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Cocoon - новий пазл платформер від Джеппе Карлсена - гейм-директора, якого мало хто знає, але, певен, багато хто грав у його творіння, такі як Limbo і Inside. Ці пазл платформери з характерним візуальним стилем, густою атмосферою та екзистенційним підтекстом були і залишаються перлинами інді сцени, і нове творіння цього автора продовжує традицію і досягає нової вершини в творчості Карлсена.

На минулорічному The Game Awards, Cocoon отримав нагороду за "Кращій Indie дебют", що трохи не стикується з вражаючим послужним списком її гейм-директора, але формально має сенс, так як компанія-розробник гри, Geometric Interactive, була сформована в 2016 році, після того як Карлсен та його колега Джейкоб Шмідт покинули Playdead Games, за стінками котрої і було створено два попередніх шедеври цих авторів.

Навіть така, з першого погляду, скромна нагорода вартує чимало, коли конкуренція на indie сцені з кожним роком не зменшується, а навпаки, тільки шириться. Тому через всі вишезазначені факти я очікував від гри чогось особливого. Чогось, що вразить мене так само як колись Inside і, хай і в меншій мірі, Limbo. І нарешті я можу сказати що отримав не тільки це, а навіть більше.

Cocoon з перших секунд вражає своїм візуальним стилем. Гравця всюди оточують форми, об'єкти, текстури, які не схожі ні на що з нашого світу. Своєю ефективністю в створенні атмосфери абсолютно чужого, насправді інопланетного виміру гра нагадує Outer Wilds, але йде навіть далі і в тому числі за рахунок безкомпромісної якості анімацій, робить цей чудернацький світ по-справжньому живим і непередбачуваним.

Геймплей в Cocoon складається з лінійного дослідження наявних світів і вирішення пазлів. І не зважаючи на вражаючої якості аудіо-візуал і все що з ним пов'язано, саме левел-дизайн і пазл-дизайн залишають найбільші враження і захват.

Головоломки не мають занадто високої складності, при цьому елегантність і креативність їх виконання не припиняє вражати під час всього проходження. Головні механіки в грі спойлерити не бачу сенсу. Скажу лише, що коли гра презентує черговий концепт довколо котрого відбувається вирішення наступних груп пазлів, не захоплюватися винахідливістю дизайнерів, що часто межує з геніальністю, просто неможливо. І саме в ці моменти, коли вас відвідуватиме усвідомлення механіки роботи даних концептів, щирий захват, широко розплющені очі і мимоволі промовлене вголос "Вау!" (або більш ненормативні слова захвату) - забезпечені.

Cocoon всім своїм видом демонструє, що за приблизно 5 годин проходження він хоче вражати гравця все новими концептами, які поступово поєднуються між собою у все більш комплексі і вражаючі уяву пазли. Ця жага до різноманіття також стосується і босів, де кожен з них має свій унікальний характер атак, властивостей та навіть арен і можливостей взаємодії з ними. В більшості з них гравець також отримує властивість, яка буде використана виключно в цьому поєдинку і більше ніколи не зустрінеться в грі.

Cocoon - це бездоганно виконаний, безкінечно винахідливий та безкомпромісний пригодницький пазл, який запам'ятається надовго завдяки своєму інопланетному та сюрреалістичному аудіо-візуалу, вражаючим креативністю дизайном пазлів, які як слід протестують ваше просторове, і не тільки, мислення, винахідливими босами і можливо навіть екзистенційними роздумами.

I have a similar issue with it as I had with Death's Door: it looks more interesting than it actually is. It's pretty and the central concept is well explored, but capping each level with a very by-the-numbers boss fight is disappointing and in general is a bit too afraid to go really experimental.

