Reviews from

in the past

personally never understood why this one was so divisive beyond the obvious crowd that didn't like that it was a new cast. the cases are very strong, the new cast is great, and the music as always is fantastic.

also i really like ema in this, like a lot. casting her as a grouchy failed forensics applicant who ended up stuck as a detective and clearly doesn't wanna be there was so smart.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, is a mind blowing game that I believe has some of the highest highs in the Ace Attorney franchise (that I've played through so far, 1-4) The standout cases in this game are 4-1 and 4-4, the starting and final cases. I won't spoil the story in this review so I'll talk about the gameplay which is standard ace attorney gameplay with a slight twist. You investigate crime scenes to find evidence to prove your client innocent and find out who the true killer is. During the trial sections you have to cross examine a witness who is lying to you, and to prove that they are lying you have to present evidence contradicting what they're saying. The twist is that Apollo, the main character, has a bracelet that can let him perceive minute details, like when a witness tenses up which means they're hiding something. The story is incredible and while it does include Phoenix Wright, I feel like this is the best standalone ace attorney game (that I've played through so far, 1-4) besides the original Ace Attorney. I also love the graphics and especially the music, some standouts being “Apollo Justice - A New Era Begins!” and “Cross-Examination - Allegro 2007” The second part of the investigation in 4-4 dragged on for a bit and the second part of the trial in 4-2 felt too short but other than those two parts, I feel like the game was pretty well paced. Apollo Justice isn't perfect, but it's pretty close to perfect for me so it gets a 10/10. I'm hoping Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice keep up the trend of great Ace Attorney games!

Tem os seus momentos interessantes e divertidos, mas os últimos casos, para mim, começar a sair demasiado do sendo do real. Claro, o jogo não quer ser um 1:1 da realidade, mas, no final do jogo, estava apenas a ler e carregar opções óbvias para o terminar.

apollo justice has a rough introduction. everybody just wants phoenix back, and apollo's magic artifact just detracts from his character

Definitely a “play for yourself” kind of game. I think it’s a cool epilogue of sorts for the first trilogy. I think its two middle cases self-sabotage, though. Nothing Turnabout Big Top tier, but still.

This review contains spoilers

I’ve been thinking a lot about Hobo Nick lately. He’s a fairly divisive character within the fandom, and I used to be on the side that thought he could’ve worked if only he didn’t revert back to his original self in Dual Destinies, but now replaying Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney for it’s most recent re-release, I’m more of the opinion that this isn’t a direction that works for this character at all. It makes perfect sense that Phoenix would become jaded after losing his badge and being forced to play poker for seven years to make ends meet, but Hobo Nick isn’t just jaded, he’s aloof, which is not a word I would use to describe Phoenix Wright at any point during the original trilogy. Seeing him casually leave his daughter to her own devices for extended periods of time, only occasionally popping in to spout something cryptic and generally uninterested-sounding before leaving immediately after is uncanny. It’s not like Shu Takumi forgot how to write Phoenix either, in the flashback sequences during Turnabout Succession, he acts just like his old trilogy self.

I bring all this up because I think in some way, my thoughts on Hobo Nick reflect my thoughts on Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney as a whole. Much like Hobo Nick, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is confused about what it’s supposed to be. Turnabout Succession is an excellent mystery when viewed in isolation, and Kristoph Gavin is an excellent villain, but as many others have pointed out, the final case of the game intended to introduce this new up-and-coming defense attorney as a key player in the series going forward is hardly about Apollo at all. The only time Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney isn’t about Phoenix Wright is during the game’s nothingburger filler cases, which are entertaining in the typical Ace Attorney fashion, but don’t do much to develop Apollo and Klavier in the same way that Phoenix and Edgeworth developed during the filler cases of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

For a long while, I didn’t really get the hype around Turnabout Trump, but now on my third time playing it, it finally clicked, and I got why so many see it as the best first case in the series (even if I personally still think 3-1 tops it). I was excited to see what the rest of the game had in store, but Turnabout Succession is such a pivot from everything that happens in Turnabout Corner and Turnabout Serenade that I got kind of lost. Ultimately, I’m back where I started. I have a hard time viewing Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney as anything but set-up for a sequel that never came. If we ever got follow-up for the plot threads regarding Lamiroir or Kristoph, maybe I’d be singing a different tune, but as it stands, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is simply less than the sum of its parts.

Finished this game as part of the Ace Attorney Trilogy. Being a big fan of the original Phoenix Wright trilogy I was excited to experience my first playthrough of Apollo Justice.

Apollo as a character is a charismatic successor of Phoenix, mostly because he has similar traits as him and fills in the same "newbie" spot. Trucy, Apollo's companion, manages to stand out more on her own. I like the dynamic of the new prosecutor Gavin - I was constantly switching between admiring and cursing him. The return of some familiar faces is nice, even though the game feels more like a followup of Episode 5 of the first PW:AA than the entire trilogy in that regard.

Apollo's "sense" ability is a new feature in the cross-examinations which seems a little bit too gimmicky to me. On the other hand the 3D inspections of the evidence is underutilized.

My enjoyment of an Ace Attorney game depends mostly on the cases (logical use of evidence, twists, mystery, emotional investment, opponents). Sometimes the game relies too much on wild turns that didn't make much sense to me, but nevertheless were guessed correctly by me because I assumed the game would want to create a big twist. The final case does an excellent job of connecting loose threads spanning several years in the story. Unfortunately, catching the true villains of each cases never really had a big emotional impact for me.

All in all Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney succeeds as a new chapter in the Ace Attorney saga and has all the trademarks the game series is known for. I liked all cases but neither one of them could hook me completely.

