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in the past

I did it for the achievements. Its a super basic Mario Kart clone that feels weaker than Yakuza Like a Dragon's Dragon Kart mini-game. That's right, a mini-game from the 100 hour Yakuza Like a Dragon was a more enjoyable racing game than an actual racing game.

I know this game is for kids, but its seriously bad, and the annoying repetitive voice lines from Ryan becomes very annoying, very fast.

The only thing that doesn't make this game lower than 1 star, is the fact that it actually works.

ok so the tracks in this game are awful. the devs asked ryan to draw a load of scribbles and then used them as track layouts. ryan pops up on screen when u get a speed boost and thats kinda funny. i can't believe i got all the achievements.

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James Rolfe: voiceover In the year 2000 B.C., Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 Prototype appears. It was destroyed by the Cavemen, the Vikings, & the Egyptosaurus. Its initial appearance is still shrouded in mystery.

900 B.C.

The remaining pieces of the Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 prototype are found buried in the middle of Stonehenge. Mechahenge is built the next morning, but mysteriously vanishes at sunset.

565 A.D.

Saint Columba encounters Satan rising from the depths of Loch Ness. He calls upon the power of God, but instead is aided by Death Christ, who drives Satan back into the Loch by an onslaught of lightning & fireballs.

1476 A.D.

Prince Vlad Dracula, haunted by a vision of Death Christ, constructs Mecha Death Christ from armor & crude weaponry of the time to do battle against the Ottoman empire near Bucharest. A vain product of hate, it goes on a mad killing spree & ultimately beheads Dracula. Its whereabouts remain unknown for centuries.

1933 A.D.

The Nazis uncover the remains of Mecha Death Christ.

1942 A.D.

Adolf Hitler upgrades Mecha Death Christ to Super Mecha Death Christ; not to be confused with Super Megadeth Christ.

A picture of Super Megadeth Christ, who has Dave Mustaine's upper body with a half-robot face resembling the T-800's & an electric guitar, is shown.

James Rolfe: voiceover The reason Hitler was searching for the Lost Ark was because he wanted to mount it on Super Mecha Death Christ, so he could combine it with the powers of God, probably the most insane weapon ever conceived.

A brief clip from "Raiders of the Lost Ark" of Rene Belloq's head exploding plays.

James Rolfe: voiceover 1944 A.D.

Super Mecha Death Christ kills Hitler & is later destroyed in battle and retrieved by the U.S. military.

1945 A.D.

From the same parts, Super Mecha Death Christ Version 2 is constructed with new weapons & a whole new electro-mechanical interface. A flight system is tested & voice synthesis is installed. However, it can only yell German obscenities.

1947 A.D.

Super Mecha Death Christ Version 3 is given a test flight in a desert near Roswell, New Mexico. It was mistaken for a U.F.O..

1955 A.D.

Super Mecha Death Christ Version 4 is completed. It malfunctioned the first time it's tested.

1960 A.D.

Super Mecha Death Christ Version 5 is completed. Laser physics are employed for the first time, which failed miserably.

1962 A.D.

Super Mecha Death Christ Model 2000, also known as SMDC2K, is perfected with stealth flight. Unfortunately, control is lost & it escapes detection, flying away to an unknown location. It was never found again for 40 years. The Super Mecha Death Christ project was dropped, and instead focused on what eventually became the F-177 Nighthawk stealth aircraft.

1972 A.D.

NASA discovers the presumed remnants of the Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 model on the lunar surface of the Moon. But what they really found was the approximately 4000 year old scrap metal from the Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 Prototype. It's brought back to Earth for testing.

1981 A.D.

Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 B.C. is created from the Prototype. This version is complete with laser & grenade, missile & machine gun cannons. The upper body is mounted on a tank for supreme combat.

1987 A.D.

"Robocop" rips off the model of the Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 Prototype.

1989 A.D.

Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 B.C. Version 2.0 is created. A ray gun is equipped to its chest, and the ability to blast lasers from its eyes.

1997 A.D.

Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 B.C. Version 2.5 is updated to include voice synthesis. A product of extreme anger & destruction, all it can do is scream in rage.

