Reviews from

in the past

Cross between Hades/FTL, really good chilled vibes

Un roguelite deckbuilder fantástico que incorpora mecánicas propias con las habituales del género y ofrece una experiencia totalmente única y divertidísima.

Quizá le falta un poquito más de variedad en las runs. El bucle jugable es muy muy bueno, pero todas las partidas acaban siendo tan parecidas (más allá de cambios en las builds particulares de cada una) que da sensación de haberlo visto todo antes de realmente haberlo visto. Quizá, si hay alguna expansión o contenido adicional más adelante, lo revisite.

También esconde una historia sorprendentemente profunda y personajes muy simpáticos con interacciones muy divertidas, cosa que no esperaba y me ha sorprendido muy gratamente.

Si sois fans del género, dadle una oportunidad porque merece muchísimo la pena.


A fantastic roguelite deckbuilder that incorporates its own unique mechanics to the usual tropes of the genre and offers a completely unique and very fun experience.

It perhaps lacks a bit of variation in runs. The gameplay loop is very, very good, but all the runs end up being so similar (beyond changes in the particular builds for each one) that it feels like you've seen it all even if you haven't. Perhaps, if they release an expansion or additional content later, I'll revisit it.

It also hides a surprisingly deep story and very charming characters with really fun banter, which I didn't expect and really surprised me in a good way.

If you're fans of the genre, give it a chance, because it's absolutely worth it.

This is another deckbuilder I can manage. It's not the most complicated game, but there's a lot here to make fun builds off of. Playing in tandem with Balatro and there's a lot to enjoy in both the titles.
The vibe of Cobalt Core is spot-on. The music is excellent, and all of the remarks of the team you choose are hilarious. The game is fun too, I find that there's a lot to get out of this game if you want it to be super hard, and vice versa. Great!

One of my go to steam deck games. Although not as deep as some deck builders I’ve played, everything in this game was seemingly made with care, especially the meta progression post run.

Very cute deck builder rogue-like. Reminds me of FTL, Into the Breach and Slay the Spire. Starts to lack variety as time goes on, but it's still a hidden gem.

More enjoyable game design than Slay the Spire, more personality and character, less visual and audio design polish. Very enjoyable. This might be my new morning game for a while.

hardest shopkeeper in a roguelike but i found an infinite

Great game, very competent and purely fun riff on StS. I honestly loved the way it pulls from Slay the Spire fairly openly but also has an immediately obvious hook with every deck being 3 colors. The characters feel really distinct and the mechanics are satisfying and all feel deep enough.

oh i forgot to log this sorry. game of the year

really cute, deep roguelike cardgame. The deck building potential is there and feels great when you get a broken combo. The game is a little slow though and ultimately didnt stick with me.

A fantastic roguelike deckbuilder + tactics combo that is sort of like Slay the Spire with touches of FTL and Into the Breach.

A little light on content but that's not a knock against it. The writing is surprisingly good and the characters and art are fun and charming.

Hope to see more from this dev in the future.

Hews extremely close to Slay the Spire's formula, but that is hardly an insult. Presentation is a big step up from the last one of theirs I played. Everything loads instantly, bags of character, and there are dozens of mechanics to bite into.

This review contains spoilers

Great Deckbuilder/Sci-Fi roguelike! has very likeable characters, a large variety of loadout options. Main downside is that some character combinations feel like they're not viable at the higher difficulties.

While it's a bit more shallow mechanically than deck builders like Slay the Spire or Monster Train, Cobalt Core makes up for it with charm, great writing, and some interesting ship mechanic variety. Each character has a lot of fun clever dialogue and enough card variety to make each run unique. While it felt a bit repetitive to get all of the memories and unlock the final ending, the finale is really cool and worth the time required.

Cobalt Core is an absolute delight. It's Slay the Spire meets FTL, and that should sell you on its premise right at the gate.
If you're still skeptical then hear me out. (Minor spoilers)

It's a deck-builder set in a space time-loop. You pick three characters to set up your starting deck along with a ship and try to make it through three stages to reach the end. At the end of each loop, depending on which characters you play with, you can unlock memories for one of the characters on your ship.

I feel like the writers and I have the exact same sense of humor because the dialog in the game is perfect. They got me laughing at loud multiple times - I especially love Peri's second memory. IYKYK. The game strikes a good balance between absurdism and seriousness that's really difficult to pull of and I think they landed it with flying colors. There are a couple of 'oh shit' story moments too that hit me harder then they should have, don't you worry.

There are a wide variety of cards and mechanics that keep you on your toes. I managed to hone in on a number of good strategies, and each of them felt satisfying when they hit.

If I could be a little bit critical, there are definitely characters that stand out above the rest. If I want to win, I take Riggs, I think she's nuts. If I want to have a hard time, I take Max or Books. The later don't feel like they can do too much on their own, which is fine, but sometimes I end up removing all of their cards in a run just to make my deck more consistent.

Additionally, I won't lie, the game is pretty easy. After getting some strategies down, Normal difficulty became a matter of 'how' and not 'if' I was going to win. Some people have said they beat the game first try, and I can see that. There are harder difficulties however, that make parts of your ship weaker and add bricks to your deck that make things more difficult. I say, if you're looking to have fun, do Normal, and if you're looking for a challenge, crank the difficulty lever to Max and ban Riggs from your ship. That'll get you sweating!

