Reviews from

in the past

my dad would always get pissed at me when we played this game together cuz i'd spend 5 minutes throwing r2-d2 off a cliff over and over just to hear his death scream

This game was so fucking broken that I couldn't complete it.

Truly a classic, it's a shame more lego games don't have online co-op.

Star Wars fans when Space Peace walks in


I’ve earned my title

childhood 2 electric boogaloo

It’s everything it’s trying to be. A perfect way to capture a movie story in video game form. All killer and no filler.

literally the only star wars thing i like because its so goated

I lost my copy for a while and was pretty sad. it turned up eventually save data and all

Review EN/PTBR

This is the place where it turns children into men
This is the place where you will remember and shed a tear
This is the place where you will say to yourself "good times"


Esse é o lugar aonde transforma crianças em homens
Esse é o lugar aonde você ira se lembrar e soltar uma lagríma
Esse é o lugar aonde você diz para si mesmo "bons tempos"

Back when Lego games were peak, THIS was the game to play. Everything in this game just added to the experience and magic of the Star Wars universe. This game is such a memorable experience that it’s still the only reason why I know what happens in all of the Star Wars movies. I don’t know how they did it, but with the way Lego games are now I doubt they will be able to ever capture the same magic that was Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Lego games are...well, basically all identical with minor exceptions, so you probably know the drill. That said, Lego Star Wars TCS is the most iconic, and for good reason, being an enhanced port and compilation of Lego Star Wars and Lego Star Wars 2, combining all 6 movies into one game. With 6 levels per movie, this has a lot of value, but there are caveats.

The good first: the controls are responsive and simple, and are easy to master and utilise to locate the many (and there are many) hidden secrets all over. There are a ton of characters, but most of them handle identically to others - almost every blaster user handles the same, every Jedi handles the same, etc. As such, there's no disadvantage to using your favourite character - unless said character is the pit droid....

However, there are issues. Depth perception is very, very off in this game due to how the graphics are, it's easy to miss a jump due to this and that gets very, very frustrating. The levels are also incredibly long, and there are absolutely no checkpoints, so you HAVE to finish a level in one go.

The vehicle levels are much better than they were in the first Lego Star Wars (with the original versions included as bonuses) but they are still the most annoying elements of the game, with death impossible to avoid. Death may seem meaningless, you just respawn and lose money, but said lost money can cause you to lose out on the "True Jedi" meter, which is necessary for 100%.

Overall Lego Star Wars TCS is a fun, harmless romp throughout the main 6 Star Wars movies, but it's far from flawless.

I bought this game a few months ago because I had vivid memories of playing it as a kid over at a friend's house. I used to love it back then but never had the chance to play it on my own let alone finish it.
So, I used the power of adulthood and got what I didn't as a kid.

It was pretty decent fun for the first three episodes, but halfway through the game, it did start to overstay its welcome with its incredibly repetitive gameplay and exhausting collectathon aspects.
It's at best a very casual platformer re-telling abridged versions of 6 Star Wars films and at worst an incredibly mundane bore.

It also didn't run very well at points which is odd. Just random hiccups where the game froze or cutscene audio de-synced. It's not really a visually complex game, so I'm baffled by that.

An essential game for the Lego franchise as it set the standard for its predecessors in its aesthetics, puzzles, level progression, character selection and power ups (including cheat codes). Believe it or not, I'm among the people who have experienced the films first through this.

The quintessential Lego game.

A genuine timeless classic.

When I was a young child, I really only had a few people I could call my friends. Even so, I never really got to see them as much as I would probably have liked. When I was over at one particular friend's place, however, I always booted up their Wii along with this game without fail. Every single time. I had a lot of Lego games as a kid, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lego Movie, The Clone Wars, and a few others. Along with the Skylanders franchise, I kinda just played exclusively those two franchises with not much deviation. However, I never actually owned this one myself. It was really the only one I consistently played co-op with too, since my friends weren't as aching to play these games when they were over. Rather funny how the Lego game with the most memories I had attached to it, and what would probably be up there as one of my favorite games, was one I didn't even have. Until now, anyway. Finally being able to play this myself was a treat, and opened up some good memories. This is probably the best of the bunch that i've played, with Clone Wars not being very far behind it. It still holds up today i'd say, without a doubt. A true classic, at least for my generations concern.

