Reviews from

in the past

Se tu ja jogou toda saga metroid pode jogar esse, só tipo, n é um 1/3 doq metroid é, o dev meteu umas sessões MUITO FILHAS DA PUTAS a nada e a história é bem nhé, as armas são divertidas tho.

god i wanted to love this game so bad but between a wet fart of a story, awful balancing and controls that remained clunky no matter what keybinds i tried this was not as good as i was hoping it would be. Despite that it does have some really cool and imaginative items and abilities, an amazing soundtrack and some fun bosses, which keeps it from going on my shitlist. I still might try the sequel sometime, there is potential here

Axiom Verge es un indie de estos de pixel chulo desarrollado por una sola persona y muy inspirado en la saga Metroid. Quizá por la época que salían metroidvanias indies a tutiplén, pudo pasar más desapercibido, no lo tengo muy ubicado en mi memoria. Me puse a jugarlo un poco por jugar a algo portátil (en PS Vita) teniendo en cuenta que me he estado moviendo y, al final, ha acabado siendo el juego de cabecera al que he estado dándole en los ratitos libres hasta acabarlo. Han sido 9 horas y media de puro disfrute.

Aproveché para explorar el mapa y buscar sus secretitos y tal, cosa que se presta bastante pero que por otro lado, encuentro una de sus mayores pegas, me explico. A medida que vas explorando, como siempre en este género, desbloqueas poderes que permiten investigar zonas de manera más exhaustiva lo que incita a revisitar zonas para conseguir nuevas armas o bufos permanentes. La putada está en que no hay forma de viajar de manera rápida (quitando una especie de tren entre tres zonas y tampoco es la gran cosa) entre puntos de guardado, como suele ocurrir en este tipo de juegos. A esto súmale que no es especialmente facilón (llega un punto en que algunas zonas las puedes pasar hasta dejándote golpear, pero en early o algunas zonas de mid game, atravesar zonas puede suponer alguna muerte y reiniciar el recorrido) y se hace tedioso el revisitar ciertas zonas.

El gameplay es muy sencillo, no revoluciona nada y no le ha hecho falta. Está muy bien llevado y los jefes son retantes, sobretodo me viene a la cabeza una especie de abeja que telita. El plataformeo está también guay y es, en algunos puntos, retante. Hay buena cantidad de zonas secretas por lo que tendrás que explorar bien las paredes y fijarte en un llamativo estilo artístico de pixel.

Se combina muy bien este estilo artístico con la temática y la banda sonora. Es una combinación de tres buenísima, creando una atmósfera opresiva en muchos momentos y con batallas muy frenéticas contra algunos jefes.

La historia es algo confusa y tampoco me ha llamado excesivamente la atención como para querer fijarme más allá de la capa superficial que se explica. Hay unas tablillas también que aportan algo más, pero lo dicho, no ha creado una fuerte curiosidad en mi como para querer saber más.

En general me parece un juego muy sólido, atrapante y divertido. Yo lo completé en normal y palmé unas 80 veces, miedo me daría probar el modo difícil. Sé que no es nada novedoso ni del otro mundo en el panorama de los metroidvania (más metroid que vania) pero me parece un muy buen título y lo he pasado bastante bien jugándolo. 7.8.

This is a really good game that is just not as good as Super Metroid, but becomes arguably really close.

Otro metroidvania (este más metroid que vania) con escenarios y bosses grotescos, música chula y efectos de sonido con MUCHO detalle. Es todo muy alienígena y tiene un encanto especial por ello.

I've started this game up 3 times now but can't get past the 2 hour mark. It's utterly boring to me.

A little jank, I don't like the world, it's not very fun to explore. It's certainly fun most of the time, but going area to area is a slog. The combat is quite fun though.

I found this to be a really great Metroidvania. I love the music and the boss fights a lot. However, what I found the most fun was the exploration aspect of it. I also found the combat pretty fun and liked how it combined well with the upgrades.

Not bad. Boring. Used cheats in final stretch to finish. Was hyped up so much by so many people it made realize my taste are not mainstream at all.

I love this game. Lots of action.
It’s story reminds me a bit of Out of this World. At least the opening segment.
This is a fine Metroidvania for a first attempt by a single person.

