Reviews from

in the past

Very addictive gameplay and a little bit of story.

I missed some good ol' Half-Life run and gun action, and this one mod delivered on that. Playing as a Metrocop sadly makes you feel badass for a while tearing through the rebels. But it had its issues that of course sets it apart from the official product:

1.- Level design can sometimes get tricky, it doesn't really show you its core ideas to puzzles and stuff so when everything has the Citadel architecture slapped everywhere, it's kind of hard to identify some important puzzle pieces (like the holes you need to shoot your AR2 pellets into)
2.- Sometimes it can be unfairly hard. By design or just by enemy placement, there's the likeliness that you'll just die by a turret or an enemy that you left behind, making this a tough as nails mod for a bit, but it leaves me to the next point.
3.- Boss fights and others can feel like bullet sponges, will not say the ones that there are but when they are they have some sort of gimmick or have so much health that it doesn't feel like it makes a difference most of the times.
4.- That DAMN Metrocop mask for a flashlight is an eyesore, jesus fucking christ I hate seeing light blue for an extended period of time, and then go back to seeing flares in total darkness, and then a combination of the both.

Good thing is that it has some replayability, with the sequel coming out and with achievements, I guess that did a favor to this mod. However, I beat the game in Bad Cop difficulty and they didn't give me my achievement, and I'm pretty mad about that so I'll do nothing about it.

boss fights are kinda ass ngl

bitirmedim ama hf benzeri bişi arayanlar bakabilir

Good fast-paced action, well done atmosphere and some descent puzzles. Liked it more than original HL2 honestly.

mediocre start, enjoyable middle, awful ending. not narratively, i liked it throughout narratively but i really really hated the final challenges to the point that it tanks my entire opinion of the game. really really frustrating ending, the beginning is a bit weird with its amateurish map design and odd challenge pacing, but when it kicks into gear later on its really fun.
still, not great.

The first half was AMAZING, but it really dwindled in the second half and just ended up becoming boring. but the ending was good, so it gets 4 stars.

Really enjoyed my time with Entropy Zero. The new perspective as a metro cop alongside Bad Cop’s no shits given personality felt fresh after playing all of the half life games. The only thing holding it back for me is some confusing level design and weird boss fights. Still worth a playthrough

Great mod for HL2 would highly recommend for any Half life fans

As a mod this is above average and pretty decent, although a little lacking considering how new it is, feeling content wise really dated but polish wise really good.

Gameplay is pretty solid as is the course for a mod just lifting Half Life 2's combat, but the balance changes are pretty awful, everyone dies really fast but that includes you and it makes combat either trivially easy or just getting nuked in 1 second (mostly the former) and the manhacks are just a poor addition, they're either doing nothing or completely destroying the AI by taking their attention forever ruining any ambush, later on they introduce a mechanic where at random you start to suffer from an infection, utterly horrible and slows the repetitive areas later in the game to a crawl, and it also heals you, as well as the suit chargers becoming supercharged later on, making the inclusion of the med stations absolutely pointless?

Level design is pretty solid in the first act of the game outside of some lack of direction and annoyingly constant invisible walls, but once you get past the first act it gets worse and worse and worse, walking through the dark without your flashlight/night vision in an area filled with Zombines ready to instantly kill you with a swing once they pop around a corner, and then doing the same thing but now you have to escort a Stalker, and then just chains of confusing and uninteresting puzzles, culminating in the 3 part chain of boss fights, each one of them terrible in their own ways.

First one is just boring, just a hunter that can barely hit you, but you have to fight it on a straight line as half the time if you walk on any part of the platform it falls underneath your feet and you die instantly.

Second one is another fight with the hunter, but now in a weird arena with pointless traps that either deal no damage or are pointless to avoid as they're in an area that is of no value to enter, but then becomes insanely frustrating as if you drop to low health getting to the health station now becomes impossible due to the low DMG trap seemingly never disabling after activation.