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Cocoon is a puzzle game that manages to make use of one input button (apart from moving) for the entire game and continually iterate on the structure of the puzzles it presents you. This in itself is where the game shines the most at least for the first 75% of the game. I did find however in the last quarter of the game that the puzzles became extremely tedious, with lots of backtracking and constantly having to move the little orbs back and forth. The game itself is very pretty in the beginning and becomes more corrupted as you progress through the game. Overall the art design is brilliant and there is great attention given in every minute detail in the game. The story it tries to tell however, I found very convoluted and didn't particularly understand what was going on. In short my interpretation came out as robot bug thing saves his world from the corruption consuming it and becomes a god. Also the music fits perfectly and is really atmospheric and ethereal, it definitely enhanced the gameplay experience greatly. The boss fights were also quite fun although very simple. All in all, I very much enjoyed this game but it became a bit of a chore near the end. I look forward to see what the game studio has in store for the future.

Astonishing level designs, Relaxing music... its just that the amount of backtracking really felt tedious nearing toward the end.

Hermoso, simple y llanamente hermoso como te todo se compleja ya no solo mecanicamente si no argumentalmente, este juego te hace sentir genuinamente 'Cerebro Galaxia', Galaxias mejor dicho. Es hermoso, muchas obras con mil palabras no les alcanza para tener un World Building interesante pero Cocoon lo logra sin decir una sola.

I really liked it. The puzzles aren't very difficult but neither extremely easy; it's a middle ground that, for me, is satisfying and prevents you from getting stuck. The best part of the game is undoubtedly its art, a marvel. It's very, very polished, although it may have felt a bit short to me.

A well designed and crafted puzzle game set in an alien environment full of bugs which heavily plays on cinematics and perspective. While abstract in its narrative, meaning and message, it doesn't use words to convey what the player has to do to solve each puzzle, leading to some thought provoking ones by the end once everything its set into place. The highlight for me though was the presentation which was able to flourish different ecosystems with enough detail to leave you intrigued, as well as the soundtrack which always immerses you into this ominous state of not know where you are, how did you end up there, but that somehow everything makes sense.

Great puzzle games are few and far between these days, and when I find a great one, I devour it with glee. Cocoon is a pure puzzler, with no story whatsoever. You're thrust immediately into this world as some little bug guy, and then its just hours of puzzling goodness. The main gameplay mechanic involves moving around different coloured globes/worlds, but then it truly gets interesting when you get to travel within these worlds within worlds.

The graphics are modest, but actually really beautiful. The music is phenomenal, evoking a Blade Runner like sci-fi atmosphere that I loved. The puzzle difficulty is almost pitch perfect, I only had to consult a guide on one or two occasions, and even then when I read the solutions I was like "Gah! I totally could've solved that with a little more persistence."

It could have been a little longer, I beat the game and got the plat in about 7 hours. And some kind of story would have been nice I guess. But Im just grateful when we get a great puzzle game. More please!

One of the best puzzle games I've played recently. Masterfully designed levels, enabling players to solve the puzzles without handholding, making them feel smart. Sound design is also great, every time you make an advancement the audio cues let you know you're on the right track.

Este juego es increíble. Es "2001: a space odyssey" pero en videojuego.

Lo que te hace este juego no se puede poner en palabras. Es precioso, su estilo visual fluctúa constantemente entre lo bello y lo sublime; su diseño de nivel es intuitivo sin ser un regalo, lo cual hace la progresión muy satisfactoria; y el juego, que parece no querer decirte nada al principio, va seduciéndote cada vez más para comprender la totalidad que junta todo lo que experimentas para que, al final, se te muestre de forma catártica.

Sin soltar ni una palabra, el reto intelectual de los puzles conduce a la experiencia estética más brillante que haya visto en videojuegos sobre la trascendencia, la inmanencia y su relación con el sujeto como centro de todo.
No podéis morir sin haber jugado Cocoon.