Shoutout to this game for having some of the worst bosses and enemies i've ever fought

Great metroidvania, especially regarding the atmosphere and how you feel when exploring.

Gostei das partes metroid mas odiei MUITO os bosses, achei o design horripilante. Não falo da arte, falo da gameplay. A trilha sonora é bem boa.
Me fez passar raiva.

A stylish Metroidvania, Axiom Verge owes a lot to, well, Metroid. The story follows a scientist, Trace, who after an accident finds himself in an abandoned biomechanical world with no choice but to take up arms and fight his way out. Lots of the narrative is told through the beautifully expressive environments, which you get a lot of upgrades in order to explore. Axiom Verge is unashamedly old-school in its design; if you liked Metroid, or Metroid 2, or Super Metroid and you want another Metroid game that just isn't branded as such, you can't go wrong with this one.

Didn't hate this game, just kinda underwhelming

Exhausting to look at, exhausting to play, and dialogue that completely douses any sense of atmosphere it attempts to cultivate.

decent, a bit frustrating tho and everything looks like pixel mush

Story, Atmosphere, Bosses, Exploration are all on point.

Tho, having a story where all dialogue are characters lying to the player character was definitely a choice. Feeding the audience of your game misinformation risks people thinking its full of plot holes, when the real events are better represented by the collectable, and missable, Notes.

it was ok couldnt be bothered to complete it

The face on the cover always caught my attention and I finally tried playing it. It starts very solid and the game surely is super impressive seeing it's made by only 1 person. Sadly it has flaws, which didn't hold up the game as much as I hoped it would.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
The upgrades are very unique and work pretty well. There are a lot of different weapon upgrades, but some don't really feel useful and others are just way stronger than the rest. The layout is good, in a way that you never get really lost and always find a way to progress. Sadly the last part to the final boss is a pain in the ass. For me it felt like the difficulty suddenly spiked in an unfair way. The boss fights all felt the same with minor changes.

+ Music;
Memorable and unique. All music really fit the atmosphere of the game.

++ Graphics;
Visually extremely impressive. The pixelart is beautiful and unique.

+- Story/Characters;
The story is fine and to the point. If you want to dive deeper you can read the documents you collect.

Not if it's your first Metroidvania. If not, try it for sure! Took me 9h+ to complete the main story and collected everything I could find on my own.

Maybe if I went back to it I would enjoy it more but this metroidvania just never clicked with me.

Un metroidvania assez sous côté, avec une direction artistique et une ambiance excellentes. Une bande son plutôt cool, une difficulté bien dosée je trouve pour les habitués du genre, et l'exploration est satisfaisante comme dans tout metroidvania qui se respecte.

Plusy: dobry feeling skakania, mnóstwo rzeczy do odkrycia, świetna muzyka, ładna grafika
Minusy: słaby grapple hook, niektóre platformy

Gosto muito das mecânicas de progressão desse jogo e é um dos meus metroidvanias preferidos.

Very fun game, blasted through it in one night when i was feeling terrible. The ability progression feels good the music is awesome. My biggest complaint would be that the damage sound gets incredibly obnoxious after a while.

still as good as the other times I played it, but damn the soundtrack gave me a headache

A nice Metroidvania game. Unfortunately, I am too stupid to understand the plot xD

The world design is alright, but I would have appreciated more moments, where the map cleverly loops around itself, like Super Metroid. What this game also lacks (at least until the end) is movement. There is just one basic running speed and it works, but it's just kinda boring to control, not very exciting. Some bosses towards the end are also just annoying without any recognisable patterns, the same goes for some of the game's enemies.

But damn it, I still enjoyed it overall. Everything here screams Metroid and it was incredibly refreshing to not know which upgrade would come next for a change, since there are some really creative abilities here!

This review contains spoilers

This game is VERY interesting. It's clearly inspired by the original Metroid, and the sort of glitches and corruptions you get in older games with Game Genie or bad cartridge contacts or whatever. It's like, if you gave life and a story to meaningless bitflips and whatnot, and I really enjoyed that.

The story felt like it was deep ENOUGH to give you a reason to keep pushing, but it did feel underwhelming at times. It was also somewhat challenging at times too, but that didn't undermine the experience much for me. I recommend playing it at least once.

I'm not going to replay it anytime soon but I definitely want to revisit it at some point.