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in the past

spent like 20 minutes trying to slam dunk a skull through a basketball net. perfect gameplay, quite frankly

With Tacoma, Fullbright proves that they aren't just a one hit wonder; they're very much capable of creating new, worthwhile experiences within the "Walking Sim" genre. And while I do think the story is less impactful than Gone Home, its still an entertaining journey and its themes are as timely as ever, especially with the recent events regarding Amazon workers. And maybe it's because I recently played the God Awful "Suicide of Rachel Foster", but I found Tacoma's more optimistic view to be a pleasant change of pace from similar games.

The voice acting is also fantastic and the recorded conversations were a solid mechanic to help ground the story a bit more (as opposed to having a series of disconnected audio logs). Lots of care was put into this world and while the station itself isn't the most visually interesting, the little touches of personality certainly are. The details displayed in each characters work environments are wonderfully crafted and in that regard, Fullbright continues to be some of the top dogs in world building and environmental storytelling.

That being said I did feel that it dragged a bit in the middle, and I thought that more could have been done to raise the tension. But despite those minor issues, I can say that this was a great experience that's an easy recommendation for those interested... Unless you have a weird hatred for gay people in space... then I would say don't play this... but also seek help you fucking goofy

I get why some people can’t get into ‘em, but good walking sims are such comfort food to me. Tacoma is such a good example of what these gameplay-light, narrative focused games can bring to the table. This story doesn’t land the same in a non-interactive medium. The mechanics behind the AR logs allowing you to blow up and dissect these conversations is so unique.

Tacoma is a great little game which tells its brilliant story in a really unique way. Despite never meeting them, the characters aboard the Tacoma are full of charm, and you get attached to them rather quickly, especially given how you learn a lot about them not just through AR recordings but by examining the spaces they inhabit throughout the ship - the environmental storytelling is really superb. The humour and easter eggs found throughout the game also elevate this; one book references the fact that Elon Musk became president and incorporated Tesla with Google, truly the darkest of all futures...

Regardless, I love how the plot unfolded and how you learn about what really happened aboard the Tacoma. The conflicts between the Venturis Corporation and the workers' union and socialist movements are really compelling, but I do wish they could have been explored more. The game's ultimate narrative payoff was satisfying, and I don't think it could have really been done better without increasing the length of the game. Overall I really do recommend it! And if you're looking for something similar I recommend checking out event[0].

While Fullbright still show how incredibly talented they are at making immersive environments that tell compelling stories, I'm left kind of missing the sense of progression you felt while unlocking the different sections of the Greenbriar mansion in Gone Home(finding the first secret passage comes to mind). Here I just kind of felt like I was walking from a cool, vibey room to another cool, vibey room without any real connective tissue. I still liked it overall, but it did kind of leave me feeling like... That's it?

polished, innovative mystery game. said what it had to say and did it effectively, nothing was wasted but there were fun secrets throughout to keep me entertained. perfect game

Tacoma melts away on the tongue, and in the hand, like a soft serve vanilla ice cream on a hot summer day.

It's story is nothing revolutionary, but has just the right depth and intrigue to keep you hooked. The runtime (2-4 hours) is just the right length that the game neither drags on nor feels rushed.

The graphics and mechanics are, assuredly, simpler than what may come from the gaming industry titans, yet there are still moments of sheer outer space serendipity, onboard a spaceship that feels just convincing enough, riding on the back of a story telling mechanism that outperforms its similar contemporaries(such as Cyberpunk 2077 braindances) by miles.

A true goldilocks or budget champion, in all regards.

There's a certain beauty in making thoughtful, intentional, games, like Tacoma. Perhaps I've discovered a newfound appreciation for short and sweet, conclusive experiences, or perhaps the gaming industry is further mastering it's ability to tell tales with limited scope, with indie studios every driving forward the notion that hours != quality.

After years and years of 8-12hr long single player story games, and much, much, longer duration open-world games, all of which melt away your brain mass with their repetitive, bland, and uninspired choices, it's wonderfully refreshing to pick up a game like Tacoma, finish it in one afternoon sitting, soaking in every drop it could give.

Today, I'm glad I treated myself to ice cream.

Successor to Gone Home.

While continuing the environmental storytelling techniques of Gone Home, Tacoma introduces these augmented reality memory sequences involving multiple characters. Sometimes you have to play them back multiple times and follow different characters around to get the full picture. It's a cool technique.

And like Gone Home, Tacoma is one of the most suspenseful (not scary, suspenseful) games I've ever played. And though the stories of the two games, are vastly different, they both end in almost the exact same way: happily, against all odds, and striding forward into a new, uncertain, but nevertheless optimistic future.

