Reviews from

in the past

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and wonder what my life would've been like if I never found out about Cookie Run

cute but it gets boring very fast. i am not a fan of games that make you wait forever just to get materials to do important things, i understand they want you to keep checking back but i do not have the time or the energy to care. very cute characters though, i love their designs! ♡

An actually somewhat fair gacha with amazing character designs and interesting storytelling…AND its still alive and actively updated?!

Love this silly little Cookie game. Only gets points deducted because it is still a gacha at the end of the day.

I feel like all gacha games eventually fall to the need for constant key jingling and new tedious activities to keep players brainless and open to spending. Despite being one of my favorites of the genre for the aesthetics it offers, Cookie Run is ultimately no different.

When I take a month long break and come back to 20+ popups for an overwhelming amount of new lobotomy-tier activities, it's safe to say that I won't be chomping at the bit to get back into the swing of things.

I'll just keep taking my life sized cardboard cut-out of Affogatto Cookie out to public dinner dates, without worrying about the game. Dropping the 2 hours a day of cookie chores just gives us more time to kiss.

stayed for the gacha (and squid ink)

climb in arena -> wait 30 days -> collect money -> gamble

my baby sensory time-wasting mobile game! crashes so much :(

Cream Puff Cookie I Love You So Much Please I Wish There Were Figurines For This Game So I Can Add You And All Of The Other Cookies Too My Collection You're My Favorite Urgh You Would Look So Cute Next To Kirby

i love Red Velvet Cookie so much

mid as fuck and the fans are the most annoying people ever

i played kingdom when it first came out and was already into cookie run via ovenbreak at that time... the gameplay is meh and i really didnt care for the kingdom designing aspect of it, but the main thing i appreciate kingdom for is its story. love it or hate it, cookie run has always had really good character designs and its nice to actually know more about the characters themselves

the main reason i stopped playing was bc i refuse to support the developers. other than that its an okay game

It was fun for the first few worlds, but sudden jump in difficulty in Hollyberry arc made me want to quit. And so I did. Kinda glad, seeing how bad the fandom became lmao

Love the character designs

You see they call it the Hollyberry Kingdom because that place is fruity as hell

Still try to play it every now and then but it gets hard to keep up with it a lot of the time and every time I feel I am catching up to the playerbase the pays for their characters the devs add more ways to upgrade said characters that take either hours of grinding or your money so all this to say that its not a priority of mine.

here's a list of cookie run girls i want to have as a Mom someday & here is a copy of that list in case you accidentally throw it in the gabarge

rare chance of a mobile game being high quality

ive played it for ~1 yr or so. its fun, w cute characters, but i noticed after the bts event there was just. SOOO much going on and i couldnt keep up

Considering this is a spin-off of a game that’s literally about cookies running away from witches in hopes of not getting baked.
This was really surprising.
Character (Cookie?) designs are great, the voice-acting is really well done for no reason at all and the gameplay was really engaging for the most part.
It fell off hard but it was a blast during its early days.

what once was a pretty decent time waster that actually managed to balance mobile game tropes of forcing your players to not play for extended periods of time and actual gameplay just got too bloated with content i genuinely can’t bring myself to care about. with added obnoxious difficulty spikes that unnaturally halt progression and really once you hit a road block it’s very hard to get the motivation to get back out of it. unfortunately went the way of the gacha game, so ill just watch the main story cutscenes on youtube whenever they deign to get back on with the shit you actually care about

je saignais à la sortie aussi omggg mais g abandonné dommage j'aimais trop ???

pretty good game but i despise the fanbase

honestly i just play it cus the cookies are cute

This is the best mobile game out there right now. The story is fantastic and is told well. The combat is interesting and makes you think. Guilds are rewarded well. It has a unique aesthetic. It runs well. The PVP is rewarded well. There is always something to do.
It is incredibly F2P-friendly.
My only complaint is the new gacha system for obtaining the latest super-epic Cookie is horrible.

EDIT: They removed the new gacha system mentioned above, thank <insert_deity_of_choice_here>.
I forgot to mention 2 other complaints I have with this game, though:
1. The Tree of Wishes. It is just simply not worth the pain. All the rewards need to be buffed the heck up. Even the boosted times feel unrewarding.
2. The Train. Same complaint as the Tree, honestly. Needs better rewards.

I literally had a "wait a minute. I hate golf" moment with this game in 2022