Reviews from

in the past

Birth by sleep lives in the shadow of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Its combat never manages to feel quite as satisfying as either entry, and I often found myself overleveling because the intended damage output just seemed too low.

This was kind of goated with the sauce (I think the ending is kind of mid though)

I HATE THIS GAME EVERYONE IS WRONGENS. FUCK YOU XEHANORT FUCK YOU ERAQUS FUCK THE LIGHT FUCK THE DARKNESS also why are the characters never reveal their parents. I'm starting to realized that they all orphans like thats crazy bruhhh. also terra said "aqua ven ill set this right or something bro possesed by a goofy ass old stupid bald man that has no balls afterwards. I hate the gameplay too I can't stop breaking my mouse because of how stupid it was (I love the shotlock tho) ALSO WHO TF MADE THIS GAME THIS SHIT KEEPS CRASHED EVERYSINGLE MINUTES. I WON'T FORGIVE THIS GAME THIS GAME MADE ME AND MY SISTER GOING THRU STUPID ASS DEBATE IM GIVING IT 0 STAR
oh yea not to mention I love aqua (+1 star)

The best non-numbered Kingdom Hearts game in my opinion. Even though the "multiple character campaigns" thing did wear me down a bit, the game proved very enjoyable for me.

I absolutely love this game! Getting to play as not just one, but three characters has been every KH fans dreams for so long....

Then KH3 Remind came along and blew it out of the water!

Really hope we get another game like this soon!! ❤️❤️

One of the better prequels I've seen that doesn't ruin the original game for and in fact adds to it in a very positive way. Also really love the trio here they each have some great development.

overal : i've finished ventus story many years ago and i barely remember about it but replaying the game through terra story made me realize how much of a gem this game is.

Terra : my time with terra was a total of 14:40 hours finishing the game at level 33.
i absolutelly love it, through terra perspective i managed to see that despite even the game trying to depict him as a darklord, he is very much a buff cinnamon roll, i love it very much, this game so far is on par with KH2 which is one of my favorite games of all time.
this game is very goofy (HEH) and most times i believe its intentional, i will never take terra having a conversation about the darkness in one's heart with cinderella seriously tho it adds to the cinnamon rollness of this big boy.
this game starts slow but it becomes so fluid and fun that at the final boss you can have the same moveset as him and speaking of ending, man what a tragic tale of a young heart's journey of self discovery turning into a deceiving tragedy. i will be playing the game through time and updating this review as i play through the other perspectives, that's just how i like to do with these kind of games, terra story is a 9\10, if it was so perfect, then why not a 10 ? simple, performance, the Epic port didn't just effed up the KH 2 port but also this one, save as often as you can, i fell to the trap of grinding for a few minutes only for the game to crash on my way to the next area.

Ventus : ven's side of the story was the one i played years ago when i was a kid but being honestly, replaying it felt like playing it for the first time cuz i didn't remember shit from it at all, i was pleasantly surprised at how i enjoyed playing his side of the story, at first it fooled me into thinking ven's side would be more childish because of snow white's world but it actually delve's even deeper into the overall manipulation of the trio. i don't know what's different but ven story felt more straight foward, when i hit cinderella's world i grinded for 30 minutes and was already at level 20, once i hit hercules world i found a grinding point and grinded for a build i found on the internet, once i hit level 36 it was over, i had an op build that was so broken i managed to just steamroll the rest of the game without stopping at all, i killed the last boss by using ars arcanum twice and i was playing on standart. overall while still enjoying my time with ven i started to feel fatigued of the game, it took me 11 hours, and two sessions of grinding 30 minutes each i'm pondering if i should watch aqua's side on youtube, its not that i don't like the game, so far its the second best kh game but my god is it massive.

Aqua : aqua please stop hanging around with couples and children...wait.. WAIT AQUA !!OH GOD EVERYTHING IS PAIN AND SUFFERING!!
That aside, aqua's story only picks up the pace at the end, it consists mostly of aqua goofin around with children and about-to-be-married couples (i see a pattern here..) its almost as if she's the one with the most minor role in this story.

