Reviews from

in the past

Aunque habia algunas partes aburridas, el juego es precioso

El final me recuerda al de Evangelion. Muy bonito y emotivo todo.

Probably one of my favorite indie games. I highly recommend for anyone just looking for a good time, this game is absolutely great. Wish this got brought up more often

There's the potential for a really great game in this one but it just falls a bit flat until the ending, which is great and made me cry

It does a lot with very little. The core singing mechanic isn't really used for any super hard puzzles, but is still really varied and just fun to mess around with. The story and characters are all fantastic, with lots of humor to round out the emotional moments. Overall just a very polished and charming experience.

When i started playing this i tought, alright, its a unity game, its going to be a very short musical experience, but man, i was wrong, what this game lacks on visual assets it has on musics and sound effects, this game has so many emotional musical moments and at the same time it gets every single one of them handed to you in a unique way that you can remember which one of them with a diferrent and special feeling. Summing up, straight 5 out of 5

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"A Brilliant Game About The Beauty Of Music, Cooperation, And Friendship"

Well I certainly didn't expect this game to evoke that much emotion from me! I wasn't even aware I owned this title, and will try and figure out exactly how it managed to fall into my lap. In this game, you play as The Bard, a lovable, positive, and sometimes naive little guy, who happens to figure out that the world is in danger and that it needs a hero. The game tricks any unaware players into thinking it is a generic adventure game following the typical "hero's quest" such as in games like The Legend Of Zelda , but it ends up being so much more than that. Music is central to this game's mechanics, and all interactions essentially involve some form of music, but it all involves a flick of the right stick in one of eight different directions. Throw in some puzzles, light platforming, and even some battles here and there, and you have a unique game full of charm, dedication, and something that many games lack nowadays - soul. There is so much that can be said about this game that is positive, that I figured we get the few "negatives" out of the way (more like neutral points if we're being honest here).

I didn't particularly enjoy the character of Eyala, though I get how she can be fun for some players. I found her to be on the irritable side of things, and I actually grew to dislike her arc throughout the story (and moreso The Bard's interactions with her). I felt that she deserved a bit of a "realization" moment where she figured out she was wrong, and could apologize to The Bard and Miriam. Instead, the story progresses with her being a quirky, yet manipulative character, and it didn't match the arc that other "unlikable" characters like Audrey and Markus had. In addition to issues with that particular character, I also felt a few sections, such as the mountain sequence and the war sequence, dragged on much too long. There seemed to be a lot of dialogue that was filler, and some side quests seemed unnecessarily long for the payoff, so that got a little tiring playing through each encounter. I do admire the work put into this title nonetheless, and this is just me bringing up parts that could've been ironed out in order to make this game essentially perfect.

Everything else about this game is brilliant. The general tone of positivity, while a bit on the cheesy side at times, grew on me throughout the game, and I felt the story suited it as well. Every major character has some flaws about themselves, and the game explores those flaws as well as their actions and "mindsets" very well. While not every character ends up with a "happily ever after", they definitely showed growth as the story progressed. My favorite was Miriam, and her journey throughout the game was very powerful. The themes of heartbreak, isolation, anger, and sadness surrounding her struck a chord with me - as a person who can have a negative view on the world, and who enjoys criticizing everything, it was a good look in the mirror. There were many moments in this title where I felt a surge of emotions, and this was absolutely influenced by the game's soundtrack. Just a masterful job, and I was shocked to realize that it was very flexible depending on the situation and emotion within the current scene. This is one of the best soundtracks I have ever experienced, right up there with Undertale , and that is amazing company to be in.

So in conclusion, play this game. I absolutely Recommend it to all gamers, music lovers, and anyone who is down to appreciate a truly great work of art. It doesn't have the most "gamey" mechanics, but it doesn't need those. All it requires is an open mind as it takes you on a journey.

Final Verdict: 8/10 (Great)

Charming and fun 2D puzzle platformer. It kind of starts to drag near the end but it’s still worth playing.

wandersong is such a good game it gave me a first name

I don't normally play games like this but Wandersong is a sweet game that touches some heavy topics.

The way they go about these topics is considerate and I think is relatable in different ways. The ending to the game also felt satisfying.

Really the only bad thing I experienced when playing was a LOT of bugs, it was honestly annoying I'll admit. Regardless, I liked going around talking to npcs and singing my silly songs as the Bard. Their relationship with Miriam was also very sweet.This was a great game to end 2022 with.

just play it man what do you want from me

do you wanna feel what life without depression and and anxiety feels like? play this

Wandersong is a cute, easygoing, and extremely wholesome puzzle game with a neat singing gimmick. The graphics look decent and are deceptively simple. At first, you feel the one-man-band vibe, but it quickly becomes VERY impressive with the insane tricks the dev/s pulled with using the graphics and gameplay so creatively. My first impression was that it reminded me of Pikuniku. Its really easygoing, and theres no difficulty whatsoever, so relax and enjoy it. The writing is easily A tier, very moving, wholesome, and engaging. I laughed many times, I spent a good portion of the game with a beaming smile, and I'm a guy who for whatever reason doesn't really smile much. And I also very nearly cried happiness at the end.

The story takes a while to get going, but once it does by golly does it speed off like a train, by chapter 2, I was heavily invested in the character progression and development, and wider story and was enthralled by the lovable characters at every single turn.

