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in the past

this is literally like hello charlotte but about fish. awesome

Huh. I guess. Not very funny, or interesting, but mildly charming nonetheless.

I like the presentation except the fact that a game that looks like that has no reason to drop below 30 fps. That's not to say I don't like how it looks this new gen of PS1's wobbly textures usage is great like Lost in Vivo, Loveland and this. The things that look great with that is surprisingly both living things and metal, it's adds an ominous feel to metal architecture and on the other hand makes the living surfaces feel like they are breathing. The sound design is also great, I like how the fishes sound and the environment sound also makes it great. I dont get the whole game as a whole really but it's musings on choice made it an interesting thought experiment at times, the dialogue of the different fish and their reasons for choosing or even reactions to your own choice is great. I don't get how it ties to the overall imagery and the ending that well. The endings are wildly different does it mean that choices don't matter cause you wont know where it leads or that they do matter a lot but there's nothing you can do about it.

A quick game about death, choice, and parasites - love it to death and played it twice in a row. I love the visuals of this game, and the writing is witty and thought provoking. I'll be thinking about this one for awhile

There are no mechanics in this game, not really. All you can do is move and talk, but even then you don’t have to make conversation with anyone you pass by. Hell, I don’t think the game would care if you just stood still the entire time, never moved an inch. They are choices, but not really. Maybe that’s okay though. It’s not like it really matters in the end. There are different endings. But not really. The outcomes may be unconnected, but your presence in both is insignificant.

no thanks I dont want to see

one of the shortest games. which isnt a bad thing at all, just a fun thing to install real quick and experience.

muito confuso, acho q não entendi direito qual era o ponto daquilo tudo

Игра - высказывание.

Не зацикливайся на себе и своих проблемах, ты не один таков.

Путь не важен, но и в то же время это основа всего.

Топ песенка, хоть и мерзкая.


Игра предложила добавить тизерную игру в вишлист, обязательно сыграю в 2024.

Дыба гейминг.

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Very fun, well made and entertaining! It's an allegory for something I didn't quite catch until I read some reviews.

The fish sounds and speeches are really funny, if not a bit sad. The parasite that sings a song is so nonsense and HILARIOUS!!

The fish you meet have their own opinions on whether you should choose to go up or down, when in reality nobody knows for sure). Some of them went literally crazy with their obsession of wich way to go. A fish trapped in some plastic calls it its 'throne'. Some of the fish are still undecided about which way to go, so you can influence their choice (or manipulate them, telling them the one you think it's wrong). When you get to the end, the final choice is up to you.

The wise fish at the end tells you that the choice in itself doesn't really matter, but what matters is the gift of having the choice and how you use it to manipulate others or not.

When you make the final choice, there's also a monologue that talks about how thinking your pain is greater than others is wrong. Everyone is going through the same thing, you're not alone.

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How Fish is Made is a short, surreal walking simulator. After finishing the game 3 times I think most of the elements in it hold some significance beyond aesthetics, which are pretty good too by the way, but you can experience that for yourself.
This is also the first time I've seen a tongue-eating louse in a video game, a real life parasite that permanently replaces the tongue of its host, and performs musical numbers apparently.
Fun fact: this little critter in particular must be female because males attach to the gills instead of the tongue, although apparently some species are protandous meaning they can change from male to female under certain conditions so it might not have always been that way.
If I had to mention a negative aspect about the game it would be that, being a walking simulator, it's not very interactive all things considered, but I guess that's my fault since I chose to play the game in the first place despite the tag.

You don't know. That's okay. Don't worry about it. You don't have to know.

no idea what the fuck I just played

up or down? i'm down sad, that's what

Weird, but maybe not in the right way.

Down fans vs Average Up Enjoyers

For a quick project this is somewhat competent - at least narrative - and doesn't overstay it's time.

It's existential, it's short, it's a design student game, it's free.

logging for the little dlc extra. it was cool!! not much of anything but ive been excited for mouthwashing and the trailer here made me more hype. it looks super sick and i cant wait for its release

One of the neater creepy microgames I've played.