I think it was a fun idea to make 3 diffenrent story into one game where choose one in the start and by each campanion you get to understand the story more and more. Fun game

This game has a good story though has some negatives. I love Aqua and Ventus but Terra didn’t really bring anything interesting to the table and his character arc was just a rehash of Riku’s but Rikus was more compelling. Gameplay is kinda clunky and awkward but is better when you get use to it. Awesome introduction to Xeahnort so that makes this a worthwhile experience

uno de los mejores juegos de la saga en cuanto a gameplay e historia, y muy buenos mundos (EL DE DISNEY NO). Lo único que no me gusta es que todos piensen desde el principio que Terra es malo malísimo 😢 mi puko. me encantó la verdad

this game pissed me off beyond belief but the story was so good. i had to watch all the postgame stuff on youtube bc i couldnt put myself through playing the game past the three routes

Одна из лучших историей в сериале, но боевая система полностью испорчена случайной прокачкой, которая заставляет вас гриндить, если вам нужен определённый скилл.

the good:
- i really like the story, even though terra's is literally just revenge of the sith
- ventus and vanitas are really interesting characters
- the music, generally, is pretty good
- shotlocks

the bad:
- the difficulty curve is very steep, like you'll fight through enemies in radiant garden easily but then you'll do chip damage to even common floods in the next worlds
- disney. f*cking. town.
- the worlds feel a little too small, which is understandable for a psp game, but then half of them are like mazes
- ventus's story feels like it adds nothing to the overall plot until the finale

the verdict:
casting the star wars guy and the star trek guy as the two opposing forces was the funniest thing disney has ever done

it's good but i don't like the fact that you pretty much have to play the game 3 times and all the worlds being pretty much the same.

Another Kingdom Hearts spin-off. It's alright. But the story at this point is unsalvagable.

"Aqua, Ven... One Day I will set this right"
No lo dudo hijo mío, no lo dudo.

Don't expect KH2FM level gameplay, but provides a solid on-the-go experience. The shotlocks & commands are a nice addition to the KH combat formula, and each character has a variety of cool moves fitting their personality. Be warned that the superbosses in this game on critical mode rely much more on cheesing than actual skill compared to KH2. Very few & specific methods work for beating them, and if you're playing with Terra good luck.

This review contains spoilers

Birth by Sleep was a decent game at best. Of the spin-off titles so far in the chronological order I'm playing them in, this game was the best one. The gameplay first retained some elements of the KH numbered titles, however the additional D-Links, shotlocks, and command decks were a nice feature even if some were pointless to me like the d-links.

The story was pretty good, not gonna lie. Terra having to try and control the darkness within him, only for him to become Xehanort's vessel in the end and become Terra-Xehanort. Ventus trying to warn Terra of his fate only for him to fight Vanitas and create the x-blade, putting him to sleep in the end. And then Aqua, the keyblade master who wants to aid Terra in protecting him, only for her to be the only one remaining...oh and she got trapped in the realm of darkness too. Wonder what's going to happen with these guys now that their prequel is over.

The additional Mirage Arena was a nice feature too, however I didn't really utilise it much past my time as Terra as I had used it quite a bit for command levelling. And the command board too was fun for a while playing like Fortune Street, however needing to do it for certain commands locked in certain boards and having to get the Pete D-Link were both annoying. But other than that, this is a solid game.

Mecanica de jogo muito foda
História muito foda
gostei dos personagens mas de resto nada de especial

Fairly solid game in the KH series, even so it still feels a bit.... lacking I think? or is it wanting? I should probably revisit it some time.

