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in the past

Got this in a bundle with Neon White cause had my eye on it for a while anyway and it wasn't a bad deal. Something has drawn me to games like this a bit recently. Just cozy collect the things type beats that feel satisfying in small ways as you play them even if they don't have the most mechanical depth or anything.

I dig the vibes and the humor, love the art direction and the chilled out music, I just wish there was better escalation to the puzzles in some way or it mixed things up better. It feels like a concept that deserves more variety and the last level kinda expands things out a tiny bit more for a potential of where it could go. On the upside it doesn't overstay its welcome which is nice but I still wish there was just more to its overall package and ideas but for what it is it's fine. I really gotta play Katamari Damacy I honestly don't know why I still haven't played that yet.

A charming game that doesn’t really overstay its welcome. BK’s a funny little dickhead aswell!

I love the charm of the game, but that's about it. I like the concept of controlling a hole that grows the more you collect, but I just don't like how linear the levels are. I also found some parts of the dialog to be fun and witty, but it also got annoying when characters kept saying "omg" and "lol" in actual speech. This is a short fun experience, but it could've been so much more.

I don't understand. I just... DON'T UNDERSTAND! Is it the wholesome vibes? The cute art style? Aesthetics alone do not make a game, in my opinion. So you play as a hole... and it gets bigger as you swallow up stuff. I guess it's like the Anti-Katamari in a way. But unlike Katamari, this isn't fun. There's no challenge. No real drive to proceed. The story sure as hell didn't motivate me. The only motivation I had here was that there was an easy platinum waiting for me at the end.

I can't even argue that it's poorly made or that no attempt was made. Sure, it's cute. I'm sure it appeals to some. But I just couldn't find much fun in such a simplistic idea for "gameplay." I sure was craving some donuts afterwards, though.

Worst pet evrr??! (Asked to leave Twitter and find a job) (more on the afternoon broadcast after an ad on How To Train Your Rabbit where we will also tackle the audacity of this bitch who handles fireworks with no permits).

Some indie goodness where a gimmick gets explored in the span of 2-3 hours my beloved. You read a bit and are thrown in levels with narrative purpose and it's not always a given in games so me likey.. I played this game for a whole morning and decided I want to eat junk food instead of the green beans leftovers, so this game did impact my life! My heartfelt thanks. If this game was "Toast County" I'd just be toast instead. Well, if it was "Milk County" I'd see my father again. No use mulling over the devs' choice.... missed opportunities to put a hole in a hole aside. Think about it, imagine it would create black hole or something, we'd fuel humanity's thirst for answers and it'd be a crazy mechanic to boot frfr

katamari damacy for those of us with terminal twitter brain 🦝

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

I've beat this game 5, no, 10 times! A racoon controls a hole, and also the hole sucks things up and it can spit them like throwing. And also every time it sucks things up it gets bigger. Even HOUSES it gets bigger.

Short but sweet game with decent humour and music.

However, the abundance of text and shallow gameplay causes Donut County to fall short of great, similar games such as Abzu and Untitled Goose Game.

Donut County feels like an IRL donut. It only lasts a short while, but your time with it is delightful.

BK is a raccoon who runs a Donut Shop. For some reason, this means he "delivers" holes in the ground when people in the neighborhood order donuts. Similar to Katamari, you move the hole around to swallow up small items, the hole growing bigger as you accumulate more. The ultimate goal of each stage is to get everything on-screen down the hole.

It's surprisingly satisfying to make plants, animals, structures, characters and more disappear into a gaping abyss under your control. The gameplay is simple, but does occasionally add a puzzle that makes you look at things about way.

There's quite a bit of written dialogue in this game, and I loved all of it. BK and Mira are possibly my favorite duo from any indie game because their relationship is so entertaining. Everyone speaks to each other as if they're texting ("lol" appears dozens of times in speech bubbles), so if that sounds annoying to you, I'd recommend checking a YouTube clip before purchasing. I personally thought the dialogue was charming and often made me laugh out loud.