The soundtrack needs a shoutout as well. Aaron Cherof did great, the leitmotifs are banger and the beats are bumpin. The Dreadnought theme is my favorite and it's definitely finding its way onto my playlists.

So yeah, don't sleep on Cobalt Core or Rocket Rat Games. I'm gonna keep my eyes out for whatever these guys do next because this was great and I'd love to see more from them.

tres cool, des mecaniques jamais vu

I've logged a few wins under my belt at this point and feel like it's safe to say that if you liked slay the spire you should play this. It's more complex tactically and uses the (very good) Hades trick of tying story progression to wins in the game.

Great design, cool characters. Just didnt sink its teeth into me like some similar games have

For a run based game with multiple characters, the runs themselves often end up feeling very similar. The drip feed of story is well done and does help differentiate the game. And I do actually enjoy the mix of card gameplay with ship tactics, it just feels a bit thin quicker than I would have hoped.

very fun roguelike deckbuilder with great soundtrack and vibes, took me a while to complete a run especially since i'm new to the genre but it's very entertaining

I’ve beaten the boss twice and each time, I feel like a god.

The music is brilliant and the art is cute and the writing is really funny and the conceit feels right for the gameplay.

When I play a roguelike deckbuilder, the question I always ask myself is "would I rather just play Slay the Spire?". Usually the answer after a couple runs is yes, but Cobalt Core is a rare exception. It helps that it's clearly not a forever game, instead more of a Hades, where it is a straightforward story with an ending in the guise of a roguelike. It helps even more that it's extremely capable as a deckbuilder, using a lot of the fundamentals of StS but twisting it with a positioning system that actually works for once in this genre, and some really unique ways to switch up your runs. And then it's wrapped in the same charming character design, legitimately funny writing, and banger OST as its predecessor Sunshine Heavy Industries. Between that and this, I'm a forever fan of Rocket Rat, and will check out anything new they put out sight-unseen.

Pra quem curtiu Slay the Spire e cansou de clones sem alma esse pode ser o jogo pra você. Combate muito interessante, história intrigante e uma regionalização para PT/BR que faz inveja pra jogos AAA, acho que esse jogo só peca um pouco pra mim pela dificuldade (terminei a história toda sem perder uma run sequer).

Me sorprendio muchisimo para bien, excelente juego, muy carismatica historia y perfecto balance de las cartas
Super recomendado

Slay the Spire (deckbuilding, card play, map) meets Into the Breach (graphics, tactics, movement, time-repeat, pilots) with a dash of Galaxy Trucker (theme, encounters, ship parts). What's not to love?

Perhaps a lack of content after a few hours of play, and although the characters and the deck building around them is variable enough, they don't feel that different from each other.

If the creators continue to add content, this has unprecedented potential. If they don't, that's reprehensible, as the gameplay loop here is better built and more engaging than the vast majority of genre-related games. And there have been countless of them in recent years.

Cobalt Core is fantastic, it really took me by surprise. I don't consider myself a Roguelite Deckbuilder fan, but this game is so engaging and fun it might've made me one. Piloting a ship along a single dimension with turn-based combat is such a cool concept. Bobbing and weaving inbetween bullets and lasers while firing off potshots with your cards is awesome, and the game makes you feel good for doing it. The fundamental mechanics are so simple and easy to pick up, I'd forgive you if you didn't recognize the huge potential skill ceiling the game has. The amount of creativity and build variety available is incredible. Between the game's cast of 8 characters and 5 ships, each with their own unique playstyles, you can formulate some absolutely diabolical builds. Aside from the gameplay, the visuals and sounds are also great. The pixel art is very well done, and I really enjoyed the music - intense when it needed to be, but not overpowering so you can slow down and think in tense moments. The characters are well designed, and the story is cute and pretty concise. The writing gets a little lol xd random on occassion, overall though I really appreciated the humor, and just the dialogue in general. Alongside the "memories" you're working to recover in-game you get to know each character little by little, and the ending was genuinely touching. Overall, the amount of content here isn't quite infinite, but I think it's easily worth the $20 price tag to support an indie developer. My only thought regarding balance is that it's a little too easy to get an Exodia with Books, she is totally mental even on the highest difficulty. Honestly though, this isn't even really a complaint, it's fun. It's possible my inexperience with the genre is blinding me to the game's flaws, and if so, then so be it. All I know is that I like Cobalt Core, a lot.

Divertente, ma slay the spire ha completamente rovinato la percezione di tutti questi titoli

Cobalt Core is primarily similar to slay the spire, while mixing in some elements from FTL. You may choose 3 pilots which all have different card sets, and choose ships which all have different gimmicks.

The game doesn't have as many artifacts as slay the spire, and the builds are a lot less interesting. But the game does add complexity with its ship combat. You must maneuver your ship out of harm's way, or have drones block the damage, or stun the part of the ship that's attacking you.

This one is for slay the spire fans who liked ftl, not the other way around. good game, but i wish it retained some of the flexibility of slay the spire's gameplay

Adding simple positioning mechanics to a deskbuilder was a stroke of genius, and what can I say, I'm a sucker for adorable furries and goofy dialogue. Would put it up there with Slay The Spire as one of the "canon" deckbuilder games everyone with interest in the genre should play.