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in the past

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Really good story telling, always keeps you on the edge.
Decision making feels important and from the end of chapter summary you can see that most decision aren`t easy or one sided.
Good art style although in some scenes it can be difficult to fully understand what happened.
The character feel realistic.
The last chapter feels cut short, and the fate of some characters is unclear, specially the secondary.
The main menu song is great.

a única coisa "inovadora" ou "diferente" nesse jogo é a arte em si, que é meio estranha, não sei se diria bonita pro meu gosto, mas acabei me acostumando ao andar do jogo, um jogo de escolhas com drama e história interessante, variedade ampla de escolhas pelo que parece, melhor que vários outros jogos de escolhas ou "escolhas", até agora está sendo uma boa experiência.

atualização 20/01/2024

zerei o jogo
peguei um final em que me senti culpado, achei o jogo muito bom, sem enrolar muito, uma trama boa e interessante, um estilo de arte diferente, uma ampla variedade de escolhas e consequências diferentes, uma boa trilha sonora, bom jogo

Really underrated title imo. The art style puts a lot of people off, but I wish more people could get past it because the story is really great, and I felt pretty connected to the characters by the end.

Jogo com esquema de escolhas muito bom, se tu nao gostar é pq tu foi incompetente e matou todos!! O final dxa só o gostinho do pirulito, e o sistema dele com interação ao chat da twitch é FODA

Ponto negativo é q o bag da twitch buga de vez em qnd, mas nao ao ponto de tirar da nota.

Acabei parando de jogar ele pela metade, o que acabou interrompendo muito o ritmo que eu tava gostando tanto.

Mas ainda sim é uma narrativa muito engajante e competente ao mostrar diferentes perspectivas de como o capitalismo é horrível.

Bonnes idées dans l'histoire à embranchements, la patte graphique est vraiment bonne (même si dès que c'est en mouvement c'est pas top), bonne OST et VF excellente
Mais une (énorme) porte ouverte en épilogue et la maniabilité de la version Xbox à revoir (PC 👌).

Jogo de primeira mão me estranhou pela arte powerpoint, porem a história é tão boa que me prendeu do inicio ao fim

It was better than I expected and I would like to see more games if it becomes a series. The only negative thing I can say is about the last episode. It shows the results of our choices, but they ended the game in a hurry. You might not even realize if you've finished the game until you see the screen that takes you to the main menu. In short, the game starts well, but by the end it has lost its charm. It's likely that either a second game or a DLC will be released in the future, otherwise it doesn't make much sense for them to end the game this way. Because you can look at all similar games and they all have a story that starts and ends. As Dusk Falls has a beginning but no end. On the other hand, some of the characters we meet along the journey don't seem to be handled well enough. I would have liked to see more details about their personalities and their lives. The ending is very important for this kind of game. This part of As Dusk Falls is not very well thought out.

muito bom, talvez eu volte para fazer os outros finais

In a gaming world where majority of the players don't even acknowledge the QTE filled interactive movies as video games, As Dusk Falls takes this as a challenge and setting the standard even higher by telling this compelling story with graphic novel type visuals. In this game your choices do matter, (take lessons Supermassive Games) even a single failed quick time event might change the whole story. couple that with excellent voice acting, dialogues and matching soundtrack, you'll have As Dusk Falls. Xbox was cooking last year with Pentiment and this gem.

It's a well made adventure. Often keeps you at the edge of your seat like a good action movie with strong emphasis on family motives. I had good fun with this one - characters are real and likeable and story is well written. It's choices and consequences are a intriguing part of this one and I gotta admit - they are extensive. Despite its graphic design being... different, I got used to it very quickly and started to like it. It's a shame that some things from the plot were left unanswered or abandoned, but story can stand on its own without them.

I haven't explored all paths this game has to offer, but I might do so in the future. Maybe we will also get a sequel some day?

Devido ao grande sucesso de diversos jogos que seguiram essa metodologia, como a saga de The Walking Dead da Telltale ou Detroit: Become Human e Until Dawn, o "sub-gênero" dos "jogos narrativos" cresce cada vez mais na indústria, ganhando cada vez mais espaço.