This isn't really much of a review but more or less me just getting my feelings out I guess. Obviously i'd highly recommend this if you haven't played it by now, but even if you have I think it's worth looking back to see how well it holds up, or just to reflect on some old memories. I certainly did both here, and was very pleased :)

thjs gmame is more fun than xenoblade 3

star wars e lego são as coisas que eu mais amo

Leia est trop belle dans ce jeu ptnnn

Lego games have no been the same since they added voices. Give me them trying to do the Luke and Vader I am your father scene non-verbally all day

Finally after leaving this game dusting for a while I finally finished it. And yes it is deserved of all the praise and is still one of the best LEGO games ever made, hell one of the best licensed games ever made. The game graphically still holds up with it capturing the sets of the movies so well, the gameplay is simple for anyone to get into and it of course it has the personally of classic LEGO from not just the cutscenes but also the small details in the levels. Though I will say some levels are better than others with a few being pretty bad (looking at you 1-5 and 6-3) but the highs really do outweigh the bullshit ones. Overall it’s a game I recommend to even people who aren’t in to Star Wars and I strongly recommend playing with a friend, it adds more fun to the experience so yeah.

If you grew up in the 2000's and your family owned a Wii, this game was an integral part of your childhood. I remember when I was about 5 years old and my Dad showed me the original Star Wars for the first time. Afterwards, he asked me if I wanted to play Super Mario Galaxy, but I wanted to play Lego Star Wars instead.

This game does a fantastic job adapting the first 6 Star Wars movies into video game form. Almost every major plot point is retold faithfully, albeit in a cartoonish, more accessible manner (I know Ruin of the Jedi was based on a deleted scene from ROTS, but 5-year-old me wasn't allowed to watch PG-13 movies so I didn't care). That, combined with the music and visuals, creates the perfect childhood experience of living through the events of Star Wars.

Anyway, the game holds up pretty well. Lego Star Wars 3 improves on just about everything here, but it's still a really solid template. The characters all feel pretty good to control and the partner AI is really good. There are also a lot of good levels here. Obviously, the platformer gauntlet/two-player versus combo in Darth Vader and the level-long fight against Palpatine are the standouts, but they generally do a really good job switching up the gameplay in a way that feels fun (Gunship Cavalry sucks but honestly that's on brand for Attack of the Clones). The vehicle levels don't control the best, but they're usually pretty easy so it's not that big a deal. Plus, once you get a decent ways in there's this really nice gameplay loop of going through levels, collecting studs, and buying stuff back at the Cantina.

Also, I love how Jar Jar has his own character class that's vital for getting a good chunk of the collectibles. He really is the key to all this.

This was 1 of the 3 first games I ever played. I played it at my cousins house and I think we spent the whole night jamming through the prequel saga levels lol. I love this game. I got it Christmas of either 2011 or 2012 for my own Wii. Thanks to my aunt, shout out Auntie!!! I played this game for years on end and I'll still pop it in from time to time. This game is an absolute blast to play. It follows episodes 1-6 and it's a game really anyone can pickup and play. I didn't even watch a Star Wars movie before playing, but without ever saying a word, the story comes across very clearly. Lego Games from this era (2005-2012) were in a league of their own. Masterpiece.

Peak of the Lego video games. Witty and a fun time to play through. Tons of content for the package too - it does the franchise the justice it deserves

The perfect blend of originality and faithfulness to the source material. This game has its own distinctive feel completely separate from the StarWars franchise. It's just so fun and memorable from start to finish. Undoubtedly the best Lego game.

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga set a high bar for the Lego games with their third entry. It is a simple base that works so in its favor compared to later entries that try to experiment, which does work (or doesnt), but Lego Star Wars provided this foundation that allowed them to branch out from. This game, in my mind, is a quintessential video game.