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in the past

É, a única melhora foi nos gráficos mesmo, na iluminação, nos cenários e tal. Os personagens continuam com a movimentação torta, com o visual desproporcionado parecendo bonecos de plástico. Remaster terrível, lamentável.

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Where this Grand Theft Auto trilogy, over the years, has amassed a legendary status, Rockstar unfortunately manages to put an end to it all at once with this so-called definitive edition. The games are very sloppy and seem to be stuck together behind the scenes with duct tape. The many crashes, bugs and glitches make the games almost unplayable at times. Someone who really wants to relive their youth with these classics will find enough to love with a big pair of rose-tinted glasses, but any other player should better leave this trilogy for now until Rockstar has thrown a lot of patches over it.

Read the full review here (Dutch):

I think the biggest selling point for this is just the fantasy of becoming a crime lord. Most missions where kinda meh for me (with some exceptions), and while you do buy properties and I can only think of 2 meaningful improvements these give you (fast cars and a helicopter). I may be asking for a lot but I feel like adding more substantial gameplay changes as you gain more control of the city could've made progression feel much more satisfying. Safe havens don't really do anything since escaping the police is always piss-easy.

However, I did find myself enjoying the simple story, as well as just Vice City as an environment (driving around to get to know the city was great). I also don't think the graphics are that atrocious, but they aren't good. If I had the opportunity to play the OG on PS now I would've done that instead of playing this one. Thankfully I didn't experience any major glitches, despite these definitive editions supposedly being known for them.

Overall GTA: Vice City was an enjoyable experience, but it left me expecting more. Hopefully San Andreas or other more recent entries can satisfy me.

Rejugar estos títulos tantos años después te hace darte cuenta de lo bien que han vivido en la memoria colectiva. Los considero juegos buenos y disfrutables aún en 2022, pero sí creo que no están ni de lejos a la altura que se les pone normalmente. Me parecen juegos muy superados (es normal) pero también excesivamente simplones, como cualquier Grand Theft Auto al fin y al cabo. De la remasterización de 2021 ya he completado este y GTA: San Andreas y con ambos he tenido la misma sensación, aunque con San Andreas en muchísima menor medida. Con el segundo sí creo que su memoria le hace justicia.

En otro orden, las remasterizaciones sigue siendo muy pobres pese a las actualizaciones que han ido metiéndoles. Es una lástima que no hayan aprovechado para hacerles finalmente una puesta a punto que no les vendía nada mal.

Remaster played surprisingly well, despite the following, initial problems:

1. The fact that this was a Unreal Engine port from the original (Rockstar stopped using RenderWare, as it had been bought out by EA) means that some of the bugs from the original were never patched. They were eventually fixed, but only after being taken off of shelves.

2. Licensing issues with the music results in nonsensical stops and starts because they lost the code (I think) to transition songs. This is a problem for all GTA games, because their licenses were only for a limited time. However not doing anything more involved to make it less noticeable is regrettable.

Visually, the remaster resulted in Vice City looking real nice, though flying is a bit more stiff than it was in the real game. A shame the remaster didn't add much original to the plate, but I guess it's because of the workload.

Nunca joguei o original então não tenho a exata noção de como ele era mas sinto que não envelheceu muito bem na jogabilidade e nem da física das coisas, além disso muitas missões são bem iguais e nada muito diferentes. O destaque aqui é que tem diversas atividades para fazer no mapa o que é bem incrível considerando a época do seu lançamento mas fora isso a jogabilidade não me agradou e a física de certas coisas é bem zoada

