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Easily one of the best expansions in gaming ever. Whether you love what the Witcher did or not for gaming, the technicality of what a great expansion should be is achieved perfectly by Blood and Wine. I can safely bargain that this expansion completely dethrones Shivering Isles as the DLC that best builds on a game both as a separate experience and as an addition to the game's lore and characters.

What i love the most is that the whole personality of the game changes when entering the world of Blood and Wine. The color pallette changes, the characters are different (french now lol) and even the writing becomes even a bit more fantastical (there are vampires even gasp!)

I wish full games nowadays could have such soul and polish as this DLC has.

How can a DLC be this beautiful?? Ridiculously beautiful !! And so captivating.. even better than the original game

E assim se encerra a minha jornada com Witcher.

Já é banal falar o quão ótimo o jogo e suas DLCs são, por isso não vou repetir o que todos falam. Será difícil achar agora outra obra tão cativante quanto, mas é isso... Esperar o Vazio de zerar Witcher passar e ir pra próxima.

Só falar que o Regis é um baita personagem, desde os livros eu gosto dele. E nessa DLC eles trouxeram ele de volta e mantiveram a mesma essência do cara. Admito que senti falta de uma referência à Hansa do Geralt, afinal foi algo que marcou muito os dois personagens. Nem precisava fazer muito, talvez uns diálogos falando sobre a Milva, o Cahir, a Angoulême. Seria um presentão. Mas enfim, é um jogão de qualquer jeito.

"Silk kerchief, monogrammed d.l.C. A noble's accessory, clearly."
CD Projekt Red are no stranger to neat references inside their games, this is evident from the Assassin's Creed reference in Witcher 2, and the famous Tyrion scene from Game of Thrones in the open-walled cell, they usually love to poke funny easter eggs, and this one is funny and spot on.
The easter egg is placed near a pouch filled with florens which was the developers gab at the overpricing of a lot of other companies game DLC. Fantastic!

Blood and Wine is a legit expansion, its filled with awesome new content at an insane value, its the most satisfying piece of content you can get for a post release video game.

Toussaint, the land of love and wine is a new area introduced in the expansion, it differs from the main game grim atmosphere, Toussaint is a colorful and fairy-tale like, the country-side is super beautiful, the landscape looks phenomenal. I believe (Southern France/Northern Italy/Switzerland) inspired the location.
Beauclair the capital city is one of my favorite cities ever, the city is beautifully designed, you can see its distinct architecture, its vibrant culture and glorious palace while taking your tour, admiring the view (especially at the festival in the beginning near the lake, absolutely breathtaking view).

Toussaint is a land rich with culture and lore, it has its accent, its tradition and folklore, its festivals and religion, exploring the map will reveal hidden treasures, pieces of lore and history and old interesting stories that took place way before. Exploration is very rewarding and interesting.

Superb job on the voice acting and sounds design, hilarious sketches from the fairyland quest (big bad wolf), what's better is a new soundtrack collection with fantastic music. Taverns are bigger and more carefully designed, the lighting at night is so well done, its calm and romantic, embodies the land of love and wine.

Story Premise is interesting; Geralt goes on a high value contract, tracking a powerful beast that plagues the peaceful calm land which is Toussaint, Dutchess send after Geralt (they had previous connections from the books). Story starts out like a murder mystery, with Geralt doing his detective work to track down the beast (serial killer) with impressive attention to details, afterwards the story progresses into branching paths with crazy reveals, its tightly written and not journey-adventure type like the story of the wild hunt which makes it better.
Great variety of cast to meet along the way, memorable characters with likeable personalities.
Side quests are the same high quality you would expect, personal favorites are the bank parody which was hilarious and Roach side quest (this was was touching and funny at the same time).

Gameplay wise i loved the new Gwent deck as it added extra layer for strategy, the quest design and dialogue is very well presented. New enemies with more attack patterns, better boss fights, new and better gear that adds passive specials, a new system which offers mutation and adds variety to builds, cool skills to unlock, its obviously a step up from the main game.
Also one of my favorite, you get a house to decorate, paintings, artifacts, swords get to shine in your new marvelous house, the place is amazing, loved the river and gardens surrounding it.

I love this expansion, its like a sequel disguised as a DLC, the new area, the new soundtracks, the upgraded gameplay elements, the story and characters, its fantastic all around, it offers both quantity and quality, and it serves as a love letter to the last Witcher book.
Its an essential part of the Witcher experience and marks the end of Geralt's journey, it completes the Witcher 3 and elevates it as some of the finest gaming experiences ever made. Its like a beautiful mixture of a Book, Movie, Video game, all packed together like a symphony.

Honestly, it should come as no surprise to me now after completing the Witcher 3 main game, but I am geniunely shocked at how great of an experience that Blood and Wine was. CD Projekt Red managed to create a whole new setting, cast of characters, and group of villains for Geralt to encounter (ideally) after the events of the Wild Hunt that was so good it can rival and outmatch the feelings I've had from playing full game relases.

