Reviews from

in the past

It's a boring game. It just is.
I get the mechanics and I get the story but what I don't get is how a guy with basically super powers has to carry a gun to protect himself. The game should be about time fracture and his powers because you can just simply play the entire game without using any powers (other than a few puzzles which seem very boring in my opinion).
The game just feels like I have to go from point A to point B, shoot a few guys and repeat.
The story is OK, and it's a shame that a game with so much potentil has to become this bad Tomb Raider clone without the parkour.
Also: the series episodes in between the acts are a really shitty feature of the game. What if I don't want to watch this right now? What if I wanna watch it AFTER the game is complete. You can but it doesn't makes sense. I get the idea, but a 20 min episode between a GAME?! I opened the game because I wanna play, not watch a 20 min episode of a series.
I just feel this could have been a reeeeeeally good game and they just spent 70% of their budget in the actors and the filming process.
I wanna play Control, but now I'm afraid of another disappointment.

Remedy delivered a nice story that hooks you long enough to finish the game, the gameplay is also good but, unless you're going for 100%, I doubt you'll be replaying this anytime soon.

the link point between Alan Wake and Control. It's decent enough. Lance Reddick is superb though.

Time travel nonsense with Remedy sounds like an absolute blast and that's exactly what Quantum Break was. It was interesting playing this after Control as that game really does just feel like a more fleshed out version of the ideas that Remedy had for this game mechanically.

Quantum Break is ambitious and doesn't quite reach reach it's full potential with it's blend of being a tv show/video game as the tv show aspect feels a little cheap but overall, this is a solid ass game that was judged way too harshly when it came out. Considering some of the utter shite that comes out now, this is still a hell of a lot better than a lot of games out there even with it's shortcomings.

Que jogo.....

Quero continuação por favor, pra ontem isso

I decided to finally play Quantum Break after playing Remedy's more recent Control, which is one of my new favorite games for its gunplay/powers, world design, lore, and interesting side quests. This game had none of that. All of the style and unique ideas are lost behind a VERY generic third person shooter, with a semi-bland story and repetitive combat. I liked the live-action segments and the choices felt weighty considering the outcomes on the pre-recorded elements, but the game felt like it ran too long, even at a relatively short 10 hours. What is great is that Remedy has created a superior successor to this game in Control and if you have not given that game a try, play that one (and its DLC) instead. Mediocre at best here.

Muito bom, pretendo zerar um dia

a whacky science fiction action game that is inventive also the choices you make affect the tv show that comes along with the game which was really cool Though I wish the writing in the show was better since Sam Lake didn't do that part of the project.

pretty serviciable/enjoyable action adventure game by Remedy.

good and solid gameplay, using Jack's array of time powers and destroying enemies with it felt pretty fun through the entire game, the gunplay is not the best I had seen in the genre especially coming from Remedy who did an fantastic job on the Max Payne games but here while the weapons had an great punch the overall selection of them felt fairly generic most of the time.

the visuals are great, the whole art direction and particles usage was on point and the cutscenes were almost breathtaking because of the animation used on the characters's faces.

the narrative was largely carried by it's perfomances, Remedy hired well-known actors towards the characters and the result is fantastic but the overall story is your standard convoluted time-travel mess though it does have it's interesting portions like in the TV show or the unique universe for example.

overall Quantum Break is an pretty fun game, it's story is hard to follow and requires a lot of investigation through all the game's collectibles and the need to watch all the episodes of the live-action cutscenes which basically takes half of the storyline but the rest like the perfomances and gameplay largely carries this game around.

I feel like this game often gets overlooked as it released at the peak of Xbox-hate. But I love this story and the episode elements of the game that would change based on your actions is a pretty cool and unique feature.

If American Nightmare was the weakest game Remedy has made then Quantum Break is likely their most disappointing one. It had so much promise, and I can clearly see the love and passion they put into it but it just didn't land for me.

Not Remedy's best game, but it is still a Remedy game. Story is at least interesting even if not always working and the time twisting combat is pretty fun

Eu aprendi mais física com esse jogo do que na escola

Massive example of substance over style. It's mechanically wonderful and has a lot going for it but its just fundamentally uninteresting. It would be a great tv show but its not. It's a game. Sometimes

Selbst heute ist das Spiel noch sehr ansehnlich. Schönes Story Spiel mit bekannten Schauspiel Gesichtern. Leider nervt die Off-Erzählung etwas. Spielt sich perfekt mit dem Steamcontroller.

"Look! I think is the Jack Joyce"
Too good, almost reached perfection...

I oddly enjoyed this more than the highly acclaimed "Control". Yeah, the gunplay ain't the most mindblowing - and it went on a bit too long - but the story, acting, and cheesy TV episode interludes made it oddly compelling, in that I was anxious to see where it went next. A kinda spritual successor to Fringe, by way of Max Payne.

Tried to play this after playing Control and just couldn't get into it at all

Boas ideias gameplay, mas não gosto gameplay de jogo de tiro

when did iceman get time powers?

ni de pedo me voy a ver una cinemática de 20 minutos por cada 5 minutos de juego

Remedy never disappoints me, they always come with such wacky games you can't even imagine, definately worth a try.

mais um jogo q tenta ser um filme, o combate é legal mas meh. o jogo terminar com cliffhanger e flopar foi triste tbm

É um jogo bem genérico, por mais que os gráficos e jogabilidade sejam interessante, a história obvia não me agradou tanto como esperei.

I got bored half way through, the TV show part is what I think annoyed me more than anything because I just wanted to play the game.

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"I'll back for you."

I couldn't finish this, is too boring. Gunplay is clucnky, the story is "meh", patform is just stupid. Maybe if i played at the time it was released, but now in 2024 i can't get myself back to finish this.