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked. I wasn't a great fan of Gone Home, Fullbright's previous game, but really enjoyed this. Taking place in an abandoned space station, Tacoma tasks you with exploring the station, learning about the events leading up to the station's evacuation by interacting with 'augmented reality' recordings of the crew during certain key events. The level of detail that's been put into designing the world is extremely impressive, making Tacoma station highly compelling to explore. The story that unfolds is similarly engaging, heightened by the unusual means of telling it, with the AR recordings being a similar style to 'immersive theatre'. Highly recommended.

An excellent walking sim/adventure game.

Awesome narrative game with a very believable sci-fi atmosphere. The characters are very well defined (and voiced!) and the game is an interesting narrative puzzle in itself. I loved it!

Very short adventure game
Even if you try to see everything and get every trophy this game lasts less than an hour
The story; writing and voice acting was alright. I did like the way you interact with it and uncover what happened piece by piece
The worst part of the game though is the performance. I guess it's a ps4 thing but this game crashed several times while on the elevators. There's only 3 zones in the game apart from the hub where you access them, and to get to those zones it feels like 50% chance the game just dies. At least the auto saves are frequent.

Eu adoro história super elaboradas, bem escritas, cheias de surpresa.

Mas eu acho incrível como Tacoma pega uma história que sozinha seria a coisa mais sem graça do mundo e torna ela super interessante apenas pela forma que é contada.

Nada tira da minha cabeça que videogame é a melhor forma de narrativa e esse jogo só contribui pra isso.

I just didn't like this one as much as Gone Home. The story it's trying to tell just isn't as compelling to me.

gays in space learn that maybe companies aren't good

Revoluções não são e nunca serão obsoletas, essa é a função da arte.

Playing this game made me realize how dull of a player I am. Why am I reading the nutritional information off the back of this ramen pack

Tacoma pra min significou um jogo muito bom com seus objetivos narrativos, porém desagarda demais com sua gameplay de acompanhar acontecimentos por vídeo/holograma.

Se ele fosse aos moldes do Gone Home teria sido muito maior, jogo

Really great writing and story, but there's barely any gameplay aside from the occasional puzzle.

big win for fans of gone home (me) and cool space shit (hey me too)

Tacoma is one of the better walking-sim games I've come across. The method of telling the story is unique, but more importantly, engaging to you as a player. It helps as well that the story is genuinely well-told and the characters all become likable. This developer has a great talent at this, as only their games have made me feel such a level of joy in their endings.

As with most of these types of games, there isn't much gameplay to talk about. You move from place to place, listening to audio logs and uncovering a mystery on a spaceship. The experience is short, the mystery is intriguing enough and the voice acting is pretty good. A nice palate cleanser for a Sunday afternoon.

I really enjoyed this story. All the characters felt like real people going through a crisis and figuring out what they went through was very satisfying. This is a nice and short self-contained experience that's very much worth your time.

This review contains spoilers

Eu sou um fã do gênero walking simulator. Quando descobri a existência de Tacoma, jogo desenvolvido pela mesma equipe de Gone Home, já coloquei na minha lista de prioridades para 2023.
De forma geral, fiquei impressionado com os visuais belíssimos e com toda a estrutura da estação espacial de Tacoma. A "área inicial" que serve como hub e coloca o jogador em gravidade zero foi uma sacada simplesmente genial para a imersão.
A ideia de pegar gravações dos acontecimentos recentes que levaram ao sumiço dos tripulantes foi bem boa. Podemos ouvir as conversas entre eles, conhecer um tiquinho mais sobre cada um e entender suas motivações. Ainda que tudo se resolva de forma bem rápida, principalmente considerando a curta duração de 3 horas do título, grande parte dos acontecimentos faz sentido.
Além disso, toda a discussão sobre família e cultura, sindicalização, direitos trabalhistas, horrores do capitalismo e direito das IAs foi aquele tchan pra eu amar o jogo.

An adventure title where you have to figure out what happened to the fellow astronauts on the Tacoma space station by using AR tech and various angles in each room to get a full understanding of the scene before you. It was a fun title to play and worth an afternoon exploring.

Tacoma tells its story confidently and both builds on and strays away from what Gone Home accomplished. investigating the environment with the rewindable immersive theater mechanic was captivating. the plot has quite a few interesting moral dilemmas too.

Let's be honest. I did it for the platinum.

That was 3 hours well wasted fun little story very engaging

"Capitalism in space." - The Doctor (2017)

Tacoma has a nice story and pretty immersive storytelling, cool and likeable characters, neat graphics, and a short runtime. This game is very tight in everything it does: it's not the best game ever but it's a great experience to complete in under two hours.

Also, Sareh Hasmadi? A heroin. The ending? Well it made me smile and I love ODIN. That's all.