Reviews from

in the past

Warhammer: Chaosbane isn't a bad game. It's just not a particularly good one. It's a mediocre Diablo-clone with a Warhammer skin. It's fine, better with friends, but you're better off with any version of Diablo, Lost Ark, PoE, Last Epoch, Torchlight. Chaosbane just isn't engaging enough to warrant its pricetag and even when it's on-sale, you're better off playing one of the other standouts in the genre.

Perhaps if you're very interested in the IP, then it's worth your time. But if that's the case then this game would be far more interesting if it was Warhammer 40k instead of Warhammer Fantasy.

The game looks nice. The armors look fantastic. The spell effects are impactful and enjoyable to use. The story is...pretty bad. It isn't good on its own, and it isn't told well either. That said, these games really aren't about the story. Once you get past that the end game, while limited, is pretty fun.

Pretty poor Diablo clone, Some classes just are not fun to play...

hey, there is a new mission guess what, yes... In the DRAIN AGAIN.

its diablo immortal before diablo immortal and not on a phone
so it's fine

Diablo from AliExpress. Bought it for pocket change and still feel scammed.

It is a shameless Diablo 3 clone set in the Warhammer universe, and I don't see that as a bad thing. I had a total blast playing this game in coop. The value proposition here is insane; I got the Slayer Edition on GOG for 90% off.
Check it out if you like ARPGs and are waiting to fill the void until Diablo 4 comes out.

This one surprised me quite a bit, especially after seeing all the negative reception. While it doesn't do anything too new in the genre, what it does, it does well.

I think I almost never seen this game without a 90% discount, so there really isn't a good excuse not to try it. If you have the possibility, go through it in co-op, there's plenty of fun to be had here.

This is like Diablo without the personality. Maybe I played it wrong? Or on the wrong difficulty setting? But using only the in-game systems of character advancement, I went well beyond level cap in a single playthrough and beat the final boss in 30 seconds without taking a single hitpoint of damage.

Hilariously easy whilst taking Dragon Age II's one dungeon approach with Bethesda's Quality Assurance testing for glitches and network errors. Might not be the best inspirations to follow.

Diablo-like que es una puta mierda.

Generic, shallow and overpriced. I was expecting more from this game, but it was a disappointment from start to finish. With a market full of games in the genre, this one definitely is one to avoid.

It's like a more boring, more beardy Diablo.

It's an average ARPG, nothing great, nothing bad. I'd say I can recommend this for anyone into the Warhammer fantasy setting, having a Diablo-clone in this setting is great, killing Chaos daemons, beastmen, and etc feels good. The different pieces of armor and weapons all look straight out of the miniatures too, and going to locations like Nuln and Praag is cool. In terms of the actual map design it's very linear, the enemies all look great but all function like a mindless horde with a few exceptions. This game honestly reminds me of ARPGs I loved playing as a kid on the PS2, Champions of Norrath, Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance, Gauntlet, etc. If you can deal with some lackluster linear maps and some repeating enemies you'll find a fun albeit average game. This is a perfect mindless fun background game, put on some music or watch YouTube or a TV show and kill hordes of enemies.

If Japan gave birth to the Musou genre, the Western world is not to be outdone with a hack'n slash sub-genre, of which Diablo or Path of Exile are the best known representatives. Thanks to its multi-form experience, the Warhammer franchise has tried to penetrate this vein, by proposing its own variation, set a few days before the rise of Magnus the Pious to the imperial throne. Chaosbane puts you in the shoes of one of six characters – including DLC – to fight against the forces of Chaos, who are attempting their latest offensive from the shadows. The game is divided into four chapters, each set in a different environment. Nuln, Praag, Kislev and Nuln again. Very quickly, one realizes the poverty of the maps, which repeat small sections in a loop. As such, the waves of enemies all look the same and the bestiary is of a rare mediocrity. The appeal of Chaosbane seems to lie more in the customisation of its skill bar, but the acquisition of these are automatic as you level up and you realise which skills you want to keep and which you will ignore. This does nothing to reduce the game's stultifying repetitiveness, nor to build a really interesting challenge: the whole game is an alternation between burst cycles and healing cycles, similar for all characters. The misery of this vain emphasis on skills is the fact that the equipment has not benefited from any care. Only the heroic (red) items offer interesting unique effects, the rest is just a collection to be given to the Collector as soon as possible. I could go on and on about the false goodness of relic hunts and expeditions, whose rewards are often disappointing – making it always better to go for the boss rush. Chaosbane's greatest misfortune is probably that it exists in a franchise that, for its fantasy part, has rather accustomed us to reasonable quality, if not simply good games. Chaosbane does not belong to this group and fails, as a game, to give the slightest satisfaction.

Now this is a pretty decent Diablo style game. Fun classes, solid gameplay, nothing story.

So powerful by the end that the final boss was killed in maybe 2 minutes, tops.

My first sixteen minutes with this game, summarized:

Round 1:
-- Start up game, am asked to press a button on my controller or keyboard to determine device. Press a button, it recognizes a gamepad, then refuses to accept any further gamepad inputs and locks out the keyboard, preventing me from doing anything other than ALT-TABbing out and quitting manually from Steam.

Round 2:
-- Restart game, pick keyboard this time, pick a class with limited info on each class (I chose Wood Elf because she looked the least doofy), started game.
-- Load screens
-- Lots of narrative with missing audio on some lines and some misspellings of subtitles
-- Load screens
-- I kill things, then can't proceed forward because the game demands I use one of my few heal potions to heal myself while fully healed
-- I relent, gain a level in the next room, get interrupted about how skills work when leveling up
-- Try to mess with skills, get told I can't mess with skills right're a rude game
-- Get to the top of the tower, get a cutscene where I'm told I have to fight this evil magic lady and ready my blades even though I'm an archer
-- I'm ready!
-- I'm not ready, because the game tells me I lost the fight and was left for dead when people who despise magic show up and accuse me of killing the king
-- I'm like, "Yo, I'm an archer and I don't use spells," and they're like, "Screw you, you're alive, so it had to be you even though you were left for dead!"
-- Some random dude comes in during the neverending cutscenes to tell them they're all stupid and that it was magic done by somebody else
-- Magic haters be like, "Whoa, random dude, we'll listen! Thanks for telling us we were dumb!"
-- Somewhere in there was some more load screens
-- Game resumes and I quit, an absolute winner.