1998 A.D.

Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 B.C. Version 2.5 is abducted by Satan & re-programmed for world domination.

1999 A.D.

After a reign of terror in the land of Oz, Satan unleashes his new ultimate weapon, the automated, robofied, powertronic cyberbot: Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 B.C. Version 3.0 Beta, bitch. Vocabulary is increased slightly & spontaneously.

SMDC2KBC v3.0 Beta: DIE!!!

James Rolfe: voiceover Also, a new rocket launcher is added to its base, propelling it at flights of 22,000 feet in the air, at speeds of 514 miles per hour, but only distances of 2.5 miles. It goes on a rampage, killing many Munchkins & celebrity guests.

2000 A.D.

The space-time continuum resets to zero, and a time paradox occurs. The events in the land of Oz no longer exist. History is erased.

2002 A.D.

The remains of Super Mecha Death Christ 2000, not the B.C version, is discovered on Maldives island.

2004 A.D.

Completion of Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 II by the U.S. military. Satan takes control once again & unleashes it upon the Earth. Out of nowhere, Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 B.C. Version 3.1 appears, and engages in robot battle. Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 II is destroyed in the confrontation & Satan is driven back to Hell.

2008 A.D.

Satan takes possession of a Super Mario Bros. 3 Nintendo Entertainment System game cartridge, where the Angry Video Game Nerd does battle with the help of the self-upgraded Super Mecha Death Christ 2000 B.C. Version 4.0 Beta. Also, in the same year, Super Mecha Death Christ made an appearance during the fight between the Angry Video Game Nerd & the Nostalgia Critic. After a brief intervention by Satan, Super Mecha Death Christ immediately broke in & sent Satan's sorry ass back to Hell once more.

The moral of the story: goodness always wins over evil, no matter how corrupted.

good voice over, cool character roster

all jokes aside I actually had fun with this game (maybe because I have never owned any Mario kart games😭💯)

I unironically really enjoyed this Mario Kart clone.
It functions like any other arcade racer and it always worked as I intended it to. It was quite easy even on the hardest difficulty. Also, who the fuck is this Ryan?

What could go wrong with this game?

It exists.

𝕽𝖞𝖆𝖓 𝖜𝖍𝖞 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖓 𝖚𝖘

For a guy like me, every game is Racing With Ryan (my name is Ryan)

I originally had this installed as I had planned to mess around with some party games with friends, but we didn't quite have enough time to get to this one, so I decided to pop this in on my PC Game Pass last night as a bit of a joke. Now I've played through my share of garbagio this year, mainly due to some extremely bad ideas here and there, and even though I admit a lot of the material I've been playing recently has been quite middling, I thought I was prepared for this.

I was not prepared for this.

The optimization confounded me, and I had to check my settings to make sure that NVIDIA Hairworks or some other secret setting was activated to cause this amount of slowdown. But no, the game's performance is just that horrendous. For some reason, it runs at under 20 FPS on the main menu. The main menu. And this performance translates to the actual racing game itself, where I couldn't get over 30 FPS on "High" settings (turned down slightly from Epic, with pretty much no noticeable changes in framerate) and consistently dipped below 15 FPS. Keep in mind that I'm running this on my PC with a 3070. But for some reason, it switches back to an unrestrained normal frame rate above 60 FPS during the in-game racing pause and the victory screen with all the placement times and points, like it’s wagging in your face what you could have, but don’t all because of its planned incompetence. There's also a ton of motion blur already turned on, and even turning it off, I felt constantly nauseated playing this because the screen is so zoomed in on the back of your kart (and to my knowledge, there is no FOV slider), so combined with the consistently low framerate, this game runs and feels like a bear wading through molasses.

