Reviews from

in the past

O game é legal, é exatamente um Mario Kart só q pra Playstation 2. Curti os controles, o drift é bem fácil de fazer.

>> Prós
• JOGABILIDADE : Extremamente boa e fácil, os comandos são bem colocados em sua opção inicial.
• DESAFIO : No inicio é bem fácil mas dps fica mais complicado de chegar em primeiro pra liberar as demais pistas do modo história.

>> Contras
• PISTAS : Tem apenas 12 pistas, achei q poderia ter pelo menos umas 20.

>> Perso Favorito = Crash.

>> Mundos
• TERRA = 2.5/5
• BARIN = 3/5
• FENOMENA = 3/5
• TEKNEE = 2.5/5

Disappointing compared to CTR, but still a good game in its own right. Weaker track design at times and worse controls and physics and just a slower feel than the original don't overshadow the fact that this is still a decent game that you should give a shot as a crash fan.

It's worse than the PS1 game as the karts are not as fun to drive, it's full of new characters that no one cares about, and the tracks are not that memorable. It's still fun!

Not as great as CTR, but still a really fun and solid kart racer.

Its enjoyable game, the tracks are good especially the final track. All soundtrack is absolute banger. Adventure mode being split into two teams was really cool (only different just a cutscene). Definitely isn't as good as "CTR," but bring some friends over and you can still have one hell of a fun gaming experience.

Did this game have zero-g tracks? Did Mario Kart 8 rip off of Crash Nitro Kart?!

Crazy how much worse this is than CTR yet it still clears most Mario Kart games. It's decent, just a bit slow and not as tight

There are so many kart racers that I'm losing track of which ones I've played, and which I haven't. Like the other Crash racing game, this one isn't especially memorable, despite being a spinoff of a very solid series.

A far worse Crash Team Racing but still an okay game

One of the all-time great racing games and a Crash classic.

Acho bonito até hoje mas é menos memorável que o team racing

Era incrível como um jogo como esse rodava em um celular em 2003.

O N-Gage foi um pioneiro em matéria de smartphone e CTR era um dos melhores títulos lançados nativamente para ele, com frame rate e jogabilidade adequadas para um portátil da época.

Finding fake crash stranded in the middle of the desert and unlocking him in the gba version is some of the most surreal feeling shit I've experienced in any game.

I was going to call this a soulless game but I have a friend who actually like Nash, that one generic nerdy shark, so out of respect I'll be using the term "devoid of spiritual conscience" from now on.

I've seen folks online call this the racing-equivalent to "Wrath of Cortex" and I have to agree. This game doesn't suck, just as Wrath of Cortex doesn't suck; but it's a lesser version of one of the best racing games ever made, just as Wrath of Cortex is a lesser version of Warped.

Unless you're constantly drift-boosting, it feels like the game is so slow. You can't really even tap brake on the ground to help your steering without losing a lot of speed, and some tracks just aren't really designed for drifting. Mid-air braking works really well, but you can't always rely on there being a jump to make a strong turn. I'm playing Crunch who supposedly has the best top speed of Team Bandicoot, and I still have no sense of speed unless I'm snaking through every track that lets me. It doesn't make the game harder or anything, I'm consistently coming in first, it just feels really sluggish.

Speaking of "Team Bandicoot", I kinda didn't care for the team mechanic of this game. It seems to rely on your teammate doing as well as you are for item spam as a reward? Getting hit by an item also immediately takes you out of it, which I can't decide whether I like that or not.

The cutscenes and presentation of the Adventure Mode are a huge step-up from CTR imo. These cutscenes are both a blessing because they're super charming and often funny, but a curse because it means they only animated cutscenes for the two main teams of Adventure Mode. As a result, it's only playable with Team Cortex or Team Bandicoot, which is REALLY lame. That aside, the hub worlds (especially Fenomena) are really nice-looking. I love how the first game had the galactic threat of Nitros Oxide coming to you, but this game inverts that. Now, you race across different planets to save yours. That said, I wish there were more playable alien racers from these planets, because Zem and Zam are kinda lame, generic green aliens. The boss characters and other alien characters like Oxide are way more interesting in terms of character design, and they have way more personality that makes them lovable additions to the cast.

The racetracks themselves don't really embrace the interplanetary setting that the storyline establishes. So much so, that even the first planet you race on is apparently a carbon-copy of Earth called "Terra". There's jungle levels, water/ice levels, desert levels, and "technology" levels (?) and none of them really feel like you're on another planet. The tracks aren't bad though, and I especially find Clockwork Wumpa to be a great track. Lots of tight turns and a fun shortcut to take by drift-boosting onto the ramp.

I do like that I'm apparently able to completely avoid non-juiced missiles by snaking or steering at the last minute, which is not something I think I could do in CTR. You either had to block the missile with an item (unreliable) or drift around a corner/invisible barrier to make the tracking hit the wall instead of you. If there's no corner to drift around, then you just kinda had to take it. That's not a bad thing, because I think items in kart racers help even out the playing field for people who aren't as good at the game.

Also I just wanted to mention that I clipped through the track at one point in Android Alley and almost lost a race because I fell OOB. Not sure if that's an emulator-specific bug or if the game's just kinda buggy like that lol.
EDIT: At the time of this review, I've clipped through the floor at least 5 times during Relic attempts, and once in the hub world as well.

My least favorite of the Crash Kart games but still decently fun.

who the fuck played this on the n gage?

acho divertido, mas não é um jogo muito bom

Nostalgic, but I find little reason to go back to it now that Nitro-Fueled exists. I appreciate the original characters and worldbuilding it provides, at least.

More of a first impressions, since I never played this game when it came out.

Quickly becoming a master of one, I've spent a reasonable amount of time getting very familiar with the Assembly Lane racetrack. And N. Gin has become my new main sorry Coco...

If CTR didnt exist you would be the best cart racer

It's like that one game but worse, like how the other crash game was like that one crash game but worse.

At least this was better than the Tag Team Racing game. Too bad it still isn't remotely as good as the original CTR


It was alright but CTR was better