Reviews from

in the past

not a shmuphead by any means but i found the 2014 entry surprisingly entertaining and was in a car for 6 hours so I tapped in on this. manipulating bullet patterns on a crusty 2017 ASUS laptop with a suspect shift key is just only a notch below an arcade cabinet in terms of intended shmup experience, and after a bit of mangling with the different modes and ship types i was hittin that rhythmic groove that made me fall in love with PCB & Imperishable Night when I played them way back when. shmups are really good at creating this kind of paradoxical enforcement and lessening of failure anxiety--good performance lessens the feeling that you're gonna lose and builds confidence in your competency, but also said good performance moves you up the linear curve of higher stakes, to where your prior good performance might not cut it anymore, which actually just reinforces the initial anxiety, and so on and so on. new breed trapper imposter syndrome not the fake bullshit for corporate eaters they talk about in litmags. anyway i really like this one because it kind of lets you set the variables for that anxiety game--do you want to be anxious about keeping up a high standard for an indefinite period of time, do you want to be anxious about keeping pace with an ever-evolving environment, do you want to be anxious about the precarious, 'zig when you shoulda zagged' nature of timing your next big move, etc. then the internal slip n slide of affect plays out from there depending on how you've set the board up. idk just really fun stuff at the end of the day.

If they ever combine shmups and gambling we as a species are so cooked.

It seems a bit silly to complain about readability when talking about a bullet hell shmup, a subgenre known for overstimulating maximalism, but it's one of the things that keeps Crimzon Clover from reaching the highs of top tier shmups like Ketsui and Mushi. With Cave's best stuff, while the patterns may be intimidating, they've always felt fair to me - on the other hand Crimzon Clover adds collecting stars that cover the screen and multiplier numbers popping up, muddying up the screen and making things seem unfair at times. Sure it's probably partially a skill issue, but the overload makes it hard to convince me to 1cc, even on Novice.

I only managed to 1CC Novice but I loved it anyway, you can feel that game is tight as all hell, the soundtrack is amazing and it will get you pumped up for all of its encounters. You can see that it's really done by someone who has great knowledge of shmups.

So chaotic and visceral, and so good. It's insane how hard this game goes. I always like the exclusive mechanics in these games, and the lock-on/buster one in Crimzon Clover feels so good. I hope for more games with things like this

I really dig this game made by a cave lover. You can tell the person put some work in it. Im playing regularly to grind out my 1 cc and its so much fun, the ship types, the visuals, the training- and replay-mode. I may even come back to raise the rating.

The dopamine rush this game gives should make it be legally classified as a drug.

Pra mim um shmup pra ser bom tem que passar por um coeficiente do quanto meu pau fica duro enquanto eu jogo ele baseado pelo tempo de duração de uma jogada. Esse, foi além. Deixou meu pau tão duro que no final minhas bolas tavam enrugadas de tanta serotonina e dopamina que meu cérebro recebeu.

Crimzon Clover tem de tudo que um shoot 'em up precisa; conta com uma cacetada de modos, então mesmo um iniciante vai conseguir jogar enquanto tem uma curva de dificuldade altíssima nos modos mais superiores. Ele tem alguns chefes com uns padrões muito diferentes do normal, então vai ter momentos que parece um bullet hell da Cave enquanto você estraçalha um chefe que parece que saiu de um jogo da Treasure, sem contar a trilha sonora desse jogo que é muito tesuda, engrandecendo ainda mais todo o espetáculo visual que esse jogo é. Virou um dos meus shmups favoritos, e eu NÃO tava esperando isso. Junto de Radiant Silvergun e Ketsui Kizuna esse é um dos jogos que eu considero perfeitos. Kamige demais esse aqui.

All time favorite, brilliant shmup and a fantastic port.

Novice 1CC completed today. Fairly easy with light practice + grasp of the aggressive system mechanics. Lots of 1UPs to spare too! Going to start the Arcade 1CC now, which I hear is much steeper.

