Reviews from

in the past

Siento que es de esos juegos que solo lo vas a disfrutar constantemente si estás con amigos... sino se vuelve repetitivo y aburrido.

fantastic game with a lot of depth despite the minimal-seeming mechanics. wish it had text chat

Jogo MUITO legal, muito divertido e competitivo que realmente você precisa se dedicar pra vencer. O coop do jogo é muito divertido, você entra com muita facilidade no jogo e em pouco tempo já esta se divertido. Pena que em pouco tempo você também perde o interesse...

Tremendous fun for anyone looking for arcadey, extreme sports antics in the style of mid-2000s EA Sports BIG titles. The basic mechanics are easy to get to grips with, but offer more depth than you'd think. The audio visual package is cool, and the early indication is that post release support will be solid.

The reveal trailer Nintendo put out for this game definitely didn't do it justice. This game is super damn fun and a blast to play with friends. A couple sweaty opponents here and there but chances are you'll be too busy laughing your ass off at your character flying back with the force of a thousand suns after being clocked in the face with a ball.

I bought it on multiple consoles and play at least 30 minutes a day.

This game is super sick. The core gameplay loop has a lot of depth and strategy, and the mindgames are through the roof. Pump fakes, timing mixups, and more make for a very thoughtful experience. And how you position and group as a team really makes or breaks things. Despite it's depth though, it was not enough to sustain a long term competitive esport like this. Maybe some sort of singleplayer content to get attached to would have helped. The game was also pretty buggy at the time I played it, and the netcode was similarly rough. But overall this game has a lot of charm and competitive depth, and I'm always down to play some.

I had an absolute blast with this game, I even bought the battle pass, it's 3v3 dodgeball format is a gem to play. The few special balls give the game enough variety to stay fresh for a while

But when I asked a friend of mine who I saw had played the game before me if he wanted to play, he said he'd dropped off it hard, because once you learn the ebb and flow of the games limited systems, every game is either a stalemate or a stomp. And he was right

fruity niggas and sweaty dickheads describes the game pretty well

Eu joguei a demo e caralho, que jogo foda. Multiplayer extremamente divertido e competitivo, a mecânica de poder arremessar o amigo a mil por hora e transformar ele em bomba é muito legal, as bolas customizadas dão uma dificuldade a mais pro jogo e sempre quando eu pego aquela bola que vai muito rápido eu comemoro. Você ganha dependendo do trabalho em equipe e meu time sempre me carregava (literalmente).


ah divertido ok vai
divertido ok

I've been having a lot of fun with this, playerbase is small despite there being crossplay which is a shame, and when you run into teams they tend to bunch up and steam-roll in a way that isn't very fun to play against but I cannot really fault them for it as it's pretty effective.

Feels like it should have been F2P as it's pretty aggressively monetized but $20 is ultimately pretty reasonable for the amount of play I've gotten out of it.

Bem legal mas passo mta raiva

Ganz nettes Dodgeball Spiel mit innovativen Gameplay aber als reines Multiplayer Spiel letztendlich zu wenig um lange Zeit zu unterhalten.

Das Spiel schränkt sich meiner Meinung nach selbst zu sehr in seinen Möglichkeiten ein dadurch, dass man nie aimen muss.

What a frustrating game this was when it came out. It’s a fun multiplayer game especially with friends. However it was so bugged when coming out it made working on trophies a miserable time. Unless you like the grind it’s hard to suggest playing this for anything more than a quick fun session with friends

Das Spiel ist ein toller Multiplayer mit kompetitiven Elementen. Dennoch hasse ich es, in diesem Spiel zu verlieren. Nicht mal lol bringt mich so ins Verzweifeln.

Such a fun game. The action is fast and satisfying, and the game is constantly getting new content. One of the most underrated games of 2021 for sure. Excited to see where this game goes in the future!

YOOOO I'M BALLIN'! And ballin'. And ball- yeah, it gets old a bit too fast.

Very fun with friends. Very different from other games.

Amei jogar, pena que acabou

Jeu en ligne de dodgeball très fun à jouer, bien pensé et addictif. Malheureusement les serveurs EA du jeu ont fermé en juin 2023.
C'est pas pour autant la fin, le jeu est toujours disponible et jouable via des serveurs privés créés par les joueurs.