As Dusk Falls chega ao grupo sem trazer nenhuma grande inovação em comparação aos outros, mas ainda assim, entrega um dos melhores enredos já criados para o gênero.

Muitos são os elementos que o fazem brilhar, mas o que mais me chamou a atenção para destaque com certeza é a sua direção de arte impecável. Juntam-se ilustrações em dimensão 2D em stop motion, cenários em 3D e captura de movimento de atores que dão a vida em seus papéis, e o resultado? A sensação constante de estar assistindo a uma história em quadrinhos ganhar vida diante de seus olhos.

Algo louvável, e também muito difícil de se encontrar, são jogos em que suas escolhas realmente mudem seu futuro de maneira considerável, e As Dusk Falls não só faz isso muito bem, mas também planta sementinhas de impasse profundo em quem estiver do outro lado da tela através de escolhas morais extremamente complicadas de serem feitas. O pause é um amigo nessas horas.

Talvez seja pelo fato de ser curto, mas fiquei com a impressão de que houveram pontas soltas ignoradas durante o decorrer dos acontecimentos, o que pode ou não ser um problema, dependendo dos planos da desenvolvedora para uma possível ou não sequência.

No mais, As Dusk Falls é insanamente e absurdamente bom para os fãs de boas histórias com grandes reviravoltas e pitadas e mais pitadas de tensão.

A better than average choice-based narrative game where most of your choices really matter, all your actions have consequences, sometimes quite long-lasting ones. The story was good, even if not that super original, and the characters were all very real, with complex personalities and problems. Nothing is black and white here, everyone in the cast has their own motives why they do what they do.

The gameplay is not that different from other titles of this same genre, but I liked how there is a sort of multiplayer option, too. The only thing I personally couldn't get used to was the art style, how the 2D characters are never fully animated in the 3D environments. It was like watching a strange slideshow or reading a comic book with audio... I mean, I like visual novels, but either go full VN, or don't, at least that's how I feel. Still, at least it was unique, I admit.

It's more of a game of choices, the story is interesting, but that's it.

[ESP] Uno de los juegos más infravalorados en el catálogo de Xbox, se siente como la respuesta de Xbox al éxito de Detroit: Become Human, y aunque no tuvo el mismo impacto que este último, puedo decir con seguridad que es una de las joyas ocultas en el catálogo de Game Pass. Personajes intrigantes, una historia interesante con varios caminos divergentes, imperdible si te encantan los juegos tipo The Walking Dead de Telltale o Life is Strange.
[ENG] One of the most overlooked games in the Xbox catalog, it feels like Xbox's answer to the hit that was Detroit: Become Human. While it didn't have the same coverage as the latter, I can say for sure it is one of the hidden gems in the Game Pass catalog. Intriguing characters, an amazing story with several branching paths – a must-play if you loved Telltale's The Walking Dead or the Life is Strange series.

"Narrative Games", when was the last time you've heard both words combined? It's almost an extinct genre by now only a few studios know how to master or properly do it well. You know, without being a laught-fest. It's that strange feeling you knowing someone had to write normal people talking, when it doesn't just feel natural.

As Dusk Falls is straight to the point no bullshit packed. It's rather short too, lasting about 6 hours at best, 8 at worst. That doesn't means is any less good just for it, the narrative always keeps you on your toes without much time to rest in between chapters.

Choices are important, more than most "Narrative Games" I've played in my opinion. At the end of every chapter we get a flow chart that includes every decision we've been making up to that point of the game, and let me tell you that flow chart is really big, on all chapters. Paths can branch in unexpected ways and the game constantly reminds us that. Nothing new for in the genre, but it is subtle.

The Artsyle instantly caught my attention first time playing it. Sort of feels like a moving oil painting, or a very stylized comic book. 3D is given only to objects in the scenario. It works most of the time, specially on quiter scenes where the characters are just walking and chatting but when the action gets real; gunshots start spreading, people running to cover just end up looking like a goofy art project. Got a good laugh out of some of them.