Third one takes the cake for the worst of all, just a large arena where you shoot a pulse rifle bomb into 1 of 3 pipes, jump over 2 lasers 5 times and then stand on a platform for a few seconds, and then repeat that two more times, and the ACTUAL final boss starts, a Vortiguant that deals a lot of damage in an arena constantly damaging you but dies in 2 shotgun clips.

Story is pretty boring, it doesn't step on the fingers of any existing canon which is nice, but the main character is incredibly unlikable just being a generic metro-cop who due to not dying instantly like his NPC partners, gets to act like an irritating Duke Nukem wannabe, anything interesting is told only during the first act in the Rebel base and almost entirely through exposition written on walls, who conveniently the player character ruthlessly murders with their only responses being shitty one-liners.

Unless the sequel mod proves me wrong, I don't think this developer is the best choice for an overall designer on a fan mod or game BUT should continue refining their level design skills as they've got a lot of talent in the first act, outside of the puzzles and invisible walls it was almost Valve quality.

This mod by itself is decent but nothing special but what it created was incredible

An interesting mod that now serves as setup for an astonishingly amazing mod.

i has some cool ideas in the beginning but really drags in the back half.

É um jogo bom, mas a lore não é tão explorada e as músicas não me foram tão marcantes. Mas ah... O entropy zero 2. Esse sim é bom.

The first 2 chapters were really good but the last 2 really dragged, I've heard Entropy Zero 2 is better though gonna play that soon

provavelmente um dos melhores mods half-lifers, mesmo sendo bem curto

A short and sweet Half-Life mod that almost feels official, which is saying a lot. That final fight is ass what were they thinking

This game makes you feel like an utter sociopath. The funny thing is that you're not some edgelord who spews out nihilistic garbage. You're a cop with deadpan delivery.

fun hl2 mod, but as the other reviewers have said, the end levels are quite a pain to get through, especially that final bossfight

Has a lot of fun moments however when it sucks it really sucks. Atmosphere is always on point though

It's pretty neat fan modification for Half-Life 2, even more than that - it gives me what I was wondering about - how would gameplay from Combine POV would look like? Defenitely something that you should try (it's free, so just invest your time).

Interesting concept and well-designed environments. Unfortunately some combat segments were a bit too tough for me and final boss ended up feeling very unfair and unreasonably difficult

Has the encounter design you'd expect from a mod

One of the better story driven Half-Life 2 mods out there. You play as a combine soldier (or "Metrocop" I guess) and you have to single-handedly fight against the rebellion. Simple premise, but the storyline is good, and the gameplay is rather enjoyable. The main issue I had was that I got so lost at two separate points in the game that I had to no clip my way around to try to figure out were I was supposed to go. Maybe that's just a skill issue I have, and my monkey brain is just too dumb to figure things out regularly, but I'd still recommend playing through this game at least once.

Pretty good half life 2 mod. Lost a star because the boss at the end was quite annoying.

Bosses suck, otherwise fine-ish.
Lacks good direction sometimes.

Awful level design, ok outside of that.

its ok? i guess? it starts off really well. its at its peak when you're fighting the rebels but then you get thrown into the abandoned railroad with all of your weapons gone and then you're forced to defend a slow ass stalker in complete darkness for 10 minutes and then vortigaunts start showing up and you fight the worst final boss in an fps game. ill cut the devs some slack, its clear a lot of love was put into this mod and i did enjoy it at the begging but holy shit the latter half of this game gets so bad.

its alright. the parts where you kill the rebels are really fun even if it isn't too well designed. after that... well... yikes...

it probably has some of the most unnecessarily confusing puzzles ever and the worst final boss I've ever fought. also?? what even was happening. we learn NOTHING about the blue vortigaunts so we're left confused with what we even went up against.

there's also dialogue from the protagonist which i really appreciate in the sequel but honestly feels strange and out of place here.

i definitely recommend it to people who want to get into Half Life 2 mods, other than that you can just kinda skip to the sequel and watch a story recap online or something.