Reviews from

in the past

A hard game, the idea of battle with an opponent in another screen is cool

(I think i not use continue, don't remember so much, normal)

completely forgot one of these is a twinkle star sprites type beat. twinkle star sprites, for the record, blows this out of the water. good effort tho

Absolute insanity, lightning fast pace and for the most part completely unpredictable - "boss" attacks have their sets of patterns but even then you're still reacting to everything on the spot, and at that point it's often not unlike playing two games at once layered on top of each other. Somewhat lenient with small mistakes, but also demands a very high standard of play and deep understanding of its mechanics for you to even have a chance, and while "perfect dodging" is a pipe dream in a game this chaotic the later stages will expect you to pull off some truly ridiculous shit here and there. Easily one of the most exhilarating games I have ever played.

Its fun, but if you're trying to 1CC on higher difficulties this will be the most frustrating point in the series

Depois de terminar os de Pc98, eu pretendo jogar o 9, eu só manjava sobre o que era os Phantasmagoria por vídeos, e pensava “mó gameplay paia”. Mas agora realmente jogando um deles, eu vejo que é MUITO divertido

eu gostei muito(!) das artes desse jogo! mas eu não sei se tanko muito essa coisa de danmaku competitivo. talvez seja o tipo de jogo melhor jogado em multiplayer

Bem legal que o ZUN sempre tente experimentar nesses primeiros jogos e é bem interessante a mistura com elementos de fighting game, o meu maior problema com ele é a falta de polidez no visual dos stages e nos padrões dos inimigos, o jogo varia entre dois estados: Ou de padrões muito simples ou de poluição de balas e efeitos.

Fun little competitive shmup. I do think the idea of doing a tennis match of fireballs between the two players while fighting the waves of stuff is a cool and neat idea and the game has more characters than I expected. Not my preferred style of shmup, but I enjoy all the same.

So easy, no levels, no bosses just straight ass 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥

This game is really sick actually, wasn't really expecting another switch-up to the formula, and one that goes into a style that I haven't really seen many other games attempting (I will play Twinkle Star Sprites eventually). There's a really great sense of ramping intensity to the game loop, with this wonderful little dynamic of having to balance between timing for the optimal combos and madly dashing to just clear the screen of potential threats, with the game leaning into this really strongly by the end, where there's so much going on that it's almost not worth trying to time things correctly because you'll still get some good combos regardless. Even fighting against the AI feels like a great time, being a very hectic and unpredictable mad dash with a sense of give and take constantly pushing itself forth, especially prominent on the last few stages. Thought I wasn't really going to vibe with this one much, and in all honesty I think it has a similar problem to Touhou 2 where it's in desperate need of some visual clarity at points, but despite that, this is definitely my favourite one so far by quite a decent margin, it's just fun!

The third entry in the touhou series was originally going to be a horizontal shmup funnily enough, but I guess ZUN changed his mind after playing Twinkle Star Sprites and instead made a vs shmup very much in its style. I've come to like this style of shmup quite a lot recently. The snowballing chaos and dynamism of vs shmup gameplay makes it stay fresh where many other shmups naturally become stale. Plagiarised assets aside, PoDD still feels like a unique and fun entry in the prolific Touhou series, also imo even though the first two touhous did still have decent soundtracks, this is where ZUN really started to enter his element in terms of consistently pumping out banger OSTs.

This game is shockingly easy, to the point that I had no trouble 1CCing it on my first playthrough. Decently fun for what it is and it'd probably be a lot more fun with a friend.

An interesting take on the formula from the second game, yet a bit lackluster in the long run.

Compared to the second game this game takes a formula of some kind of versus battle where your character is on the left with the opposing character on the right and you fight each other trying to fill each other's screen with the most amount of bullets possible. Whoever loses all their HP first, makes the other character win. It's an interesting idea but that's all there really is to it. Not to mention that the game is quite easy since you regain all your HP and bombs after you finish the level and in general the game is just far more forgiving. You can also play this game in multiplayer and that'd probably be pretty fun.
This game also focuses much more on the story, so to speak. There's a lot more dialogue this time around and the endings are actually quite different now since there are also multiplae characters you can play as, all having different speed and projectiles. The music is fine and the visuals aren't bad but they're not as good as second or even first game.

Overall, I still think this is a bit better than the first game but quite a bit worse than the second.

If you don't want to play this game, then at least listen to Strawberry Crisis at least once

Tetris Touhou?!

The third mainline entry in the Touhou franchise and you can tell the creator wasn't really sure what to make with the franchise, but it seems he finally settled on shmups and not breakout or whatever Touhou 1 was supposed to be.
This Touhou game is most likely the most underrated one out of the PC-98 pentalogy, unlike the first two which are really forgettable for the better or worse. In this game, you can select from a dozen or so character to play but obviously, I picked Reimu, the whole game is separated into two screens like a puzzle game you play with a friend or an AI like Tetris or Panic Bomber. Your goal is to destroy as many enemies with a combo as possible on your screen to fill your attack bar to make a mean attack that will go to the enemy's screen and you need to repeat that process till he dies.
It's pretty easy and fun! I hope we get something else like this online or something.

Should you play this game? Definitely, but I heard Touhou 9 was the same thing but better so you should check out that one first I guess.

Ended up enjoying this one a ton truth be told. The shift to a more fighting game style works really well and while it is really easy truth be told, its satisfyingly as hell beating each opponent and the story mode is pretty humorous! I can see myself coming back to this one honestly.

Diferente do resto da franquia, divertidinho, dificuldade mediana.. e acho que só.
Ah sim, primeiro jogo á ter a Marisa jogável, já faz esse jogo ter pontos comigo.

Very fun and a lot more accessible than any other games

cute little vs game. i actually enjoy this format a lot, but i guess it comes at the cost of being easier than most of the other ones.

Mima keep winning

always wanted to play a mediocre versus shmup with michael j fox

The fact that this is not at Evo says a lot.

Touhou 3 continues the early trend of ZUN trying out new things for each game, and while the VS. format is a novel concept and is executed decently enough, I got sufficiently attached to the previous game that I was hoping for more of that. This format also lends itself to a much easier game overall; save for the final boss, which had a sizeable difficulty spike that ruined my initial 1cc run dream. I'll probably go back and try this out with a friend at some point, but it's fun enough as a single player experience, regardless.