The land of Toussaint is downright beautiful, taking place in a fictitious rendition of a Southern France or Northern Italy, in which beautiful flowering fields populate the countryside. Much like I did in Skellige in the Wild Hunt, many a times did I find myself stopping while running or galloping on Roach to give a gander to the environment around me. Again playing with a 4K pack and with most graphical fidelity settings on, I felt like I was experiencing something real with how picturesque the setting was. The city of Beauclair was akin to Novigrad in its teeming with life, however a much more classy architectural feel and populous resided within.

Characters, the series' greatest strength, were again a strongsuit in this expansion. Anna Henrietta was as daring and cunning as she is beautiful, Regis (a book callback) was an elegant and charismatic partner for Geralt, and Damien was a more-than-meets-the-eye second in command. There were plenty of other characters who made the experience memorable, however I would spend another lengthy review speaking on how great they were.

Blood and Wine is easily one of the best expansions/DLC's to have ever existed, full stop. This is a MUST buy for fans of the Witcher 3.

So cd project said, witcher already uses fairy tale elements in it's story, then why don't we go full on fairy style with embracing it's wackiness?

This is a wacky world where wine is everywhere, everybody acts highly and arrogant, but gets crazy as more and more wine used. I have to say variety is off the charts with this one.
Returning enemies from witcher 1 ✅
Grandmaster armors that change the gameplay with special features ✅
New boss fights ✅
Even more wackier side missions that some of them will guarantee to get a chuckle from you ✅
Fairy tale looking atmosphere with an awesome colorful towns as well✅
Another overbloated map with stupid question marks that feels copy pasted ❌
Probably the worst main story cast in the witcher franchise ❌

When I started the dlc I was hopeful, but unfortunately as I get near to the end, I felt less and less connected to the characters and in the end only thing I felt was anger.

This is a story about no one says what they truly meant to the other one, because of that they continue to be hurtful each other. So what this results with? Unnecessary conflicts.

Ending felt like a soap opera for me, it was like, "oh you did that because you thought I hated you?" or "I didn't thought not saying the truth would result like this" or "I never talked because I thought I didn't need to correct things" etc. I hate this kind of "misunderstanding" conflict, so millions of people died because of some sort of a "misunderstanding". So funny, ha ha ha
So main story and how the main cast built is a hard pass for me. I can even say it was worse than the base game's main story, at least emotional moments still felt even with the bad pacing.

Essa é provavelmente a melhor DLC que eu já joguei.

Praticamente um jogo novo de The Witcher 3, um novo mapa enorme e maravilhoso, algumas das missões mais divertidas do jogo, novos equipamentos, novos monstros, é bastante extensa a quantidade de conteúdo que vem nessa DLC.

Uma maravilhosa DLC para um maravilhoso jogo, com uma trama ótima de inicio, meio e fim, o melhor final para a quest principal para mim pessoalmente é o final ruim pois digamos que achei o final bom bem decepcionante.

já o final para nosso protagonista foi o melhor possível, sendo interligado com a historia do jogo base.

Uma das maiores expansões que um jogo poderia ter é Blood and Wine, muito superior a sua antecessora DLC, tem uma originalidade muito maior de história e ambientação.

Os personagens dessa pequena aventura também são super modestos e originais como a franquia requer.

The best DLC of all time, I can't find any flaws to it as an expansion. It adds the best characters in the game, a huge and gorgeous map, a great story and gives a proper ending to Geralt and Yennefer (idc Triss is not canon)

This is DLC? It could be an entire game on its own.

Probably the best DLC of all time, could pass as a whole game in itself. Toussaint is absolutely beautiful, the story is great, and the new enemies and armors are all awesome. So much to love and really not anything at all that isn't enjoyable.

The Best DLC ever made, i dont understand how can anyone score this low, it improved on everything the Witcher 3 had, with a fairly low price and so much content, this is my favorite expansion ever.

dlc nasıl asıl oyundan iyi olabilir adlı çalışma

I think this dlc would be 10 times better if instead of getting into trouble, Regis and Geralt made love.

From Blaviken to Toussaint, I've followed The Witcher through all of his misadventures. These adventures have shaped Geralt over the course of seven books and three games, most of which are fantasy stories that I hold in the highest regard. The Witcher is one of the genre's crown jewels, in my opinion; its distinct brand of ethical dilemmas and its complex character writing drew me in as a teenager, and they continue to captivate my imagination and stir my soul to this day.

These adventures, however, cannot last forever; every story must end. The final expansion for The Witcher 3, Blood and Wine, aims to serve as an epilogue chapter in Geralt's story, and I must admit that it is one of the most fitting and satisfying ways this saga could conclude. Although the beautiful, lush mediaeval countryside and vineyards of Toussaint did not fully capture my heart on a second playthrough eight years later, I would be lying if I said I could think of a more suitable place to end Geralt's adventure in. Toussaint is large—almost shockingly large for what should be the setting of an epilogue chapter, but I believe its size works well in its favour. When compared to the previous expansion, Hearts of Stone, I discovered something interesting. Hearts of Stone demonstrates an impressive degree of restraint in its approach to storytelling, while Blood and Wine takes a hard left turn by expanding the scope massively and letting the chains loose, reminiscent of The Wild Hunt's massively complex narrative. What sets Blood and Wine apart, however, is how it refines and enhances the expansive and nonlinear storytelling approach of The Wild Hunt, which results in what I feel to be a vastly more enjoyable and satisfying narrative experience. 

