Reviews from

in the past

Encore un autre bon épisode de Cotton, décidément.
Celui-là est un peu plus simple d'accès grâce à sa difficulté mieux dosé mais sinon on est toujours sur la même lancée que les précédents épisodes : C'est mignon, des scènes entre les niveaux toujours drôles, c'est agréable à prendre en main et c'est assez court mais bien rythmé pour ne pas sentir poindre l'ennui. On regrettera juste quelques ralentissements et des décors un peu trop fouillis par moments mais rien de grave.

Fifth GOTW finished for 2024. Similar to Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams that I played before, this is a short and sweet cute 'em up with a more accessible difficulty level and solid controls and boss patterns. Using bombs, spells, and collecting fairies kept things interesting, and while on the easier side the final boss was a decent challenge.

Got to the final boss and died with no continues, so not going to start over again but the game is tougher than I expected

I enjoyed this one. Very short, very sweet, and generally pretty easy for the standards set by older shmups. Reminds me I need to eventually try Panorama Cotton as well.

This game's frickin' gorgeous, this color palette's immaculate, but the rest of the game is middling, the music's bad and the enemy variety is pretty barebones. They have a nasty habit of spawning out of nowhere and knocking you upside the head.

Good game, pretty fun and enjoyable. Exactly what I expected a Super Famicom Cotton game to be. Loved the music, which the series has been 10/10 so far with.

Bosses were varied and interesting, game always surprised me with something new to fight. Last boss was fucking brutal, think I flew through 15 lives on her alone.

Only complaint was I felt like they could have done a little better with the backgrounds. Coming from the previous games, these didn't stand out too well.

A nice little shmup with very cute and charming bright and colorful graphics, but it mostly feels like a less interesting and simplified version of Fantastic Night Dreams. Also the EXP system is even more punishing in this (despite the game being a lot easier) simply because now EXP crystals are exclusively EXP and spell pick ups are very rare. It was a nice one to play but not very noteworthy. Even the cute charming visuals kinda work against it, as good as they are, because I liked the juxtaposition of the cute witch MC fighting hellish creatures in FND. At least the final boss was harder and her ass got nicer.

It's fuckin cotton baby! Definitely a SNES game, with everything that entails. The color range is vibrant, the soundtrack has that distinct SNES midi-y vibe to it, and the game can sometimes chug to a crawl despite not much going on onscreen. The slower gameplay and simplified magic system honestly make this game a pretty darn good beginner shmup imo as the only extremely intense section is the final boss which might be considered a pretty high difficulty spike tbh. Other than that, it's cotton! I love this doofy willow-obsessed witch girl and her empty-minded antics, and you should too.

Very short cute 'em up and definitely on the easier side. Still, it doesn't lack challenge which presents itself in the last level and the bosses. It never managed to feel unfair though and each enemy had clear attacks you could avoid with careful positioning and keeping your eyes on the projectiles.

The game definitely doesn't do anything new, but what it does it does well. Collecting fairies, shooting magic and using specials all manage to feel satisfying with solid controls.

Cute, charming and funny. It's a decently cromulent way to spend your sunday in my opinion.

Incredibly charming, cute 'em up, that's a bit too easy for my taste. Around 30 minutes long.

I would've give this game four stars since It has nice colors and they made cotton more stupid but there's times when where the game felt like a repeat of the first one

It's ok but if you ever play this game watch out when ever you use the lighting bolt because it almost had me like this:

The easiest and one of the least notable entries in the series but this game is still a really good time and a go to comfort shmup for me. The visual style is very unique for the series with some really beautiful backgrounds and the cutest assortment of enemies in the series. Very fun to play with a SNES controller but the playstation port might be the one I prefer because of it's improved higher quality soundtrack.

I love the cuteness... Story is simple and cheesy, but funny looking. It's shooter game but full of cuteness around. Love it. The hard mode is a challenge tho.

Eh. It's somewhat difficult, so much so that it can lead you to some unfair ends to your run even on Easy mode with 9 lives per credit (you only get two continues). It also feels really derivative compared to Fantastic Night Dreams, and while I know this started off as a SNES port of that, it feels like it took too much compared to it, mostly with the level designs, the enemy placements, and even the enemies themselves. Level 4 is literally a retread of level 2 from FND, right down to the tree midboss and the undead boss. It's not all terrible, though, the music is pretty good (even if I think it's pretty weak compared to the other Cotton games), this is probably one of the few SNES shooters without much slowdown (even though that's probably because it's a slower paced shooter compared to most), and I like how you can actually select what magic you want to use compared to FND, where you had to pray on the last magic pickup you got to be the one you needed in certain situations. I can see why this is one of the cheaper Cotton games on the second-hand market now, honestly. And I'd say skip it unless you're that much of a Cotton fan or you REALLY need to scratch that SNES shooter itch for some reason. At least it's not Rainbow Cotton.