The game itself is just rather bland and unfulfilling. Because of the super zoomed in perspective as mentioned above, it's pretty hard to figure out what's in front of you in time, so I was constantly colliding with walls when turning. Also, going up hills is a nightmare, as all you can see is the slope in front of you. Drifting does exist, but drifting at 17 FPS and then colliding into walls to lose all momentum was not worth the price. Not that my own struggles really mattered though, because the AI are laughably hapless and don't seem to know how to avoid obstacles/attacks, and there's no rubberbanding from what I can tell, so I was constantly super ahead of the entire pack. There are powerups, but they don't seem very useful in general because hitstun as far as I could tell was minimal (even after getting hit by AI attacks, I found myself still able to stay ahead of the pack or losing little speed in relation to them... or maybe this was also because they suck, could be both), and they completely disappear after a few seconds even without firing them when they're still surrounding your kart, so there's far less importance in held items and sandbagging items is pretty useless. Personally, I was far more interested in the obviously poorly edited popups of IRL Ryan with a thick white border, accompanied with his stock soundboard yells of "COOL" or "WAAAAOOOOWWW" or his constant reminders for me to use magic items with LT.

Somehow I feel like I wasted my money even though I only spent a dollar this month getting another first month of Game Pass, so there's that I guess. And even after playing obvious clone games this year like Pac-Man Party or Digimon Racing, this 30 min experience stands out in my mind because somehow this feels like more a shitpost than Sonic Shuffle. Maybe my friends were onto something this year insisting that they didn't have enough time to stop on by for Party Game Weekend 2.0 this time around... either way, it just means I'll have to step up my game and have a better list prepped for next time.

It's an alright kids racing game If you play for free with the gamespass but If you pay what they're charging then you're really gonna regret It. It's a cash grab but I didn't pay for It so I can rate based solely on gamplay.

For reference, I 100% the game in 3 hours exactly. Everything about this game is bad. Enjoy my way too in-depth review. See below:

Content - There is no content here. There are 6 or 7 cups, with 3-6 races each. But there are only 6 unique courses. A couple of the cups had the same track in them twice. The only difference in the cups was which order you did the same tracks.

Achievements - Any game that doesn't give you the achievement for beating a lower difficulty when you beat it on the hardest fails this. Beating a cup on hard does not unlock achievements for easy or medium difficulty. Playing through, I unlocked every achievement except for playing 3 hours (30 mins short). So I jumped in a race and sat there for a while to get this as well. least you can 100% quickly if you just want quick platinum trophies

Sound Design - Cheap sound effects that are repeated and are annoying. Also, there are rumors the music was taken from "free" music on YouTube? I turned it down halfway through and just listened to the song "Red Flags" over and over again on YouTube instead

Level Design - What Level design? There is only one actual shortcut total. The levels just have split paths here and there, but those don't make a difference really.

Controls - The game doesn't work. Drifting is ok, but it doesn't show you when you have drifted enough to get a boost. It seems to be about 2 seconds of drifting to boost. Also, randomly, your car will just stop moving for 3-4 seconds like you let go of accelerate. This was really annoying. Also, accelerate is a face button and not a trigger which is gross.

Art - Textures are really low quality and very pixelated. Models look like toys, which is on par with the brand, but it just made me want to play Toy Story 2 instead.

Challenge - This is a kids game, so this won't mark down the score for being too easy, but I lapped bots on the hard difficulty

Value - LOL THIS GAME RELEASED AT $40 AT LAUNCH HAHAHA. This is literally a reskin of a game that plays the exact same just a few years earlier. Get punked consumers.

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This shit sucks ass! Just as much a Mario Kart clone as you'd expect it to be, except it looks way worse, plays way worse, is way less satisfying, has way more generic and fewer characters and tracks, and is based on a violently consumerist children's YouTube channel. To sum it up in a sentence, it's just "Mario Kart but worse and a .png of Ryan Kaji pops up occasionally."

Don't really know what else to say. I feel like races are way too long, or maybe it's just the lack of variety that makes them feel that way. For whatever reason I decided I was gonna try to 100% this game, and to do so requires you to beat the final cup (Which has 6 tracks, ALL of which you've played before in the previous cups) on all three difficulties, which is insane how boring it is. Although I guess to be fair it probably wasn't designed to be 100%ed. I did learn a good strategy that seems to work for pretty much every level - Get out into 1st place (Not hard to do just by drifting at every turn), and then turn on both Smart Steering and Auto-Acceleration. Your character then just automatically drives through the course on their own, and the only input you need to give is if you feel like using an item - actually, sorry, they're called "The magic skill" in this game.

