Reviews from

in the past

Hands down THE most boring and uncreative game among a series full of extremely creative titles, in both gameplay and story. Papercraft Battles made me wanna kill myself

What a disaster. What everyone says is true, this game was the initial cause of AlphaDream's downfall. I have no idea they made this game the way that they did, but it's terrible regardless. The combat is...relatively unchanged from Dream Team. Paper Mario has some fun to use special moves but is otherwise uninspired. The characters in this entire game are all either generic mainline Mario enemies or Toads. Aside from Paper Peach, Paper Kamek, Paper Bowser, Tower Power Pokey (if you can even count that abomination) and a cameo from Paper Luigi, absolutely no unique characters from the Paper Mario series appear. Not to mention that, the story is just another Bowser captures Peach plot. Somehow, the generic formula of NSMB leaked into this game and even destroyed the gameplay. Puzzles are boring (most of them are quite literally waves of enemies) and the only unique factors of this game, the Toad minigames and Papercraft battles, are super mediocre. Toad minigames are repeated WAY too much and the Papercraft battles, while being the best aspect of this game, control terribly and end up occurring too much to be considered a breath of fresh air. Just one of the biggest disasters the Mario series has ever had, almost if not AS big as Sticker Star's failure. If you're playing through the Mario & Luigi series for the first time, you can skip this one (or really just end with Dream Team).

ive decided that hating video games unconditionally isnt worth it but i will make an exception for this fucking travesty. AlphaDream lost so much money on this game that they ended up shutting down because of it.

One of, if not the most boring and uninspired games I have ever played. Sticker Star is most definitely an objectively worse game that I hate as well, but I hate this game slightly more mostly because it didn’t just help restructure one series identity into something else that I don’t like, but it also killed another series that just so happened to be one of my favorites. This honestly might be my least favorite game of all time.

Excellent combat and overworld movement, boring overworld themes and story. Toad missions were also very repetitive and lackluster. Giant battles controlled very poorly. Regular battles were often pretty good. As you can tell, this is a very divisive game for me.

This is one of those games I wish I could say I enjoyed more than I did. In terms of raw gameplay, Paper Jam is actually a lot of fun. It introduces new overworld abilities like the (extremely welcome) run button, it simplifies some old abilities like the drill and it also adds new battle mechanics like Battle Cards. At its core, this game is actually really good...

... However, all its good qualities are completely ruined by a ridiculous amount of filler minigames that destroy the pace of the game. Be it collecting Toads, chasing Nabbit or those weird Papercraft battles, the game will constantly interrupt the fun parts with annoying minigames. This even translates to battles themselves, where enemies will often have pretty long attacks that make turns last way more than they should.

Overall, this ends up as a pretty disappointing game. It had a lot of potential but it only manages to get a "meh" from me... and I didn't even mention the wasted potential of the crossover.

It killed AlphaDream so it’s bad based on that alone.

A MnL game, but with little, if any creativty and unique characters.

I played this as a kid when it came out. Mario & Luigi was my favorite series. This game was so bad and so disappointing that it made me hate video games and realize humanity's potential for evil.

voilà là c'est le point de non retour qui a demandé ce crossover déjà ? restez dans votre zone nan ? on dirait ils avaient la flemme de faire un paper mario et un mario & luigi dcp ils se sont dit azy on fait les deux en meme temps mdrr
nan en vrai c'est drole psq je sais j'y ai joué mais le jeu devait être tellement mid et peu marquant que j'en ai aucun souvenir mdrr, aussi jcrois c vers là qu'ils ont commencé à plus du tout mettre de persos originaux donc pas ouf du tout j'ai vraiment pas envie d'y rejouer le jeu m'a endormi

Do you think AlphaDream was held at gunpoint by Intelligent Systems to make absolute sure that none of their unique characterization ended up in the final product during development?

Another overhated game. This one's got decent combat and easily the most unique arrangement of boss fights in the series, they're all memorable from the formation changing Charging Chucks, to Paper Petey, to the Airplane Race, to Ludwig using your own mechanics against you...all fantastic fights, and the whole game gets shunned for Toads and the NSMB formula levels.

I'm honestly super glad this game didn't end being a giant fan-fictiony pandering crossover fuckfest with no rhyme or reason like most people wanted (for some reason) but I think the story ends up on the opposite side of that extreme, which is being too standard and safe. It's not bad by any means, it's just generic as all hell. That doesn't really matter though cuz this is still an M&L game, meaning it still has fun gameplay, an amazing battle system, charming dialogue, a great soundtrack, and oodles of charm. Tmw when the "worst" Mario & Luigi game is still really good. I miss this series, dude...

Pretty much everything about this game is mediocre and boring. the parts that are fun are simply taken from previous entries in the series, such as the combat mechanics, except even those are worse this time. Battle cards and paper Mario in general don't feel good to use. On top of this boss battles that consist of using the same few moves over and over and over again often last over 20 minutes sometimes, making them extremely boring and repetitive. Its not just the battles that are way to long however. the main story of this game takes around 25 hours to complete, and does absolutely nothing to deserve it. you pass through the same boring Mario landscapes you've seen a million times with nothing interesting, fight the same enemies over and over, and have absolutely no interesting story to tie it all together. there is zero point in checking out this game. Its dull, boring and disappointing in all regards.

