Reviews from

in the past

Why is this not held at the same high regard as the original? It's not that much of a departure but I find myself playing this game more often due to its more interesting environments and set pieces.

Jogava bastante, mas nunca zerei.

Recuerdo que me gustó más que el primero, no recuerdo mucho más.

Just as good as the first one. A little more ambitious but its more of the same. This game is quite rare and very expensive so leave the physical cartridge to the collectors. If you like the first game, then give this a try I promise you'll love it.

They Weren’t Lying. That Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Really Be 2. This one is even more iterative than DuckTales 2, as it didn't even add any new mechanics, but… it's fine? The long and unskippable cutscenes were boring, but again… it's fine!

A nice little upgrade over the first game. While the gameplay is mostly carried over, it looked a little better, had better bosses and tighter level design than the first title while keeping the cheerful audiovisuals from the first.

A pretty good platformer and a good sequel to the first game. The game isn't very difficult, but the levels are fun and varied, the graphics look really good, and the music is great. The bosses are a big improvement over the predecessor, instead of using the same formula with throwing a ball, sometimes you'll need to used the bosses' attack against them, and even then the patterns are simply more interesting. However they tend to take too long to beat, especially the final boss with some wait between attacks.

Overall I think this is a great game. While not very long or difficult it's still pretty enjoyable, and it's probably even more so in co-op like the predecessor, especially with some co-op exclusive minigames. I think this is a worthy sequel to the original game.

Ótimo jogo! As mecânica são idênticas às do primeiro jogo. Mais um jogo obrigatório para quem quer experimentar o que o NES tem de melhor.

Muito bom se comparado ao 1. Superior em gráfico, som e "dificuldade". Vale a pena zerar os dois em dias próximos porque a jogatina é única.

Really good sequel to the first game, it had some great memorable bosses, levels and music.

The Disney Afternoon Collection. Часть 6. Disney's Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (1993)

Вот и подошла к концу пятилетняя "полуденная" коллаборация Disney и Capcom, ограничившаяся шестью играми. Да, второй сиквел подряд. Ситуация идентична Утиным Историям, поэтому повторяться не стану. Вкратце, такой же бездушный самоповтор. Жалкая пародия на оригинал, но со своими нюансами. Как и в утках можно отметить лишь единичные сподвижки в лучшую сторону, но без излишек. Как например более персонализированные боссы и более интерактивные битвы с ними.
Но не могли Capcom не подложить свинью напоследок, на прощание. Пожалуй, никто не будет спорить, как легко давались первые Чип и Дейл, даже несмотря на условные ограничения. Пройдёт и стар, и млад. Но сиквел решил выделиться. На всю игру даётся лишь 3 "continue", число неизменно. Дополнительные жизни получить можно только в бонус стэйджах между уровнями, и то если повезёт попасть мячом куда надо. Видно творческую импотенцию решили компенсировать доминацией над игроком, эксплуатируя злополучную формулу отката игры к самому началу. И правда, зачем стараться над своим творением, если можно заставить смаковать его бесчисленными перепрохождениями?
Финальный босс сосёт. Я всё сказал.

As one of the last games on the NES, it is considered one of the rarest and most expensive game on the system, and despite it's rarity, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 just isn't worth the price tag. Not that it's bad as it just isn't as remember-able or as good as the original game was.
Rescue Rangers 2 has a lot of updated graphics and even new cutscenes to help make for a better story, but what gets me the most about it is just how much it just feels like playing through Mega Man stage as a Disney character with Disney-esque enemies. In the original game there was a nice sense of scaling and while there is some of that here, mostly in the first level, the rest of the game is left to be desired. It's not entirely to the point where this game breaks atmosphere, but it's still there to the point you question every now and again why Chip and Dale are doing these actions.
Thankfully with the Disney Afternoon collection, you do get this game along with the original, and for a 15$ price tag, makes it all the more worth it to try. Rescue Rangers 2 still has all the old mechanics of the original, and the ability to co-op is still one of the best things about this game, but just don't expect it to be any better because it's technically worth more.

I only played this once or twice but even then I remember thinking. This is just Chip and Dale 1.5. It's not a bad thing by any means.

Just more of the same. That's not a bad thing, just makes this rather forgettable.

Better than the first game, funny and Challenger

(Disney afternoon collection)

Um jogo super divertido se tiver uma dupla mas que por algum motivo caiu no esquecimento

I beat this on the day the movie came out! Anyway this is honestly an improvement on the first! The boss fights have more variety, the controls feel smoother, and it feels more grounded. The story flows better and that gave me more motivation to keep playing. I liked the structure of it where it felt more like an actual story than moving from zone to zone like the first. I still really love the first game and loved that format, but I liked this better. I didn't expect to like this game more but somehow I did. The final boss is a bit underwhelming but it's still fun to play. The ending felt a bit ambiguous but I still liked it. I wish there was one more level after the final boss just with how the game was going after that but overall it's still a lot of fun. It's more fun with the Rescue Rangers and for that I owe it a lot!

Licensed games are interesting. They can be based on movies, they can be based on shows, they can even be based on McDonald's. In some rare cases, they can even be games made with plans to get a cartoon/movie based on them (Tak).

All of these have one thing in common (besides the fact that they're based on existing properties). The stigma surrounding them, that all licensed games are "garbage". Don't get me wrong, a lot of these games ARE garbage, but so are a lot of games in general. It's not about what it's based on that counts, it's about what you do with it. This game and others in the Disney Afternoon game catalog are proof of this. Want more? The surprisingly good racing game based on Cars 2 of all movies. Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, a collectathon that's legitimately up there with the all-time greats in that subgenre.

I've never been the biggest fan of the C&D duology, but the level of care put into both games shows that licensed video games don't HAVE to be bargain bin garbage.

Sabe aquele platformer que não é particularmente difícil, mas no final de um determinado nível tem Aquele Pulo™ que te faz perder todas as vidas e ter que refazer o estágio infinitas vezes? Agora imagine que esse platformer tem vidas e continues limitados, e você tem que refazer o jogo todo para chegar nessa seção problemática de novo - e rezar para que, dessa vez, você consiga passar dela. Não que seus pedidos valerão muita coisa; na fase seguinte, lá no finalzinho, pode ter certeza que vai ter Aquele Pulo™ de novo. O meu inferno grego é basicamente eu ter acesso a todos os platformers da história, mas todos terem Aquele Pulo™ e vidas limitadas. Chip 'n Dale 2 com certeza está lá.

Tipo, é basicamente o 1° jogo com progressão direta de fases, não tem nada de muito diferente além das fases em si e a trilha sonora. Dou 3,5 porquê a Capcom não mudou nada além disso.