Reviews from

in the past

I was so bad at this and getting owned so swiftly that it was actually starting to affect my mood. I can't win at Yu-Gi-Oh. Can't even get a single win. No matter how hard I try or study or practice my opponent has drawn every card necessary to summon 3 powerful Fuck You monsters to the field in a single turn. I don't understand. The training mode doesn't even come close to preparing me for this kind of Getting Owned.

I work a shitty job, am in enormous debt, I can't afford new tires or a new battery for my car, nothing works out in my favor, and I can't win at Yu-Gi-Oh. I remember when the Cleveland Browns didn't win a single game all year. I wonder how the QB, Deshone Kizer, felt during that stretch. You practice, you study, you do everything possible and yet a single win constantly eludes you. That was on a pretty grand stage, in front of millions. My torment is just in my bedroom while I watch Colorado Rockies baseball, hoping their perpetual losing and inability to play baseball with even the slightest bit of competency will give me perspective on how small my inability to win a Children's Card Game is. But it doesn't. I look at the Colorado Rockies and all I see is a mirror, it's like looking at the devil himself, mocking me for my near-constant bumbling and giving me a microcosm of my various financial woes in the form of a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon being summoned to the field on the second turn just to own me.

If I were younger and still had dreams and aspirations I would probably suffer through the near constant losing just to get a glimpse at what winning a game of Yu-Gi-Oh might look like, but this shit is actually bumming me out. At least when I watch the Shitty Ass Fucking Worthless Colorado Rockies, we are divided by a screen and I am not Nolan Jones letting an easy fly-ball pop out of my glove. Actually BEING that hapless loser is too much for me to bear.

Still highly recommended as it is NOT League of Legends, though.

Guy who thinks his 2006 Battleguard beatdown deck is an adequate representation of "good old Yugioh" and pretends new mechanics don't exist: "the turns are long and I'm losing, rip my childhood 0/5"


this game has done a great job reminding me how fucking horrific the ocg banlist is

Had a really fun time just playing with a friend. I have some gripes with gatcha-like monetization, but this and Duel Links have been on the more lenient side from my experiences. (FAR more in this one's case, I should mention) I actually really like the card pack system of secret packs and how it lets you hone in on a certain archetype if you come across it. It's actually how I ended up building a Galaxy-Eyes deck, which was pretty far from what I expected to build. Only thing I'd advise against is playing on the Switch, menus felt unbearably choppy.

When you're in the duels, it's Yu-Gi-Oh, plain and simple. It's still as fun as my favorite card game usually is, and this is a really solid way to play it.

They gave us free, "you can probably get to max rank with these", competent loaner decks for a month.

This game's been saved

want to give this a preemptive 0.5 because there is no way konami doesnt fuck this up. i'll abstain because electrumite isnt banned and i play pend

My glorious King Avramax is in the game

I'm fighting for my god damn life out here man, trying to have fun with my Elemental HERO deck and every single player using the same 3 try hard decks for a insta K.O.

Edit: I've given up the way of the Hero and I am now winning more often than not, the game is fun when your winning.




If you’re a boomer like me and dislike this ABC, SUSPENSION, ZELDA and SINK-O summoning shit, this game is not for you. That is - unless you got some friends to play with you with whatever actual fun decks you agree on.

If you’ve read other reviews on this game, you surely must have noticed complaints about turn length. That is because the most optimal strategies involve using the xyz/ pendulum/link/syncro nonsense to summon half of your deck in the first turn with cards that negate everything your opponent does. Seriously, everything: summoning a monster, activating a card effect, even taking a dump probably. It’s the most optimal way to play the game and also the most boring shit in the world. That said, it’s what the actual game of Yu-Gi-Oh! ™, unfortunately, has evolved into and not the fault of Master Duel specifically.

When it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel itself – it’s surprisingly fun. Not in a million years would have I imagined that I’d actually say that about a Konami game made post 2015, much less a free-to-play game. As of the writing of this review (20th Feb 2022), the F2P mechanics have been handled fairly. You can pretty much build any deck you want. You will run into a bit of a wall if you want to build multiple different decks quickly, but even then the game is generous enough with gems. With a bit of patience and some easy to do Daily/Weekly missions, you can get a lot of value out of this game without paying a single cent. Of course, this is Konami we’re talking about so it can (and I fully expect it will) change in due time.

Master Duel is very accessible – it’s meant to be enjoyed by the hardcore meta zoomer try-hards, returning old boomers like me who last played Yu-Gi-Oh back when the aforementioned zoomers probably weren’t even born and brand new players who don’t even know why someone would put their cards side-ways. The game has some basic tutorials that quickly introduce you to all forms of summoning, so don’t worry if you don’t know what this alphabet summoning and pendulum swinging is all about. I also like that by linking your Konami ID, your game progress transfers real-time and you can enjoy this game on multiple platforms hassle free.

