Reviews from

in the past

Honestly i get why it’s so highly rated. Game was amazing, from story to even settings and scenery. Wish it was longer though but still an great game. I played this one like last out of the series so i can’t even really experience the nostalgia that others have but still.

I just rate it as a 7 due to the story, cause the gameplay sucks.

The ambience for a 2007 game is fantastic, the songs are ok and the story cativated me the most, BUT

It's ubisoft. They have the money, they have qualified people, but they always make a mediocre gameplay. First game of the saga is basically: go there and "investigate" (what it means you have to do the same missions 9 times to discover where your targets are).

I don't remember much stuff about the other ones, but in AC1 the guards literally wanna kill me for any reason. "Oh, you gave me a little bump while you were walking, I'm gonna call 15 guards to gang bang you." The combat is pretty much the same and kinda boring. If you wanna run away, good luck trying. If you're doing parkour, they'll throw ROCKS at you and you'll fall. When you're almost in the hiding spot, they'll find you <3

All I said + tons of bugs and freezings from a 2007 GAME IN A PC THAT RUNS GTA V

Just buy it if you wanna play all of them

This game is BROKEN on PC. You have to jump through hoops to get it in a playable state. Beyond that, the gameplay, is incredibly barebones and unengaging. The parkour, the atmosphere and the intrigue are the best aspects of this game, however, the parkour is noticeably clunky at times, the atmosphere is very hit or miss, and the intrigue doesn't get all that good until the end once you have read the Abstergo logs. Don't play this game unless you're a die hard fan; start with literally any other game.

Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition, the inaugural entry in the iconic franchise, laid the foundation for the series but falls short of its potential. The game introduces players to the conflict between Assassins and Templars and follows the journey of Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, an assassin tasked with eliminating key targets. While the concept is intriguing, the execution leaves much to be desired. The repetitive mission structure and limited variety in gameplay mechanics make for a tedious experience. Additionally, the PC port of the Director's Cut Edition suffered from technical issues, further diminishing the overall enjoyment. Despite its historical significance, the game's shortcomings make it a lackluster and frustrating experience for modern gamers, especially when compared to later entries in the series.

I guess the parkour mechanic was too novel and fun for younger me back in the day to realize that this game sucks.

As much as I liked the story and ending, god damn this game is mind-numbingly repetitive and an absolute SLOG to get through. I couldn't stand waiting for drawn-out NPC dialogue to be over so I could go out and do the exact same missions ad nauseam.

And don't even get me started on the relentless nightmare of mandatory tower climbing in order to progress the story. NPCs just give you a general description of where the important ones are ONCE (if you missed it, tough luck), and I kept having to climb random ones over and over again just to be able to unlock a single quest.

In my opinion, this game is not worth playing at all. If you're interested in getting into this series, I would advise to just watch a story summary on YouTube and to start with a later installment.


Great concept, great story, but gameplay was repetitive and clunky. I look forward to seeing how future titles improve.

I really like this game, I think it has the best stealth of the series as it is realistic and doesn't feel too "gamey" Though I think the Ezio trilogy improved on a lot of this, I appreciate the lack of bloat and straight forward gameplay and mission objectives.

This certainly is the 1st AC game all right.
For as much flack as the new games get for not making you "feel like an assassin", this game is just about as bad in that regard in my opinion. For a game called Assassin's Creed, I spent maybe 2% of this game actually assassinating people, and the other 98% slogging trough the tedious swordplay. Not only that, but stealth assassinating your targets, you know, like an assassin would do, is incredibly hard to accomplish and downright impossible at times.
The story is just like the gameplay loop, i.e. incredibly boring and repetitive, although I will say the modern day story is actually really solid this time around. Not only that, but even though the story is bare bones, the philosophical questions it brings up are really interesting. Not enough to warrant a 2nd playthrough, but maybe enough for me to rewatch a couple of the cutscenes on YT to try and fully understand the dialogue and what it was trying to convey. You know, maybe it would have been easier for me to understand it all on my 1st playthrough if the game had FUKING SUBTITLES.
Needless to say, if this was my first introduction to the franchise, I would have not stuck with the series.

Everything looks the same and the game was extremely fucking boring. Every time I would play it I'd get sick from how bad it was. The only thing it has going for it is a semi-interesting story that the next game did way better.

