Reviews from

in the past

Una de las mayores sorpresas del año sin lugar a duda, lo tiene todo, desde mecánicas originales usando el pincel, a unos puzzles correctos que acompañan a una historia tremendamente entrañable y una OST tremendisima que acompaña a un arte maravilloso.

Y la sorpresa de esos bosses terriblemente buenos usando las mecanicas del pincel es la guinda del pastel.

Emotional, Funny, and Charming.

A wonderful puzzle adventure game.

Una preciosidad de juego en todos los aspectos. Una aventura llena de puzles al más puro estilo Zelda, con la peculiaridad de que todo funciona a base de colorear lo que ves en pantalla.

Una historia maravillosa, acompañada de personajes igualmente maravillosos, que le da mil vueltas a ideas tan importantes como tu lugar en el mundo, tu identidad, el peso de la responsabilidad y la necesidad de tomarse un respiro de toda esa carga.

Diseño de niveles sencillo pero brillante, súper emotivo y único en muchísimos aspectos. No puedo recomendarlo más.


A gorgeous game in every way. A puzzle-filled adventure in a very Zelda-esque way, with the uniqueness of everything working around coloring what you see on your screen.

A wonderful story, accompanied by equally wonderful characters, that dives into ideas as important as your place in the world, your identity, the weight of responsibility and the need to take breaks from all that burden.

Simple yet brilliant level design, super emotional and unique in many ways. I can only recommend this game.

Fantastic. Truthfully, I wish there were fewer bossfights because they can drag a bit, but otherwise this is one of the most charming, endlessly sweet and sincere games of the year. Really, really appreciated how it handles impostor syndrome and creative anxiety as someone who frequently struggles with both.

Really, it should speak volumes that my wife and I, playing in co-op, painted every single bit of the game's world. Every tree, every shrub, every butterfly. We tripled the game's playtime because we really wanted to just hang out and make that world as bright and lovely as it deserved to be.

This was lovely. It's got rough edges all over (the platforming sucks, the dialogue lacks any subtlety, a complete lack of polish, etc) but it's such a warm, fuzzy game. I spent a good 3 hours total just sitting on screens that looked nice and colouring them in, even though it was completely superfluous. Making this world feel like a world again is such a satisfying loop that I wish the game took advantage of in more meaningful ways, instead of just using colour as a way to activate a spring, or something.

With that said though, the Metroidvania elements are excellent. The world design is top-notch, naturally moving you from place to place and prodding you to explore in really smart ways. Making clothing items a reward for exploring is always a good move, but the brush styles system is on a whole other level. A lot of them are pointless stamp things but the texture and tool ones are incredibly useful, and let you get even more creative and efficient with colouring.

All in all, it's really great. If I didn't have to waste a minute of my life trying to colour in certain objects because they didn't program the hitboxes correctly this would be a 9/10.

Great Story, wonderful creativity and puzzles.

Incredibly cute and heartwarming game. This type of game is not really my thing, but that speaks all the more to how good it is that even a miseryboots like me can get into it as much as I did. Spectacular soundtrack to boot.

;-; - i genuinely do have a lot more to say about this game but it's going to take me a while to sit with my feelings and write them down in some way (if ever!)

anyway you should buy and play it

It's cute. I think it's themes of depression and imposter syndrome are geared specifically to creative pursuits so it didn't quite land for me but I can see how it might be more effective for others.

you play as a dog with a paintbrush whats not to love

A heartwarming, emotional, and relatable story contained within fun and well-polished gameplay that uses the paint mechanics in all manner of fun ways!

مثل همیشه خلاقیت ـه که تو بازی های ایندی موج میزنه
رنگ کردن دنیا تو این بازی به شدت کیف میده
فقط با جوی استیک بازی کردن یخورده سخته تو این بازی و تاچ پد سوییچ و موس و کیبورد بیشتر پیشنهاد میشن

Que delicia en todos los aspectos. Se va a mi ranking de Indies favoritos de cabeza. Como única pega al jugarlo en Switch, el control por movimiento a veces se atasca.

coloring book game is emotionally relatable

Una delicia por la que dejarse llevar.
Sorprende en las mecánicas "pintables" de forma progresiva y conforme avanza la historia, la cual, por cierto, está cargadísima de sentimiento, salud mental, autocrítica e interioridad.
La banda sonora de Lena Raine acompaña de manera espectacular. Los dejes de Wandersong y Celeste permean todo el ambiente adorable y sentimental del juego. Lo mejor es que ese aspecto dulce nunca traspasa la línea de ser demasiado azucarado, pues trata las emociones que discute con toda la seriedad que se merecen. Esto tampoco significa que Chicory gire en torno a ser un discurso de autoayuda. Símplemente, lo hace más cercano y entrañable.

Chicory is a charming puzzle/adventure game with clever mechanics and level design, endearing characters and an emotional story.

The game has you take the role of a janitor working for Chicory, a kind of mystical official known as a wielder who is responsible for providing color to the game's world. At the outset Chicory and all of the color of the world have vanished leaving you to pick up her magical brush and solve the mystery of where the color has gone and the origin of strange black trees that have appeared throughout the world.

