Reviews from

in the past

A wrestling game in 1986 is a difficult feat to accomplish.

what is even happening

pro wrestling if it was good

Clunky controls. No depth. Goes on for too long. I'd rather beat up my friend in real life.
It does have Star Man, though, and I can't say that about myself.

Nowadays, this is one of the worst fighting games ever. It feels extremely clunky and dated and the controls are overly convoluted.

Cool as a wrestling game on the NES. Honestly surprised with the options it gives you when you grapple people.

This game is not that great. The controls were terrible. Once you were down on the mat, it was really hard to go back up since you were really vulnerable and it is really luck base on whether or not the match will end with the ref countdown.

Graphically, it looks kind of good for the time and the crowd was fun to watch. Wish it was mario the Ref.

The only other positive I can give this game is the fact that the intro song was good, even though this song was reuse in a lot of previous sports games. I would not recommend this game unless you want to see one of the first wrestling game of this console.

Game #42 of my challenge

Sort of a refinement of what Tag Team Wrestling and Kinnikuman were. The idea is to weaken the opponent with classic openers before starting the grappling series and do enough damage to get the tackle. It is unfortunate that the energy bars are not visible, although they can be inferred with the time it takes to get up. On the one hand, this forces you to set up a strategy to look for an overkill (since tackling too early gives the opponent the opportunity to regenerate life), but on the other hand, it cruelly lacks quality of life. It is clear that the winning loop emerges at the end: four standard grapplings, followed by six to eight special grapplings (the A high and A low), depending on the difficulty of the round. Note however that the spriting is sharper than for Kinnikuman, so the experience is somewhat better.

One of the worst games I’ve ever played. It feels like you have no sense of control or any objective to do. Random bs just happens when you press buttons and it’s the furthest thing from fun. It’s just god awful and a terrible experience.

all of the fun with none of the frustration. this is what every nes game should strive for

how do you suck opponent off

I could have been a contender brother

Don't even bother; it's dreadfully boring and rough. I can forgive some of the early Famicom sports games like Tennis for being simplistic, but this was a Disk System game from years later. By that point, Nintendo definitely could've done better than this.

I dislike wrestling games in general, so what I'm even hoping from this? It's also one of those Nintendo's early NES sports games.

It plays like they didn't tested this game much.

the controls are more wacky than the plot of actual pro wrestling, how is that even possible?

I don't understand the low reviews. This is one of the best if not best black box sports games on the NES. The sprite details for both the characters, ref, and commentators (who mouth words in the background) are all nice. Each wrestler has a unique special move. Music is catchy. The best way to experience this game is the two player versus mode. Very fun game with lots of little details adding to the charm.

Wow I was not into this at all. I liked the suplexes outside the ring but other than that this was boring.


there is some degree of fun, but it's super clunky and way better to dunk on with a friend


I'm 75% sure I'm not actually controlling this

Dreadful. I became the champion and there's no way I'm going to keep playing to beat the other guy. Even looking at the controls online, I swear I don't understand when the grapple commands work and when they don't

Most of the time it's easier to let yourself get thrown out and then land a couple hits on the AI out of the ring so they ring out. You can hit the AI right as they get up and just leave them down there last second. Just very dumb

Perfectly accurate depiction of professional wrestling.
I have no idea what's going on.

This game is bad. If I had played this when I was a kid, I still would have thought it was bad. I finished it for the Super Switch Club though.

Now this is some true neutral

I mean... it's wrestling. Do you like wrestling? Wrestling seems alright, but it's also kind of a dick. He was the next in line for questioning to find out who really murdered my father, after Volleyball turned out to be a dead end. This time, Motorcross decided to tag along with Soccer and I, as he was a pretty big fan of not just Wrestling, but also wrestling, so we happily let him tag along as well.

Once we got there, we found Wrestling training for something, presumably a cricket match, and we interrupted him to interrogate him about where he was on the night of my dad's murder. He refused to tell us anything, because according to him, "he didn't feel like it", and no matter what we said, we wouldn't be able to convince him.

However, then Motorcross challenged him to a wrestling match, and if he lost, he would have to give us the info we requested, and so, after some reluctance, he agreed. The match then ensued, and I learned then that, surprisingly, Motorcross was actually a pretty good wrestler. Apparently he practiced it in his spare time while he wasn't doing motorcross, so that is pretty cool.

As you would expect, Motorcross ended up winning the match, and as he agreed on, Wrestling told us about where he was that night, and it turns out he was also nowhere near the crime scene. This trail keeps getting colder and colder! At least... that's what I thought.

He said he did have an idea about who the culprit could possibly be, which was good enough for me at this point. So, with the new info we now possessed, we now venture forth to interrogate our next suspect.

Game #99

I don't know shit about wrestling, but this is easily the best NES sports game i've played so far, I genuinely don't get the low rating