Reviews from

in the past

This game surprised me very, very well

sinceramente foi uma experiencia bacana

This was almost a near perfect game and story, I take some points off due to the soft Last Act. Definitely not as edge of your seat as the first 2 Acts in the game.

Legal, mas as escolhas não fazem tanta diferença assim

For its first half, this is a 10/10 choose-your-own-adventure visual novel/interactive TV show whose story wouldn't feel out of place in a series of Fargo, or, indeed, in a Coen brothers' film. It takes its foot off the gas very slightly in the second half, but is still extremely entertaining. I started it on Friday night and polished it off in two extended sittings because I found it so compelling. The voice acting is excellent, the choices you have to make are often difficult, and you feel like everything you do has real impact. At the end of each of its six chapters you get given an extended flow-chart showing you what choices you made compared with other possibilities that were available to you, and there's an option to replay sections to follow a different path, but I never wanted to: the story that I ended up telling was the one that I chose to tell; any other story would be somehow untrue, and that sense of ownership is testament to the game's greatness.

I'd be very interested in playing a follow-up to this, but, sadly, there doesn't seem to have been any mention of one since the game's release. It feels like something the devs could announce and publish relatively quickly, however, so hopefully it'll be dropped at an Xbox conference at some point down the road. It came to the PS5 last month, too, so if you've been holding out then I'd definitely pick it up. If you've any interest whatsoever in this sort of game, or if you ever enjoyed anything Telltale made before they lost their way, you should absolutely check it out. I'm annoyed that I took this long to play it.

Sinto que esse jogo deveria ter mais visibilidade, as dusk falls não me prometeu nada e simplesmente entregou tudo!!

As Dusk Falls é um ótimo jogo não só para quem é gamer, mas também para aqueles que gostam de uma boa história dramática digna de filmes/seriados. A narrativa, que faz saltos temporais, não é confusa e você realmente sente o impacto das suas escolhas. A trilha sonora e a sonoplastia também aumentam a atmosfera de tensão do jogo. Os personagens não são superficiais e entender os motivos de suas presenças na história pode trazer boas surpresas. O gráfico é muito bonito (como se fosse um amontoado de pinturas) e um dos supervisores considera o jogo como uma "graphic novel cinemática". Tais slides podem incomodar, mas, particularmente, eu acostumei rápido. As Dusk Falls será jogado não só por mim: colocarei amigos e até minha mãe para usufruir disso aqui.

The emphasis on quick decision making really complements the fast-paced narrative and it does get your heart racing and blood pumping, for sure. The latter half of the narrative wasn't quite as strong as first few chapters but it's definitely worth one or two playthroughs.

(from original post in 2022) surprisingly good

Foda, joguei o coop com uma amiga, vale seu tempo por que a historia é muito bom, principalmente a arte do game

Que surpresa pegar um jogo totalmente desconhecido e jogar até não perceber passar 4 horas de jogo.
O jogo te prende de um jeito e a história é tão envolvente.
Joguem que não vão se arrepender.

jogo lindo, charmoso e bem feito, perfeito para tudo, uma historia boa, personagens fantasticos, gameplay não é para todos mas é um jogo belo de escolhas (não fiz uma escolha boa mas no fim deu tudo certo) recomendo muito.

It may be hard to convince a playthrough with the art style (and the weird cliffhanger), but story is compelling and very thought provoking. Worth recommending.

When chapter 3 plzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl

This review contains spoilers

Really good story telling, always keeps you on the edge.
Decision making feels important and from the end of chapter summary you can see that most decision aren`t easy or one sided.
Good art style although in some scenes it can be difficult to fully understand what happened.
The character feel realistic.
The last chapter feels cut short, and the fate of some characters is unclear, specially the secondary.
The main menu song is great.

muito foda, um dos melhores da categoria

é legal, mas fiquei com preguiça de ver se as outras escolhas fazem diferença

It starts out quite gripping -- as gripping as these crippled interactive movie games can get -- but quickly loses steam by throwing us into badly paced flashbacks and exposition dumps for the characters' background motivations and drama. Shoots itself in the foot, really.

Gameplay interessante e gráficos bonitinhos, amo jogos de história com vários possíveis finais alternativos. Porém, a personagem principal é uma chata e poderia haver mais tipos de puzzles ou mini games para incrementar a gameplay (mesmo o foco sendo a história).

I thought the motion comic art style/ animation was a unique attempt but it isn’t good compared to real animation. The story itself is interesting in the early chapters but becomes less good as it progresses. Also, it has a very annoying cliffhanger ending which gives it a bad aftertaste since Book 3 is not confirmed.

The decisions did feel good with some being impactful whilst others being very minor. However, the quick time events were incredibly dull and basic that I wish it weren’t included. Also, I know this originally released on XBOX but it would’ve been nice to have haptic feedback for more immersion on the PS5 release.

Overall, I enjoyed it simply because I like these types of narrative focused games but this was just fine, not good or great.

The twists and turns of this adventure deliver a nail-biting narrative experience. However, the game feels like it 'ends' on two separate occasions while just continuing to chug along afterwards, which is a little odd. Still great experience overall.

Кинцо, драма. Часов на 7 очень неспешного прохождения.
Не плохо. Задушила "Вторая книга" после плотного экшона, переходить на Любовную Драму двух малолеток тяжеловато. Некоторые решения идиотские (но какой игрофильм без них?) Местами давила графика на глаза 2д+тряска экрана.

Минимум геймплея, можно играть одной рукой и то оч редко. Первый Акт оч хорош.

no offence but this is really good

The best decision-making game!

No ha estado mal del todo, pero acaba siendo la típica peli-juego entretenida que no llega a más.

Filme interativo com uma história bem legal.

A better than average choice-based narrative game where most of your choices really matter, all your actions have consequences, sometimes quite long-lasting ones. The story was good, even if not that super original, and the characters were all very real, with complex personalities and problems. Nothing is black and white here, everyone in the cast has their own motives why they do what they do.

The gameplay is not that different from other titles of this same genre, but I liked how there is a sort of multiplayer option, too. The only thing I personally couldn't get used to was the art style, how the 2D characters are never fully animated in the 3D environments. It was like watching a strange slideshow or reading a comic book with audio... I mean, I like visual novels, but either go full VN, or don't, at least that's how I feel. Still, at least it was unique, I admit.