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in the past

pretty cool and fun but idk if i'll ever actually beat it

Never played Rogue Legacy but immediately loved this one once I started seeing how much fun the movement options are and how different the classes played (my favorite is Chef). However I don't think I can bring myself to finish it. A lot of the areas and bosses past the halfway point feel so oppressive with their difficulty and I don't feel like grinding out money runs to maybe have a better shot. Still well worth the experience for the first half, but I wish it wasn't so difficult in the later half.

9 años después llega la secuela de un veterano de los roguelikes: muy continuista en su fórmula pero mejorando absolutamente todos los aspectos de la primera entrega. Una progresión más medida, clases divertidísimas y un plataformeo y combates geniales.

An improvement over the original in almost every way. My personal preference is the pixel/retro graphics from the first outing. The sequel has a cartoon quality which isn't as appealing.

The game can drag, so I eventually turned on House Rules around the NG+2 mark. This made the grind far more bearable and really improved my enjoyment.

Oh, and Valkyrie is the best.

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Entered topside.

Gold gain in this was a little slow paced, but enjoyed it enough to see the main story through. Going to be my fallback game for awhile.

Biggest complaint is some classes (like the bard) change the game so much they’re almost no fun to play.

Rogue Legacy 2 hat nach langer Zeit wieder das gute alte "Eine Runde geht noch"-Gefühl eines fesselnden Roguelites in mir getriggert, was bisher nur ein paar ausgewählte Spiele geschafft haben. Ein mehr als würdiger Nachfolger.

This is an interesting one for me - the original Rogue Legacy was the first "indie game" I ever played, the first game I bought on steam, and it was a really special game to me. This is without a doubt a sequel to that game, it is Rogue Legacy but BIGGER, in both good ways and bad ways.

I obviously liked the game, I put a ton of hours into it, but ultimately I found it just too big - there are too many different currencies, too many different kinds of progression, and it very quickly becomes WAY too expensive to make even marginal upgrades back at your home base - you end up losing the sense of making progress on every run that made the original so special. I'll be honest, I cranked the difficulty sliders way down to get through the final 3 bosses - because I could see that the path to beating the game on the default difficulty was gated behind hours of grinding that I frankly had no interest in. A sour taste in my mouth at the end after a delightful 3 months of playing this game.

Also the story went completely off the rails - when the ending of the original rogue legacy ended up having a bit of actual depth it was a nice surprise but all this pseudo biblical mumbo jumbo in the game where you can have a child who's genetic condition is "clown" - come on. Very homestuck (derogatory).

I've eased up on my more aggressive attitudes toward roguelikes over the years, primarily because I began introducing myself to the types which allow you to make incremental improvements with each run. It's difficult for me to quantify how valuable a particular run is when the only thing I'm really getting out of it is "knowing" a bit more about how to play. That's why I've enjoyed recent games like Hades and Astalon so much. Even on your bad runs, you're collecting stuff to become stronger or to move the plot forward and what have you. I figured Rogue Legacy 2 would give me a similar sort of satisfaction. It probably should have, but there were just too many barriers for me to enjoy. It's been a bit since I actually played, so ideally I can somewhat explain my frustrations. The amount of rewards you get starting out is pitiful. Upgrading starts out quick, but it eventually becomes incredibly expensive, and progress becomes halted. There are a number of classes you can pick from, but most of them don't really feel like they impact anything beyond the speed of combat. There are more nuanced layers, sure, but the overall approach to fighting isn't changed much. The room diversity is minimal, which doesn't allow for a particularly engaging visual feast. And possibly my biggest issue is the over-reliance on loss of visibility as a challenge. As I get older, the need to see what I'm doing on-screen has become so much more important since my eyes just kind of suck at this point. It's why I can't really complete high-level rhythm games anymore. Rogue Legacy 2 has a lot of clever ways of disrupting your ability to look at a screen and identify each part of it. I struggled so hard with this, and it fucking sucked. There are, fortunately, options for players to remove this stuff, and even generous sliders to tool with enemy health, attack power, character health, etc. I spent about 5-6 hours on the game and only started making, what felt like, reasonable progress once I fiddled around with the stats. I probably would've had more fun with it if I had just started this way. Maybe it's a game I return to at some point where I just accept I'm bad and blind and have a much better time. Mechanically it's smooth and I had no issue with moving or attacking in the ways i wanted to. It was just too much of a slog to feel good about my progress. I also find the fart jokes incredibly annoying. Like, what the fuck is this? Nickelodeon? 2/6

It's fine? I feel I have to give it a decent score, because it is just Rogue Legacy but more, but I feel it didnt really have much of an endgame worth talking about? Didnt gel with me as much as the first game and wasnt a fan of the music (except sun spire, that's a banger), but I overall enjoyed it.

It's like that one that don't got the number on it but its got more in it ya dig?

The 5th biome difficulty spike was brutal but enjoyed it enough to push through. Really fun game, nice variety of classes to try, tough but ultimately pretty fair battles. Somewhat on the fence about starting ng+ but feel like I will come back to it eventually.

