Reviews from

in the past

I don't know why, but this game hooked me from the start and quickly became one of my favorite games ever. The idea of chess-like strategy incorporated into a dog fight oriented shooter is so out there and crazy it is amazing this game was intended for the SNES and not the Gamecube. Easily the best way to play this game is on expert as it feels the most dire considering it is only you against this entire army. I pray for a remake of this game one day, it is entirely deserving.
6 Trons

Surprisingly good. Definitely playable and enjoyable. But the shadow of Starfox 64 always looms, making you say to yourself "this is like a worse version of 64."

Was initially hesitant about this game after how slow Star Fox 1 was but it actually plays really well! Miyu and Fay are great additions to the cast.

Honestly I think just as good as the original. I might even like the way the main map/mission selection works more. Was more fun than just heading in a straight line.

A very short and neat little game that's fun in an arcadey way but is fairly shallow compared to both its immediate predecessor and its immediate successor. Still, for a game that is purely arcade-style, I think there's plenty of meat here to work with when improving at it for higher scores and better times. The fact that it can run on actual SNES hardware is also great - it looks, controls, and plays really well for that. The presentation is awesome and it's seriously impressive for its era.

Honestly I'm glad that I played it primarily on my Switch Lite instead of on my SNES Mini because it makes for a far better pick-up-and-play-when-you-have-20-minutes kind of game than one you actually sit down and focus on. If you have any interest in this game and you already have an NSO subscription, just play it that way when you have a bit of free time.

This is one of those games where I'd recommend it easily to anybody who's curious. It's absolutely worth the short amount of time it asks for and is a really cool way to see some forward-thinking developers' work from back in the day. It might not be particularly great but it's still solid as all hell.

Was it worth the wait? Meh. I think it would’ve been a smashing success if released when it was originally developed. It certainly looks better than its predecessor and has more of the timeless retro feel. Gameplay is improved too.

But also…lots of it was cannibalized into other SF games, most of which are better.

i get it now, why nintendo cancels it: they were afraid of this game: this really short and clanky games afraid nintendo, because this is one of the most original games of the entire snes lineup: the team mechanic change and instead, you choose between 2 of the 6 member of you team to play as, and if your first member die, you play the second one, plus, all of the member have unic stats, who make this mechanic even more orginal and exciting. you can also turn into a sort of vehicule now in all the terrestrial level, which is impressive as hell for the snes, even tho i find it not as usefull thats the spaceship (i only use it for the new switch mechanic, but i find this one kind of meh) my favorite part of this games is by far corneria, who is attack in real time, even if you are playing a other stage, and you have to stop all the boss, missile or fighter who attack the planet, or else, game over. in the end, this game is really impressive, has great (and sometime not so great) mechanic, and is overall very entertaining: so much shit happen at the exact time

my problem with the first one are still valid tho

The long awaited Star Fox 2!
It's still SNES Star Fox so the framerate is still poor! Star Wolf is neat but I'm glad we got to meet them in Star Fox 64 instead.

Idk if I like this more than Star Fox or not.

A game with a vision beyond the technology of the SNES. I wish the effort was spent on something like this for the N64 because I really like what this game does but it's bite sized and limited. I kept thinking about what Star Fox could be if it wasn't owned by 2022 Nintendo.

I actually don't like this franchise and of the ones I've played, this one is the worst.

Honestly one of the best sequels I've seen from the SNES. Really didn't think it deserved to be canceled.

Star Fox 2 seems pretty ambitious at a glance, but it doesn't take long to realize how shallow of an experience it really is. Moreover, it simply doesn't hold up on a technical level. It's fragile and delivers very little feedback as a result of poor performance and unclear graphics.
Its core concept of defending Corneria in a light RTS view is pretty interesting, but the whole afair takes less than an hour to complete, and yet it still manages to feel repetitive in such a short playthrough.

Pros: The graphics are top-notch for SNES, using the SuperFX 2 chip, this is some impressive stuff for the system (shame it took so long to come out, we would've been wowed back in the 90s had it released then). And it's pretty cool, there's brand new team members with Miyu and Fay, you can dogfight a giant dragon in space, a rival mercenary squad of space fighters with Star Wolf, a free-roam map, and the ability to transform the Arwing into a walker. It's cool, and impressive stuff. Most stages involve big open areas that require you to unlock gates, enter bases, defeat bosses, and all with 360 movement with tons of shooty shooty blast blastin'. Either that, or it's dog fights on a timer in space. It works... I'm just...

Cons: Not a fan of the gameplay, my dudes... All-range mode ONLY, everything is on a timer, and the main form of progress is via strategy on a map, where you take turns for movement, to try and defeat each enemy base, destroy each missile, and confront rival teams as you head your way to stop Andross. I didn't gel with it, sorry to say. This isn't my type of Star Fox.

What it means to me: This game releasing at all was mind blowing, and it made the SNES Classic Edition mini all the more worth buying. Later released on Switch's NSO SNES service, there's plenty ways to play it, and so I did, and... well... I enjoyed what I could, and didn't enjoy the parts that weren't meant for me. It's a mixed bag, but I'm glad it saw the light of day anyhow. If anything, I'm glad Miyu and Fay are now official Star Fox team members!!

The sequel 24 years in the making. It was fun to play the lost Star Fox game, but you could tell that is was cancelled and what remained was the only part that was released.

This is Star Fox 1 if it was more conceptually interesting.

Pretty fun game that deserved better treatment than what had originally happened to it. At least it's out now for everyone to play.

Didn't finish so I won't rate it, but it's basically Star Fox SNES but even more disorienting.

This should have stayed lost. Sure theres more content and theres more of everything but when the frame-rate repeatedly shits the bed to the point where the game more resembles a picture book than an actual game, you realise you'd be better off spending your time elsewhere on something more productive with your time.

Frame rate sucks, the sections where you fly in open space are really bad too. The onrails flying is flying, and the walker mech sections are cool. Not super great, but worth trying

this game introduces the chicken robot walker thingy but its actually really fun to control guys trust me

“3 and a half Superman ice cream scoops outta five.”
- John Lennon

Way better and more interesting than Star Fox 1. The strategy portion on the galaxy map was a really neat idea and the fleshed out (and less frustrating) gameplay was wonderful.

Partiamo dal fatto che è un gioco uscito nel 2017 per SNES Mini, quindi questo gioco sarebbe stato molto diverso se fosse uscito negli anni '90. Il gioco è molto più corto rispetto al suo prequel, ma per fortuna, risulta molto più divertente del primo capitolo e con un'ottima pixel art! In più, in questo gioco, abbiamo un cast variegato che ci permetterà di giocare al meglio delle nostre abilità.
Alla fine è un buon prodotto, molto simpatico e divertente.

wow that was rough what the heck
why am i forced first person in space where most of the game takes place thats so unusual

Such an intriguing piece of history
Way more fun than the original

It's really a shame this didn't come out on the SNES as intended. This game rules and might have completely changed the trajectory of the Star Fox franchise.

i barely remember this game but if was cool, impressive stuff but felt way too short and not much substance to warrant a replay besides getting a higher score
this would've blown some minds had it released in 1996 though
