestly? While the gameplay is marred slightly, it's never to the detriment of killing the fun. It's still very much a Castlevania game, through and through, with a colorful and well realized assortment of demons and monsters to smack up with strategic swings of the whip and liberal use of sub-weapons. Exploration among gothic locations is fun, even if certain environments get a bit too repetitive (such as the underground waterways) and the platforming being annoying at it's worst. Boss fights are fun enough, though not exemplary. Also, the soundtrack is great, but that is a MUST for Castlevania games, honestly.

In regards to the story, it's a simple rescue/revenge story, and maps out the origin of the long standing war between Dracula and the Belmonts, before Dracula himself was a presence, as well as the origin of the holy whip, the Vampire Killer. It's fun, if a bit flat, and characters are over-the-top in a fun way. It's no high art, for sure, and I doubt people would write essays about it, but there's enough of a foundation here that could be expanded upon in the future, like how Castlevania 3 eventually got expanded upon via the anime.

All in all, it's a fun 3D Castlevania game that a fan wouldn't have a bad time playing now and then. I might even come back to it one day in the future, if only for the general gameplay and gothic aesthetic vibes.

If I someday encounter Iga in the streets I will punch that face until he apologizes to make that last map and the two last bosses.

This game kind of owns actually. I was ready for jank (and there was some here and there, this is a pretty early PS2 game after all), but not nearly as much as I'd expected.

We're so used to the right stick controlling the camera in third person games like this now, but I honestly think Lament of Innocence makes a solid argument for letting it do other things sometimes. The directed camera did a perfectly good job 99% of the time and using the stick to navigate items and equipment mid combat instead added some fun friction to an otherwise fairly repetitive (though still enjoyable) combat system. Exploration is fun and will be familiar to players who have seen Castlevania map screens before, but can suffer at times from a slow movement speed with little to speed up traversal through larger sections.

The plot is mostly pretty silly, but had at least a couple of interesting twists and turns, and honestly a series taking inspiration from classic monster movies like Castlevania does can stand to be a bit silly, so it's a welcome vibe. The bigger problem is the larger twist at the end that seemed to come almost completely out of nowhere, and since this twist has massive consequences for the entirety of the series, it's disappointing how little weight it carries for the player in the moment with how little was done to set it up.

Overall though, this game shines as an early example of 3D combat that games like Devil May Cry would go on to refine and has plenty going for it as a transition into 3D exploration as well.

I really like it, I appreciate what they tried, and while it's not the most exciting action game, it's still pretty fun today, and it has an incredible soundtrack.

El combate es repetitivo y los niveles son puros pasillos y cuartos rectangulares vacios. Me gusta el soundtrack.

It lacks combo diversity (I played it before Curse of Darkness).

Stellar experience, however it made me violently racist towards creatures of the night

Surprisingly fun, despite it's age.

Janky, but engaging.

I am so impressed by how well the igavania formula is translated into a 3D game, with more time and a bigger budget, this could have been the perfect 3D castlevania experience

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Neat Death design. It'd be cool if Mathias was in the game at all.

Not that too bad for an origin.
The flaws of the game are just basically the flaws I had with PS2 games in general.

gameplay medio poronga donde lo mejor son las sub weapons si no seria un embole, la camara es una cagada con angulos feos donde no podes ver bien los escenarios, lo mejor claramente es el soundtrack, igual lo disfrute, recomendado si sos un gordo castlevania

-mama podemos coger devil may cry de camino a casa?
-tenemos devil may cry en casa
el devil may cry en casa:

A pretty fun and simple hack n' slash Castlevania game that incorporates Search Action elements into the mix that were established in Symphony of the Night. My biggest gripe with the game is that there are frequently repeating rooms and long treks throughout the levels that make it seem very tedious, the game could have honestly used some better level design. The biggest highlight for me would def be the music though, what a fire soundtrack that continues the Castlevania vibe!

Castlevania is one of my favorite series (Even though I haven't played SotN yet), but they've been traditionally a 2D franchise, and its 3D games before this one varied from awful to barely passable. So I wasn't sure what to expect once I got to this. But as things turned out, it's not bad at all!

Sure, this game has aged a lot in some areas, it's a game from over 20 years ago. Main problems include the camera being fixed but not always looking at you, having only a few combos (Not great in a character action game) and little synergy between them, enemies having lots of clones and calling them new (With only one or two new attacks), and some annoying boss fights (Nothing unbearable until the last and the secret boss).

Other than those things, it's a solid game. Instead of being an RPG, Konami chose to make it a character action game, likely riding the Devil May Cry wave (Which I'm sure this game is inspired on). You still have level ups like in previous Castlevanias but it's less prevalent than before.

Gameplay is decent, and you're back to only using the whip and special attacks like in ye olden days, camera may be a drawback and platforming may be annoying sometimes, but overall it's not that bad. For the time it was made, I don't think this game looks bad at all, and places all have the looks and feels of a Castlevania.

That's an important fact: This game feels like Castlevania. The level design is simple and the "metroidvania" aspects aren't used as much as previous games, but from the art direction to the music (Which I really liked by the way) and enemies, it's very distinctly a Castlevania game. This is important, because Castlevania has an atmosphere that few games can replicate, even the sequel to this game, Curse of Darkness, while overall a superior experience, doesn't quite feel right for the franchise (In my opinion, of course).

It's quite a decent game for its time, and I enjoyed it, though by the end I was kinda glad I was done with it. If you like PS2-era character action games, or the Castlevania franchise, give it a try, it can be annoying sometimes but it's not a waste of your time.

SCORE: 6.5/10

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence hasn't aged well, but it's a good game at its core that is really a time capsule of the era it was produced in. I had a good time but I don't think I'd play it again because of that, and I think I would've gotten lost too often without a walkthrough. First game chronologically in the series!

Shout out to Leon Belmont for being a cool design too. "I'll kill you AND the night!"

Score: 81

Infelizmente, tive que abandonar. A arte e as músicas são muito boas mesmo, mas o resto é bem mediano. O combate, as áreas e os inimigos são bem repetitivos, e não encontrei muita motivação para seguir em frente. Apesar de tudo, o jogo não chega a ser ruim. Se você ignorar esses problemas, pode terminar.