2.5/5 only bc I played 3 minutes of it and refunded bc of the terrible motion blur.
Still want to play it but not right now

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Reminded me of Hyperlight Drifter; a game I loved mostly for its world. The vibe is similar here, where I'd often find myself most moved by the alien bio-mechanical setting. It's a beautiful game and I really appreciate how much detail must have gone into this (for me) totally polished experience. I finished this in two sittings, but it really should have been three. I enjoyed this kind of puzzle-solving, but there's a bit too much time in between "ah! I understand what I'm supposed to do now" and actually moving to the next puzzle. I think this is because moving, shifting between worlds, and activating triggers all just take a little bit too long. The final puzzle was a bit of a let down - I couldn't help but think about how perfect Tunic felt, and how similar, but slightly worse Cocoon is. Again though, the game's beauty is by far its best asset. Sound design maybe at its peak with this one.

i absolutely love how a music chord plays every time youve discovered the solution. its unlikely youll unintentionally solve these puzzles and so its super rewarding and satisfying to here the jingle after being stumped for a few minutes
(the music is general is great, super pretty and atmospheric)

the animation is very unique, almost creepy at times (especially the purple planet and the weird way it pulls back the terrain)

the puzzle mechanics and designs are outstanding. really cool way of using multiple dimensions to solve puzzles. I just wish there was a bigger challenge, or the game was longer. It felt too short and it feels like they barely scratched the surface of what was possible with the mechanics (the last 10% was pretty great tho)

I loveeeee games without tutorial, written instruction, or guidance. The game leaves you with no information, allowing you to discover the solutions and mechanics yourself. And it is done amazingly, I was never stumped for beyond 5 minutes and the a-ha moments were incredibly satisfying
It truly feels like YOU are solving the puzzles, the game is just observing you and acknowledges when you've solved it. The self-tutorials are some of the best Ive seen, up there with celeste and the witness. Even the bosses, which are quite fun, have great tutorial systems and I was extremely impressed

Extremely polished overall experience. Puzzles flow very well from one to the next. Very unique and appealing visual and audio design. Honestly, I can find no major flaw with it at all.

Short and sweet puzzle game with gorgeous visuals.

Cocoon tem cenários incríveis em questão de arte, mas sua linearidade frequentemente torna os puzzles ridiculamente fáceis, eu sou um total zero a esquerda quando o assunto são jogos focados em puzzles, mas nesse a esmagadora maioria é resolvido só de bater o olho, isso se dá devido as mecânicas serem extremamente simples e honestamente, não muito desenvolvidas ao decorrer do jogo. As Boss Fights são igualmente fáceis infelizmente, eu não contei tantas durante o jogo, mas a maioria eu me esqueci logo após devido a falta de complexidade em como derrotar cada um dos bosses. Por último, quero mencionar como a trilha sonora é fantástica e combina perfeitamente com o estilo de arte "bio-mecânico" que o jogo aborda em alguns momentos e com seus cenários naturais.

Em conclusão, é um jogo perfeito em questões técnicas como visual e música, mas terrivelmente simples em sua gameplay, o que pode agradar algumas pessoas, mas no meu caso só me deixou frustrado, em nenhum momento eu quis continuar Cocoon, eu tenho a impressão de que o jogo só ficou realmente interessante quando estava perto do fim, e seus puzzles começaram a ficar mais variados e me fizeram pensar mais. Cocoon certamente tem conceitos de gameplay interessantes, mas pareceu mais interessado em mostrar seu mundo do que explorar esses conceitos.

When you put Annapurna Interactive and the game director of Inside and Limbo together, the result can only be a masterpiece, it's my TOP 3 of all time. This game brings some extremely complex puzzles, but the game design is so good that u don't even realize that is that difficult, the boss fights are great too as well as the atmosphere, a trully masterpiece!

Excelente juego!!! Puzzles muy buenos, algunos algo complicado

Fantastic puzzle game. Gorgeous artwork and sound design combined with ingenious level design and progression systems make for a smooth ride from start to finish. In my opinion the best thing a puzzle game can do is find ways to let the player feel smart and confident, and cocoon sticks true to that.

Great little puzzle game.
The game doesn't hold your hand or give you any UI hints, instead it brilliantly uses environmental story telling and audio cues.

Puzzles are challenging enough to give your brain a good workout, but never frustrating.

Cocoon takes about 3-4 hours to complete and I finished it in two sittings, a few days apart. I didn't feel a strong hook to finish the game, but puzzle games aren't my favourite genre.
So an 8/10 for me, but could easily be a 9 or even 10/10 for others!