All this being said, the game is priced a bit high. I can't recommend paying $12.99 on PC or Console for this (admittedly lovely) 2-hour game. I just picked it up on sale for $6.49, and I think that's perfectly reasonable. However, you could also get the exact same experience on iOS if you have an iPhone for $4.99.

(6-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I like how you are a hole (B.K. is controlling the hole)

Why touch grass when you can just make a massive hole in it.

It's like an anti-Katamari that's less memorable and frankly is far more mediocre than the real deal.

Therapeutic little katamari-like featuring nature's best animal, with an interesting premise, light puzzle-solving elements, great humor, and a clean artstyle. That said, Donut County is only about 2 hours and has no replay value (get it on sale or on your phone), but that makes it an excellent game if you're ever babysitting, since it's kid friendly, easy as cake, and tells a silly and lighthearted story about friendship, garbage and forgiveness.

It's like the game is too afraid to do anything interesting. In order to avoid the game becoming confusing or frustrating to the player, Donut Country only scratches the surfaces of the mechanical potential it offers. Sure, the aesthetics and polish is definitely noteworthy and should be praised, but the puzzle design lacks any flavor and results in the game becoming a boring slideshow to play.


Throwing a boss fight at the end of the game doesn't really radiate any confidence in the game's design. It's disappointing to see a developer introduce a bizarre, "Katamari-like" premise and aura to the game, only for them to fall back to conventional game set pieces.

O jogo é simples e com duas horas de duração. Não tenta revolucionar a roda. Você simplesmente é um buraco que fica engolindo as coisas.

blue checkmark weird twitter ass with the most boring steals from katamari one could possibly make

I went into this game expecting it to be a meh game with an easy completion/plat, but I came out of this pleasantly surprised. Its very reminiscent of Katamari Damacy but instead of rolling things around with a ball, you instead control a moving hole that gets larger with the more you suck in. The only flaw I have with this game is that it is a little bit too short. This is a title definitely worth checking out especially if its on sale.

É curtinho, mas acho que tinha que ser, porque se fosse maior seria enjoativo (a menos que muitas mecânicas novas fossem incluídas, mas acho que até ai tem um limite).
Gosto da história absurda e dos diálogos, me diverti jogando. A ação de engolir as coisas com o buraco é gostosa e relaxante. E os aspectos de puzzles simples pra ir resolvendo durante as fases são legais. Enfim, é um joguinho bem charmoso.

once i read a summary of an academic paper that argued that donut county and katamari damacy were inherently queer games, not because they included any queer content but because the act of consuming/putting things in holes/eating things is an inherently queer act and i think it was that moment that helped me take the leap and begin the process of finding the right therapist for my needs

anyway the game is incredibly mid

This was really charming/cute. Loved the art style, dialogue, and characters. As mentioned with The Gardens Between before this, the gameplay/puzzle format while solid by itself isn't something that I can imagine carrying a very long game. This caps out at a good place in terms of game length with it taking me around 2-2.5 hours to 100% it. More games could benefit from letting themselves be short instead of the constant padding tbh...

Been on a kick with these shorter puzzle or adventure based games available on Game Pass while trying to snatch rewards points for a bit now. I promise I'll play some other shit soon.

Charming game with humorous dialogue! Gameplay is a little stale, but satisfying nonetheless. It's not a game I can rate very highly, because of its simplicity and length. Recommend it on sale.

In this story-based physics puzzle game you control an ever-growing hole in the ground. Donut County is most definitely a fantastic diversion from real life - It has quirky humor that will sweep you right up, the colorful characters of the world are absolutely fantastic, it's simple to play and it doesn't overstay it's welcome by being overly long and complicated.

The cast of characters is filled with a bunch of lovely animals and anthropomorphic animals, as well as a human too! It's diverse cast with their own personalities is definitely something that really hooked me into the story. It's not a long experience, but it's certainly something that I will cherish and it was welcome game in the vast sea of long games.

Just sit back and relax and start devouring everything in the world into your ever-growing hole! Definitely a recommended even at full price.

It's weirdly satisfying sucking things up with a hole in the ground. But then again I'm weirdly into the sound a vacuum cleaner does when things end up in there. Just like vacuum cleaning though, I don't particularly like to do it more than a couple of minutes.
Donut County is a fine delivery software for Daniel Koestners music.

