Reviews from

in the past

I've seen several people complain that this is just a repackaging of the GBA game that's compromised in several ways. I don't really know about that because I haven't played a WarioWare game a day in my life, I'm as bare and pure as the day I was born, covered in fluids and screaming in the corner of the WarioWare elevator as the door keeps opening up to wacky minigames. I don't know how I got here and I'm scared.

The multiplayer component seems to be the big draw, but "come over and play WarioWare, Inc: Mega Party Games!" doesn't have the same magnetism today that it probably did in 2003, and for that reason I experienced the game solo. Which, again, is just the GBA game (or so I'm told), and since it's all new to me, I had a good time with it regardless.

I am currently playing through Mario Party 6 with Appreciations and TransWitchSammy, and while that's obviously a more complex game, I do think it's funny to compare how minigames are designed between the two. WarioWare fires its microgames at you rapidly, but they're so simple and intuitive that you're rarely left wondering what's expected of you, which allows the game to maintain its pacing. Mario Party requires a team of adults carefully study the instructions to each minigame, examining them like a technical manual several times over before jumping into a practice game to ensure everything is operating correctly. Saw a log, pick your nose, dodge falling debris... Easy. I do that every day of my life. Navigate the Gomba maze in Hotel Goomba by punching Goombas in the back of the skull to coral them into the correct positions? Yeah, hold up, gonna need to do a couple dry runs.

"But George, that's an unfair comparison. The connection between the two is predicated on the presence of minigames as a generalized concept and is tenuous at best!" Oh, well look at what we have here. A Mario Party defender! Well guess what, I called Dribble and Spitz and they said they're coming to your house tonight!

Card-e Cards with a group is what video games were made for.

It's basically the GBA game, but it looks much nicer and the multiplayer modes are really, really fun.

The Turtle game and the Doctor game are peak kino based wariopilled

if you haven't played warioware then you need to get your shit together

This rivalled Smash Bros Melee for how often it was our "go-to" multiplayer game of choice on Gamecube.

could've been the definitive mega microgames experience if the single player was closer to the original but i'll let it slide cuz the multiplayer is pretty fun. i just wish i wasn't a grown ass man so getting friends over to play baby games wasn't so hard

Hilário e divertido, como todo bom WarioWare. Porém, poderia ter sido um porte melhor.

Eu esperava que esse título fosse usar mais o hardware do Gamecube, e não agir como se todo o game estivesse se passando em um GBA... Ok, é um porte do primeiro game, mas sinceramente dava pra dar um bom tapa no visual dos microgames e deixar o jogo mais aprazível no geral. Sei lá, só esperava um pouco mais de capricho e exclusividade.

Existe a possibilidade de jogar em Multiplayer aqui, coisa que até onde eu sei não era possível no GBA. Mas mesmo se fosse possível, sinceramente, deve ser muito melhor experimentar um título WarioWare em um console de mesa, sendo o principal diferencial do título.

De resto, toda a minha review do WarioWare, Inc. Mega Microgames de GBA também é válida aqui, afinal, é o mesmo game. O escopo de uma original e hilária série.

why this was a full retail release i’m not sure but i grew up on it so there’s a lot of nostalgia entangled that makes me appreciate it

best home console party game

Through high school and college I felt like I was the one forcing it to everyone I met even though no one knew anything about it.

This GameCube version was perfect multiplayer insanity. Every mode was a joy.

bar none top 5 gamecube multiplayer games fuckin absolutely ever.

this game is awesome and the multiplayer is COOL.

Fun little game that really puts your reaction times to the test lol.


i am the wario master.

warioware may just be the greatest series of all time

a sleeper hit party game on the gamecube. It's basically a home console port of the first GBA game in terms of single player content, but in multiplayer theres a TON of wacky games that you can play with friends and they are all very fun. Listen to the doctor is my personal favorite out of the multiplayer games, even if it is absolutely unbalanced as hell. The balloon game and outta my way are fun too and there are even a few more involved games like the E card game and the spaceship one. This game definitely stands up there with the mario party games and Pac-Man Vs. as one of the best party games on the gamecube.

Multiplayer is really fun, as long as your asshole friends don't block your screen.

This game's graphic design is the predessor to Wario Ware: Smooth Moves.

Jokes aside, this is a barebones version of the first WarioWare game, Mega Micro Games. However, the reason I'm giving it 4 stars is becuase of the fact that while it may be barebones, the multiplayer mode is underrated and awesome. Go get your wacky friends and play the hell out of this game.

The popular criticism with this one is that it's just the GBA game with multiplayer but like... that's why it's so good? WarioWare has always been better as a multiplayer party game than a single player experience.

This one in particular has some really creative game modes that really make the experience. Probably one of the best party games I've played. It has no right being as fun as it is

Can someone tell me why I owned a Japanese import copy of this game in Europe?

The multiplayer is really fun, though I would say 4 players are essential cause with only 2 the games end very quickly

They had to call an ambulance to my friend's house cause I never laughed so hard for so long in my life

i liked the multiplayer on this but it took away some of that aesthetic i liked from the original

The single-player mode leaves a lot to be desired, but holy shit this is one of the best local multiplayer games of all time, more than making up for the previous fault.

A worse way to experience the core of the original but that's not what you come to this game for, it's the multiplayer aspect, and that's pretty fun