(This is a review of both the main game and the new World EXplosion release).

Crimzon Clover is the kind of game where it can be immediately felt that it’s created by someone who has extensive knowledge and experience of the shmup genre. Not only does it play amazingly well, but it’s also a great love letter to the genre as a whole.

The mechanics pick and choose from various other shmup titles to create a familiar yet fresh experience, with a priority in making the player feel powerful by constantly encouraging the use of the various tools at the player’s disposal. On top of the bread-and-butter regular shot you’ll be holding onto, for the most part, you also have a lock-on weapon that deals extensive damage and can prioritize various parts in bosses to not only weaken them but also to milk out further score.

Instead of limited bombs, you’re given a Break meter where you can fill by destroying enemies and collecting stars. Fill it up enough and you can bomb to clear the screen, fill it up all the way and you enter Break Mode. Break Mode is this game’s hyper mechanic where your shot and lock-in damage get stronger, alongside faster lock-in. You can even go further by filling a second bar where you can go into Double Break Mode. This makes bombs, not just a safety net, but also the main mechanic you use often to gain optimal score.

These mechanics together create a dynamic feeling rhythm to the combat on top of weaving through the hail of bullets. There’s a lot of emphasis on aggressive play and you can cancel out enemy bullets consistently through mastery of these mechanics.

The feedback in general feels really good, the constant explosions that output stars to collect alongside enemy bullets that fill most of the screen is a consistent adrenaline rush throughout the game. The feeling of power your ship is capable of compliments the experience of facing an overwhelming enemy force.

The game also features an extensive number of extra modes to play around with. All these different modes provide a different take on the same core gameplay, making the experience feel fresh as you play through each.

On top of the brutal yet fair Original Arcade Mode, the Novice Mode provides a great experience for newcomers of the genre, providing a good balance between a softer pace and a genuine challenge that has to be overcome. You also have a Training Mode that allows you to jump onto any stage with any ship, and even adjust conditions such as lives, Break Gauge, and stars collected. It could be a bit more extensive, such as being allowed to skip through specific sections of a stage or at least a mid-boss. But it’s still a great tool to learn the game.

There’s the Boost Mode that also changes the way the Break Mode mechanic works, where it’s instead automatically triggered by collecting enough stars, and the player is put onto a constant state of Break Mode, only being stopped through bombing or dying.

Unlimited Mode can be described as the Original Mode on steroids, with faster bullets, more complex patterns, and overall harsher difficulty. People familiar with Mushihimesama’s Ultra Mode will be right at home with Unlimited Mode in particular. Finally, a Time Attack mode akin to older caravan-style shmups where you play through a single-stage within a 3-minute timer, with the goal to earn as many points as possible towards the end.

New to the World EXplosion release is the Arrange mode, which features a Gradius-style power progression system. Collecting stars will increase the gauge, which gives you various upgraded abilities such as faster speed, extra lock-ons, weapon options, auto-bomb shield, and the familiar Break Mode. It’s a really fun mode that adds a new layer of complexity to the core gameplay without straying too far from it.

You also have a brand-new soundtrack option, which features a noticeable different set of music. I still prefer the original tracks, and there are some songs I felt that were rather underwhelming with this new set, but there are still some good highlights here, such as the sortie tune and second stage theme, and it also gives another way to keep each playthrough feel fresh.

There’s also the addition of extra customization in the form of selectable new color palettes for each ship. I would have loved to see more color options, but the options provided are still a nice touch that adds a bit more personalization to the game.

The extra polish is also appreciated, including better resolution outputs for HD displays which scale better for modern screens. There’s no dramatic visual rework here going on, so it’s still the same original visuals everyone knows and loves but finally presented with more clarity.

Overall Crimzon Clover is an amazingly fun shmup, it’s designed and balanced in such a way that you only get from someone who has the player’s mentality and a love for the genre as a whole. This World EXplosion re-release is also a testament to the passion both the fans and the creator have for the game and is overall a great experience for both seasoned veterans and new players.