Not much else to say here. The achievement names are really funny, they all feel both mistranslated and in the wrong order. Like there's a cup called the "Hook Prize Cup" that has a hook hand as its icon, and the achievement for beating it on Hard is called "Fly me to the moon." But then the achievement for beating the "Royal Race Cup" on Medium is called "I wanna be a Pirate!" Trying to decipher what the achievement names are actually supposed to be is probably significantly more fun than playing Race With Ryan.

Final thoughts after 100%ing it: There are actually some stupid but fun little exploits in here you can do, like coming out of a drift immediately as you get hit to avoid the spin out animation entirely and just keep going. Also some questions: Why are his parents not playable when they're 2 of the three actual people involved with the channel? Why is there paid DLC that unlocks skins based on some but not all US states? Weird game. Ryan told me I was a champion though so that was nice.

I played this as a joke, I should’ve left it as a joke. It’s such a blatant cash grab and feels so low effort. Not sure why it’s on GamePass, but at least no one has to pay to play this game

The fuck are you expecting me to say, of course this is bad. It's junk made by junk for junk. I feel bad for everyone involved, and fuck Ryan's parents for continually pushing him into this strange ass youtube shit. I genuinely hope this doesn't come to haunt this kid when he's an adult. God damn.

If you think you're the type of person to get an ironic laugh from this game, you will. The presentation is so over the top and off-putting from what games usually are. It's weird the extent to which this game rips straight from Mario Kart; obviously most cart racers do in some respect but this is really over the top. Drifting, tricks, items, and controls in general feel literally copy pasted. Which is nice because it atleast means its familiar. Not the worst game by any means, but play any other cart racer if you are not a child who is invested in the Ryan Cinematic Universe

I was going to review this game, but I got distracted by that cunt Ryan never shutting the fuck up.

God abandoned us a long time ago.

When you make 29 million dollars a year, people make games based on you. Really that much?

Let me start by saying, I had to learn what Ryan’s World is while making this video, and you know what, Youtube has a lot of interesting channels that get popular for any reason. This review is going to avoid commenting on Ryan’s World as a channel, or the idea he got a game based on him, in fact, kudos to him. I hope he enjoys his game, and hopefully, it’s made him happy. If someone gave me that same opportunity, you all would be playing Kinglink Reviews the game, which would almost definitely be a Raid Shadow Legend clone to make the most money. Game Devs, ring me up.

With that out of the way… This is an awful game on a purely technical level. It’s a kart racer, where the kart takes up too much of the screen, some of the levels have too many paths to keep track of. There are only 6 courses, 12 if you count reverse mode on each. There was a little slowdown which I never have in games, and I had to reboot my computer to try to get rid of it, which mostly worked, but again, never had to do that in any other game this month or pretty much all of last year.

Some tutorials don’t work. The first tutorial is Learn How to Play, which doesn’t tell you anything and soft locks you into driving around a course, that required me to alt f4 to get out of the game. The third tutorial doesn’t even operate and other parts of the menu don't work either. The game is also laughably easy, even on the hard difficulty, I was able to beat the game without using power sliding or any boosts. Ryan also pops up almost every 5 seconds and shouts stuff. Eh.

Pick this up if you are Ryan from Ryan’s World or a fan. But at the same time, I bet you’d still enjoy Forza Horizon 5 more. Or maybe try Trailmakers? I think it’s clear this is a pretty weak kart racer but I’d recommend almost anything else. However it does have an easy enough achievement list, but I couldn’t play it long enough to earn those. The rarest achievement is to play the game for 3 hours, so the game doesn’t take long to complete.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

Some observations:
-It’s called Race with Ryan because Ryan never shuts up.
-The game is clearly a cash grab aimed at unsuspecting parents who don’t know better.
-The actual racing isn’t all that terrible, believe it or not.

this will be the best 10 minutes of your day i promise you

Never even played this but fuck this game

how will mario ever compete