Reviews from

in the past

fuck, its too good man. Theres shit in this game that i could nitpick like online being abysmal and the story mode being "mid" but truthfully there isn't another fighting game on the market thay has this large of a cast of instantly recognizable characters with their own distinctinct fighting styles and moves and combos. Truly immaculate.

Pretty cool. Probably the most pre-release hype I ever had for a game. Made me think everything was possible! Came at the cost of new cool stages but I was ready to pay that price. Also the Fighter Pass price I suppose. Probably not a smart choice in hindsight I don't even have the online subscription. I put more money in DLC than Nintendo did on netcode. Holy based trying to make their players touch grass by making the online unenjoyable.

Sakurai's music direction and picks are atrocious I'd say, that's the VGM enthuthiast in me rearing its ugly head. Never play Yuzo Koshiro's Now or Never remix in front of the hoes. They should really rework veterans characters next time... maybe I'm alone in thinking that but I'd love for the next game to be a HD deluxe director's cut remaster on da Switch 2, we could fix fighters, have new stages and music from old and recent games and maybe put all the budget in a story mode then put all the new fighters as DLC honestly that scenario sounds good to me. Let's wait to see what the future unfolds.

Did a nuzlocke run of World of Light, and realised how mid that game mode is. But no, Sakurai cried that people watched Subspace cutscenes on Youtube

We were robbed

if you told teenage bel that they put simon belmont and terry bogard in a smash game but that smash game was also dogshit i would have ended it all right there


Não pretendo zerar ou jogar esse jogo de maneira que não seja casual. Apenas jogo entre amigos ou pego algum personagem para treinar e aprender os combos, mas queria ressaltar o quanto esse jogo é bom. Ele é extremamente divertido. Eu sempre gostei muito dele, mas agora que eu tenho mais noção de quem são todos os personagens, eu simplesmente amo. É muito bom ver os personagens que você ama saindo no soco.

This game makes me feel like I'm in an abusive relationship

no Goku?
no Spider-Man?
0/10 worst game ever made

Infelizmente um dos melhores jogo de luta que já joguei é da Nintendo.

they put in steve from minecraft and made him the best character in the game lmao

Imagine showing a caveman this games roster and having him cave your fucking skull in with a wooden club.

Rating: S
Genres: Platform Fighter

This game is best played when new characters are still coming out and never played again when the last character is released.

World of Light mode was cancer, but I'll never get the sight of Nintendo characters being vaporized out of my mind forever. Maybe you still play this game with friends but you're a liar. You will disregard this whole review when you find out I'm a Pikachu main.

Best thing about this game is that Girls Mode 4 song

Disgusting: I just saw Captain Falcon punch Princess Zelda so hard she flew in a pink streak of lightning right out of the Pokemon gym. Hey Cap, your misogyny is showing!

Yes, I 100%ed this game. My save file contains one copy of every spirit, and I completed World of Light twice.

You know why?

Because I keep wishing we got a new Subspace Emissary, or at least an Adventure Mode like Melee's.

This message brought to you by the Single-Player Campaign Mode Smash Gang

i love the diversity of characters, theres truly someone for everyone. simple when you get the hang of it. will always be a classic.

This is probably the greatest fighting game ever made. The only real knock I have against this game is the story mode. It quickly gets repetitive and boring fighting the same few gimmicks in slightly different ways. That mode aside, the game is stellar. The game is balanced incredibly well, tons of great and fun modes, and eternally fun gameplay. Everyone is truly here and more are on the way. This will be the biggest Smash game in existence and will not be topped. This is a game I will return to for many years to come.