That said, this game has some odd UI/UX problems. Nothing major but it’s the small niggles that add up and make for some frustrating moments, especially early on while you’re just coming to grasp with it. Also, the music is TERRIBLE. Probably the worst aspect of this entire game, so much so that I’ve had it muted since the first duel. Seriously, just put some tunes of your choice in the background instead. I’m also not a fan of the visual style of this game – it looks like a mobile game/Heartstone rip-off which was an initial turn-off but has since stopped bothering me.


Send help I m not playing any real video games anymore because I got addicted to yugioh

I hate modern Yu-Gi-Oh

Some points for having what seems to be a generous f2p system, and a lot of customisation unlocks. But Yu-Gi-Oh as a card game in 2022 is just such an unbearable shit show.

Edit: I'm back on this because I hate myself
Edit again: Nm still garbage

This is the League Of Legends of 40 year old's

They should hit Floowandereeze again on the next banlist. Not because they’re good or anything, I just think they deserve it.

A great time was had with this, and I actually poured some money into it as well, which I never do with free-to-play games. We've basically caught up to the TCG now (Snake-Eye is the most dominant deck at the moment), so I think this as good a time as any to dip out and retire.

Just FTK'd this 2006 E-Hero player. Feels great.

It's well made but also just, really boring

During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), immediately draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.

Tengo bastante que decir.

primero que nada, estamos ante un producto extremadamente solido (gracias por no ser DL2). Posee un excelente apartado audiovisual además de un sistema de progresión - recompensa y rankeds muy bien planteado (aunque preferiria que fuera el mejor de 3 en elos mas altos); todo esto le da el plus de no solo limitarse a ser un simulador del juego de cartas, sino mucho mas.

Sin duda la experiencia definitiva del formato tradicional.

Ahora bien, si eres un manchild o un babyboomer que hace comentarios como "ogga -inserte medio de invocación- arruinaron el juego boga", "pee pee boo vi en twitter un clip de un deck gimmick que no entiendo y cuya jugada solo funciona 1 de 10 veces ganar un duelo", "too much text" o de plano no te interesa leer o aprender las mecánicas del juego que estas JUGANDO, entonces este juego no es para vos.

Déjame decirte que la imagen idealizada que tu mente tiene del "old yugioh" en donde podías jugar mago oscuro JAMAS existió.

(el titulo dice MASTER DUELS, que esperabas?)

I do not have the patience to watch my opponent play solitaire for 15 minutes.

Unfortunately, this is probably the best yugioh sim ever made. Great accessibility, easy to pick up and fun to mess around in. However, this all comes at the cost of the gacha system - extremely hard to get cards you need consistently and can be hard to build multiple decks you want to use for this reason. The crafting system is excellent but you'll typically find yourself lacking SR and UR points pretty frequently. I've found it's best to plan around building a specific deck you'd like to play with for a good period (espc if you are F2P) so you have some consistency.
That being said, this game is also surprisingly free to play friendly as long as you're not itching to make multiple meta decks. While i can sympathize with new/returning players logging on, running into kashtira/vanquish soul/purrely, etc. getting chained into oblivion and getting frustrated with how much the game has changed, this remains the best way to experience a yugioh sim and i appreciate how it's let people (including myself) reignite their interest in the series.
As improvements, I would like to see the game's card base updated more frequently (as many others have brought up) as we're missing a lot of recent staples, and would like gems to be more frequent, which would fix some of the issues with the gacha system.

I'm going to fail my exams cause i'll be too busy playing this game

Yu Gi Oh would be the coolest game in the world if it ever taught you how to actually play it

This is the best video game adaptation of a physical card game that exists. I still can't believe how well they launched this game. If you enjoy the MODERN card game you'll love this, Maxx "C" or not. As pointed out in other reviews the game is also very generous with it's currency to new accounts, so you will be able to build a deck without spending any money at all.

Thank god it’s more F2P. As a huge yugioh fan this game is just super hype for me however, my only complaint would be how long online matches tend to be but it’s 8000LP duels which are understandable

Best way to play yugioh.
If you cry about decks just cry harder

If you are a casual YGO enjoyer, this is probably the best OFFICIAL game for the card games. It's not like Duel Links which is for milking anime fans. The best reason to download this app instead of using the fan made sites and programs is to play this weird ass format that your friends or anyone else can download and play. The game throws enough currency at you when you start out to make about a deck and a half. You can just tell your friends to DL the game and mess around with decks for a few nights. Whoever is in charge of this game does seem to be listening to some of the fan input regarding banlists and releases. The biggest actual criticism of the game I have is connection issues, like having to ping servers for basic menus is a pain. Sometimes it feels like people are playing the game on their phone using mobile data in an awful location for a lunch break, because every phase shift takes like a minute to go through. I may slam my head on the wall every time I brick, I may throw my hands up and scream when I get whooped by the current meta, but I would never had reconnected my love for this dumb card game without this flashy app that's easy to use with great presentation.


Please for the love of God if you want to play yugioh online, use a simulator like YGO Omega. You don't have to live like this.