Sights & Sounds
- Visuals are that soft outline, slightly polygonal, pastel washed aesthetic you see used to pretty good effect in a subset of Annapurna titles
- The music was serviceable, but I'm not remembering much about it two days after playing
- The "voice acting" is that Animal Crossing style (mashed together recordings of people reciting letters, pitch shifted upwards and distorted slightly). You can catch most easily when you see an acronym in the text (OMG or LOL)

Story & Vibes
- You play as a raccoon named BK who owns a very corporate donut delivery shop. Instead of delivering the whole donut, you just deliver the donut hole
- The whole dynamic between the residents of Donut County, BK, and the Raccoon Corporation is pretty funny. All told, the game has a pretty great sense of humor
- It takes a while, but I heartily recommend reading the Trashipedia for additional silliness

Playability & Replayability
- Each level sees you maneuvering a hole through a new environment, swallowing up a different character and all of their possessions
- The more items you manage to swallow with the hole, the larger it grows
- Eventually, the game introduces additional mechanics like water (which temporarily removes your ability to swallow new items), fireworks for knocking down hard to reach items, and a catapult power-up
- That final item features heavily in the boss fight, which offers a nice change of pace from the regular stages. Those began to feel a tad redundant by the end of the game

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Despite its short length (3 hours or less to 100% thanks to the convenient level select after you beat the game), it leaves an impression
- Played very well on the Steam Deck

Final Verdict
- 7/10. It's an entertaining casual game that lands more jokes than misses and doesn't overstay its welcome. Just keep the length in mind when setting your price

Playtime: 2.5h
Completion: 100% (easy, just do it )
Platform: Xbox
Verdict: Play it!

If you played Katamari Damacy you will know what you are getting yourself into here. Its much simpler , shorter, and overall was an enjoyable game. I liked some of the creative things they did around not just sucking up items but solving some very very light puzzles by spitting things out of the sink hole as well. The dialog is quirky. I enjoyed it and did not overstay. I do wish they got even more creative with the puzzle solving. Because its like this is a perfect kids game too! Nothing stood out about this game and nothing was bad about the game. It was over all fine game and concept to experience.

---Nerd Achivement issue ---
It can be tricky. Make sure to scroll through all entries post game to get the achievement. see info here:

As I slowly sink, like a prehistoric creature, into the tar pit of middle age, I appreciate more and more when a game is concise. How can I not, then, be enamored with Donut County which, despite being a game I can complete in an evening, manages to evoke the feeling of aimless days doing fuck-all and not stressing out about the lack of accomplishment? Donut County is a game about just vibes, man—and it may be worth your time for that alone. Its mechanics and controls are simple and intuitive, so you’ll be fully immersed in the mellow music and gleeful destruction.

What I enjoyed
• The soundtrack—especially “Garbage Day.” That song is a day off work with comfy weather, driving around town with a pal or partner talking about nothing important, and you’re warm with contentment, distilled to ~3 minutes of plucked strings and staccato treble beats.
• The dialog hits a sweet spot of absurd-yet-relatable humor, similar to shows like The Good Place or Community, and the gameplay conveys the same goofy energy as your sinkholes destroy things like a traffic-jammed highway and an entire amusement park.
• The art style and character designs just make me happy, dudes. There’s an anthropomorphic crocodile that wears glasses, an apron and oven mitts, and that’s exceptional character design no matter what the game is.

Why Donut County might not be for you
• If you think a game’s quality or value increases proportionally to how long it takes to play.
• If you HATE racoons.
• Actually, you spend a good deal of the game making life difficult for racoons, so maybe it should be, “If you LOVE racoons.”
• If you dislike the Katamari Damacy games.
• If you like the Katamari Damacy games but think they’d be improved by more complex controls.

Move hole around to suck things in, hole gets bigger, suck bigger things into hole. What's not to love?
Major Katamari Damacy vibes from this gem of a game. The art style and music only add to said good vibes. This is a soundtrack I still listen to years later.