Reviews from

in the past

I watched the 2016 election in a Gmod Theater server and people threw popcorn at the screen any time Hillary Clinton was onscreen

one time when i was 9 i went into theatre mode and was lead into a room by a bunch of guys. they kept asking me weird questions like "do you enjoy milk" and "does your dad play a lot of tetris" it was bizzare. they kept playing scene music like paramore and my chemical romance. then like after maybe 30 minutes they played a video of the ninja turtles cumming on a pizza. i have never been the same since

do not play this game if you are a minority worst mistake of my LIFE

Yes, I did enjoy doing the stupidest shit ever on this game when I was 10 like having an all out war against hostile SpongeBob NPCs.

Yes, I did have to search up every slur in the dictionary to know what the fuck folks in the RP servers were saying.

Great experience.

Incredible game with friends, some of the funniest moments I've ever had was on TTT and Sandbox.
I just wish it was easier to just... do what you want to.. It's super easy to run into errors or problems you just don't know how to fix and troubleshooting can be a pain. Even with mods to make stuff easier and make the UI more intuitive it still can be very hard to find what you're looking for.

This game was the first time I'd been told to get back in the kitchen and make someone a sandwich. But I still love it. GMod had an abhorrent sexism problem the likes of which I've never seen but it was so creative and you could just leave or literally build something to get your own back, you had so much power. All of the games were greatly unique and while there were so many gross people I met some wonderful people who hung out with me all the time, hopping through servers, trying out mods together, making weird stuff, it was so fun! GMod was an accessible and wildly popular platform for game designers, artists, programmers and more to share and transcend what was just a mod, but to create fully fledged experiences, and with the tools given even the most inexperienced could have fun with physics and learn how games work by just playing around with tools and making weird things.

I swear to god I'm going to hunt down Garry and force him online at gunpoint so I can get that goddamn achievement legitimately.

As vezes, eu gosto de baixar um mapa de cidade na noite, botar mod de carro e ficar rodeando a cidade ouvindo música triste no Spotify fingindo ser um cara que divorciou da mulher, perdeu a guarda dos filhos, foi demitido, nome sujo na serasa e que não tem mais motivos para continuar vivendo neste mundo sombrio e vazio.

Mas também curto ficar baixando mod de bomba atômica e ficar explodindo tudo e no meu lado, o bolsonaro saindo no soco com o picolas cage então, se você me pergunta se o jogo vale a pena, eu lhe respondo que sim!!!

Garry's mod é ótimo pra jogar com amigos. Mas hoje sinto que não tenho mais paciência para os modos de jogo, fora que é meio chato de conectar, tem que ficar baixando pacote de texture e modelos.

Garry's Mod é como o eterno vovô dos videogames, se recusando a se aposentar e continuando a surpreender com sua criatividade ilimitada. É basicamente o "Roblox original" para quem gosta de construir, quebrar e reinventar.

Enquanto o Fortnite tenta ser o rei do battle royale, Garry's Mod permanece como a enciclopédia caótica e hilariante dos jogos, onde a única regra é: não há regras.

Em Garry's Mod, a liberdade é a palavra-chave. Ele é como um playground interativo onde você pode criar seu próprio universo de jogos. Com a vasta biblioteca de mods disponíveis, você pode transformar Garry's Mod em praticamente qualquer jogo que imaginar. Seja pilotando naves espaciais, enfrentando zumbis em mapas pós-apocalípticos ou até mesmo criando seu próprio game show, as possibilidades são infinitas.

Além disso, a comunidade ativa contribui com skins e modelos gratuitos, permitindo que os jogadores personalizem seus personagens sem esvaziar sua carteira.

Enquanto em outros jogos a customização pode custar "rios de dinheiro", em Garry's Mod, a diversão personalizada é acessível a todos, o que o torna uma experiência única e econômica.

you say your favourite game is Persona 5 and nobody bats an eye. you say you've spent 4,500 hours in [AU] Colossal Gaming Military RP | World War 3 RP | Events and Scenarios and everybody loses their minds. ... society

honestly bumped up a couple stars by just how big dick a move it is to continue to call it garrys mod even when it gets to commercial release. aspirational.

ah to be 14 years old again playing deathrun and listening to pendulum while people spam slurs on their mic <3

Barack Obama (hostile) shot me with a gun that shrunk me down to ant size and then a nuke went off that was so loud and powerful my game crashed.

This is one of the funniest games ever made.

This game makes you feel like you are using Bing.

This game on its own is an empty sandbox, and is only fun if you make it fun. maybe its because i don't have nostalgia for it, or its more fun when your a kid, or maybe i just suck at using it, but i don't really see the appeal.

one time i got stopped by a mod so i pretended i couldnt speak english for like 10 minutes and they eventually gave up.

This game literally never gets boring no matter how often I come back to it. A lot of servers could use better moderation though.

É difícil explicar pra alguém o que é garry's mod, não tem uma definição exata do que o jogo se trata, só pode se dizer que é INSANAMENTE DIVERTIDO, sério, a quantidade de conteúdo que esse jogo tem é quase infinita, pode se passar de um jogo de esconde esconde, para um jogo de terror, de comédia, exploração, testes ou até para você simplesmente entrar sozinho ou com amigos, e testar a oficina da comunidade por horas.
Por mais que goste muito desse jogo, eu gostaria que tivesse mais conteúdo >>>original<<< (já que 90% do conteúdo é disponibilizado por terceiros), e também que os loadings e dowloading de addons fossem mais rápidos.

TTT is better than Among Us

reviewing this feels kinda counter-intuitive because it's as good as the people you play it with and the stupid shit you do together

Never in a game have I been this scared of a jpg

A culturally significant realisation of the Source engine's boundless potential. Its presence in internet culture refuses to subside almost two decades after its release, serving as a testament to Garry's Mod's endless creative opportunity.

On a personal level, Garry's Mod was the first game I ever purchased on Steam. It introduced me to many of Valve's incredible IPs, all of which I consider to be amongst the most innovative releases in gaming. Thanks for the memories, Garry.

Garry's Mod was actually my introduction to Half-Life, as I'm sure is the case for plenty of kids. It was the Bananaphone video and then classics like Full Life Consequences that made me interested in it. GMod, as a platform, is perfect. It deserves a five star rating for longevity and content alone.

This game is the definition of "sandbox". You can call Grand Theft Auto an open world game where you can do anything, but you can't. You're constrained by what Rockstar will let you do - here, the sky is literally the limit. Scripts, models, sounds, maps... if it has been made in the public eye, it's probably in GMod in some form. I have fond, fond memories of just wasting hours in this game.

But I don't think I could go back to it now. I lack the imagination now, the "but what if..." aspect of interactivity. Something in modern game design has made me this way exclusively for this medium - I can still pull off all sorts of wild ideas in my head for other subjects but games tend to stump me. It feels like experimentation in a lot of games is unrewarded at best and punished at worst; but with GMod there isn't any reward beyond self-satisfaction, which I'm very fond of.

In the grand scheme of things, 123 hours really doesn't seem that much compared to other people's runtimes. It was the first game I owned on my own computer - and then I discovered I needed OTHER games to make this one work, since I got the Steam release and not the original sourcemod version. But GMod opened up an entire wealth of gaming history to me. This daft, "only as wild as you are" exercise of a game helped shape my taste to this very day.