I'm shit online but a god offline (my friends are shit). Add Reyn please

The netplay makes me want to die

The game lives up to it's title as the ultimate smash bros game, bringing back and balancing every character back from previous titles as well as adding brand new ones and DLC too! It also brings back a fair amount of the sweaty Melee gameplay, making it perfect for tournaments. The only real fault in the game are the spirits which aren't nearly as fun to collect as trophies and the adventure mode relies on them so it's really weak to me but the focus is on the excellent multiplayer game, so it doesn't bother me too much

between the hilariously high input delay, joycon drift, all the characters being nearly identical, the game’s movement and system mechanics being designed for “casual” play making it have an awful game feel (surprise surprise, removing player agency for “casuals” and adding a bunch more endlag for no reason just makes the game less fun for everyone), and probably several other things, this is probably one of the least fun party games i’ve ever played.

it also sucks as a competitive game/sport, but post-Melee smash is just so dull in that department it's barely worth mentioning. 64 and Melee were just accidentally good.

I was going to wait until the last DLC fighter was announced first, but since I'm just finishing up 100% of the achievement screen I feel like I might as well throw my hat in the Smash Ultimate pile.

It's alright. This is a 'quick review' but I'm going to have to take this step by step so there's some categorization here.

Spirits: This mode in particular isn't very good. It's pretty much an AI stomping ground fit for mostly weakish fanservice respective to every spirit. I guess for a fighting game campaign it's not too bad but I feel like I wasted a lot of my time bothering with it.

Fanservice/Party: As a party game Ultimate is pretty good, there's a lot of item combinations and the stages are all fun to play on. There's a shitton of fanservice for so many franchises that I don't know how the game is going to look when it finally goes golden with its roster after all the new additions. Just the music remixes and character reps alone give so much power to the game's legacy.

Gameplay: It's mediocre pure and simple. It's certainly stronger than Smash 4 but neutral game here is still a very safe endeavor and foxtrots are a ridiculously gutted dashdance. I don't like the movement while fighting and I certainly don't like playing as most of the fighters. Combo game is very restricted, thanks in no small part to them removing a shitton of grab combos and giving a big Fuck You to SDI which is a design decision I still don't get at all. Ultimate wants people to play by turns which is all good and fine but I didn't enjoy 90% of the roster's toolset due to how restrictive they all play. Compared to the likes of really any modern fg on the market it's incredibly lacking. There are exceptions ofc, I really like Ryu/Ken's special canceling taken over from SF, especially Terry's toolset. I also approve of Link's bomb zoning and spacing setups. I'm just far more a fan of slower paced fighting games that make up for its lack of APM with strong mindgames and decisionmaking but Ultimate seems to be very limited in scope of both due to the more streamlined options.

Overall I think it's a good party game and a mediocre fighting game. I think it's alright after spending roughly 200 hours trying to fashion out how I feel about it. If you're looking for a party game that plays well at a competitive level I highly suggest playing Duck Game instead

Most played game of all time for me, at least about 1000+ hours. And that's for a good reason. This is the game that brought me back into gaming, and I love it dearly for that. Still the most hype reveals, the speculation for years, the genuinely absurd amount of great content in this. This very well may be my favorite game of all time, just for the amount I played it and for the reason as to why I discovered my love for this medium again. Thank you Smash Bros Ultimate. 5 ★

Brilliant fighting game. Most of the many characters are given faithful movesets and are all at least a little fun to play. Great stage variety and fun in both casual and comp settings. The only real downside is how the online is basically a meme with how awful it is.

I like to smash my friends with this game

wait no-

The Game itself is Perfect, But the world of light is Pretty Boring and doesn't Even have Multiplayer like Brawl had, it Breaks me.
Apart From That, The Game is Very good, Great roster, Memorable Songs, and The only Official game That you Can Put Sora And Steve to Fight.

Lowering 1 star until this gets rollback netcode.

The most enjoyable fighting game to a majority of people. I play this game competitively and it is the most satisfying game I think I've ever played. A game that anybody can pick up and play, while also being a difficult game for people who want to improve, with deep mechanics and a countless number of characters to learn. It's no melee, but it's certainly up there. The hype for this game is also unrivaled. Truly a game to be remembered.

Pretty flawed in some ways (Good lord, the online is bad) but it means everything to me as a cornerstone of my life