Sempre escutei elogios sobre o Vice City, tipo "esse é o MELHOR GTA", "QUE HISTÓRIA FODA"... mas eu acho que não é isso tudo não.
Vice City é uma forte evolução do GTA III em todos os aspectos: o mapa é muito mais bonito, o tiroteio funciona melhor, a dirigibilidade é melhor, além de agora você pilotar motos, helicópteros, aviões... é realmente impressionante o que a Rockstar conseguiu fazer em um ano após GTA III, porém, pra mim para por aí, Vice City é muito melhor que GTA III, mas tá LONNNNGE de ser melhor que GTA San Andreas...
Porque por mais que a história de Vice City seja boa, complexa, cheia de personagens... ela é muito mal explorada, as cutscenes tem uma cinematografia talvez até melhor que a de San Andreas, mas os diálogos são "direto ao ponto" demais, não dando tempo pra gostar desses personagens, a trama até é interessante mas quando é mal contada fica só chata e confusa.
E pra mim, o maior erro desse jogo é a parte de "dominar a cidade", porque o jogo não te explica quais imóveis você deve comprar (nem se você deve), então você fica farmando dinheiro (sim, FARMANDO, no GTA) e rodando a cidade procurando algum imóvel por aí. A ideia em si não é ruim, mas enquanto você não tem dinheiro pra comprar o imóvel, o que você faz? O jogo vira um peso de papel e é um saco.
As missões em sua maioria são legais, não são tão repetitivas quanto a de GTA III e o jogo tenta inovar, mas algumas me decepcionaram, sem falar que o bugs atrapalham SIM a experiência, me frustrei por causa disso várias vezes...
No geral, eu gostei de Vice City, tem uma vibe muito única e a história tem mais densidade, mas chamar de "O Melhor GTA" eu acho que é superestimar.

I'm getting the feeling GTA games just really aern't for me

la refonte est propre et c'est un plaisir de jouer à un open world où il se passe rien hhh j'avais oublié ce sentiment de "tranquilité" du fait de ne pas être sollicité toutes les 20 secondes

So much over hated. The game is fine now in 2023, it has some small issues that you can forgive. There are some bugs here and there, but the main problem is censorship.

Dos 3 que saíram, essa versão foi a melhor de todas e que casou bem com o remaster.

7/10 Rating. Story confused me a bit since there wasnt really an order on what missions to do first but overall I loved the atmosphere, game is very old but it still has its charm. Can't wait for GTA 6, hoping we see some easter eggs from this game.

Although I don't know what's so "definitive" about it, Vice City at least fares a bit better than GTA3. The slightly improved graphics are more apparent here due to some of the lighting. It is still a great game but I don't think this version has much to offer outside of some different shooting controls and less licensed music. Building up Tommy's empire is still as fun as it always was though.

Still amazing after all these years.

The most enjoyable of the trilogy!

Yes, some of the character models and textures aren't great but I had a lot of fun with this one. The submissions were actually doable without wanting to rip my hair out lol. It's the best-paced of any of the games not feeling too long or too short along with plenty of homages to 80s pop culture.

Vice City also has one of the best soundtracks of all time for any video game. Arguably the greatest. Virtually every track is a banger.

Very fun remake, I've played it with quite a few updates, the characters look pretty baked and the driving sucks but I had a good time! A lot easier to finish as an adult!

The absolute GOAT. The best GTA and best game of its generation, bursting with soul.

A very natural evolution from GTA III in pretty much every way. The world looks more inviting and interesting, there are more weapons, they introduced motorcycles, they went CRAZY with the music licenses (best licensed music in a game ever?) and the ability to buy buildings which in turn give a steady income and unlock new missions finally gave all your hard-earned money a purpose. Something they never achieved again from what I remember.

It's funny how much this rips off Scarface though. Something I never realized as a kid ... because I didn't know the movie yet. Fun time! Honestly can't complain about the port, not sure if they fixed it that much or if I'm just not sensitive to the flaws.

O jogo em si continua bom como o original mas não teve nenhuma mudança significativa, as texturas estão melhores e teve uma pequena mudança na jogabilidade com a roda de armas, mas o jogo possui muitos problemas, crashou algumas vezes no PS4 e tive muitos bugs. Enfim o jogo ainda é divertido mas poderiam ter feito muito mais nessa versão.