A gameplay da Aqua é ponto alto desse jogo

A great game with lots of heart and character. This game is essential to understanding the overall story since this sets up so many plot threads that will be in future games. Overall this game does have some flaws but overall it's a amazing KH game that was amazing on the system it came out on

foi um inferno jogar sem saber quebrar o jogo, mas quando aprendi foi de boa

I REALLY like this style of gameplay, it's SO FUN to build your deck and explore the combinations of the Command Styles. During my entire run of the very first route I was giving the game a solid 9/10, maybe even a 10, but... theeeen the others came. It's SO tiring to play the "same" thing three times in a roll. By the middle of my 2nd run I was beginning to feel burned out, but I finished it. And then became the 3rd run... Turns out I finished the 1st route in 3 days, and the 3rd took me over TWO MONHTS to have the enthusiasm to finish. I couldn't take it anymore, it's so boring to go through the "same events" again and again.
So that kinda ruined my experience a bit. But in the end it's still a great game, despite some really odd dialogue lines and very dumb actions done by the characters lol.

Now for some more specific "route rating": I played in this order because the first two characters looked more intersting to play with: Aqua -> Ven -> Terra (in the end I realized this was probably a mistake but whatever, Aqua rules)

Putting that aside: my first impression playing with Aqua was like: "I can play this all day, this is AMAZING"; and it actually was. Her route is my favorite; her Commands; her Styles; everything is PERFECT.

Ven's route is nice too, but he's less exciting than Aqua as a character IMO and his Commands/Styles are more boring overall. ALTHOUGH his route's got some AWESOME moments, like >that< scene in Radiant Garden... oh that's amazing.

And now listen, this is probably a hot take, but... Terra SUCKS ASS, I fucking hate this character. He is SO DUMB and the gameplay with him is SO BORING, he takes too long to unlock good Command Styles, which makes his route REALLY boring until you reach like 70% of progression. He's so fucking slow and clunky at combat; his Commands are trash AND he's dumb and plain. His storyline is so stupid, the game doesn't make very clear what's on his mind and why he does such dumb actions, just to regret everything at the ending (oh what a surprise). You can predict what's gonna happen in his story from miles away.

♦ Jogo lindo e muito divertido! Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep é um jogo que marcou muito minha infância e só agora, depois de alguns anos, tomei coragem para platina-lo.

• A gameplay é muito boa! O que o torna único, é o sistema de comandos, onde você precisa "fundir" os comandos para criar novas golpes, magias e ações. Além das diferenças na jogabilidade, cada personagem possui comandos exclusivos.

• O jogo apresenta desafios interessantes! O modo arena e as batalhas dos chefes extras são simplesmente sensacionais. O confronto é diferente com cada personagem e sempre é mais difícil com o Terra por ser o mais lento do grupo.
↳ O Mysterious Figure foi um inferno de enfrentar com o Terra. Como ele é lento, o boss o acerta facilmente e não para de bater, além disso existem alguns combos que simplesmente não dá para desviar direito com o Terra... Triste, mas foi uma sensação muito boa ao vence-lo.

• Eu de coração amo muito esse jogo, mas preciso destacar alguns defeitos:

• Para platinar, é necessário completar o jornal, que seria uma lista de coisas para fazer e coletar, 3 vezes (um jornal para cada personagem). Completar o primeiro jornal é divertido mas ter que refazer tudo mais duas vezes é um saco.

• Apesar da grande variedade de comandos, a maioria deles não são muito eficientes, especialmente contra os chefes extras. Já por um outro lado, alguns golpes são bem OP e de certa forma obrigatórios para derrotar alguns chefes. Alguns desses golpes são: Thunder Surge, Fire Surge e qualquer golpe Mine, como o Mine Square.

Conclusão: No geral, eu amei minha experiência com esse jogo e futuramente pretendo revisita-lo para rever a história que é contada.

Bastante bien. Al ser 3 historias, cada una se hace cortita, aunque el tener que jugar los mismos mundos 3 veces es algo ligeramente en su contra, así que se nivela. 8.5/10

love kh but not my fav personally

This is where Kingdom Hearts peaked narratively after KH II. After that it goes downhill.

Shotlocks and some of the D-Link is great. Also vanitas.