Reviews from

in the past

One of my many, many secret Star Wars shames is my never really getting on with Empire at War. Call me an old-head but I liked how Rebellion handled the Galaxy Map-style management system more than this game did. Also, the ground combat sucks; the space gameplay can't really make up for it, as cool and cinematic as it is.

My personal favourite Star Wars game.
The base game has you playing as either the rebels or the empire.
The expansion has you playing as the Zahn Consortium.
The Zahn Consortium campaign, while IMO having better and more varied mission design, is incredibly easy and a lot of excitement or feeling of accomplishment you might have is just lost.
Space battles are amazing, but I found ground battles to be mediocre. Luckily, for people that might not want to slog through certain battles, there's an auto-resolve option. Though your casualties end up being significantly higher than if you were to take command of the army yourself, it's convenient if you don't want to waste time in smaller battles.
You'll probably spend a lot or most of your time in galactic conquest, a mode whose scale makes it a time sink, but a really enjoyable one regardless. There are also smaller scenarios in case you don't want to get too entangled.
Skirmish mode is an acquired taste. I think you should give it a try and if it's not your thing, just move on to Galactic conquest.
The game also has a dedicated modding community and if you find the game to be unbalanced, yet like its overall idea, you can search for mods to fix whatever issue you might have.

Playing as Zann's faction was an absolute treat. I loved the added mechanics of extortion, bribing, and the like. Always choosing sides between the Rebellion or Empire gets old, but having a whole new "gray" corrupted side introduces a refreshing taste to a Star Wars title.

Space combat = the most amazing Star Wars RTS experience of all time.

Ground combat = the worst Star Wars RTS experience of all time.

The best Star Wars strategy game out there (not that there's a lot of competition. pls disney).

A classic. Great slow paced rts with base building elements and outstanding space gameplay. The mods are near limitless in the fronts they will put you on and the Clone wars mods really take it to the next level.

Here is hoping for a remaster or a SWEAW 2

Please please please make a remake of this beauty.

Always a good time playing it with my dad!

Uno de los juegos que mejor ha explotado la franquicia Star Wars. Divertido, profundo y uno de esos RTS imprescindibles en tus partidas online. Si eres fan de la estrategia y de SW, no me explico cómo todavía no tienes esta maravilla en tu biblioteca.

As an expansion onto my favourite RTS of all time, it was an easy win for me, adding much needed variety to the old formula and an epic campaign to boot.

Extremely enjoyable experience

this game is so goddamn awesome

this game is so god damn good

Never understood this game as a child. Have the disk sitting around somewhere, might return to this one day.

   Antes de começar a falar sobre "Star Wars: Empire at War", só queria já confessar que até o momento que fiz essa análise, infelizmente não consegui ir até sequer a metade da campanha do jogo, mas ainda devo jogá-lo eventualmente, porque sério pense num game cruel quando se trata de sua dificuldade, iniciei toda a campanha dos Rebeldes na dificuldade "Normal" pensando que ia ser super tranquilo de progredir e até chegar a zerar alguma hora priorizando mais a jogar só esse jogo até o fim e que ingenuidade a minha, no começo, até que parecia certo só que literalmente do nada, a partir do momento que tive o controle tanto do planeta "Alderaan" quanto do planeta "Korriban", o Império simplesmente levou toda a partida para o lado pessoal e daí eles não conseguiam ficar por mais de 3 a 5 minutos sem mandar frotas para atacar algum desses meus dois planetas, me deixando maluco tentando defender eles a toda hora, e assim ficando em um ciclo de repetição irritante de gastar recursos para comprar/criar mais naves e mandar para lá e assim perder elas de novo e de novo e de novo, chegou a um ponto tão estressante para mim de ficar fazendo a mesma coisa que eu só deixei eles pegarem as frotas espaciais dos dois planetas mesmo para pararem de ficar mandando a toda hora esses ataques e só fiquei protegendo os solos dos planetas quando acontecesse ataques terrestres, já que nesse caso cessou consideravelmente a maioria dos ataques e consegui progredir um pouco mais no jogo sem tanto estresse e com o controle dos dois planetas em questão, mas fui olhar direitinho e quando acabei essa última partida que fechei o jogo, eu notei que passei quase a manhã inteira para conseguir pegar apenas dois planetas para a causa da Aliança Rebelde, isso que o jogo no todo tem, sem brincadeira, 42 planetas para conquistar, e só consegui isso porque honestamente eu abaixei a dificuldade para o "Fácil" e mesmo nessa dificuldade foi um sufoco inacreditável e nem sei se fez tanta diferença a redução da dificuldade para a mudança de alguma coisa na campanha do jogo. Dito isso, já da para entender que não é um jogo que você consegue completá-lo tranquilamente, como um XCOM, que por mais que seja também de certa forma desafiador, comparado com esse aqui parece de fato um passeio no parque, e se for com essa mentalidade de ir até o fim pode se preparar para se frustrar bastante, a não ser que claro você seja um cara bem-acostumado ou o "suprassumo" dos estrategistas de "RTS" que para aqueles que conseguiram zerar a campanha desse jogo, sério, vocês têm o meu respeito.