Paper Jam is a difficult case. It's by far the worst game in the Mario & Luigi franchise, it's generic as heck and I don't really like it. But at the end of the day, it's still Mario & Luigi.

I don't hate this game as much as some others because it still is a Mario & Luigi game at its core it isn't my favorite in any way though

Ok it's not TERRIBLE but god damn Paper Mario killed the charm

Good, I'd argue even overhated game but a bad crossover

hate the gameplay of catching toads. its incredibly boring.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this is a sin against humanity, I HATED this game and how much it consistently wasted my time. With the constant story beats that kept dragging on and on, fighting the same fights over and over again, padding for the sake of padding. This game had it all. For any aspiring game designers out there I point you towards this game, a complete example of what NOT to do when creating a fun game. There is virtually nothing fun about this game and anything this game has done the previous entries have done better. This is a soulless complete heap of garbage that I've ever played and I will NEVER return to. Game deserves all the hate it gets, it really is that bad, there was no saving grace here, nothing in this game was memorable and nothing stood out.
You order food at a restaurant and this is the kind of the stuff they dig out from the back of the trash can and serve to you on your plate. The combat was frustrating, the exploration was uninteresting, the music is forgettable, EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME WAS HORRIBLE.
The Paper Toad Missions make me want to pull every single last strand of hair out, these stupid paper morons and their horrible one liners, I hated them with a burning passion.
The Countless amounts of gimmick and minigames this game throws at you is so exhausting, the previous M&L games had minigames yes but this game throws it in all the damn time, you're always doing SOMETHING whether its a poorly designed stealth mission, a find the item mission, a chase the guy mission, a mission where you just play HIDE AND SEEK???

Yes, I think this is without a doubt the hardest Mario and Luigi game in the series, which isn't saying much cause these games aren't even hard but this one just... oh my god. This one just was a pain in the ass. The devs try to remedy this games poor enemy pattern design by making boo cookies stupidly cheap and their sole purpose is so you can practice the bs enemy patterns but you know what my counter argument is to this? The whole fun of a M&L game is learning the patterns and picking up those yourself, yes its trial and error but the enemies always, ALWAYS, gave an indication of who they'll be attacking. In this game because there's 3 people to worry about it makes dodging so uncomfortable and when the game requires you to press all 3 buttons at once I despise it. NOBODY can tell me this was a fun control scheme, say what you want about Partners in Time, but you were still controlling 2 bros at the end of the day, the babies were just piggyback riding off of them. In this game you gotta manage 3 at one time and it's not fun, it's so frustrating because if one falls the other 2 will and then it becomes a domino effect. I really want to know what was inside the devs head when making this cause this wasn't fun at all to play. The Bros attacks in this game are also so forgettable and lame and nothing fun like in BIS or hell, even Dream Team. The Big Paper Craft battles were so boring and such a tacked on gimmick, you could remove these from the game and NOTHING would change. They're so insignificant to the entire game that playing them made me wish I wasn't.

But yeah, those are my thoughts on Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam. A complete waste of your time that no one should ever subject themself to. This is a one and done, forever.

I got hardlocked, and I lost my game cartridge. Redgie I demand a refund

This game is very fun. Compared to previous entries yes, it does lack a lot in the story aspect by adding not a single new character and also some missed potential when it comed to representing Paper Mario. The gameplay, however, peaked here I'd say. I think this might be my favourite battle system in the entire Mario RPG series.

Truly one of the most disappointing games ever for me personally. Everything good about either of the Mario RPG series is STRIPPED away here, no unique characters story or locations. Just the boring NSMB tripe we had A LOT of back in those days. Although, Paper Mario had already been struggling for a few good years at this point. This could have been a great love letter to both series, but it succumbed to the sterilization of the Mario brand.

Though at least this game is MUCH better than those sub par and foul modern Paper Mario entries. You can still just veg out and play a Mario RPG and actually level up. Bowser is always great as usual, though I don't know why Starlow is still here?? She's so mean to Luigi get her out of here!! And the soundtrack by Yoko Shimomura is wonderful as always.

But All in all, your better off playing the Super Mario RPG remake, or hell even the M&L remakes. At least their foundations are from GOOD games.

To your right is a ruthless murdered the only joke they ever make is like "he's paper!" YFGVEUHBJOIWDIUHDHWJIOKDSIK SHUT UP

Oh, a Mario & Luigi-Paper Mario crossover without any Mario & Luigi or Paper Mario-exclusive characters? Haha... ha...

This game makes me clinically depressed.

One of the most uninspired games I've played, which is a shame given how much personality and charm both these series once had. Looks and plays like Dream Team 1.5 with the worst aspects of Paper Mario circa Sticker Star. The most disappointing crossover I've ever witnessed, with so much wasted potential in the story, environments, and design. The last new game in the series, not counting the remakes, and what a whimper to go out on.

Not as good as the first 4, but still a really fun time.

Originally played (and never finished unfortunately) in 2016 ! I don't think this game was as strong as the others in the Mario & Luigi series, but I'm still looking forward to trying it out again :3