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. This is a saying heard throughout Assassin’s Creed and it really sticks with you. So does the thick plot that has come to take the game industry by storm as well as one of the greatest game characters of all time: Altair. The plot is actually weird at first because it’s a sci-fi story. You are actually Desmond Miles capture by modern world Templars. They stick you in an Animus and use your DNA to access your ancestor’s memories to find the Piece of Eden which can be used to control people’s minds. That one ancestor is Altair set during the crusades. The second story is of Altair who ends up losing his rank and status among the Assassin Brotherhood by failing a mission due to eagerness and stupidity. Your master, Al Mualim, sends on special missions to assassinate key leaders throughout the holy land (Acre, Jerusalem, and Damascus) to keep them from taking the Piece of Eden and using it to win the war.

As you can see the plot is very interesting with a lot of twists. How is the game though? You have a huge open world that is full of side missions and hundreds of buildings to climb. Assassin’s Creed has a parkour climbing system as well as a puppeteering system. You control each of Altair’s limbs in two different states. The “socially acceptable” state allows you to use eagle vision which can show enemies and key targets. You can gently push people away from you and this is key because is you’re running around the city knocking people over the guards will come after you, and towards the end of the game everyone is highly suspicious of you and just a few people knocked over will have the entire guard on your tail. The third thing is obviously combat, but if you hold down the run button you start climbing buildings, grabbing people to toss them, and jumping around.

Assassin’s Creed really tried to introduce crowd psychology into the game and it works here but does feel limited. If you climb buildings people will react by stopping and staring and saying things accordingly. If you use ladders people don’t mind so much. While using rooftops is faster and keeps you away from most guards you must watch out for guards on rooftops who will shoot you with arrows if you don’t get down, kill them, or move away quickly. The climbing works well enough, but there are some controls issues, clipping issues, and other issues with the camera. When Altair is facing a different way then the camera he will jump towards his way instead of the way you’re telling him too. Also, if you run around a pole or near a crate he’ll start climbing it instead of just jumping over or going around. This can get downright frustrating when you are running away from a dozen guards and trying to find a hiding spot.

The game also introduces anonymity via a symbol near your health bar which stays white when no ones suspect you but will turn yellow when you are watched and flash red when guards are on to you. When it does this getaway quickly or kill whoever is watching you. Don’t just kill out in the open or people will run around screaming and call guards. Get away from dead bodies quickly because guards will come by and try to find who killed them or citizens will give you away. If you are caught you need to kill all guards after you or hide. To do this you must break their line of sight and the symbol will flash yellow. When it does find a hiding spot quickly before it turns red again. You can hide on benches between people, stacks of hay, in groups of monks praying, or draped boxes on rooftops. Stay there for a few seconds and you will be anonymous again. You can avoid all this chaos by just jogging, staying calm, don’t flail around and jump around like a monkey in crowded areas, etc.

This whole crowd system is really something else and works well, but feels repetitive and predictable because of the recycled sayings, animations, and it always happens the same way. The combat is the same way because while you can gain new abilities it feels like a counter fest. You can attack with a sword or short sword, throw daggers, but most guards always block and you just stand there with the block button held down and wait for someone to attack and then counter which is usually an instant kill. This gets repetitive and the combat isn’t as deep as it could be since combos are limited, and animations are repeated often. It does control well and feels smooth so I guess that’s better than broken.

The most repetitive thing and the game’s biggest flaw are the constantly repeated missions that repeat dozens and dozens of times. You can save citizens, do some time trial flag gathering missions, escort missions, assassination missions (probably the most fun), interrogation, eavesdropping, pickpocketing, and climbing tall buildings to find viewpoints to put more missions on your map in that area. Sure they are fun at first, but after you have saved the 30th citizen, or climbed the 50th building it gets old and you just want it to end. Some more mission diversity would have been nice.

While it’s cool to be an assassin, sneaking up behind a guard and shoving a punch dagger in his gut, and then running away while he falls to the ground without anyone suspecting otherwise is satisfying you must look good doing it too. Assassin’s Creed looks amazing, even today, and the PC version sports DirectX 10 graphics with some slightly higher resolution textures. The game looks a lot better than console versions and is well worth another play through just for that alone. While the graphics are amazing technically, artistically the game feels very Middle Eastern with a great soundtrack to support that, voice acting, and the whole game feels true to its time. The architecture is great, the clothing, lifestyles, and jobs people do in the game, but it all does kind of look the same with a lot of greys, browns, and whites.

Overall Assassin’s Creed is an amazing experience with a story you will talk about long after you finish the game, great crowd simulation, and the true feeling of being an assassin. If there was some more mission diversity, visual diversity, and smoother controls the game would be perfect. This is a game you can not miss and every gaming fan should play this.