One technical nitpick about the Xbox One version: Switching between dialogues and evidence often interrupts the music for a short moment which was never the case in the original DS version of PWAA as far as I remember.

Arguably one of the weaker Ace Attorney games but it's still a good time. Case 3 is kind of a drag, but the rest of the cases are decent. Otherwise the music is great, the new characters are great. And it's only 4 cases total so not too long of a playthrough.

Era um dos meus favoritos da franquia apesar de que eu só tinha jogado ele uma vez, muitos anos atrás.

Não é nada novo que essa série tem problemas de pacing, de as vezes as coisas serem muito absurdas e requererem uns saltos lógicos meio idiotas e em outros extremos ser tudo tão óbvio mas pelas limitações de como o jogo funciona você ainda ficar preso na forminha de bolo deles de ter que seguir cada passinho que o jogo espera. Eu lembrava os major plots (quem era quem, o grande esquema por detrás) mas não lembrava os detalhes dos crimes então isso tudo foi meio que uma redescoberta mesmo. E tem TANTOS MOMENTOS nesse jogo em que a resposta é a coisa mais óbvia do mundo mas mesmo tendo a resposta pronta você ainda... precisa... forçar... 2, 3, 4 etapas pra explicar o óbvio. Bem irritante.

Mas eu consigo relevar isso porque no geral eu acho a história desse jogo bem divertida e os personagens bem legais. Continua sendo um dos meus favoritos!

The trilogy version of "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney".

I somehow played the first 3 cases of this game like 4 times when I was younger, don't know why I never started the 4th case, but replaying this game now? It's really good even with it's faults.

No es en absoluto el mejor de la saga y tiene partes bastante flojas (sobre todo en la parte de en medio), pero lo compensa con buenos personajes nuevos, el mismo carisma de siempre y un caso final buenísimo que te deja con buen sabor de boca al final.

El remaster le ha sentado bien y los diseños de los personajes brillan más que nunca, pero más allá de eso está igual que el original. Un lavado de cara y ya.

Buen jueguito, con sus peros.


It's definitely not the strongest in the series, and it has a bunch of weak aspects (mostly in the middle), but it makes up for it with good new characters, the same charisma, and a fantastic final case that leaves you with a good aftertaste.

The remaster looks great on it and the character designs shine brighter than ever, but beyond that it's exactly like the original. It looks better, but that's it.

Good game, despite its flaws.

Enjoyed much more than when I tried playing it on DS. Still, bad backtracking in case 2, excessive use of the concert footage in case 3 and the absolute worst character in the franchise (so far) Spark Brushel knocked it down in my estimation.

tragic fictional me...
tragic fictional siblings
save me tragic fictional siblings

The first game in the series that I've played. I've never been so relieved to see the end credits. This game is both boring and addictive at the same time. I was completely blown away by episode 1 and thoroughly disappointed by the rest. I think the highly repetitive nature, especially in the music, drove me completely 'loco.' Not sure if I'll continue with the series."

FR :
Premier jeu de la série auquel je joue. Ça fait que je n’avais été aussi soulagé à voir les crédits de fin apparaitre. Ce jeu est à la fois ennuyant et addictif. J’ai été totalement soufflé par l’épisode 1 et complètement déçu par la suite. Je crois que l’aspect très répétitif notamment des musiques m’a rendu complètement « loco ». Pas sur de faire la suite.

I liked my time with this game, while there were points that made me scratch my head, and a final antagonist that I probably consider the worst in the series so far, this game once again proves to me that the ace attorney formula is really enjoyable. The music in this one is fantastic too.

This game be so fine then BOOM case 2 and 3

Parece mentira que hayan hecho falta 5 años tras el lanzamiento de la trilogía original para que llegue la segunda a plataformas actuales, pero aquí estamos al fin.

Sospechaba que la distancia y la evolución de la saga en la última década le sentarían bien a este juego, pero la experiencia de redescubrir Apollo Justice ha sido aún mejor de lo que esperaba pese a ello. La mayoría de las decisiones que me costaban en su día ahora son lo que más aprecio. Es una secuela muy atrevida que no le tiene miedo a tomar un rumbo muy diferente. En su momento fue chocante, pero hoy en día, cuando la saga ha demostrado que puede cambiar incluso de era y seguir funcionando, entra mucho mejor.

Además, he redescubierto lo mucho que me gustan todos los nuevos personajes. Apollo es un protagonista excelente, es imposible no pillarle muchísimo cariño a Trucy e incluso Gavin me ha parecido mucho mejor fiscal que la primera vez. De cierta forma es este último el que mejor representa la filosofía del juego: probar enfoques diferentes en vez de tirar por lo más fácil, aunque no vaya a contentar a todo el mundo. Si le añadimos que esta vez todos los casos me han parecido muy buenos (el tercero me ha subido una barbaridad), pues es un Ace Attorney muy completo.

La única gran pega es el segundo día de investigación del caso final, que es bastante caos por culpa de un recurso narrativo mal implementado. Es inhabitual que un juego escrito por Takumi patine tanto en su lógica narrativa. Por suerte el resto del caso es tan bueno que se le perdona. También es frustrante redescubrir todos los hilos narrativos que se quedaron colgados en los dos juegos siguientes, aunque no puedo culpar a este de ello (ni a los siguientes tampoco, en realidad, respeto que no quisieran resolver los misterios de Takumi sin él).

Muchas ganas de seguir con esta trilogía. Son los juegos más infravalorados de la saga, pero les tengo un cariño especial.