Reviews from

in the past

This game felt almost like a sequel to FF1, the expanded job system was super fun and all the hidden rooms/secrets throughout the game made me look forward to each new area. Cool and simple story, neat characters, and an amazing soundtrack.

I have always disliked FF3 but this is easily my favorite version of the game and actually made me enjoy it the whole way though maybe because of the difficulty changes it felt more balanced than the 3ds remake

The first attempt to a fully-fledged, interchangeable class-based system for the series, and a much more polished game than its predecessors.
While I tend to have a softer spot for the first entry over this one, it's difficult to deny it's the best entry in the series up to this point. One of the greatest JRPGs on the NES.

More like peaksel remastered haha lol

pretty much the best way to play the original version of FF3, some QoL changes here and there, a new remastered soundtrack which is really good, auto saving and quick saving, and being able to return to them after dying makes the game a much smoother experience, especially during the crystal tower/world of darkness.

This game was a lot of fun, way more than I was expecting. It has it's issues, the end game can burn and I'm not a fan of the fact that they brought the spell charges back for this, but outside of that, this was a good time. The world was fun to go through, the job system was fun, really glad the pixel remaster gets rid of the whole job sickness thing, the world was mostly fun to go through outside of the end game areas, although and this might be because of the remaster but the crystal tower wasn't the worst thing ever, the cave of shadows was probably my least favorite area and those bosses in the world of darkness weren't that fun either. Other than that this game was fun. Now on to FF4 with me.

Hey, it's FF3. If your job system were only slightly better, you'd be a much better game. Thank God for FF5.

Only recommended to jRPG historians.

I was so happy to finally get to play a proper version of this game after so many years. The original III was the best in the Famicom trilogy, but it was still jank enough that it warranted official revisitation.... that it never got. The only times it even came to the west was from an english rom hack and a half baked DS remake. When these pixel remasters came out, this is the one I was most excited about, because it deserved its due.
And it was well worth the wait! Like the other pixel remasters, this is largely 1-1 with the originals, with plenty of modern quality of life improvements. This is a stellar game. The world, the plot, the characters, and everything else are well fleshed out. Its the only Famicom game that ever surprised me, and I never expected to cry. This is definitely one of my favorites, and the upcoming release for consoles has got me excited!!

Final Fantasy III feels like the game where the series started to find its feet. It's the best of the NES/Famicom games, feeling in many ways like a refinement of the first game and eschewing the failed experimentation of the second game.

It's still kind of basic. There are recurring NPCs and they give one of the villains a kind of puzzling backstory, which is more than Garland or the Emperor got, admittedly. It's still pretty much paper-thin though and since this is a remake of the 2D version, the player characters go back to being generic rather than the unique named characters of the 3D version. It's an improvement over the first two games though, and not really bad for an 8-bit game.

The job system is new to this game and is a generally ok to good first outing for it. That you can't combine jobs like in FFV is a knock on it, and the game has a tendency to force, or at least heavily encourage, certain classes for some bosses or dungeons. It is at least nice enough to provide some NPC who will basically give you the answer when this comes up, but the system feels punitive. A really good job system promotes experimentation and ingenuity, but the lack of subclassing or borrowing other class commands removes the fun of finding synergy between classes, and the class forcing feels like a heavy-handed way of forcing the use of certain jobs, some of whom are honestly not very good outside of the one niche role the game gives them (looking at you, Scholar).

The Pixel Remaster does at least let you switch jobs freely, without penalty, which is nice.

Dungeon design is tighter and a big step up from the meandering dungeons of the first game and the awful trap room gimmick present in many of the second game's dungeons. If I had a complaint, it's that the dungeons are a bit unspectacular, but, again, 8-bit game, and they are at least fairly breezy most of the time.

The game doesn't pull punches and towards the end even basic enemies can hit pretty hard. It definitely rewards exploration more than the other games, offering a handful of optional dungeons that are presumably intended to be used to get some levels in as the difficulty curve spikes upwards. I admit I did some grinding to just overlevel most stuff, but if I hadn't, I feel like I'd have had quite the challenge.

I will say as well that much of my exposure to III has been through XIV, which has incorporated and adapted much of III's Crystal Tower arc into its own lore, so it was definitely interesting to see the inspiration and compare it with XIV.

III also has some fantastic music and as with the other Pixel Remasters, the soundtrack gets a big glow-up along with the nicer graphics and QoL features like auto/quick save, autobattle, a map button etc.

Overall, III is solid. It's the first of the Final Fantasy games where the series starts to hit its stride and feel good on its own, rather than as some exhibit of gaming history. It's still dated, of course, and there's little in here that hasn't been done better by other games in its own series (let alone other JRPGs), but it's a relatively short and fun ride.