Silly neat lil game but it's not for me unfortunately. Too unforgiving with very simple mechanics and controls. Little importance to the rng aspect and just feels more like a metroidvania that just sends you to a far away checkpoint.

Heartbreaking, aprendieron a hacer su juego 9 años más tarde

i actually would say i really enjoy this game and i'd even say it's better than most roguelikes. unlike other roguelikes which cram you into this weird, eternal melting nightmare where the days repeat over and over and you're forced to confront yourself as you plow through sisyphean tasks and see the hours slowly drain from your life, rogue legacy 2 provides a slight remedy in the form of a stat-tree meaning that at the end of every run, you can put your money towards a specific trait and thus increase your chances of winning a run. other roguelikes will force you to play the same shit over and over until you git gud , but with rogue legacy 2 you're given a little speck of hope in the form of what might be an otherwise meaningless progression system that does in fact get you pretty addicted to the game. if it had not been for this progression system, i would've thrown the game out and never look at it again. i'm a simple guy, i see numbers go up and stats skyrocket and the little chemicals in my brain start dancing. it's the task of building up a huge collection of gold and then spending almost all of it on one stat and repeating it over and over. it's the closest thing to gambling!!! not only that but the competent combat system and enthralling art design made the experience a more palatable one compared to the likes of slay the spire which will flash its skirt with the same thirty amalgamations of burnt overly airbrushed Scary Monster Type 3B until you feel your grip on reality slip away. the screen will shake every time you drive your blade through some poor skeleton and it felt so fucking good. the vibrating controller did wonders.
the game tries to have a story and lore but anyone who plays a roguelike to be touched by a tightly woven epic full of romance and drama is insane. i admit that i skipped through all of it and i don't really think the creators were that pressed to tell it anyways because it'd be told through the form of diary entries dumped in random places and i laugh at the thought of someone, in the middle of their long run, sitting down to read the frenzied ramblings of some vague Figure Not To Be Named, Only To Be Theorized About who will drop little pieces of lore here and there and then vaguely refer to themselves to spice things up. the game is fun but for its worth, aka a gambling machine, i don't think it has much more value than that. it didn't move me. it wasn't a deeply arresting existentialist piece on the horrors of aging, although IMAGINE a roguelike like that!!!!! it was a good little timesink and it was way better than the first game goodbye!

Sistema de classes é muito bom, pois o playstyle de cada classe é bem diferenciado não só pela arma main, mas também pela habilidade fixa. Basicamente zerei jogando só de arqueiro e assassino sendo que o jogo 1 foi feito pra jogar só de cavaleiro. O jogo só tem 2 defeitos muito grandes: a trilha sonora é tão mediocre que preferi jogar ouvindo Spotify, e falta pontos de interesse nos mapas que incentive o player a explorar ao invés de simplesmente focar em achar o boss, um exemplo disso seria adicionar mini bosses com recompensas únicas (há um mapa que tem mini bosses, mas com outras intenções, e pelo simples fato de ter isso foi um dos melhores mapas). E falando em mapas, aqui há 7, todos bem únicos e com batalhas de boss do mesmo nível de qualidade (ou até mais) que Hollow Knight (no quesito mecânica), ainda mais porque o combate é incrível, tem um skill GAP insano pois o jogo disponibiliza certas mecânicas de movimentação muito simples mas com diversas possibilidades.

Mejor que el primero en todo, pero al tener tanto contenido y tener que morir tanto para desbloquearlo se hace pesado. Además la dificultad es muy artificial.

El control es casi perfecto y cada mejora da bastante gustito.

Los logros que se consiguen por RNG me han desplazado la hairline 1cm para atrás.

I'm starting to wonder if I like roguelites. It felt good to make progress in the game but felt like you often hit walls in gear/ability/stats.

Too many skills and talents and systems that weren't adequately explained and just kind of dragged the experience down. At times the game felt hostile to having fun.

Even though it has so much more than the original, I feel this one falls a little short. Sometimes less is more when most of the options in this game I don't use

Repetitious, but a blast to play. I gave myself carpal tunnel playing the first game, and having #2 come out just brought those memories back. The flaws and characters are always wonderful to mess with, and the Erebus challenges are something I come back to repeatedly.

I loved this game. Everything from the first game was improved from the music to the level design. My favorite part had to be how each class felt like they had their purpose. I never felt upset by having to be a different class.

a lineage full of disabled people takes on an army of monsters, what can I say, it's the first game but better in every possible way.

It was good, i only disliked 2 bosses and the last areas. But there's no way in hell imma play it 3 more times to get the true ending thanks.

Es realmente el "2" de Rogue Legacy. Toma el concepto y núcleo del 1 y lo expande, profundizando todo lo que hacía el primero. Hay más tipos de héroes, más traits, más ataques, más noevades, más horas de juego, etc.

Por momentos, me resultó un poco extenso de más y me terminó desgastando un poco, pero si te gustan los Roguelike, este es obligatorio jugarlo.

fun game, but it didn't not change enough to warrant a sequel. just feels like a big dlc update for the og game