Oh to be a little bug inside an orb inside an orb!

Some good head-scratching puzzles here even though I needed help on many of them. Hard to pin down the aesthetic is simply abstract because there’s a lot of texture to it.

Puzzle game incredibile, estremamente corto ma super coinvolgente. Riesce a guidarti senza che ci sia una singola linea di dialogo.

O melhor: Os visuais
O pior: Os puzzles em sua maioria são mais trabalhosos do que desafiadores e interessantes
Não confundir com: Cocoon, filme de 1985 do mesmo diretor de "O Grinch"

Cocoon é um jogo de puzzle feito por um designer ex-Playdead (Limbo e Inside), onde você controla um "homem-inseto" num mundo alienígena em busca de... algo. Como os jogos citados anteriormente, não há nenhum tipo de diálogo ou explicação sobre onde exatamente você está ou o que exatamente está acontecendo. Mas, diferente dos jogos da Playdead, Cocoon apresenta uma estética bem colorida, com alguns visuais que gerariam um belo papel de parede para o seu desktop. Ele é carregado do começo ao fim por essa estética e pelos seus puzzles, com alguns momentos de ação entre cada capítulo.

A mecânica principal envolve a manipulação de esferas, sendo que cada uma dessas esferas carrega um mundo dentro de si. Um conceito de ficção científica já apresentado em obras como MIB ou Rick and Morty, e que é muito bem utilizado nesse jogo. Cada capítulo consiste em explorar o mundo dentro de uma esfera, navegando e resolvendo os puzzles nele até uma Boss Battle. Após vencer o chefe, você pode utilizar a esfera para alguma habilidade específica que permite acesso a novas localidades no mundo e, claro, novas esferas. Eventualmente você estará manipulando várias esferas e entrando e saindo de diferentes mundos, o que pode intimidar um pouco, mas o fato é que os puzzles de Cocoon são, em sua maioria, bem simples.

Essa simplicidade e linearidade acabam tornando Cocoon um jogo menos interessante do que ele poderia ser. Se a solução de um puzzle não é imediatamente óbvia, é muito provável que a primeira coisa que o jogador tentar fazer já vai resolver o cenário. Até porque, por quase todo o jogo, não há muitas possibilidades de experimentação em busca de uma solução para um puzzle. Isso, por si só, não é exatamente algo ruim. O problema é que, por alguns momentos, talvez em uma tentativa de adicionar alguma complexidade, os puzzles podem se resumir num ir e voltar pelos mesmos cenários só para ativar os dispositivos necessários para prosseguir. Isso torna vários puzzles apenas trabalhosos e monótonos, e a maior parte deles eu avancei sem pensar muito no que estava fazendo. Não há estado de falha em Cocoon, então dificilmente o jogador irá "empacar" em alguma parte, mesmo nas batalhas contra chefes, interessantes visualmente mas também bastante simples.

Cocoon é curto, bonito e conceitualmente interessante, e está disponível no Game Pass, o que torna ele até fácil de se recomendar. Mas não achei que ele é particularmente memorável ou que é bem sucedido em utilizar suas mecânicas além do básico, o que é uma pena.

Excellent art style, beautiful animations, unique world and character design, and puzzles that aren't particularly tough but are just the right amount of challenging to keep the game satisfying and flowing at a great pace.

a solid 4. the animations and visuals of the game is absolutely phenomenal. I got amazed by the incredible art design throughout the whole game.

fun ass puzzles in a cool ass world

Did not feel this at all. To me, that trippy sphere mechanic is pretty much the only out of the ordinary thing this game has to offer, other than that, the puzzling is perfectly average. It seems to me as if everyone was so blown away by the sphere stuff that it overshadowed the average gameplay otherwise for them. Or maybe I just missed the appeal.

A beautiful indie game. It genuinely impressed me with it's puzzles and it made me think a lot. Simple, but effective art style with an immersive soundtrack keeps you constantly engaged. The boss battles were a nice touch as well.