Un juego muy de género diseñado por un jugador experto en el género. Marca todas las casillas del danmaku canonizadas por Cave y el resultado es media hora de partida compleja y densa, de niveles compactos y variados, con enemigos y situaciones diseñadas al milímetro y jefes multifásicos con muchas partes rompibles. Destaca sobre todo su sistema de puntuación, divertido de entender y aprender, incluso para alguien que no se ha sacado el 1cc todavía. Es lo que termina por dar forma a su plano de acción activo que te hace buscar por la pantalla a los enemigos y conectar cadenas y combos, solapado con el siempre presente plano reacctivo de esquivar proyectiles y bailar entre densas cortinas de balas.

Pero, es un juego tan de género que resulta hasta canibalesco. Es un elaborado ecosistema cultivado dentro de si mismo y huele a cerrado. Si no conoces de dónde viene todo el rollo de las medallas y los números excesivos, mirándolo con cierta distancia te cuestionarías si es un matamarcianos o un casino online. Lo peor es que detrás de esta estética no esconde ningún tipo de sistema de azar, solo gratificación visual ludópata. Si te implicas con Crimzon Clover tienes por delante horas de acción frenética y exigente, empaquetada en partidas de escasa media hora. Algo que pocos juegos modernos son capaces de ofrecer, pero yo, después de esto, solo quiero jugar a un juego de navecitas donde matar una nave solo implique una efímera explosión y no desencadenar el premio de la tragaperras

Honestly if it was just for gameplay itself I'd probably give 4 stars but the fact that the game is just overflowing with things to do thanks to the myriad of modes, and such good features like a robust training mode, Superplay replays with commentary, among other things, this is one of the best shmups when it comes to raw content. You'll definetly make your money's worth of it.

not one but TWO spelling/grammar mistakes in the title! very disappointed! see me after class! -2

Visual overload as an expression of love.

Will be the definitive version of Crimzon Clover once it comes out on Steam.

EDIT: it's releasing on steam let's fucking gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I'll probably make a longer review, I got the arcade original 1cc and I personally think this game is a lot more reset proof than Ketsui. I love Ketsui but messing up an early section will usually equate to a reset there.

Crimzon Clover is simply one of the best indie games of all time.

Один из лучших буллетхельных скролл-шутеров, ярких, красочных, с полноэкранным самонаводящимся оружием и режимами временного усиления Break Mode и Double Break Mode - но теперь Crimzon Clover стал ещё лучше!

У вас уже есть World Ignition? Забирайте World EXplosion по скидке 50% и получите уровень сложности Arrange, сделанный специально для релиза на Nintendo Switch и заполняющий пропасть между лёгким и аркадным уровнем сложности оригинальной версии. Причём Arrange Mode не просто уменьшает или увеличивает количество пуль, а устроен гораздо интереснее - теперь игрок с помощью шкалы улучшений, взятой из Gradius, может вручную либо в полуавтоматическом режиме активировать улучшения вроде ускорения корабля, увеличения его мощности стрельбы и одноразового щита.

Ещё не играли в Crimzon Clover? Тогда вас ждут все десять игровых режимов - шесть оригинальных и четыре для сложности Arrange, да ещё и новый саундтрек вдобавок к оригинальному на выбор. Режимы самые разнообразные - в Boost меньше пуль, но они быстрые, а в Unlimited огромное количество пуль, но теперь на сложности Arrange игрок может стирать часть этих пуль своими пулями. Это игра, в которой можно как быстренько пройтись по облегчённым режимам, так и сидеть десятки часов, осваивая аркадные режимы, ведь только при игре без продолжений позволят сразиться с настоящим финальным боссом. Ну а если сомневаетесь - в этот раз доступна демоверсия. Уж её то точно стоит попробовать!