By chapter 3, I fell in love with the devs' sense of humour, they have the best kind of lighthearted internet culture you can find in laid back, creatively driven fandoms with a nod to the old style internet, think Homestuck (which there are s e v e r a l references to), Artfight, Newgrounds, etc. This kind of vibe is right up my alley, and I wish more netizens embraced it more. I'm trying to be a nicer and more wholesome netizen myself, this game inspires me towards that further.

In chapter 4 I pet the dog, did the bardy thing, and made a depressed young man happy. :D

By chapter 5, I was going crazy with all the insane tricks the dev was pulling, and my interest in The Bard and Miriam's relationship peaked and stayed for the rest of the game, I also realised that Audrey is a total bellend here.

Chapters 6 and 7 weren't as crazy as chapter 5, but the ending almost made me cry. Thats all I'll say about it.

I didn't pay any money for this, I got it as a Christmas present from a REALLY good friend. She really knows how to pick em. With hindsight from playing it, I would say its worth the A$30 theyre asking, but I wouldn't have gone for it until it went on sale for 60%+, maybe you should too if you're not totally convinced in how good it is or have a backlog and can wait to save some money.

Wandersong is a cute game about a guy who sings, it's really great and I really enjoyed the story.

One of my favorite games of all time, i LOVED the characters and the story a lot. It was perfect.

I really loved this game for the first hour or so, but eventually the gameplay, the jokes, the story and everything just fell apart for me and I ended up really not liking it.

cute game with a really great story about what it means to be a hero. I love the way singing is implemented but I do wish they could occasionally bring some mechanics back more often

This is so damn sweet and has one of the best written friendships I've ever seen in a game. A bit too long and some sections are less fun than others, but this is a really good time.

A very cute and wholesome indie game about a bard, with a lovable cast of characters and good writing.

Ok, on the one hand, I enjoyed myself. This comes from an older cloth of "let's throw in an optional skiing game... now a pirate song... alright, time management sim!", and you get a fun variety.

On the other hand, and maybe this is my fault for playing it back to back with Chicory, there's a pretty straightforward vibe of "I want to be the hero and I'm not". And it's warm and fuzzy and not meanspirited, which through one lens is refreshing, and through another lens (having just played Chicory), is a second teaspoon of pure sugar.

the musical nature of it is very forgiving, the platforming came right up against the edge of my very low skill bar but didn't push me too hard, and that's a neat challenge. the unlockable dances were hilarious. and the composed songs were great. However, the actual act of singing was.... not always the most pleasant thing to hear.

i finished this game a few days ago and I'm just reflecting on what it left me with. The answer isn't a lot, but it also isn't negative. So, you know.

Absolutely incredible and creative musical adventure. There's a few bits of jank (spawning inside walls, follow characters getting stuck and jittering) and a few sections did drag on a little long, but that doesn't hold back the absolute creativity this world has. I can tell the inspirations from The Thousand Year Door here, yet it does so much of its own thing and charming personality that it shines in spades! An absolute must play!

Some gameplay parts are a bit rough but man I didn't expect this game to be so moving

What a fun game! One of the greatest strengths is how each level changes up what can be done for platforming and it's constantly engaging. The dialogue is also quite funny and sincere for when it needs to be. I think my biggest issues overall are with pacing. One act goes on for a bit too long and even the final "victory lap" felt a bit much. Otherwise, it was a solid game that's definitely worth looking into!

god i love sing from illuminations

one time i had a glitch in late game where i couldnt make a jump and i posted to a fan forum about it being a glitch, they said to " do the jump better"
i changed the resolution and it fixed the issue
anyway i really like this game
it had a homestuck reference in it and i find that humorous


I couldn't avoid playing this game after playing my all-time favorite game (so far)... Chicory.

Chapter 1: 🎬
It took me almost the whole chapter to get into this game! I tried it a few different times, but eventually, when the second chapter started, it kinda clicked :>

Chapter 2: πŸ₯
I enjoyed ordering beans, making a theme song, and... getting the band together 😎. The game didn't hit until the start of chapter 3, though.

Chapter 3: πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ
This is where I got fully invested in the game, I'd say. Exploring with the pirates, following the map, and finding secrets felt really fun. It reminded me of a game I used to play as a child. Often indie games feel like reading a children's book. It gives me a joy that is hard to match...

Chapter 4: 🏭
The game took a very unexpected turn for me here. It focused on the whole time mechanic, which I liked. It reminded me of Stardew/Animal Crossing, with how you had to be exact on time a lot of the time. It felt similar to both Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the film Klaus...!

Chapter 5: πŸ¦„
This was probably the longest chapter and... one of the best. I didn't care much for the conflict between the people, basically? But otherwise, it had a lot of fun things. I almost expected it to be done, but then I got the magical school arc, which was really fun, with Metroidvania mechanics???

Chapter 6: 🌌
Kinda short? Not much to say about it. It felt a little simple, and apparently, every indie game has a mountain climbing section!

Chapter 7: 🏑 Mimimimimimimi

Well, while I'm still considering Chicory my favorite game...? This game was phenomenal. It did so many creative things, had some awesome songs, fun characters, awesome sound design, and really engaging dialogue. I did, however, miss the more open-world styled exploration in Chicory... I preferred the top-down view more. Wandersong, to me, almost felt too linear at points with not enough secrets to find. I'm not sure if that's a negative for the game itself or just my opinion!

Can't WAIT to see what Other Wishes do next!!!

such a cute and fun game with a beautiful story

Underrated game with a charming cast of characters. I liked it.