May seem like a joke, but it reminded me of Breaking Bad. Everything ties together so nicely, the narrative is quite easy to follow you're always between the sword and a hard place. My only complain is that it is too short for it's own good and this creates a problem when trying to emphatize with the characters, at least for me. They do try to develop a character in specific, which is the one that shows in the intro of the game, only to properly appear at the very last chapter.

It's a great game honestly. Rather short, quite inoffensive but overall a great time if you're looking for a quick intense narrative driven game. Probably way more fun if you have a friend or someone to share the experience with, sadly I didn't have anyone to play at the time but if you do it at least will be serviceable for a fun night.

The story was very interesting and fast paced, which I like. Was not a huge fan about the fact that the story had some time jumps at first but I think it flowed pretty well all things considered. The voice acting was also decent, and the amount of choices and branching was cool to see. The main thing from this game that takes it down a good chunk is the art style. While the art itself is pretty, the mix of no animation with animation reallyyy does not look good. Especially when they animate hair flowing in the wind on stand still characters. If you get locked into the story enough, it becomes negligible, but otherwise it is really hard to look at and get into.

Legalzinho, nada demais, é divertido de jogsr com amigos, a história é boa e a dublagens também, porem, senti falta de conteúdo, e provavelmente jogar solo deve ser entediante

Um jogo belo com um estilo diferente e com narrativa intrigante, que prende sua curiosidade sob momentos de aflição já apresentados logo em seu início.

O primeiro ponto a se destacar sobre este é a sua direção de arte, que pode até causar estranheza para quem começa a jogar, mas que é muito bem feito e fácil de criar costume. Eu, particularmente, não tenho o que reclamar quanto a isso, pois todos os elementos que giram em torno deixou tudo muito bonito. A mescla de 2D com o 3D, junto com as capturas dos atores, que, mesmo a obra sendo reproduzida em stop-motion, não atrapalham a imersão, muito menos tiram o peso das cenas, e a dublagem excelente foram um combo perfeitamente executado.

As escolhas têm a devida importância, respeitando o seu progresso enquanto seleciona a decisão tomada, e mudando de fato o rumo da trama, coisa que muitos jogos do gênero costumam ignorar.

Os personagens são vívidos, realistas e tratados de forma natural, super próximos da realidade. Nada fantasioso ou teatral demais, até porque todo o enredo exige o máximo de realismo possível, e o jogo se mantém sem fugir do tom.

Um diferencial na biblioteca da Microsoft, que é muito bem-vindo. Espero que tenha uma continuação, pois algumas coisas precisam ser esclarecidas.

Not bad as far as these types of games go, but it just really lacked interesting characters, which is a huge problem when playing a game like this. I would go so far as to say that all the characters in this game are unlikable and annoying.

The premise itself starts out quite interesting, but gets confused due to time jumps and heavy emphasis on one of the characters. It's a shame, because the first half is quite intense and keeps you guessing how everything will turn out. They should've kept it shorter and focused more on the heist.

Still, credit where credit is due, the game has a lot of choices and scenes can play out in a lot of different ways. This is by far the biggest plus of the game. Honestly, these guys can go a long way if they get someone decent to write the characters.

um jogo de narrativa e escolhas com uma arte bem diferente e bonita, a história é bem envolvente.

Un genial pelijuego para pasar una tarde bien entretenida. La historia está muy bien y los personajes son lo bastante interesantes para mantenerte enganchado. Es muy rejugable y tiene muchas variantes según las decisiones tomadas.

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final incompleto q é foda

Finished in one night, but it had a solid emotional story.

A really great narrative game that fumbles itself by a rushed ending. The game is an excellent choose you own adventure story with choices that feel like they have actual weight and consequences, warranting multiple runs to see the whole scope. Unfortunately, the ending seems to rush to its conclusion; tying up loose ends pretty forcefully. For what’s on offer though, I’d recommend at least one run.

It's just about your average gamepass game. The story could be boring or underwhelming if you're keeping your expectations high . I like the choices and the impact of making every single decision but I'd still recommend you to check the gameplay as it has a different style to play it with artistic frames that you have to interact with.