As the new wielder, the brush grants you the ability to color in your surroundings and earn new ways to interact with the paint, such as swimming in it a la Splatoon or using it to illuminate dark caves.

The core gameplay loop has you uspgrade the brush's powers and use them to solve environmental puzzles to navigate to the sources of the corruption infesting the world, obtain collectibles such as clothing for your character and new ways to paint with your brush and complete tasks for NPCs.

Puzzling can be a little dry in some of the early sections where your brush's powers are limited, but as you gain new abilities the game does an excellent job at introducing new mechanics that combine your skills in interesting ways and force them to think about them differently. The game also has an excellent tip system, reminiscent of Link's Awakening, if you find yourself stuck and one of my personal highlights was taking some time to backtrack and paint in areas I left blank to take a break from a puzzle that gave me some trouble.

There are no hostiles or combat outside of boss battles, which begin by simply having you swipe your brush over an enemy while avoiding their strikes but evolve mechanically with each encounter ultimately leading to some pretty stellar battles.

Outside of the gameplay, Chicory really shines in its writing and world building. All of the characters you encounter have memorable and endearing personalities and NPCs will often show up at shops or on random screens throughout the world to comment on how you've colored them in.

This all helps feed into the stellar story which offers commentary on the demands of being a public creative, as well as exploring your path in life and the impact you have on others.

All of this is underscored by an absolute banger of a soundtrack that emphasizes everything from tender emotional moments, the adrenaline of a boss fight, the spectacle of a big city and a reference to another popular game series that made me laugh out loud.

Chicory draws on the spirit of 2D Zeldas and other adventure games, combining those inspirations into a modern and polished package with a well implemented gimmick and satisfying gameplay mechanics.

Me gustó bastante más el Wandersong

I love discovering unique gameplay mechanics in indie games and Chicory succeeded by delivering some nifty painting gameplay that I can't recall seeing since the Epic Mickey series. The game is adorable and charming as can be. The beautiful colors and simplicity of the story with cure characters make it an experience that many will no doubt find relaxing. I spent much more time watching my two teenagers play than I did controlling the game myself, though, and I'm completely okay with that. I don't have the creative mind or desire to play around with colors in the way that they do. I just wanted to get from point a to point b, so while I can recognize how wonderful it is and how much people like them will adore the game, for me it wasn't a special experience or even one that stands out as particular memorable in fact.

The gameplay didn't continue to grab me despite the very cozy atmosphere and amazing soundtrack. Some of the mechanics were very unexpected and cool and I may give it another shot one day.

This game is so unapologetically cheerful and nice. Its story is pretty simple, but I like it. It forced me to draw things, and one of those things was the first drawing in my life I've ever been proud of. Lena Raine does a great job on the OST.

I was not expecting to love Chicory as much as I did. It's a combination of the heartfelt, emotional stories from games like Celeste, What Remains of Edith Finch, and The Beginner's Guide crossed with the gameplay and unique, ever-evolving ideas from the 2D Zeldas and Metroids (specfically A Link Between Worlds and Metroid: Zero Mission), all wrapped up in a mechanic that is straight out of Microsoft Paint. It's a wild combination, and though I don't draw, paint, or create much in visual arts, I loved being able to splash color everywhere and just make the black and white world come alive. Traversal is excellent, and the methodical progression of new movement and elements to exploration came at just the right moments. There are a surprising amount of side activities as well, from basic hidden outfits and collectibles, to entire side quests involving detective work, mailing letters, and taking art lessons. It scratched an itch I didn't know I had, and leaves me wanting so much more from this world. An absolute must-play.

Puro corazón, pero a nivel jugable...

- Todos los personajes son sumamente adorables y están genial escritos.
- Cada nueva habilidad del pincel te añade enormes posibilidades de exploración.
- El sistema de pistas (llamando a tus padres) es de las cosas más originales y simpáticas que he visto nunca.

- Los "combates" contra los "bosses" son demasiado simplones, tanto a nivel de rutinas como de control del personaje, y además no exigen nada del jugador.
- Los puzzles acaban haciéndose muy repetitivos.
- Que no te guste pintar prácticamente te imposibilita disfrutar de la mayor parte del encanto del juego.

I feel like this is a superb game, really inventive, and i'd really like to play it. however my brain absolutely despises it. Navigating this world feels like a chore, sadly. I do think this is highly personal tho, don't let it discourage you - this is bound to be exceptionnal from what i've seen of it.

This is the deepest coloring book I have ever played.

This review contains spoilers

Fun vibe and great soundtrack but really didn’t get on with the controls or the painting mechanic. Ditched about half way through. I’m the big labyrinth.

Ahora estoy muy a tope con cualquier juego de Finji. Pepino Cósmico.

No esperaba nada mas que un juego de puzles tontorron sin profundidad y me he encontrado una historia sencilla pero profunda y personajes carismaticos y queribles, un mundo con mucha vida y puzles sencillos pero divertidos

I'd had this on my list as it looked like a unique game similar to Hue or Wandersong, and I was not let down! At first I was worried that I'd have to color everything to be able to advance in the game, but once I'd gotten to the first encounter the game really hooked me. The writing was quite good, and the platforming was quite enjoyable, with a lot of collectibles to uncover. As someone who is but much of a visual artist, I still really enjoyed the game.