Reviews from

in the past

This is my first proper fighting game.
I can say, it was a nice time.
The story had a lot of things going on in general, but it wasn't THAT confusing, and the characters were charming, with standouts being Ragna, Jin, Hakumen and Nu.
The game felt well paced in the gameplay, and there's some modes to go to for content, and story mode having multiple routes helps for replayability.
It didn't feel particularly amazing, and also there was waaaay too many times HP displayed would be basically 0, but characters would still live, which, yeah, I was told it was janky and Ig it shows somewhat.
Still, OST slaps, the characters are fun to use, and it was enjoyable for what it is.

an amazing game that paves a way for greatness to come.

Very fun to play, all the characters feel broken in their own regard, and great ost

Nada que decir. Es el primer titulo de esta saga, y se nota demasiado que necesitaba ser pulido. Moving on.

one my first 2D anime fighters. story is corny, but i like corn. ragna is my guy.

One of the more surprising games on the console, BlazBlue is a 2D fighting game with beautiful Japanese anime graphics. As far as I can tell, it's a completely new IP with new characters and a story, unrelated to any TV show or movie. Visually the game is very impressive, the characters all look great and have a nice variety of moves. The story is also pretty interesting and as the first game in the series it is a great place to start. The gameplay is probably too complex to explain here and while playing the game I probably only scratched the surface of the various blocks, block cancels and combos which the game uses. In this regard, it's definitely got longevity, but it also felt quite easy to pick up and play. A very interesting and unique new IP on the 360, definitely worth a try.

Good visuals and nice characters. Fighting games are not for me but I have fun with this one.

La verdad he jugado la version de PSP, pero se ven interesante sobre para PS3, aunque eso me gustaria jugarlo en version emulada o comprar PS3 vale la pena

The developers of BlazBlue Calamity Trigger had a unique vision when they set out to create an anime fighter that dared to be different. They clearly thought, "What if we made an anime fighter that didn't have Karate Man?" While their boldness is commendable, this game falls short in some areas, making it an intriguing but imperfect experience.

Compared to the disaster that is Underworld Nightmare Ick Birthday, BlazBlue Calamity Trigger at least manages to offer a more engaging fighting experience. The battles are dynamic and visually stunning, with a diverse cast of characters that possess unique abilities and fighting styles. Each fighter brings their own flavor to the mix, and the variety in character design is a definite plus.

One aspect where this game benefits is from the historic battle of August 26, 2023. Given that most of the characters in BlazBlue Calamity Trigger are Japanese, it adds an extra layer of cultural relevance. This date might not be immediately apparent in the game, but it's an interesting tidbit for those who appreciate such connections.

However, the game falters in a crucial area: the character roster. It's disappointing that there isn't a character who can combo the same move together three times. Combos are a fundamental aspect of any fighting game, and this omission is a significant drawback. It hampers the depth of gameplay and can leave players feeling somewhat unsatisfied.

BlazBlue Calamity Trigger has the potential to be a top-tier anime fighter, but it falls short of greatness due to its character roster's limitations. While it doesn't reach the lows of Underworld Nightmare Ick Birthday, it struggles to stand out in a genre filled with fierce competition. Anime fighting enthusiasts may find enjoyment here, but it's not without its flaws.

Score: 7/10

Got me into fighting games in 2008. Actually won a tournament as a Jin main at an anime convention. Its not very good but l have a lot of sentimental value to it the sequels are better of course.

Mon jeu de versus fighting préféré, les personnages pètent la classe, le mode histoire est cool et la bande son excellente.

Não avaliando a estrutura do jogo como fighting game nem nada. A história jogada na sua cara e uma narrativa bem chatinha de se ler, não é ruim mas também não achei bom, tendo alguns momentos de apice.

This is the first game in an FG series

I had fun with this one. It’s weird to play since I’m a first timer, but still fun nonetheless. Definitely makes me wanna try out more of Blazblue. (basically, you were right Toku)

confusing as fuck but its pretty chill

do not look at the artbook, worst mistake of my life

Funny fighting games with vsiual novel style on story telling with funny character and its not a guilty gear clone you lame neger.....sadly hakujin not cooked yet his mighty power so limited in this game still S-tear for me...try it...i promis you nothing could go wrong

Obviously had a lot of care put into it, just a very old game and Guilty Gear Strive gives me enough of my fighting game fix.
But damn Arc System works knows how to make a game.

understood literally none of this but i LOVE ragna the bloodedge i LOVE him he is SO cool

Never been a huge fighting game fan... this one was fine. I didn't spend much time on it.

I think I just have a harder time connecting to these types of games if they don't contain characters I already know from pre-existing franchises.

The first (and only) fighting game that I ever considered myself semi-competitive at, although admittedly I was playing a broken top-tier character (I promise that I had picked out my main before they were even playable!).

Easy to pick up, a non-bloated character roster that's the perfect size to actually be able to learn matchups and some neat systems for learning faster like the "!" symbols to teach that you were hit by a high/low attack.

The score attack AI is some of the biggest bullshit i've ever seen in a fighting game. When i used voltec charge with Tager the cpu ALWAYS used a reversal on frame 1, even if they were fullscreen and couldn't hit me, it input reads so fucking hard i was able to abuse it to win. And that's against the regular characters, against Unlimiteds it's even worse.

The worst part is that when i finally beat URagna the game crashed so i didn't even get a congratulations screen.

That aside, the arcade mode is worth playing for the character interactions and endings, and the story mode is also pretty fun. Worth playing if you're interested in the plot, otherwise just play Central Fiction.