Easily the best of the NES-era FF games, and this is easily the best version of FF3. Job system is still fun as hell even though it's annoying how it forces you to use certain jobs at times.
Also, the new soundtrack is super good.

Ok I was too harsh on this initially, the game is fun throughout most of it, it feels like a neat adventure, but that final dungeon is terrible. I do not grind in most games, I hate grinding, and I did not have to grind at all in this game until the final dungeon, which just has an absolutely massive level spike which spoils the whole experience for someone like me.


2. oyunda beceremedikleri build özgürlüğünü burda becermişler, arada grindı yine baysa da keyifli oyundu

I've tried to complete the FFIII 3D remake for years, which I always dropped because that shit is difficult af. But thanks to this remaster, I was able to beat it, and I had a LOT of FUN, and the MUSIC is AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL, and it looks very PRETTY, and I LOVED IT.

best NES era final fantasy, although it's generic af.

Immense improvement over the first 2 games, the mini sections are annoying and the lack of tents/ethers/cottages is very weird, but it's a pretty good game.

Pretty much a step-up from FF1 in every way.
It's a cool, high fantasy game coming from the late 80s/early 90s about saving the world, with a cool sense of adventure, as the party both goes to cool places and meets new characters along the way, some of them even join them for a bit, and even tho they might not help in battle, they help in pushing the story forwards. Gives the story some characterization, even if the party of WoLs is a characterless blob itself, for all intents and purposes, the WoLs don't even need names. Oh well.

The gameplay also sees evolution, as the roster of jobs has grown to 20+ jobs throughout the game, will some being better than the others. Nonetheless, the number of available jobs gives the player better control of the game. It's worth noting that the PR version removes any penalties for changing your jobs, and you may do so at your own will.

Personally, I've found the game a bit on the easier side. Apart from some of the main and optional bosses, I breezed through the game with autoattacking/autobattling, all job having the ability to dual-wield weapons is kinda op, even mages' melee attacks would be enough for overworld mobs tbh.

Shame this version doesn't have any optional juiced up/ superbosses, similar to the FF3D Iron Giant.

FF3 PR has all other QoL improvements present in the game, the eight-directional movement, new music arrangements, and really well-done sprite work (the WoLs blend in just right tbh) enriched with some modern shaders/post-processing. The gameplay is really nice.

FF3 PR is probably the most accessible way to play Final Fantasy 3 nowadays. Sadly as it's with the other FF PR versions it's only available on PC and iOS/Android would be cool if Square released them on the PS4/5, Xbox One/Series, and the Switch.

I've played the game on the SteamDeck and can report that I haven't found any problems with it during my time with it (20 or so hours) on that platform.

Final Fantasy III Pixel Remaster

No me ha gustado mucho, igual que el 1. La trama me gusta más la del 2, y no hay conversaciones entre protagonistas ni nada.

La OST sí que es la hostia. El sistema de jobs, está bien.


El mes que viene el IV #1Month1FF

Very cute little remaster. It was a short experience, but an enjoyable one.

I played this game solely from my desire to play through every mainline Final Fantasy game. This game has a very interesting job system. I think this game has very good music, however I may be biased as some of this music is used in FFXIV which I have played before this game. The story is just okay, but the gameplay isn't bad considering the era the game is from.

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Characters and story are light, a bit more fleshed out than Final Fantasy I. Interesting nod to castle in the sky with the floating content. Game that introduced many FF tropes like summons, classes and Moogles. Using mini on yourself is cute but only the first time. Variety of ships is a plus and feels gratifying.

End game dungeon is tedious even in pixel remaster, cloud of darkness final boss is not fun and just a bad fight of 2 heal 2 attack. Intro is very blunt. Nitpicking now, Sometimes enemies attack only one character, reviving them then immediately KO again gets frustrating.

OST is the best so far chronologically, favourites are Eternal Wind, The village of Ur, The Nepto Shrine, The living forest, Chocobos!, Gysahl Greens, Battle 2, Amur, Swift Twist, Doga and Unei, The Invincible, The Dark Crystals

Really neat game, it takes what made FF1 good and adds to it. Easily the best game of the NES trilogy.

Abandons all of the weird things Final Fantasy II tried to do and instead improves upon the original game in every way. The story's still pretty simple, with your party being a weird hivemind instead of defined characters, but the dungeons are leaps and bounds better and the new job system is a ton of fun to mess around with. The fact that you aren't penalized slightly for changing jobs in the PR of FFIII makes it, in my opinion, the best version to play

This game feels like a masterpiece compared to playing Final Fantasy II right before. It fixes all the annoyances I had about II.
The story still isn't particularly strong, and the final dungeons go back to being pretty bullshit, but overall I had a good time.

I kinda missed the FF2 leveling system after this game but this was more fun in general tbh.