Reviews from

in the past

Una historia muy interesante con personajes entrañables y a pesar de su resago grafico no ha perdido su encanto. Un zelda que te tramsporta a un mundo de fantasia con pocos recursos y muchas referencias.

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Jogabilidade: Boa
História: Boa
Arte: Perfeita
Nota adicional: O jogo soa datado, nada que o torne impossível de jogar, apresenta-se como um spin-off da franquia, por isso cria cenários desconectados com a história original da franquia. Divertido, rápido de finalizar, trilha sonora perfeita.

De los mejores Zeldas no solo 2D, si no en general

Não tenho como opinar direito pois a idade que eu joguei prejudicava o jogador, mas tenho boas lembranças desse jogo.

this was... pretty interesting! i liked it.

Hated it the first time around, loved it after replaying. I wish I took my time with it during the initial playthrough because knowing how it ends will going through it the second tim cheapened the experience a bit.

The ultimate expression of what the Game Boy was capable of, and probably the best Zelda narrative.

Literally just DX but a little bit less.

Link's Awakening was A Link to the Past's slightly more straightforward followup, continuing its meticulous program of cleverly arranged dungeons contained in a gradually unlockable overworld, although it occasionally veers towards cryptic progression. Its transition to portable is hampered a little by the Game Boy's limitations (visually, not the menu system), delivering much less memorable dungeons in the process, even though a few tools and sidescrolling areas nod to both Super Mario and the original LoZ. By far the highlight here is the multi-story labyrinthine Eagle's Tower.

great game - pefer the switch port tbh

Link se despierta no me acuerdo de mucho de esto

-> Esta bien historia.
-> Exploracion y jefes son malisimos.

no recuerdo nada era pequeño

Para ser un juego de Gameboy se la sacaron de una forma ancestral

El final me dejo tostado

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An absolute gem, and the best Zelda game without Zelda ever. When it came out, nobody believed the Game Boy had the ability to deliver anything that ambitious, that good-looking. A wonderful adventure that still holds today.

Really good Game Boy game!
Good franchise installment, with interesting story.

It's not worth playing this specific version anymore, but this is still an absolutely outstanding Game Boy game

the best version of link's awakening

Absolutely mindblowing game to have on a handheld back in the day.

A game of its size on the gameboy. It was just amazing.
My first look into what is now one of my favorite video game franchise.

The only way this game could possibly be better is if it were in color.