   Agora, voltando a falar do jogo no geral, fora toda a relação de frustração que tive com a dificuldade, não dá para dizer que não apreciei esse jogo, é sem dúvidas, um prato cheio para aqueles que adoram esse gênero de "RTS" e para quem quer um desafio de verdade, que também como eu falei uma vez na análise do "Star Wars: Battleground Saga", casa muito bem toda essa fórmula com toda a franquia Star Wars pelas questões políticas relacionadas na ordem de liderar as duas maiores facções da galáxia desse universo, além de que nesse, exploram ainda mais com as batalhas espaciais envolvidas que não tinham no jogo mencionado, que nesse caso, ainda apresenta uma jogabilidade boa até para os dias de hoje e com um porte na Steam que merece aplausos para os desenvolvedores por não abandonarem totalmente e lançar de qualquer jeito na loja, tendo toda a otimização necessária e ainda todo o suporte para "Mods" da Oficina Steam e também resoluções apropriadas para os monitores modernos, o que infelizmente é bem difícil de acontecer nos demais jogos antigos que temos na Steam. Ah, e outro ponto para alguém que esteja querendo saber é que, o jogo se passa após o "Episódio II - A Vingança dos Sith" e entre o "Episódio IV - Uma Nova Esperança" seguindo no início da campanha antes dos acontecimentos do "Episódio IV" até durante com o surgimento da "Estrela da Morte" e com o destino que você decide dependendo da campanha escolhida em questão.

The balancing is destroyed by the Zahn Consortium content.

This game is just pure fun. Once you get around the learning curve of how the game works, it is one of the most interactive and fun pieces of Star Wars media out there. With the detailed and interesting ways both the Rebels and Empire play, you get hours of fun. The expansion pack makes that even better! It does this by adding a new faction and expanding the other two. This game is amazing when you have mods as it allows you to graphically overall the game and make it even better. One of the worst parts of the game is ground combat though. It is decently clunky and it just really drags gameplay down. However, everything else about this game is fantastic. If you love strategy games. Give this game a shot!

The space combat is so incredible. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had in both Star Wars games and RTS games. Then the ground combat happens and it shifts into something far more sinister. The ground mode is so mind-meltingly boring that I refuse to believe that something this good could also be the worst thing I’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing in my whole life.
If you play this game, please for the love of God and all that is holy, do not ever play with ground battles enabled or I can personally guarantee that you will be shoving a firearm into your gaping maw by the third minute.

Favorite Star Wars game and RTS

Hi if you know the cool mods for this game that allow hundreds of starfighters and add weird ships from the lore, please point me in their direction. thanks

This is the best space RTS I've played and is really fun to duel friends on, its campaign is eh but its skirmish mode is super fun, trying to take over the galaxy has never been so easy!

I love this game, but I can never seem to actually be able to beat it. Ugh.

Uno de los mejores juegos de Star Wars de toda la historia, es simplemente increible pese a que es viejo ya

played with friends, it's an old game and it showes, the mods for the game are kinda nice ...

Best RTS experience a Star Wars fan can hope for. And that's despite the fact that it includes a really small era of the movies.

Space battles are 4 stars, ground battles are 2. I really hated ground battles in this game.

Any fan of Star Wars will have fun with the space combat in this game. The various ships, the destruction of specific ship parts, all presented in a straightforward fashion that is easy to use, it's a great time. The cinematic camera is a great feature to basically start making your own Star Wars fan fiction as you play, a feature more games like this should implement.

Where this game falls apart is the ground combat. To put it bluntly, it's a bore. While the vehicles, troops, and heroes you can use are fun to see move around, all the tactical depth of the space combat is lost on the ground, and it just becomes a game of throwing things at the enemy and seeing who wins, which is usually just the side that has more artillery units. It's a shame that is drags down the rest of the game. At least in the campaign modes, you can auto-complete ground battles to not have to engage with them.

The campaign modes are where it's at with this game. The base game and DLC both have an interesting story to play through, and the scenarios presented are a lot of fun.

What makes this game stand-out all these years later though is the absolutely insane modding scene it has, with mods created for almost any popular sci-fi property to have their ships and units playable in the game, all with weapons and weak points mapped out to fit within the games mechanics. It really is a great toybox to play around with if you like seeing cool space battles.

Overall, it's a pretty basic strategy game, with minimal resource management and most of the fun coming from the spectacle of the space battles, but that spectacle really is a lot of fun to experience, and there is nothing quite like rolling up in the custom campaign modes with a Death Star and just obliterating a planet while the enemy tries to fight your ships in the background. Classic for any Star Wars fan.

The best way of experiencing EaW - solid base game with great expansion pack

My first ever strategy game! And a damn good one, I say. Star Wars lends itself so well to this genre, surprised there hasn't been more, especially with different eras like TCW and that. I've only played the Rebel story campaign but it gave me a decent enough taste. I feel if I was more invested in the genre I would really sink my teeth into that but I don't really have the patience, but if I get the itch then I certainly know where I'm going back to.