Pesimo port de unreal, jueguen mejor al original

This is a direct upgrade from GTA III. Almost all the missions are really cool and take full advantage of the engine. For some reason they made the final mission of the story one of the most boring but all the rest of them make up for it. It was a tiny bit buggy at times, and any reliance on AI calls for disaster, but is significantly better than it's predecessor.

I would probably recommend people looking to get into the series to start here, this game holds up well.

Good game but it feels like there is no polishing. The rain in the game looked so terrible that I literally had to install a mod to make it look solid.

It worked fine in the beginning but after around 3 hours I just gave up with this game. It literally feels like I'm playing a roblox game and the world is just so dead. The NPC's don't even react to the environment and the character models gets more and more annoying the more I play. At some point the combat also gets annoying for the fact that they couldn't even make a decent corsair. Rockstar also censored the word "haitian" as it is "offensive" so whenever it comes up, the characters just go silent for no reason and just stare at each others. And these are the same people who used to give no fucks and produced Manhunt 2 as a fuck you even though the first game got banned. I am so disappointed that I wanna hide the game for the rest of my life in my steam library. Don't make my mistake and buy this game.

Herkesin küçüklüğünde oynadığı bir klasik. Ama oynayanlarının da %90'ından fazlası bitirememiştir. Çünkü bu oyun bizim zamanımızda insan katletme oyunuydu hikayesine çok giren olmazdı. Ama artık zamanı geldi ve bu oyunun hikayesine el attım bu sefer. Ve iyi ki de atmışım. Çok korkuyordum , efsanevi GTA oyununun hatta özellikle benim favori GTA oyunum olan Vice City'nin sadece bir çocukluk takıntısı olma ihtimali karşısında. Ama hiç de öyle değilmiş. Mükemmel bir oyun. Her görevi birbirinden güzel hazırlanmış , kendi içerisinde her birinin değindiği bir şey var ve bunu kendisine özel olan mizahi tonuyla yapıyor. Küçükken bilmezdik tabi bunu. Dondurma fabrikası aldığımızı hatırlardım ama nereden bileyim o araçta aslında uyuşturucu sattığımızı felan. Kendi içerisinde bunun gibi her görevin bir setting'i var ki çok güzel. Neyse , definitive Edition getirdiği faklara bakmak gerekirse ; oynanış oldukça modernize , genel grafikleri bu zamana göre iyi hale gelmemiş hatta tercih edilen tarz olarak kötü gittiği bile söylenebilir , hikaye ve görevler aynı kalmış içine edilmemiş. Kısacası Remake seviyesinde bir iş yok bu oyunda. Sadece modernize edilmiş ve üstüne en küçük ekleme yapılmamış yavan bir iş olarak kalmış. Buna rağmen efsanevi Rockstar'ımızın tam para istemesi biraz üzücü. Yani hala müthiş bir oyun ama bir Türk gencinin bu parayı vermesini istemem. Kısacası oyun hala taş gibi ama almayın. Öneriyorum ama aynı zamanda önermiyorum.


3. oyundaki problemlerin çoğu giderilmiş, özellikle araç kullanımı, silah mekanikleri, hikaye ve görev çeşitliliği açısından bayağı geliştirmişler açıkçası. Yan görevler ve çete görevleri keyifli. Oyunun müziklerine ve atmosferine değinmem lazım, radyolar aşırı iyi. Radyosunda Slayer çalan başka oyun bulamazsınız. Atmosferine zaten diyecek bir şey yok herkes biliyor zaten. Ama grafikler önceki oyunda olduğu gibi aşırı göze batıyor be. Özellikle Tommy abimiz kürtlere benzemiş berbat olmuş görünümü. Ayrıca kapaktaki hanımefendi çok güzel.

This game was a masterpiece as a classic; but with the Definitive Edition, It's got a lot a of bugs, inconsistencies, and the lack of proper optimization for the PC port. of course there was a lot of improvements for gameplay and game mechanics and Unreal Engine was a great choice for this remaster.