CD Projekt Red handles everything here with the utmost care, and I can feel the love they put into Blood and Wine. It’s incredibly commendable how much respect they have for the source material and how dedicated they are to honouring The Witcher’s history in this expansion. I would be remiss not to praise this expansion for the immense love and care that went into it. Serving as an epilogue to a multi-year-long epic, Blood and Wine stands as one of the most impressive storytelling feats of the past decade. Everything here is almost perfect, and despite not fully capturing my heart in the way I had hoped it would, I’m still deeply satisfied and moved by Blood and Wine. 

This is truly one of the greatest expansions of all time.

I know it really doesn't need me to sing its praises but this truly is the right way to expand your game because it builds upon every single mechanic without exception. Colorful, clever, with the real darkness and cruel twists we expect from The Witcher. Upon entering and engaging in the expansive Toussaint I felt a whimsy I hadn't since I first entered Velen or Skellige. It really outmatches pretty much anything in the base game outside of scale, and the Quixote-inspired setting really breathes fresh air after almost 90 hours of the base-game and first DLC.

Playtime: 30 Hours
Score: 10/10

This is really one of the meatiest DLCs I have ever played! I am so glad this DLC came out since it brought back the idea of Expansions as opposed to just 2-hour long DLCs. Thanks to this we got Frozen Wilds for Horizon Zero Dawn and a new expansion Kingdom of Amalur remaster!

In terms of content this expansion over-delivers, with a new map to explore, a new Gwent deck, new main and story missions, the list goes on. The story is also quite fun and some of the side quests are some of the funniest I have ever played in an RPG. You even get your own estate to deck out, and it serves as a great ending to the character and the story of this trilogy! The ending of this expansion made me cry! I remember playing these DLCs, at the same time as the Fallout 4 DLCs, and the differences were night and day in terms of value and content!

All DLCs I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

The grand epilogue to TW3 is here, an incredible new map, a house, and of course an incredible story, someday I'll play it again because it's so damn good

It's the base game, but better in pretty much every regard.

Better combat and open world POIs due to better systems. The world and aesthetics look beautiful. And the the story is very often compelling with choices making a difference.

Minor technical and visual bugs do bring it down a tiny bit but it's still very worth one's time.

Quem fala que essa expansão é melhor que o jogo base tem motivos demais pra dizer isso. Um jogo completamente novo, com novos personagens, novas mecânicas e temáticas. O fechamento completo para a saga do Bruxo e de um dos maiores jogos já feitos. Simplesmente uma OBRA PRIMA!

Blood and Wine might just be the best bang for buck expansion you will ever purchase
Blood and Wine features an expansive new region called Touissaint, a vibrant French inspired piece of land full of political intrigue, humor, and defined culture. You will also be pitched against new monsters, in a fully fetched campaign helping out the local Duchess.

The story and side missions are characteristically as good as the original Witcher 3 game, and perhaps better in some areas. The characters you encounter are well written and engagement, and much of the activities to be had are quite fun. This expansion also features a full length soundtrack, which further immerses you into the escapist heaven of the Witcher series.

All-in-all, this expansion deserves an honest 10/10. In all my years of PC gaming, this expansion has reached a milestone, and set a bar so high that I doubt any other developer can reach in a long time.

A great wonderful new addition that contrasts the drearier areas of Witcher 3 with a much more fairytale and playful world of Blood and Wine. Filled with many more great interactions and characters with even some of the best in the Witcher series overall, this DLC seeks to give the series an ending for Geralt that satisfies fans of the game. New Beautiful visuals, enemies, quests, there is very little reason not to buy this immediately if you own the Witcher 3.

Game #128: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine

Well, this is my favorite "West" game now. Most AAA companies can't even get close to what Witcher 3 offers in its DLC's side quests. It's just brilliant. Here is hoping to the new Witcher game will be as enjoyable as this one.


Blood and Wine is like going on a vacation, away from the dreadful lands we explored in the Witcher 3 main game. This vacation takes you through beautiful fields, calming tones and features so many great characters and stories to play through. I genuinely think it's even better than the main game!

Uma DLC q é praticamente outro jogo dentro do jogo!

Obviously DLC's get inflated ratings, who would buy the DLC if they don't like the game? But still, this is to me the best DLC ever. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous environment, serene, quaint, and more Witcher 3.

Puts 90% of expansions to shame

Le doy un 4 porque sale la cabra con pantalones esa de los cómics polacos pero es un puto plagio de Marcelino pan y vino