Плюньте в мою сторону, но это ужасная игра. Я не отрицаю её культовости и влияния на индустрию, каким бы оно ни было. Если бы не первая часть, мир бы не получил Black Flag и Unity, которые я считаю великолепными. Однако закрывать глаза на многие минусы оригинального ассасина не намерен.
Если бы запустил игру в год выхода, то, думаю, засел бы надолго. А сейчас же всё выглядит крайне уныло и душно. К сожалению, проект сильно постарел.
В сюжете мы имеем однотипные задания, которые даже в побочки особо не годятся. Они обязательны к прохождению, чтобы получить миссию с убийством главной цели. Вот и, собственно, вся структура нашей игры. А если о самих побочках говорить, то они, по заверению авторов, были добавлены незадолго до выхода чисто для галочки. Было бы чем гордиться.
Многие вышки сделаны под копирку, видны фирменные юбисофтовские местами кривые анимации и застревающие модели трупов.
В ремейк бы поиграл с удовольствием, но вспоминать оригинал желания боле нет. Прошёл чисто для ознакомления с таким древним ископаемым.

oq mais marcou foi os npc gritando direto pra mim ASSASSIN e o plot twist final foi tão foda qnt o wesker do resident evil

Honestly this is a game I can barely recommend. Pretty much only play this if you are really curious about the AC franchise and really want to try out the game that started it all. If that’s not you, I’m tempted to recommend skipping it altogether. It’s pretty cheap on a discount, so feel free to try it out though.

The PC port is not good. It isn´t unplayable, but it’s really not good. Mostly in terms of compatibility with newer setups and overall controller input. It’s already a game with janky elements, made even jankier by this port.
It’s an interesting game and I can see why it became so popular when it released. The setting is awesome and one we basically never see in games. It kinda tries to be historical fiction, which I appreciate. There’s also this flow that the game falls into when everything is working properly that is quite engaging. The problem is that it everything doesn’t work properly all of the time.

There’s a lot here that is impressive for its time, but there also is a lot of jank. Some that comes with age, some that I’m pretty sure was always there. Platforming and free running are cool in concept, but rapidly becomes extremely unprecise and unwieldy. The auto-jumping has a tendency to go nuts and the character likes to get stuck at times, completely breaking the flow the game is trying to maintain in these sequences. I was rather impressed by the physics simulation and the NPC density and reactions though.

Combat is button-mashy, very simple in terms of options available to engage enemies, and stealth options are also rather limited, making the non-engagement of enemies pretty much unviable in the long term.

In terms of the gameplay loop, there really isn´t much more to it. The latter half of the game gets a bit more varied in the structure of its main missions. You’ll always end up going to a new section of a city map, unlock a couple of towers by climbing them, dispel the fog of war and unlock some side activities, repeat a couple of these activities (which are all basically the same objectives, repeated over and over), unlock the main assassination, complete it and do this again and again and again. It’s the same exact structure all the time, and as I said, there is some variation in the missions later on, but during it’s first half all main assassinations are pretty similar, and all side activities are the same.

In terms of narrative, it isn’t all that interesting either. Both the ‘present day’ framing device and the main Altair plot are very shallow and by the numbers. The Altair story has its interesting setting and occasional compelling moments going for it. The framing device has nothing, a really uninteresting and convoluted concept that should have been left on the cutting room floor. Altair is a bland protagonist though; the side characters shine a bit more. I would have loved if the PC version included subtitles, alas it doesn´t.

An interesting piece of gaming history, the point of origin for a massive videogame franchise, I think I appreciate it more in that context than as a game I played this year. But, it’s a short game, and I think that there is plenty here to be entertained and appreciate for the length of its main story. If curious check it out, if it seems dull don’t feel bad about dropping it and booting up some of its more accomplished successors.

pretty good, held up way better than i expected. once you've played it for a while its an absolute slog to get through since its so repetitive though.

Plusy: ładna grafika, niezły voice-acting, dobry gameplay, otwartość świata, parkour
Minusy: słabe zakończenie

The story is phenomenal but shit bro this pc port is a mess. To get the controller working you need to jump hoops and DL files ( this shit continues in AC2 and isn rectified till brotherhood). Its also really buggy. And it still infamously has no subtitles. So only grab it on a sale and be warned you may or may not even be able to play the thing depending on how it acts on your rig. It does look really fucking gorgeous on 4k and I hope this gets a real remake that doesnt compromise the original story or gameplay.

More or less, but isn't a bad game

Un excelente principio de una excelente saga. Pero hay que aceptar que envejeció mal, con un gameplay repetitivo y por momentos frustrante, es un diamante en bruto que hace brillar aún más su secuela

um jogo otimo para epoca mas infelizmene envelheceu mal